855 resultados para Mental State


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Cette recherche porte sur les pratiques d’intervention des agents de réponse en intervention de crise (RIC), de leur partenaire fixe et des agents en attente de la formation du Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) auprès des personnes en crise ou atteintes de troubles mentaux. Les agents RIC sont des patrouilleurs de première ligne qui ont reçu une formation complète sur les principes d’intervention en contexte de crise ou de santé mentale. Ce modèle de réponse spécialisée est une solution proactive qui a pour but d’améliorer l’action policière en situation de crise et de veiller à une meilleure prise en charge de ces personnes par les ressources institutionnelles. La désinstitutionnalisation des soins et des services psychiatriques a eu pour effet une augmentation du nombre de personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux dans la communauté. Par conséquent, cet accroissement a engendré des rapports plus fréquents entre les services policiers et cette clientèle. Les interventions en contexte de crise ou de santé mentale sont particulières et complexes, de même qu’elles requièrent un niveau supérieur de compréhension des crises humaines. Les autorités policières ont admis que ces interventions représentent une part significative de leur travail et que la formation policière traditionnelle ne les prépare pas suffisamment pour intervenir adéquatement auprès de cette population. En réponse à ces considérations et dans l’objectif d’améliorer leur capacité d’agir, les forces policières se sont dotées de modèles de réponse policière spécialisée en intervention de crise. L’approche la plus répandue est l’équipe d’intervention de crise (« crisis intervention team » ou « CIT »), aussi appelée le modèle de Memphis. Il existe plusieurs variantes de ce modèle, mais les composantes principales, c’est-à-dire la formation avancée et la consolidation d’un partenariat avec le système de santé demeurent dans l’ensemble de ces structures. L’objectif de cette recherche consiste à sonder les perceptions des agents RIC, de leur partenaire fixe et des agents en attente de la formation afin de comprendre et de contraster leurs visions et leurs pratiques d’intervention en contexte de crise ou de santé mentale. Chaque groupe a apporté des précisions intéressantes. Nous avons conduit 12 entrevues qualitatives avec des policiers du SPVM. De façon générale, les participants rapportent que leurs pratiques d’intervention auprès des personnes en crise ou atteintes de troubles mentaux sont davantage ancrées dans une perspective de relation d’aide. Ils mentionnent également que la communication, l’écoute et la confiance doivent être privilégiées avant tout autre stratégie dans les situations qui les permettent et que la force doit être employée seulement lorsqu’elle est nécessaire, c’est-à-dire lorsque leur sécurité ou celle d’autrui est en péril ou lorsque la communication n’est pas possible. Puis, ils admettent que le recours à l’expertise des intervenants en santé mentale permet une analyse plus approfondie de la situation et de l’état mental de la personne visée par l’intervention. D’autre part, en ce qui concerne les limites de la formation policière traditionnelle, les candidats ont soulevé qu’il y a un manque de connaissances en matière de santé mentale ainsi qu’une difficulté associée à l’évaluation de l’état de la personne et du besoin de transport ont été soulevés. Sur le plan des apprentissages, les agents RIC disent avoir une compréhension plus globale de la problématique de santé mentale, de meilleures habiletés communicationnelles, une analyse plus approfondie de la situation, de plus grandes connaissances juridiques, une compréhension du fonctionnement des services hospitaliers ainsi qu’une appréciation particulière pour le partage de savoirs et les principes d’endiguement. Ils font part également de l’importance des rapports pour documenter l’évolution de l’état mental d’une personne et ils ajoutent que la dimension temporelle joue un rôle clé dans la résolution définitive de la problématique. Au sujet des partenaires, ils évoquent des retombées similaires. Toutefois, à la suite de la formation, ils reconnaissent davantage l’importance de leur rôle dans la sécurité de leur partenaire et ils y accordent dorénavant une attention marquée lors de ces interventions. Enfin, les agents non formés formulent des attentes relatives au développement d’outils et de compétences, ce qui leur sera rendu dans la formation RIC. Globalement, les agents RIC et les partenaires interviewés ont modifié leurs pratiques pour les arrimer avec la philosophie des interventions en contexte de crise ou de santé mentale. Ils ont également davantage confiance en leurs capacités et habiletés d’intervention auprès des personnes en crise ou atteintes de troubles mentaux grâce aux connaissances acquises dans la formation.


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A common assumption is that language is used for conveying factual information, but linguistic forms also serve a way to communicate pragmatic features, such as speakers’ intentions and mental state. This study describes and analyses two strategies for stance-taking in GhaPE, more specific the use of discourse particles and complement-taking predicates. Such grammatical resources have been identified in the literature to play important functions in signalling how the speaker evaluates and positions him/herself and the addressee with respect to objects of discourse. The analysis and discussion of forms is informed by Du Bois’ (2007) ‘stance triangle’, which has proved to be a useful analytical device for investigating stance from a dialogical perspective. GhaPE is at times anticipated as fairly simple both by scholars and in the community where it is spoken. This thesis is thus an attempt to display aspects of the richness of the language.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Between 1085 and 1927, epidemics of convulsive ergotism were widespread east of the Rhine in Europe due to consumption of grain contaminated with ergot, which is produced by the fungus Claviceps purpurea. West of the Rhine, consumption of ergot-contaminated food caused epidemics of gangrenous ergotism. The clinical features of convulsive ergotism-muscle twitching and spasms, changes in mental state, hallucinations, sweating, and fever lasting for several weeks-suggest serotonergic overstimulation of the CNS (ie, the serotonin syndrome). The ergot alkaloids are serotonin agonists. Dihydroergotamine binds to serotonin receptors in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, which is the site of neuropathological changes in convulsive ergotism. Dihydroergotamine given to human beings can cause the serotonin syndrome. Ergots produced by different strains of Claviceps purpurea, and those growing in different soils, may have different ergot alkaloid compositions. An alkaloid, present in high concentrations in ergots from east of the Rhine, may have caused convulsive ergotism at a circulating concentration insufficient to produce peripheral ischaemia. The serotonin syndrome may, therefore, have been a public-health problem long before it was recognised as a complication of modem psychopharmacology.


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Background: This study investigated whether patients suffering from post-stroke depressive disorder had a similar disturbance in central serotonergic function to that described in non-brain injured depressed patients. Methods: Twenty-three depressed patients (nine major, 14 minor) and 38 non-depressed patients were examined 4-8 weeks post-stroke with a structured interview, rating scales and MRI brain scans. Patients were administered 30 mg D-fenfluramine orally and plasma prolactin and D-fenfluramine concentrations were measured for 6 h post-dose. Results: The prolactin response was significantly blunted in major depression compared to minor depression and non-depressed patients as measured by both delta prolactin and area under the prolactin versus time curve. There was no significant relationship between prolactin response and lesion lateralization or any of the measured clinical characteristics. Limitations: The major limitation of the study is the relatively small number in each depressive group. Conclusions: Patients suffering from major depression in the post-stroke period have a blunted prolactin response to D-fenfluramine. This indicates a serotonergic abnormality consistent with that found in major depression where neurological disease is not present. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To assess the reliability and validity of a brief measure of quality of life recently developed by the World Health Organization, the WHOQOL-BREF, and to examine its association with a variety of clinical and sociodemographic factors in older depressed patients. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Older depressed patients (N=41) underwent diagnostic assessment using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) and were independently assessed on a variety of measures including the WHOQOL-BREF (a 26-item self-report questionnaire generating four domain scores), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D); Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS); Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE); Modified Barthel Index (MBI); Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), and measures of physical health status and social relationships. Estimates of inter-rater and test-retest reliability, and concurrent validity were made. Results: 39 subjects completed the study. The majority of subjects (94.9%) received a diagnosis of DSM-IV Major Depressive Disorder. Levels of comorbidity were high. Three of the four domains of the WHOQOL-BREF (Physical, Psychological and Environment domains) demonstrated satisfactory reliability and validity. However, the Social Relationships domain exhibited poor validity. Quality of life scores were strongly correlated with severity of depression, number of self-reported physical symptoms and self-assessed general health status. There was no relationship between diagnostic comorbidity and quality of life scores. Conclusions: The WHOQOL-BREF was successfully administered to older depressed patients although the concurrent validity of one of its four domains was poor. Quality of life scores were strongly correlated with severity of depression, raising the issue of measurement redundancy.


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The study investigated theory of mind and central coherence abilities in adults with high-functioning autism (HFA) or Asperger syndrome (AS) using naturalistic tasks. Twenty adults with HTA/AS correctly answered significantly fewer theory of mind questions than 20 controls on a forced-choice response task. On a narrative task, there were no differences in the proportion of mental state words between the two groups, although the participants with HFA/AS were less inclined to provide explanations for characters' mental states. No between-group differences existed on the central coherence questions of the forced-choice response task, and the participants with HTA/AS included an equivalent proportion of explanations for non-mental state phenomena in their narratives as did controls. These results support the theory of mind deficit account of autism spectrum disorders, and suggest that difficulties in mental state attribution cannot be exclusively attributed to weak central coherence.


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Screening measures of cognitive status are traditionally administered face to face. In survey research such screening mcasurcs, while desirable, must he administered by other means. As part of pilot survey research on a New Zealand war veteran population with some degree of hearing impairment, a face-to-face administration of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE; Folstein, Folstein and McHugh, 1975) and a telephoneadministration of the Telephonc Interview for Cognitive Status (TICS; Brandt, Spencer and Folstein. 1988) were compared. Brandt ('/ u/. (1988) reported a very strong linear relationship between scores on the MMSE and the TICS (r=0.94, p < .0001) in an Alzheimer patient population with a mcan MMSE score of 12.06 (6.78). For a sample of 44 mildly to moderately hearing impaired veterans, with a mean MMSE score of 25.52 (2.16) and a mean TICS score of 32.52(5.43), the correlation between the instruments was .39. When veterans who wore hearing aids during the telephone interview ( N = 2 2 ) wcrc separated out from those who did not, the correlation rose to .54. Age was ncgatively correlated with the MMSE ( r = -0.41, / I < .01) and not significantly correlated with the TICS. Education level was unrelated to either measure. The data suggest that the wearing or non-wearing of hearing aids may contribute significantly to the reliability of the TICS. Furthermore, on non-demented populations with a less restricted range of scores. the correlation of the MMSE and TICS may he lower than previously reported.


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Os ativos intangíveis receberam atenção especial de estudiosos nos últimos anos, no contexto organizacional de gestão de pessoas, visto que foram desenvolvidas propostas teóricas para compreendê-los e mensurá-los. Ancorados nesta linha de investigação, encontram-se o capital humano e o capital psicológico. Enquanto o capital humano representa o que os trabalhadores sabem fazer, o capital psicológico compreende um estado mental positivo composto por autoeficácia, esperança, otimismo e resiliência. Este estudo teve, como objetivo geral, analisar as relações entre capital humano e capital psicológico. Tratou-se de um estudo quantitativo do qual participaram 60 trabalhadores, estudantes do último período do Curso de Administração, com idade média de 23,85 anos, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino, solteira e empregada. Os dados para o estudo foram coletados em salas de aula de uma universidade particular, situada na Região do Grande ABC, por meio de um instrumento auto aplicável, contendo uma medida intervalar de capital psicológico com 12 itens, validada para o Brasil, e uma de capital humano com seis questões, sendo duas para medir a dimensão experiência e quatro para aferir educação. Foi criado um banco eletrônico, o qual foi submetido a análises descritivas e de correlação (r de Pearson) por meio do SPSS, versão 19.0. Os resultados revelaram que os participantes detinham um capital humano representado por 4,38 anos médios de experiência de trabalho , e que a maioria (75%) havia revelado possuir no máximo cinco anos neste quesito. Quanto à dimensão educação do capital humano, a maioria (96,70%) não havia concluído nenhum curso de graduação, se dedicou entre 11 a 20 anos aos estudos (81,60%), não realizou intercâmbios de estudos (93%), enquanto 86,70% já incluíram, em seu currículo acadêmico, atividades complementares previstas no Plano Pedagógico do Curso de Administração que cursavam, bem como 73,30% realizaram entre um a três estágios curriculares. As análises indicaram um escore mediano de capital psicológico, acentuado pela dificuldade dos participantes para reconhecerem que estavam em uma fase de sucesso no trabalho e de conseguirem enxergar o lado brilhante das coisas relativas ao trabalho. Ao se investigar as relações entre o capital humano e capital psicológico não foram encontradas correlações significativas. Diante de tais resultados, pareceu provável que os participantes do estudo, por serem predominantemente jovens trabalhadores que ainda não concluíram um curso de graduação, embora tivessem em seu percurso de vida mais de 10 anos dedicados aos estudos e trabalhado por volta de cinco anos em média, ainda não reconheciam, em si, a presença de um consistente capital humano nem psicológico. A ausência de relação observada entre os dois ativos intangíveis preconizados por teóricos como importantes, para que o trabalhador pudesse contribuir com a empresa no alcance de suas metas, pareceu revelar que ainda eram necessários mais estudos e desenvolvimento de teorização, para sustentar não somente as hipóteses acerca de ativos intangíveis, como também permitir identificar a relação de dependência que pudesse existir entre as categorias de capital humano e psicológico.


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Esta pesquisa verifica a opinião da criança por meio do desenho sobre o Lar de Longa Permanência para Idosos, antes e depois de contato lúdico com idosos institucionalizados. Para melhor caracterizar a população idosa, traça seu perfil neuropsicológico. Desenvolve-se junto a 21 idosos institucionalizados e 61 crianças com idades entre 7 e 12 anos, do Ensino Fundamental público. Inicia-se por verificar a opinião destas crianças sobre Asilo, por meio de desenho. Em seguida, realiza intervenção lúdica com crianças e idosos, de 10 encontros com brincadeiras simbólicas e jogos de regras. A seguir, reavalia a opinião das crianças e faz avaliação neuropsicológica dos idosos, por meio de Mini-Exame do Estado Mental, da Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, do Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) e do Índice de Katz. Para verificar a opinião das crianças expressa por meio do desenho, utiliza de um título em aberto “Asilo é...”, a ser completado. Eles são analisados com subsídios do teste projetivo House-Tree-Person (HTP). Os resultados demonstram que houve, de uma aplicação para outra, alteração na opinião de 67% das crianças, que manifestaram opinião mais positiva relativa a perceber os idosos mais interativos e o Asilo mais humanizado, por meio de desenhos mais coloridas, de casas com portas e janelas, de pessoas sorrindo e em movimento e de mensagens afetuosas. Como aspectos negativos, encontram-se maior número de grades e de pessoas desenhadas sem face, o que pode representar a percepção da criança da dificuldade de contato do idoso com o mundo externo. Na análise estatística, encontrou-se média geral de 0,34 e desvio padrão de 0,16, no primeiro desenho e, no segundo, média de 0,42 e desvio padrão de 0,19, com médias obtidas numa escala de 0 a 1, em que se considera positivo o valor próximo a 1. Na avaliação neuropsicológica dos idosos, no MEEM, 50% demonstram preservação cognitiva. Os demais instrumentos indicam que a maior parte deles não apresenta sintomas depressivos, emite opinião positiva com relação à própria saúde, participa das atividades lúdicas e é dependente. Este estudo ressalta contudo que as características da instituição pesquisada, juntamente com a realização de atividades lúdicas, podem ter favorecido a opinião das crianças após seu contato com o Asilo. O estudo indica a necessidade de novas pesquisas sobre interação criança-idoso institucionalizado


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Objective - to examine the effect of medications with anticholinergic effects on cognitive impairment and deterioration in Alzheimer's dementia (AD). Methods - cognitive function was measured at baseline and at 6- and 18-month follow-up using the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), the Severe Impairment Battery (SIB) and the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Battery, Cognitive subsection (ADAS-COG) in a cohort study of 224 participants with AD. Baseline anticholinergic Burden score (ABS) was measured using the Anticholinergic Burden scale and included all prescribed and over the counter medication. Results - the sample was 224 patients with Alzheimer's dementia and 71.4% were women. Their mean age was 81.0 years [SD 7.4 (range 55–98)]. The mean number of medications taken was 3.6 (SD 2.4) and the mean anticholinergic load was 1.1 (SD 1.4, range 0–7). The total number of drugs taken and anticholinergic load correlated (rho = 0.44; P < 0.01). There were no differences in MMSE and other cognitive functioning at either 6 or 18 months after adjusting for baseline cognitive function, age, gender and use of cholinesterase inhibitors between those with, and those without high anticholinergenic load. Conclusions - medications with anticholinergic effect in patients with AD were not found to effect deterioration in cognition over the subsequent 18 months. Our study did not support a continuing effect of these medications on people with AD who are established on them.


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Background: Widespread use of automated sensitive assays for thyroid hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) has increased identification of mild thyroid dysfunction, especially in elderly patients. The clinical significance of this dysfunction, however, remains uncertain, and associations with cognitive impairment, depression, and anxiety are unconfirmed. Objective: To determine the association between mild thyroid dysfunction and cognition, depression, and anxiety in elderly persons. Design: Cross-sectional study. Associations were explored through mixed-model analyses. Setting: Primary care practices in central England. Patients: 5865 patients 65 years of age or older with no known thyroid disease who were recruited from primary care registers. Measurements: Serum TSH and free thyroxine (T4) were measured. Depression and anxiety were assessed by using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and cognitive functioning was established by using the Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State and the Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination. Comorbid conditions, medication use, and sociodemographic profiles were recorded. Results: 295 patients met the criteria for subclinical thyroid dysfunction (127 were hyperthyroid, and 168 were hypothyroid). After confounding variables were controlled for, statistically significant associations were seen between anxiety (HADS score) and TSH level (P = 0.013) and between cognition and both TSH and free T4 levels. The magnitude of these associations lacked clinical relevance: A 50-mIU/L increase in the TSH level was associated with a 1-point reduction in the HADS anxiety score, and a 1-point increase in the Mini-Mental State Examination score was associated with an increase of 50 mIU/L in the TSH level or 25 pmol/L in the free T4 level. Limitations: Because of the low participation rate, low prevalence of subclinical thyroid dysfunction, and other unidentified recruitment biases, participants may not be representative of the elderly population. Conclusions: After the confounding effects of comorbid conditions and use of medication were controlled for, subclinical thyroid dysfunction was not associated with depression, anxiety, or cognition. © 2006 American College of Physicians.


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Context: Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) and cognitive dysfunction are both common in the elderly and have been linked. It is important to determine whether T4 replacement therapy in SCH confers cognitive benefit. Objective: Our objective was to determine whether administration of T4 replacement to achieve biochemical euthyroidism in subjects with SCH improves cognitive function. Design and Setting: We conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial in the context of United Kingdom primary care. Patients: Ninety-four subjects aged 65 yr and over (57 females, 37 males) with SCH were recruited from a population of 147 identified by screening. Intervention: T4 or placebo was given at an initial dosage of one tablet of either placebo or 25 µg T4 per day for 12 months. Thyroid function tests were performed at 8-weekly intervals with dosage adjusted in one-tablet increments to achieve TSH within the reference range for subjects in treatment arm. Fifty-two subjects received T4 (31 females, 21 males; mean age 73.5 yr, range 65–94 yr); 42 subjects received placebo (26 females, 16 males; mean age 74.2 yr, 66–84 yr). Main Outcome Measures: Mini-Mental State Examination, Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State (covering orientation, learning, memory, numeracy, perception, attention, and language skills), and Trail-Making A and B were administered. Results: Eighty-two percent and 84% in the T4 group achieved euthyroidism at 6- and 12-month intervals, respectively. Cognitive function scores at baseline and 6 and 12 months were as follows: Mini-Mental State Examination T4 group, 28.26, 28.9, and 28.28, and placebo group, 28.17, 27.82, and 28.25 [not significant (NS)]; Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State T4 group, 11.72, 11.67, and 11.78, and placebo group, 11.21, 11.47, and 11.44 (NS); Trail-Making A T4 group, 45.72, 47.65, and 44.52, and placebo group, 50.29, 49.00, and 46.97 (NS); and Trail-Making B T4 group, 110.57, 106.61, and 96.67, and placebo group, 131.46, 119.13, and 108.38 (NS). Linear mixed-model analysis demonstrated no significant changes in any of the measures of cognitive function over time and no between-group difference in cognitive scores at 6 and 12 months. Conclusions: This RCT provides no evidence for treating elderly subjects with SCH with T4 replacement therapy to improve cognitive function.