451 resultados para Mesostructured Lamellar Aluminophosphates


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Gingival mucosae of man and the adult Cebus apella monkey were fixed for 3 hr in modified Karnovsky fixative containing 2.5% glutaraldehyde, 2% formaldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH=7.4). The specimens were postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer at 4°C for 2 hr, dehydrated in a graded alcohol series and embedded in Epon 812. Thick sections of 1-3 μm and ultrathin sections of 40-80 nm in thickness were cut with glass knives on an LKB ultramicrotome. The thick sections were stained with toluidine blue solution, and the grids were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and examined under a Philips EM-301 electron microscope. Our observations permitted us to conclude that: both gingival mucosae, of man and the Cebus apella monkey, have lamellar nerve endings; these corpuscles are localized in the papillar space of the epithelium and do not contact closely with the basement membrane; the nerve endings are composed of an afferent fiber which subdivides several times and forms irregular flattened or discoidal expansions; the laminae of the lamellar cells are very thin near the terminal axon and are larger and irregular in shape at the peripheral portion of the corpuscle; the terminal axon shows abundant mitochondria, myelin figures, clear vesicles, and multivesicular bodies; between the axoplasm membrane and adjacent cytoplasmic lamina and between the lamellae, small desmosome type junctions are noted; and the cytoplasmic material of the lamellae cells is characterized by the presence of numerous microfilaments, microtubules, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and caveolae.


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Structurally the boundary tissue of the vampire bat seminiferous tubuli showed 2 to 5 layers of connective tissue in which elongated contractile cells and lamellar and/or fibrillar collagen were noticed. This boundary tissue forms the seminiferous tubular lamina propria. Its structure was more complex around the seminiferous tubuli near the Capsula testicularis than between the adjacent and contiguous tubuli into the testicular lobuli. The whole ultrastructural organization of the seminiferous lamina propria was described here.


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Synthesis and crystallographic data are reported for low and high temperature forms of LiLa(CrO4)2. The compounds are closely related to lamellar rare earth phosphates and arsenates of sodium and to RbLu(CrO4)2. Lattice parameters of the orthorhombic (low temperature) and monoclinic (high temperature) forms are given. The low temperature form is moisture sensitive and Li+ ions are easily displaced by protons. Thermal decomposition takes place at 250 °C and results in the formation of LiCrO2, LaCrO4, LaCrO3 and Cr2O3. © 1993.


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Synthesis and crystallographic data are reported for the double rubidium-scandium chromate RbSc(CrO4)2. The parameters of the orthorhombic cell are a = 14.836(2) A ̊; b = 5.627(1) A ̊ and c = 8.835(4) A ̊, Z = 4. The compound is closely related to the lamellar double chromates with other alkali metal cations, iron, lanthanides and yttrium offering the advantage of obtaining inorganic materials for electronics. © 1995.


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The formation of calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) during the hydration of tricalcium silicate (C3S) in pure water and in water solutions containing 1% CaCl2 (accelerator) and 0.01% saccharose (retarder) was studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). SAXS measurements were performed under isothermal conditions within the temperature range 25 °C T < 52 °C. The experimental results indicate that the time variation of the mass fraction of the C-S-H product phase, α(f), can be fitted, under all conditions of paste setting, by Avrami equation, α(t) = 1 -exp(-(kt)′), k being a rate parameter and n an exponent depending on the characteristics of the transformation. The parameter n is approximately equal to 2 for hydration of C^S in pure water. Depending on temperature, n varies from 2 to 2.65 for hydration in the presence of CaC^ and saccharose. The value n = 2 is theoretically expected for lateral growth of thin C-S-H plates of constant thickness. The time dependence of SAXS intensity indicates that the transformed phase (C-S-H) consists of colloidal particles in early stages of hydration, evolving by two-dimensional growth toward a disordered lamellar structure composed of very thin plates. The activation energy ΔE for the growth of C-S-H phase was determined from the time dependence of X-ray scattering intensity. These data were obtained by in situ measurements at different temperatures of hydration. The values of ΔE are 37.7, 49.4, and 44.3 kJ/mol for hydration in pure water and in water solutions containing CaCl2 and saccharose, respectively. © 2000 American Chemical Society.


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The effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on wound healing were evaluated at the graft-cornea transition in dogs following lamellar keratoplasty using tunica vaginalis preserved in 98% glycerin. Twenty-one dogs were subdivided into three groups of seven animals. The first group (W/US) received daily treatment of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (20 mW/cm 2) for 15 min for the first 10 days post surgery. The second group (N/US) was submitted to the same procedure but with the ultrasound apparatus turned off. The third group, the control (CO), underwent the surgical procedure only. The animals were clinically evaluated during the initial (1-15 days), intermediate (16-30 days) and late (31-120 days) postoperative period. The corneas were evaluated by light microscopy at 1, 3, 7, 15, 30, 60 and 120 days after surgery. Clinically, there were no differences which would promote an advantage to any of the treatments. Light microscopy, however, revealed more extensive vascularization and more advanced wound healing in the W/US group, as well as a tendency towards early graft incorporation. Based on the present results, low-intensity pulsed ultrasound shows advantages, especially in situations where trophic support is a mandatory condition, facilitating better graft incorporation and rapid recovery of stromal organization.


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In the renal and femoral arteries of rabbit was verified that both vessels had walls structured by myostromal components, despite of their different distributive of blood, being the renal artery a visceral blood vessel and the femoral artery a parietal vessel. This wall pattern in these vessels concerned to presence of connective stromal elements (collagen and elastic fibres and lamellae) and smooth muscle cells coexisting with some equilibrium in the wall structure of the renal and femoral arteries, mainly in the medial layer architecture. An intimal folding pattern was verified around the vascular lumen, possibly related to capacitance of the both arteries regarding to variability of pressure levels in cardiac cycle. Furthermore, myostromal relations of connective elements and smooth muscle cells verified in the medial layer and the network formed by connective elements in the adventitial layer of these arteries contributed to maintenance of wall viscoelasticity properties of the vessels.


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Baccaconularia Hughes, Gunderson et Weedon, 2000, from the Furongian Series (Cambrian System) of the north-central USA, has been interpreted as a conulariid cnidarian, based on a suite of gross morphological similarities shared only with other post-Cambrian genera currently assigned to this group. Closely spaced, squarish to subrectangular facial nodes of Baccaconularia are aligned in distinct longitudinal files. Nodes also display a subtler, more or less rectilinear transverse alignment, though this pattern commonly is disrupted by offset parallel to the longitudinal files. In their shape and pattern of arrangement, the nodes of Baccaconularia are most similar to the squarish to elongate nodes of Pseudoconularia Bouček, 1939. Longitudinal node files of Baccaconularia may also be compared with the longitudinal facial ridges of Conularia cambria Walcott, 1890 from the Furongian of Wisconsin. Apical angles of Baccaconularia range from approximately 13° to 14.5°. Scanning electron imaging of B. cf. robinsoni shows that its thin, phosphatic skeleton is finely lamellar, with the thickness of individual lamellae measuring approximately 1 μm. The skeleton also exhibits microscopic circular pores and crater-like pits that range from approximately 5 to 10 μm in diameter. These pores and pits are similar in size, geometry, areal density and pattern of arrangement to those of many post-Cambrian conulariids. Microscopic circular pores are documented here for the first time in the genus Archaeoconularia Bouček, 1939 from the Upper Ordovician of the Czech Republic. Although the origin of the pores and pits is open to alternative interpretations, the discovery of these features and fine lamination in Baccaconularia strengthens the argument that this genus is a Cambrian conulariid. © 2006 Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS.


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Aqueous dispersions of monoolein (MO) with a commercial hydrophobically modified ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose ether (HMEHEC) have been investigated with respect to the morphologies of the liquid crystalline nanoparticles. Only very low proportions of HMEHEC are accepted in the cubic and lamellar phases of the monoolein-water system. Due to the broad variation of composition and size of the commercial polymer, no other single-phase regions were found in the quasi-ternary system. Interactions of MO with different fractions of the HMEHEC sample induced the formation of lamellar and reversed hexagonal phases, identified from SAXD, polarization microscopy, and cryogenic TEM examinations. In excess water (more than 90 wt %) coarse dispersions are formed more or less spontaneously, containing particles of cubic phase from a size visible by the naked eye to small particles observed by cryoTEM. At high polymer/MO ratios, vesicles were frequently observed, often oligo-lamellar with inter-lamellar connections. After homogenization of the coarse dispersions in a microfluidizer, the large particles disappeared, apparently replaced by smaller cubic particles, often with vesicular attachments on the surfaces, and by vesicles or vesicular particles with a disordered interior. At the largest polymer contents no proper cubic particles were found directly after homogenization but mainly single-walled defected vesicles with a peculiar edgy appearance. During storage for 2 weeks, the dispersed particles changed toward more well-shaped cubic particles, even in dispersions with the highest polymer contents. In some of the samples with low polymer/MO ratio, dispersed particles of the reversed hexagonal type were found. A few of the homogenized samples were freeze-dried and rehydrated. Particles of essentially the same types, but with a less well-developed cubic character, were found after this treatment. © 2007 American Chemical Society.


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Fibrin glue has been researched as an alternative method for tissue synthesis and is known for its capability to promote hemostasis at the application site, good approximation of wound edges and fast healing. The current study consisted in the application of fibrin glue derived from snake venom as treatment for experimental corneal ulcers. Twenty-one dogs had their corneas experimentally prepared through lamellar keratectomy (of standardized diameter and depth). Animals were divided into seven groups of three animals each. Six experimental groups were periodically evaluated and collection was carried out on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15 th, 30th and 60th post-operative days, whereas one control group was evaluated throughout the experiment. Analyses consisted in the clinical evolution and in the histopathological study of all operated on eyes. Results indicated that fibrin glue was efficient in repairing keratectomy wounds in dogs and contributed to an earlier healing phenomenon, avoiding edema formation and keeping corneal clearness. The use of fibrin glue derived from snake venom showed to be easy to apply, feasible with animal models and of low cost, avoiding the lesion progress and allowing fast and appropriate corneal healing.


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The intimal layer of the thoracic and abdominal aortic segments of Cebus apella monkey presented an evident inner elastic lamina. The medial layer of the thoracic aorta segment showed a basic lamellar elastic pattern having a medium average of 23.12 lamellae per analyzed cut sections, which appeared disposed circular and oblique relatively to the aortic lumen. The aortic adventitial layer, at this level, was formed mainly by collagen fibers, irregularly disposed between elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells. The aortic abdominal portion, in this monkey, at the suprarenal level presented a medium number of 19.12 elastic lamellae which showed a relatively disorganized and broken up pattern. At the infrarenal level the aortic medium layer showed a medium average of 11.75 elastic lamellae and next to the emission of the internal iliac arteries it was found only a middle average of 8.37 elastic lamellae intermingled with smooth muscle cells and collagen fibers whose concentration seemed to be increased next to the adventitial layer. The external elastic lamina was only present in the more distal aortic segment near to the emission of the internal iliac arteries.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of implant positioning into extraction sockets on osseointegration. Material and methods: Implants were installed immediately into extraction sockets in the mandibles of six Labrador dogs. In the control sites, the implants were positioned in the center of the alveolus, while in the test sites, the implants were positioned 0.8 mm deeper and more lingually. After 4 months of healing, the resorptive patterns of the alveolar crest were evaluated histomorphometrically. Results: All implants were integrated in mineralized bone, mainly composed of mature lamellar bone. The alveolar crest underwent resorption at the control as well as at the test sites. After 4 months of healing, at the buccal aspects of the control and test sites, the location of the implant rough/smooth limit to the alveolar crest was 2±0.9 mm and 0.6±0.9 mm, respectively (P<0.05). At the lingual aspect, the bony crest was located 0.4 mm apically and 0.2 mm coronally to the implant rough/smooth limit at the control and test sites, respectively (NS). Conclusions: From a clinical point of view, implants installed into extraction sockets should be positioned approximately 1 mm deeper than the level of the buccal alveolar crest and in a lingual position in relation to the center of the alveolus in order to reduce or eliminate the exposure above the alveolar crest of the endosseous (rough) portion of the implant. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Calcium phosphate-based bioactive ceramics in various physical and chemical formulations have been extensively utilized as biomaterials for bone regeneration/conduction. However, the determination of their in vivo temporal behavior from the short to long term in humans has been a challenge due to the lack of physical reference for morphologic and morphometric evaluation. The present study evaluated bone morphology and morphometry (bone-to-implant contact [BIC]) around plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite (PSHA)-coated endosseous implants that were retrieved due to prosthetic reasons while successfully in function at the posterior region of the jaws from as early as 2 months to ~13 years after a 6-month healing period after placement. Bone morphology was evaluated by light microscopy, and BIC was determined using computer software. Irrespective of the time in vivo, lamellar bone was observed in close contact with the implant PSHA-coated surface and between plateaus. BIC ranged from ~35-95%, was highly directional, and Haversian-like osteonic morphology between plateaus was observed for most implants. The PSHA coating was present with little variation in thickness between the samples retrieved regardless of time in vivo. © 2010 by Begell House, Inc.


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The present study evaluated the microbiological water quality and tissue lesions in gills from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and hybrid tambacu (Colossoma macropomum female x Piaractus mesopotamicus male). For this, water and gills were collected from fish farming at six locations in Itapecuru- Mirim County, Maranhão State. Microbiological water analyses revealed contamination by total coliforms, Escherichia coli and heterotrophic bacteria. In the gills, we observed a diversity of Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria. The tissue lesions were: lamellar fusion, interlamellar hyperplasia, sub-epithelial edema and telangiectasia. Inflammatory lesions were not observed. Significant statistical difference (p > 0.05) was not detected when comparing different gills lesions during rainy and dry season. The correlation between lesion and pond type was statistically different (p < 0.05) for lamellar fusion and interlamellar hyperplasia which occurred more frequently at ground ponds. Regarding the frequency of lesions in the different fish species, there was statistical difference (p < 0.05), and the tambacu was more sensitive to lamellar fusion while tilapia was more sensitive for the other lesions. In relation to the sampling stations, there was statistical difference for all the gill lesions. In conclusion, tissue lesions are nonspecific and function as a defense mechanism against polluted aquatic environments, without infectious character.