614 resultados para Merchant mariners
In this paper we present a framework for realizing arbitrary instruction set extensions (IE) that are identified post-silicon. The proposed framework has two components viz., an IE synthesis methodology and the architecture of a reconfigurable data-path for realization of the such IEs. The IE synthesis methodology ensures maximal utilization of resources on the reconfigurable data-path. In this context we present the techniques used to realize IEs for applications that demand high throughput or those that must process data streams. The reconfigurable hardware called HyperCell comprises a reconfigurable execution fabric. The fabric is a collection of interconnected compute units. A typical use case of HyperCell is where it acts as a co-processor with a host and accelerates execution of IEs that are defined post-silicon. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by evaluating the performance of some well-known integer kernels that are realized as IEs on HyperCell. Our methodology for realizing IEs through HyperCells permits overlapping of potentially all memory transactions with computations. We show significant improvement in performance for streaming applications over general purpose processor based solutions, by fully pipelining the data-path. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
QR decomposition (QRD) is a widely used Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA) kernel with applications ranging from SONAR beamforming to wireless MIMO receivers. In this paper, we propose a novel Givens Rotation (GR) based QRD (GR QRD) where we reduce the computational complexity of GR and exploit higher degree of parallelism. This low complexity Column-wise GR (CGR) can annihilate multiple elements of a column of a matrix simultaneously. The algorithm is first realized on a Two-Dimensional (2 D) systolic array and then implemented on REDEFINE which is a Coarse Grained run-time Reconfigurable Architecture (CGRA). We benchmark the proposed implementation against state-of-the-art implementations to report better throughput, convergence and scalability.
Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRA) are emerging as embedded application processing units in computing platforms for Exascale computing. Such CGRAs are distributed memory multi- core compute elements on a chip that communicate over a Network-on-chip (NoC). Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA) kernels are key to several high performance computing applications. In this paper we propose a systematic methodology to obtain the specification of Compute Elements (CE) for such CGRAs. We analyze block Matrix Multiplication and block LU Decomposition algorithms in the context of a CGRA, and obtain theoretical bounds on communication requirements, and memory sizes for a CE. Support for high performance custom computations common to NLA kernels are met through custom function units (CFUs) in the CEs. We present results to justify the merits of such CFUs.
[ES]El presente trabajo presenta una fuente documental infrautilizada, la de los libros de manifestaciones, que representa un interesantísimo instrumento de estudio para el conocimiento de la realidad comercial e industrial de la Guipúzcoa de los siglos XVI y XVII. Esta documentación permite matizar algunas de las afirmaciones que durante décadas han venido marcando la historiografía vasca sobre la tan manida “crisis del siglo XVII”, más en consonancia con los criterios que en los últimos años se vienen imponiendo en los ámbitos español y europeo. Las relaciones comerciales con puertos, principalmente franceses, que se pueden seguir a través de las mencionadas fuentes permiten seguir los fluidos intercambios y las llegadas de cereales y bastimentos, así como la salida de hierro y moneda desde algunos de los principales puertos guipuzcoanos. Una de las principales conclusiones es que la exportación de hierro a los puertos franceses tuvo continuidad a fines del siglo XVI y principios del siglo XVII
The National Marine Sanctuaries Act (16 U.S.C. 1431, as amended) gives the Secretary of Commerce the authority to designate discrete areas of the marine environment as National Marine Sanctuaries and provides the authority to promulgate regulations to provide for the conservation and management of these marine areas. The waters of the Outer Washington Coast were recognized for their high natural resource and human use values and placed on the National Marine Sanctuary Program Site Evaluation List in 1983. In 1988, Congress directed NOAA to designate the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (Pub. L. 100-627). The Sanctuary, designated in May 1994, worked with the U.S. Coast Guard to request the International Maritime Organization designate an Area to be Avoided (ATBA) on the Olympic Coast. The IMO defines an ATBA as "a routeing measure comprising an area within defined limits in which either navigation is particularly hazardous or it is exceptionally important to avoid casualties and which should be avoided by all ships, or certain classes of ships" (IMO, 1991). This ATBA was adopted in December 1994 by the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO, “in order to reduce the risk of marine casualty and resulting pollution and damage to the environment of the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary”, (IMO, 1994). The ATBA went into effect in June 1995 and advises operators of vessels carrying petroleum and/or hazardous materials to maintain a 25-mile buffer from the coast. Since that time, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) has created an education and monitoring program with the goal of ensuring the successful implementation of the ATBA. The Sanctuary enlisted the aid of the U.S. and Canadian coast guards, and the marine industry to educate mariners about the ATBA and to use existing radar data to monitor compliance. Sanctuary monitoring efforts have targeted education on tank vessels observed transiting the ATBA. OCNMS's monitoring efforts allow quantitative evaluation of this voluntary measure. Finally, the tools developed to monitor the ATBA are also used for the more general purpose of monitoring vessel traffic within the Sanctuary. While the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary does not currently regulate vessel traffic, such regulations are within the scope of the Sanctuary’s Final Environmental Impact Statement/Management Plan. Sanctuary staff participate in ongoing maritime and environmental safety initiatives and continually seek opportunities to mitigate risks from marine shipping.(PDF contains 44 pages.)
ENGLISH: For the region of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean between 0° and 300 N, and between 1200 W and the coastline of the Americas, charts of surface drift have been prepared for each month of the year. These should be of interest to both mariners and oceanographers. SPANISH: Cartas de la deriva de superficie para la región del Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical, comprendida entre 0° y 30° N., Y 120° O. y la línea de la costa de las Américas fueron preparadas por cada mes del año. Estas pueden interesar tanto a los marinos como a los oceanógrafos. (PDF contains 23 pages.)
The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) convened a workshop on "Wave Sensor Technologies" in St. Petersburg, Florida on March 7-9, 2007, hosted by the University of South Florida (USF) College of Marine Science, an ACT partner institution. The primary objectives of this workshop were to: 1) define the present state of wave measurement technologies, 2) identify the major impediments to their advancement, and 3) make strategic recommendations for future development and on the necessary steps to integrate wave measurement sensors into operational coastal ocean observing systems. The participants were from various sectors, including research scientists, technology developers and industry providers, and technology users, such as operational coastal managers and coastal decision makers. Waves consistently are ranked as a critical variable for numerous coastal issues, from maritime transportation to beach erosion to habitat restoration. For the purposes of this workshop, the participants focused on measuring "wind waves" (i.e., waves on the water surface, generated by the wind, restored by gravity and existing between approximately 3 and 30-second periods), although it was recognized that a wide range of both forced and free waves exist on and in the oceans. Also, whereas the workshop put emphasis on the nearshore coastal component of wave measurements, the participants also stressed the importance of open ocean surface waves measurement. Wave sensor technologies that are presently available for both environments include bottom-mounted pressure gauges, surface following buoys, wave staffs, acoustic Doppler current profilers, and shore-based remote sensing radar instruments. One of the recurring themes of workshop discussions was the dichotomous nature of wave data users. The two separate groups, open ocean wave data users and the nearshore/coastal wave data users, have different requirements. Generally, the user requirements increase both in spatial/temporal resolution and precision as one moves closer to shore. Most ocean going mariners are adequately satisfied with measurements of wave period and height and a wave general direction. However, most coastal and nearshore users require at least the first five Fourier parameters ("First 5"): wave energy and the first four directional Fourier coefficients. Furthermore, wave research scientists would like sensors capable of providing measurements beyond the first four Fourier coefficients. It was debated whether or not high precision wave observations in one location can take the place of a less precise measurement at a different location. This could be accomplished by advancing wave models and using wave models to extend data to nearby areas. However, the consensus was that models are no substitution for in situ wave data.[PDF contains 26 pages]
This paper highlights the potential contribution of the processed food industry (especially with regard to prepared and preserved fish) to the domestic industrial sector. Data for the study were collected from a sample of 85 retail canned fish sellers in South-Western Nigeria (45 and 40 respondents in Oyo and Lagos states respectively). Approaches were also made to government officials and merchant-agents connected with the importation, trade-regulation and distribution of fish in Nigeria. The study examined, in considerable detail, the marketing channels, services, prices and margins of canned fish in the area of study. The paper concludes that efforts should be made to encourage local processing and canning of fish not only to save on foreign exchange and importation costs but also to be able to meet the rapidly growing demand for this product in the country
O presente estudo aborda historicamente a formação elementar, profissional e militar dos aprendizes-marinheiros e aprendizes-artífices entre 1870 e 1910 na Marinha Militar do Brasil. Para compreender as experiências compartilhadas que os meninos e os jovens desenvolveram com os marinheiros nacionais e estrangeiros, com o oficialato e com os trabalhadores da cidade utilizamos o referencial teórico do historiador E.P. Thompson. A pesquisa sobre as Escolas de Aprendizes-Marinheiros e sua caracterização como uma instituição total e a análise de seus dispositivos disciplinares foi realizada com o aparato conceitual de Michel Foucault. As fontes históricas analisadas foram os Relatórios Ministeriais do Ministério da Marinha do período, os livros de ofícios do Arsenal de Marinha da Corte, o acervo da Revista Marítima Brasileira e documentos do Fundo/Coleção denominado Grupo de Identificação de Fundos Internos GIFI sob a guarda do Arquivo Nacional. Um dos objetivos foi compreender os fenômenos que envolveram essa instituição militar dentro das políticas de Estado no período localizado entre o fim da Guerra do Paraguai e a Revolta dos Marinheiros de 1910, e quais as mudanças qualitativas, contradições e conflitos na organização interna do trabalho concorreram para a produção de um modelo formativo dos futuros homens do mar. Buscamos compreender os mecanismos internos de recrutamento e controle dos sujeitos sociais dessa instituição permanente do Estado. A abordagem sobre o que seriam as experiências formativas dos aprendizes partiu da ideia de que a educação dos indivíduos acontecia em múltiplas dimensões da vida e não somente através de aulas ou programas de estudos oficiais, de compêndios ou de regras disciplinares repercutidas reiteradas vezes. Questões como o uso do tempo, o campo dos direitos como arena de conflitos, o dualismo no sistema educativo, a alimentação, o descanso, o alcoolismo, as deserções, as acomodações e as revoltas, compuseram a análise da formação dos meninos e jovens da Marinha. Verificamos como os embates em torno da temática da profissionalização e carreira, que passavam pelas discussões que envolviam aspectos como o mérito pessoal, a antiguidade e o bom comportamento interferiram na produção de uma consciência de direitos. Tudo isso fez parte das experiências formativas de meninos e rapazes daquela instituição chamada pelos oficiais de principal viveiro de homens do mar. Por fim, para entendermos aqueles chamados pelo referencial thompsoniano como os de baixo percorremos a dureza da hierarquia e disciplina militares e as concepções de mundo desenvolvidas a partir das classificações e apartações dos indivíduos pela raça, pela origem social, pela constituição física e pelo analfabetismo.
[ES] Este trabajo explora el rol de los sistemas de la contabilidad de gestión en el desempeño de Joint Ventures (JV) del tipo 50/50 en la industria autopartista. Se investiga el impacto que la experiencia previa de los directivos tiene sobre la intensidad y propósito de uso de los sistemas de la contabilidad de gestión y como ellos afectan el desempeño de JVs. El estudio de este fenómeno surge a partir de los resultados reportados en tres estudios de campo exploratorios en JVs (Groot y Merchant 2000) y de otros tres casos de JVs internacionales en la industria autopartista (Porporato 2013) en donde se sugieren que el efecto de los sistemas de control de gestión en el desempeño organizacional es secundario. Los resultados aquí reportados se basan en una encuesta efectuada a 35 JV internacionales y ofrece resultados alineados con la literatura existente. Los resultados muestran que el desempeño organizacional mejora cuando se reduce la incertidumbre de factores percibidos como controlables por los directivos; un factor se percibe como controlable cuando mayor es la experiencia que el directivo tiene con el mismo. La incertidumbre, según la define Galbraith (1973), se reduce vía un uso intensivo de los sistemas de contabilidad de gestión, lo que su vez impacta positivamente en el desempeño organizacional.
Many studies have been made of the effects of oil on marine invertebrates, plants (marine algae and phytoplankton), and vertebrates such as seabirds and marine mammals. An excellent review of these findings, which includes some references to fish and pathological effects of aromatic hydrocarbons, has been published by the Royal Society, London (Clark, 1982). That review dealt with the environmental effects of such major oil spills or releases such as those by the tankers Torry Canyon (119,000 t) on the south coast of England, Metula (50-56,000 t) in the Straits of Magellan, Argo Merchant (26,000 t) off Cape Cod, and the super tanker Amoco Cadiz (223,000 t) on the coast of northern Brittany. Those spills were studied to determine their effect on living resources. In contrast there are few references on the impact of oil spills on pelagic fishery resources.
Raritan Bay is the body of water bounded by New York and New Jersey and lying immediately south of New York City (Fig. 1). It has close proximity to the most concentrated urban and industrial area in the United States. Its history has been one of extensive multiple use by the surrounding human population. Dating from the precolonial and colonial periods, people have employed many types of gear to catch and gather its once abundant fishes and shellfishes. Its beaches were once popular for sun bathing and swimming, but after the 1940's they were essentially abandoned because the water became too polluted. Another large use has been for pleasure boating and the transit and dockage of merchant, passenger, and military vessels. Channels and basins were dug in the bay, bulkheads and jetties were constructed along its shores, and it was a donor source of sand and gravel for construction projects. It has also been a receptor for large quantities of domestic and industrial wastes and, mainly for this reason, it is one ofthe most deteriorated estuaries in the United States.
Sri Lanka's interest in trawler fishing dates back to 1902 when a Colombo merchant attempted to operate a trawler off Sri Lanka's waters. The next attempt was made in 1907. These attempts did not proceed any further. Between 1920 and 1923 a very comprehensive survey of the littoral waters around the island was carried out. One of the principal aims of the survey was to investigate the possibility of trawler fishing in the seas around. Malpas (1926) and Pearson and Malpas (1926) reporting the results of the survey indicated that the Wadge and Pedro banks were the only areas available for commercial trawler operations and indicated that the fish resources in the two banks could be profitably exploited. Commercial exploitation of the Wadge bank commenced in 1928 and a fishery is now firmly established in the bank. The Marine Biologist and the Director of fisheries in their administration reports and Sivalingam and Medcof (1957) and the author (1965) have reported on the progress of the Wadge bank fishery. Some of the trends indicated by an analysis of the records of the commercial trawling operations are further discussed in this paper.
Forsyth, A. (2002). Gadamer, History and the Classics: Fugard, Marowitz, Berkoff and Harrison Rewrite the Theatre. Studies in Literary Criticism and Theory: Vol. 15. New York: Peter Lang. RAE2008
Schofield, Phillipp, and N. J. Mayhew, eds., Credit and Debt in medieval England, c.1180-c.1350 (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2002), pp.x+164 RAE2008