967 resultados para Micromechanical Modeling - Finite-element Analysis


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Finite element analysis is a useful tool in understanding how the accommodation system of the eye works. Further to simpler FEA models that have been used hitherto, this paper describes a sensitivity study which aims to understand which parameters of the crystalline lens are key to developing an accurate model of the accommodation system. A number of lens models were created, allowing the mechanical properties, internal structure and outer geometry to be varied. These models were then spun about their axes, and the deformations determined. The results showed the mechanical properties are the critical parameters, with the internal structure secondary. Further research is needed to fully understand how the internal structure and properties interact to affect lens deformation.


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The aim of this research was to investigate the integration of computer-aided drafting and finite-element analysis in a linked computer-aided design procedure and to develop the necessary software. The Be'zier surface patch for surface representation was used to bridge the gap between the rather separate fields of drafting and finite-element analysis because the surfaces are defined by analytical functions which allow systematic and controlled variation of the shape and provide continuous derivatives up to any required degree. The objectives of this research were achieved by establishing : (i) A package which interpretes the engineering drawings of plate and shell structures and prepares the Be'zier net necessary for surface representation. (ii) A general purpose stand-alone meshed-surface modelling package for surface representation of plates and shells using the Be'zier surface patch technique. (iii) A translator which adapts the geometric description of plate and shell structures as given by the meshed-surface modeller to the form needed by the finite-element analysis package. The translator was extended to suit fan impellers by taking advantage of their sectorial symmetry. The linking processes were carried out for simple test structures, simplified and actual fan impellers to verify the flexibility and usefulness of the linking technique adopted. Finite-element results for thin plate and shell structures showed excellent agreement with those obtained by other investigators while results for the simplified and actual fan impellers also showed good agreement with those obtained in an earlier investigation where finite-element analysis input data were manually prepared. Some extensions of this work have also been discussed.


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Particle impacts are of fundamental importance in many areas and there has been a renewed interest in research on particle impact problems. A comprehensive investigation of the particle impact problems, using finite element (FE) methods, is presented in this thesis. The capability of FE procedures for modelling particle impacts is demonstrated by excellent agreements between FE analysis results and previous theoretical, experimental and numerical results. For normal impacts of elastic particles, it is found that the energy loss due to stress wave propagation is negligible if it can reflect more than three times during the impact, for which Hertz theory provides a good prediction of impact behaviour provided that the contact deformation is sufficiently small. For normal impact of plastic particles, the energy loss due to stress wave propagation is also generally negligible so that the energy loss is mainly due to plastic deformation. Finite-deformation plastic impact is addressed in this thesis so that plastic impacts can be categorised into elastic-plastic impact and finite-deformation plastic impact. Criteria for the onset of finite-deformation plastic impacts are proposed in terms of impact velocity and material properties. It is found that the coefficient of restitution depends mainly upon the ratio of impact velocity to yield Vni/Vy0 for elastic-plastic impacts, but it is proportional to [(Vni/Vy0)*(Y/E*)]-1/2, where Y /E* is the representative yield strain for finite-deformation plastic impacts. A theoretical model for elastic-plastic impacts is also developed and compares favourably with FEA and previous experimental results. The effect of work hardening is also investigated.


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The finite element process is now used almost routinely as a tool of engineering analysis. From early days, a significant effort has been devoted to developing simple, cost effective elements which adequately fulfill accuracy requirements. In this thesis we describe the development and application of one of the simplest elements available for the statics and dynamics of axisymmetric shells . A semi analytic truncated cone stiffness element has been formulated and implemented in a computer code: it has two nodes with five degrees of freedom at each node, circumferential variations in displacement field are described in terms of trigonometric series, transverse shear is accommodated by means of a penalty function and rotary inertia is allowed for. The element has been tested in a variety of applications in the statics and dynamics of axisymmetric shells subjected to a variety of boundary conditions. Good results have been obtained for thin and thick shell cases .


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The human accommodation system has been extensively examined for over a century, with a particular focus on trying to understand the mechanisms that lead to the loss of accommodative ability with age (Presbyopia). The accommodative process, along with the potential causes of presbyopia, are disputed; hindering efforts to develop methods of restoring accommodation in the presbyopic eye. One method that can be used to provide insight into this complex area is Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The effectiveness of FEA in modelling the accommodative process has been illustrated by a number of accommodative FEA models developed to date. However, there have been limitations to these previous models; principally due to the variation in data on the geometry of the accommodative components, combined with sparse measurements of their material properties. Despite advances in available data, continued oversimplification has occurred in the modelling of the crystalline lens structure and the zonular fibres that surround the lens. A new accommodation model was proposed by the author that aims to eliminate these limitations. A novel representation of the zonular structure was developed, combined with updated lens and capsule modelling methods. The model has been designed to be adaptable so that a range of different age accommodation systems can be modelled, allowing the age related changes that occur to be simulated. The new modelling methods were validated by comparing the changes induced within the model to available in vivo data, leading to the definition of three different age models. These were used in an extended sensitivity study on age related changes, where individual parameters were altered to investigate their effect on the accommodative process. The material properties were found to have the largest impact on the decline in accommodative ability, in particular compared to changes in ciliary body movement or zonular structure. Novel data on the importance of the capsule stiffness and thickness was also established. The new model detailed within this thesis provides further insight into the accommodation mechanism, as well as a foundation for future, more detailed investigations into accommodation, presbyopia and accommodative restoration techniques.


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A three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA) model with elastic-plastic anisotropy was built to investigate the effects of anisotropy on nanoindentation measurements for cortical bone. The FEA model has demonstrated a capability to capture the cortical bone material response under the indentation process. By comparison with the contact area obtained from monitoring the contact profile in FEA simulations, the Oliver-Pharr method was found to underpredict or overpredict the contact area due to the effects of anisotropy. The amount of error (less than 10% for cortical bone) depended on the indentation orientation. The indentation modulus results obtained from FEA simulations at different surface orientations showed a trend similar to experimental results and were also similar to moduli calculated from a mathematical model. The Oliver-Pharr method has been shown to be useful for providing first-order approximations in the analysis of anisotropic mechanical properties of cortical bone, although the indentation modulus is influenced by anisotropy.


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Web openings could be used in cold-formed steel beam members, such as wall studs or floor joints, to facilitate ease of services in buildings. In this paper, a combination of tests and non-linear finite element analyses is used to investigate the effect of such holes on web crippling under end-one-flange (EOF) loading condition; the cases of both flanges fastened and unfastened to the bearing plates are considered. The results of 74 web crippling tests are presented, with 22 tests conducted on channel sections without web openings and 52 tests conducted on channel sections with web openings. In the case of the tests with web openings, the hole was either located centred above the bearing plates or having a horizontal clear distance to the near edge of the bearing plates. A good agreement between the tests and finite element analyses was obtained in term of both strength and failure modes.


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During this thesis work a coupled thermo-mechanical finite element model (FEM) was builtto simulate hot rolling in the blooming mill at Sandvik Materials Technology (SMT) inSandviken. The blooming mill is the first in a long line of processes that continuously or ingotcast ingots are subjected to before becoming finished products. The aim of this thesis work was twofold. The first was to create a parameterized finiteelement (FE) model of the blooming mill. The commercial FE software package MSCMarc/Mentat was used to create this model and the programing language Python was used toparameterize it. Second, two different pass schedules (A and B) were studied and comparedusing the model. The two pass series were evaluated with focus on their ability to healcentreline porosity, i.e. to close voids in the centre of the ingot. This evaluation was made by studying the hydrostatic stress (σm), the von Mises stress (σeq)and the plastic strain (εp) in the centre of the ingot. From these parameters the stress triaxiality(Tx) and the hydrostatic integration parameter (Gm) were calculated for each pass in bothseries using two different transportation times (30 and 150 s) from the furnace. The relationbetween Gm and an analytical parameter (Δ) was also studied. This parameter is the ratiobetween the mean height of the ingot and the contact length between the rolls and the ingot,which is useful as a rule of thumb to determine the homogeneity or penetration of strain for aspecific pass. The pass series designed with fewer passes (B), many with greater reduction, was shown toachieve better void closure theoretically. It was also shown that a temperature gradient, whichis the result of a longer holding time between the furnace and the blooming mill leads toimproved void closure.


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This paper presents a finite element cutting modelbased on physical microstructure to investigate the thermomechanicalbehaviour of AL-6XN Super AusteniticStainless Steel in the primary shear zone. Frozen chip rootsamples were created under dry turning operation to observethe plasticity behaviour occurring in the shear zones to comparewith the model for analysis. Chip samples were generatedunder cutting velocities at 65 and 94 m/min, feed rate at0.2 mm/rev and depth of cut at 1 mm. Temperature on thecutting zone was recorded by infrared thermal camera.Secondary and backscatter electron detectors were used toinvestigate the deformed microstructure and to calculate theplastic strain. Experimental results showed the formation ofmicrocracks (build-up edge triggers) at the chip root stagnationzone of both samples. The austenite phase patterns wereevident against the cutting tool tip in the stagnation zone of thechip root fabricated at 65 m/min. The movement of thesepatterns caused the formation of the slip lines within thegrains. The backscatter diffraction maps showed the formationof special grain boundaries within the slip lines, workhardeninglayer and in the chip region. Strain measurementsin the microstructures of the chip roots fabricated at 94 and65 m/min showed high values of 6.5 and 5.7 (mm/mm) respectively.The finite element model was used to measure thestress, strain, temperature and chip morphology. Numericalresults were compared to the outcomes of the experimentalwork to validate the finite element model. The model validatingprocess showed good agreement between theexperimental and numerical results, and the error values werecalculated. For a 94- and 65-m/min cutting speeds, 7.5 and5.2% were the errors in the strain, 3 and 2.5% were the error inthe temperature and 4.7 and 6.8% were the error in the shearplane angles.


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Finite-element simulations are used to obtain many thousands of yield points for porous materials with arbitrary void-volume fractions with spherical voids arranged in simple cubic, body-centred cubic and face-centred cubic three-dimensional arrays. Multi-axial stress states are explored. We show that the data may be fitted by a yield function which is similar to the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN) form, but which also depends on the determinant of the stress tensor, and all additional parameters may be expressed in terms of standard GTN-like parameters. The dependence of these parameters on the void-volume fraction is found. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.