937 resultados para Memory of the Place


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The present study investigated how ease of imagery influences source monitoring accuracy. Two experiments were conducted in order to examine how ease of imagery influences the probability of source confusions of perceived and imagined completions of natural symmetric shapes. The stimuli consisted of binary pictures of natural objects, namely symmetric pictures of birds, butterflies, insects, and leaves. The ease of imagery (indicating the similarity of the sources) and the discriminability (indicating the similarity of the items) of each stimulus were estimated in a pretest and included as predictors of the memory performance for these stimuli. It was found that confusion of the sources becomes more likely when the imagery process was relatively easy. However, if the different processes of source monitoring-item memory, source memory and guessing biases-are disentangled, both experiments support the assumption that the effect of decreased source memory for easily imagined stimuli is due to decision processes and misinformation at retrieval rather than encoding processes and memory retention. The data were modeled with a Bayesian hierarchical implementation of the one high threshold source monitoring model.


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We presented 28 sentences uttered by 28 unfamiliar speakers to sleeping participants to investigate whether humans can encode new verbal messages, learn voices of unfamiliar speakers, and form associations between speakers and messages during EEG-defined deep sleep. After waking, participants performed three tests which assessed the unconscious recognition of sleep-played speakers, messages, and speaker-message associations. Recognition performance in all tests was at chance level. However, response latencies revealed implicit memory for sleep-played messages but neither for speakers nor for speaker-message combinations. Only participants with excellent implicit memory for sleep-played messages also displayed implicit memory for speakers but not speaker-message associations. Hence, deep sleep allows for the semantic encoding of novel verbal messages.


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While many tend to think of memory systems in the brain as a single process, in reality several experiments have supported multiple dissociations of different forms of learning, such as spatial learning and response learning. In both humans and rats, the hippocampus has long been shown to be specialized in the storage of spatial and contextual memory whereas the striatum is associated with motor responses and habitual behaviors. Previous studies have examined how damage to hippocampus or striatum has affected the acquisition of either a spatial or response navigation task. However even in a very familiar environment organisms must continuously switch between place and response strategies depending upon circumstances. The current research investigates how these two brain systems interact under normal conditions to produce navigational behavior. Rats were tested using a task developed by Jacobson and colleagues (2006) in which the two types of navigation could be controlled and studied simultaneously. Rats were trained to solve a plus maze using both a spatial and a response strategy. A cue (flashing light) was employed to indicate the correct strategy on a given trial. When no light was present, the animals were rewarded for making a 90º right turn (motor response). When the light was on, the animals were rewarded for going to a specific goal location (place strategy). After learning the task, animals had a sham surgery or dorsal striatum or hippocampus damaged. In order to investigate the individual role of each brain system and evaluate whether these brain regions compete or cooperate for control over strategy, we utilized a within-animal comparisons. The configuration of the maze allowed for the comparison of behavior in individual animals before and after specific brain areas were damaged. Animals with hippocampal lesions showed selective deficits on place trials after surgery and learned the reversal of the motor response more rapidly than striatal lesioned or sham rats. Unlike previous findings regarding maze learning, animals with striatal lesions showed deficits in both place and response trials and had difficulty learning the reversal of motor response. Therefore, the effects of lesions on the ability to switch back and forth between strategies were more complex than previously suggested. This work may reveal important new insight on the integration of hippocampal and striatal learning systems, and facilitate a better understanding of the brain dynamics underlying similar navigational processes in humans.


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El nuevo edificio del Museo de la Memoria de Andalucía constituye una metáfora de las actividades que Caja Granada desarrolla en esa ciudad y, por ello, se ha propuesto un edificio dialogante con la vecina Sede Central de Caja Granada, obra de los mismos arquitectos.


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La Capilla de Sogn Benedetg en Sumvitg, parte de la obra temprana de Peter Zumthor, condensa aspectos de sus ideas, de su forma de proyectar y construir, que aún hoy siguen vigentes en él. Los recuerdos de infancia cimientan su enfoque de la arquitectura, en el que trata de reunir trazas de la vida cotidiana, sensible al lugar y utilizando materiales tratados de un modo preciso que bajo la luz adquieren su presencia. Con un lenguaje táctil y tectónico, desde una aproximación fenomenológica, persigue compartir una experiencia multisensorial, englobando percepciones complementarias que trascienden la geometría visual. Como Kahn, se apoya en el pensamiento de Heidegger, y se inspira en la pequeña cabaña que el filósofo habitaba en la Selva Negra, así como en la arquitectura religiosa de Rudolf Schwarz, cuya huella puede apreciarse tanto en el edificio como en los objetos que se encuentran en él. La tensión que genera entre interior y exterior mantiene despiertos los sentidos del visitante, a la vez que las características de la capilla enlazan con un regionalismo integrador que no se aparta de las formas abstractas contemporáneas. : Sogn Benedetg Chapel in Sumvitg, part of the early work of Peter Zumthor, condenses aspects of his ideas and his way of designing and building, which still remain valid today. Remembrances of childhood lay the foundation for his focus to architecture, which involves the collection of daily life traces, sensitive to the place and using materials treated in a precise manner, acquiring their presence under the light. With a tactile and tectonic language, from a phenomenological approach, he seeks to share a multi-sensory experience, encompassing complementary perceptions that transcend the visual geometry. As Kahn does, he relies on Heidegger?s thinking and is inspired by the little hut that the philosopher inhabited in the Black Forest, as well as by Rudolf Schwarz?s religious architecture, whose imprint can be appreciated in both the building and the objects encountered within it. The tension generated between interior and exterior keeps awake the senses of the visitor, while the characteristics of the chapel connect with an integrative regionalism that does not exclude contemporary abstract forms.


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Estampado en la misma hoja con: "Vista de dos Templos antiguos en la plaza del Eco de Sagunto"


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Esta tesis integra un estudio reflexivo sobre la relación de dependencia entre la creación y la memoria a través del análisis de la última obra del escultor Juan Muñoz: Double Bind (Tate Modern, Londres, 2001). Desde esta posición es obligado replantear el análisis de la obra, lo que hace necesario su estudio cubriendo el mayor espectro posible de información accesible más allá de la obra en sí, para aproximarse a la convergencia entre memoria y creación. La perspectiva de análisis propuesta abre camino a nuevas consideraciones so¬bre la relevancia del conocimiento en el desarrollo del proceso creativo. Este análisis no debe tan sólo suponer una aportación al conocimiento del trabajo de Juan Muñoz. Debe también desprenderse de él la innegable participación y necesaria lectura del pasado en el presente. La amnesia de los tiempos pasados impide completar el atlas de imágenes en las que se apoya la creación impidiendo el conocimiento del origen de las fuentes de inspi¬ración y las bases de la creación de una determinada obra. Este hecho limita y distorsiona sus posibles interpretaciones. Pretendo un acercamiento al entendimiento de la forma de mirar y de crear a través del tiempo que es memoria. La memoria tiene un cometido de crucial importancia para la actividad mental y juega un papel fundamental en la conducta y en la creación. La obra es el resultado de la búsqueda de una idea que exprese algo que el creador no puede ex¬presar de otra manera. Es la necesidad de expresar las ideas mediante un lenguaje que se desarrolla en el tiempo y en el espacio, reflejo del ser que responde al pensamiento. Es una forma de experiencia donde subyacen las sendas del pasado y donde se plantea el futuro. Sólo el creador accede a la obra desde dentro, el observador llega a ella desde el exterior y mediante su propia subjetividad. Las obras son formas de experiencia de sus autores, comunicar el mensaje de dicha experiencia supone por tanto interpretar. Persiguiendo la necesidad de saber y entender, pretender explicar el sentido de una cosa implica una apreciación intencionada asociada al entendimiento del intérprete. Las obras son produc¬tos que portan un mensaje y que contienen en su estructura las trazas del tiempo vivido por su creador. Si se quiere adquirir un acercamiento que represente la posición de un autor, será necesario no solo mirar a través de ella, si no introducirse en el contexto de su historia. Mirar hacia atrás, hacia la profundidad del presente para tener conciencia del pensamiento presente y futuro. Recorrer de este modo la instalación Double Bind de Juan Muñoz proporciona una síntesis de sus preocupaciones e intereses a la vez que aporta un conocimiento no necesariamente inmediato, pero relevante y trascendente de la obra, su creador y la historia. ABSTRACT This thesis comprises a reflective study of the dependence relationship between creation and memory through the analysis of the latest work by the sculptor Juan Muñoz: Double Bind (Tate Modern, London, 2001). From this position, it is mandatory to rethink the analysis of the work, making it necessary to cover the widest possible range of information available beyond the work itself, in order to obtain a closer view of the convergence between memory and creation. The proposed analytical approach opens up new considerations on the relevance of knowledge during the development of the creative process. This analysis should not only make a contribution to the knowledge of the work of Juan Muñoz. It should also infer the undeniable involvement and the necessary reading of the past in the present. Amnesia regarding past makes it impossible to complete the atlas of images on which the creation is based, blocking knowledge of the origin of the sources of inspiration and the basis for the creation of a specific work. This fact limits and distorts its possible interpretations. My intention is an approach to how to understand memory as the way of looking and creating over time. Memory has a crucial role to mental activity and plays a key role in behaviour and creation. The work is the result of finding an idea that expresses something that the creator can not express otherwise. It is the need to express ideas by means of a language that develops throughout time and space, a reflection of the being that responds to the thought. It is a way of experience underlying the paths of the past and where the future is set out. Only the creator can access the work from the inside. The observer sees it from the outside and in accordance with his/her own subjectivity. The works form a part of the experience of their authors, thus implying the interpretation of the message of their experience being passed on. The pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and trying to explain the meaning of something implies a deliberate appreciation associated with the understanding of the interpreter. The works are products bearing a message and containing in their structure traces of the time lived by their creator. If one wants to come close to what the author’s posture represents, it will not only be necessary to penetrate it, but also to introduce oneself into the context of its history. Take a look back, towards the depth of the present in order to become aware of present and future thinking. To go across the installation of Double Bind by Juan Muñoz in this way offers a synthesis of his concerns and interests while also providing a not necessarily immediate knowledge, but one which is relevant and important to the work, its creator and history.


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When administered intracerebroventricularly to mice performing various learning tasks involving either short-term or long-term memory, secreted forms of the β-amyloid precursor protein (APPs751 and APPs695) have potent memory-enhancing effects and block learning deficits induced by scopolamine. The memory-enhancing effects of APPs were observed over a wide range of extremely low doses (0.05-5,000 pg intracerebroventricularly), blocked by anti-APPs antisera, and observed when APPs was administered either after the first training session in a visual discrimination or a lever-press learning task or before the acquisition trial in an object recognition task. APPs had no effect on motor performance or exploratory activity. APPs695 and APPs751 were equally effective in the object recognition task, suggesting that the memory-enhancing effect of APPs does not require the Kunitz protease inhibitor domain. These data suggest an important role for APPss on memory processes.


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There has been much debate on the contribution of processes such as the persistence of antigens, cross-reactive stimulation, homeostasis, competition between different lineages of lymphocytes, and the rate of cell turnover on the duration of immune memory and the maintenance of the immune repertoire. We use simple mathematical models to investigate the contributions of these various processes to the longevity of immune memory (defined as the rate of decline of the population of antigen-specific memory cells). The models we develop incorporate a large repertoire of immune cells, each lineage having distinct antigenic specificities, and describe the dynamics of the individual lineages and total population of cells. Our results suggest that, if homeostatic control regulates the total population of memory cells, then, for a wide range of parameters, immune memory will be long-lived in the absence of persistent antigen (T1/2 > 1 year). We also show that the longevity of memory in this situation will be insensitive to the relative rates of cross-reactive stimulation, the rate of turnover of immune cells, and the functional form of the term for the maintenance of homeostasis.


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Unilateral intrahippocampal injections of tetrodotoxin were used to temporarily inactivate one hippocampus during specific phases of training in an active allothetic place avoidance task. The rat was required to use landmarks in the room to avoid a room-defined sector of a slowly rotating circular arena. The continuous rotation dissociated room cues from arena cues and moved the arena surface through a part of the room in which foot-shock was delivered. The rat had to move away from the shock zone to prevent being transported there by the rotation. Unilateral hippocampal inactivations profoundly impaired acquisition and retrieval of the allothetic place avoidance. Posttraining unilateral hippocampal inactivation also impaired performance in subsequent sessions. This allothetic place avoidance task seems more sensitive to hippocampal disruption than the standard water maze task because the same unilateral hippocampal inactivation does not impair performance of the variable-start, fixed hidden goal task after procedural training. The results suggest that the hippocampus not only encodes allothetic relationships amongst landmarks, it also organizes perceived allothetic stimuli into systems of mutually stable coordinates. The latter function apparently requires greater hippocampal integrity.