923 resultados para Memory in old age


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The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH) commenced in Australia in 1996 when researchers recruited approximately 40,000 women in three birth cohorts: 1973–1978, 1946–1951, and 1921–1926. Since then participants have completed surveys on a wide range of health issues, at approximately three-year intervals. This overview describes changes in physical activity (PA) over time in the mid-age and older ALSWH cohorts, and summarizes the findings of studies published to date on the determinants of PA, and its associated health outcomes in Australian women. The ALSWH data show a significant increase in PA during mid-age, and a rapid decline in activity levels when women are in their 80s. The study has demonstrated the importance of life stages and key life events as determinants of activity, the additional benefits of vigorous activity for mid-age women, and the health benefits of ‘only walking’ for older women. ALSWH researchers have also drawn attention to the benefits of activity in terms of a wide range of physical and mental health outcomes, as well as overall vitality and well-being. The data indicate that maintaining a high level of PA throughout mid and older age will not only reduce the risk of premature death, but also significantly extend the number of years of healthy life.


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One underappreciated consequence of the aging population phenomenon is that we are now experiencing what is arguably the most age-diverse workforce in modern history (Hanks & Icenogle, 2001; Newton, 2006; Toossi, 2004). As our workforce continues to age, shifts in the age demographic composition (i.e., the age diversity) of organizations and their subunits will become more apparent (Roth, Wegge, & Schmidt, 2007). Several factors have influenced and will continue to drive this trend. For example, in Western countries, younger people entering the workforce are more educated than ever before (Hussar & Bailey, 2013; Ryan & Siebens, 2012; Stoops, 2003) and could feasibly rise to positions of power in organizations more quickly than others have in the past (e.g., promotion rates vary as a function of age) (Rosenbaum, 1979; see also Clemens, 2012 conceptualization of the "fast track effect"). Furthermore, older workers are increasingly delaying retirement beyond the normative retirement age (Baltes & Rudolph, 2012; Burtless, 2012; Flynn, 2010), and already retired individuals are seeking re-employment in bridge employment roles in higher numbers than before (e.g., Adams & Rau, 2004; Kim & Feldman, 2000; Weckerle & Shultz, 1999).


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Review of Representations of the Natural World in Old English Poetry, by Jennifer Neville (Cambridge UP, 1999).


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This correspondence presents an algorithm for microprogram control memory width minimization with the bit steering technique. The necessary and sufficient conditions to detect the steerability of two mutually exclusive sets of microcommands are established. The algorithm encodes the microcommands of the sets with a bit steering common part and also extends the theory to multiple (more than two) sets of microcommands.


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This work seeks to address those questions and evaluate other international experiences and experiments designed to achieve the same ends. The book is based on a study of two particular cases where parliamentary bodies designed and implemented participatory digital processes, namely, the e-Democracy Program developed by the Brazilian House of Representatives, and the Virtual Senator Program developed by the Chilean Senate. The text unfolds in the form of a systematic analysis of institutional aspects embracing political and organizational elements as well as the social aspects associated to the application of digital democracy in parliaments. The investigation shows that at the stage they found themselves in 2010 those projects had only brought in very incipient results in regard to the aspects of enhancing representativity in decision making processes, aggregating collective intelligence to the legislative process or transparency to parliamentary performances, even though all of those are precious components of any democracy that deems itself to be participatory and deliberative. Nevertheless, such experiences have had the merit of contributing towards the gradual construction of more effective participatory mechanisms, complementary to the political representation system in place.


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The purpose of this article is to characterize dynamic optimal harvesting trajectories that maximize discounted utility assuming an age-structured population model, in the same line as Tahvonen (2009). The main novelty of our study is that uses as an age-structured population model the standard stochastic cohort framework applied in Virtual Population Analysis for fish stock assessment. This allows us to compare optimal harvesting in a discounted economic context with standard reference points used by fisheries agencies for long term management plans (e.g. Fmsy). Our main findings are the following. First, optimal steady state is characterized and sufficient conditions that guarantees its existence and uniqueness for the general case of n cohorts are shown. It is also proved that the optimal steady state coincides with the traditional target Fmsy when the utility function to be maximized is the yield and the discount rate is zero. Second, an algorithm to calculate the optimal path that easily drives the resource to the steady state is developed. And third, the algorithm is applied to the Northern Stock of hake. Results show that management plans based exclusively on traditional reference targets as Fmsy may drive fishery economic results far from the optimal.


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[En]The present study aimed at investigating the existence of long memory properties in ten developed stock markets across the globe. When return series exhibit long memory, the series realizations are not independent over time and past returns can help predict future returns, thus violating the market efficiency hypothesis. It poses a serious challenge to the supporters of random walk behavior of the stock returns indicating a potentially predictable component in the series dynamics. We computed Hurst-Mandelbrot’s Classical R/S statistic, Lo’s statistic and semi parametric GPH statistic using spectral regression. The findings suggest existence of long memory in volatility and random walk for logarithmic return series in general for all the selected stock market indices. Findings are in line with the stylized facts of financial time series.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar o desenvolvimento de identidades de sujeitos diaspóricos em formas de narrativas nas quais a memória tem um papel crucial. As autobiografias e os memoirs têm despertado a curiosidade de muitas pessoas interessadas nos processos de construção de identidade de indivíduos que vivem em realidades singulares e nos relatos que dão sobre suas próprias vidas. Assim, o crescente interesse em diásporas e nos decorrentes deslocamentos fragmentários, provocados pelo distanciamento de raízes individuais e pelo contato com diferentes códigos culturais, poderiam legitimar as narrativas autobiográficas como maneiras estratégicas de sintetizar os nichos de identificação de autores e autoras que experimentaram uma ruptura diaspórica. Desta forma, ao analisar estes tipos de narrativas, deve-se estar atento às especificidades de algumas escritoras que passaram por processos diaspóricos e a como elas recorreram as suas memórias pessoais para, em termos literários, expressar suas subjetividades. Considerando todas essas idéias, tenciono usar Annie John e Lucy, de Jamaica Kincaid e When I Was Puero Rican e Almost a Woman, de Esmeralda Santiago como fontes de análise e amostras do desenvolvimento de identidades diaspóricas em narrativas autobiográficas


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Com o envelhecimento populacional observa-se um aumento na prevalência de doenças degenerativas como as demências, caracterizadas pela presença de declínio da memória e de outras funções cognitivas, que resulta na incapacidade do indivíduo para realizar suas atividades de vida diária. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever a prevalência geral da síndrome demencial e de seus principais subtipos entre idosos, e verificar a associação entre níveis de complexidade da ocupação desenvolvida ao longo da vida com o desempenho cognitivo na velhice. O desenho do estudo foi transversal e conduzido em duas etapas: rastreio de comprometimento cognitivo e avaliação diagnóstica. Foi utilizada a base de dados da Rede FIBRARJ, que avaliou clientes idosos (>65 anos) de uma operadora privada de saúde, residentes na zona norte do município do Rio de Janeiro. A seleção desta amostra foi feita por meio de amostragem aleatória inversa em cada estrato de sexo e faixa etária. Para cumprir o objetivo de estimar a prevalência de demência, foram avaliados 683 idosos. Para verificar a associação do desempenho cognitivo com a ocupação, foram incluídos 666 indivíduos, que haviam respondido ao instrumento de rastreio cognitivo e aceitaram responder ao questionários sobre ocupação. O diagnóstico de síndrome demencial foi obtido segundo critérios do DSM-IV; as variáveis gênero, idade, escolaridade, renda, situação conjugal e ocupação foram coletadas por entrevistas. Um total de 115 indivíduos foram diagnosticados com síndrome demencial, resultando em uma prevalência de 16,9% (IC 95%=14,4-19,8). Na regressão logística múltipla, idade e escolaridade mostraram associação com síndrome demencial. Para idade, a associação foi mais forte entre aqueles com 90 anos ou mais (RP=8,85; IC95%=2,11-37,11) e 85-89 anos (RP=6,77; IC 95% =1,63-28,12). Em relação à escolaridade, a razão de prevalência foi de 2,77 (IC95%=1,07-7,19) para analfabetos e 2,63 (IC95%=1,31-5,27) para aqueles com 5 a 8 anos de estudos, comparado ao grupo com escolaridade superior. No trabalho com os dados, o grupo de alta complexidade obteve escore de desempenho cognitivo 1,08 pontos mais alto (p=0,019) que o grupo de baixa complexidade. No trabalho com coisas (objetos, equipamentos/máquinas), o escore para complexidade intermediária foi 0,53 pontos mais alto (p=0,044) que o da baixa complexidade. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa no desempenho cognitivo entre os níveis de complexidade do trabalho com pessoas.. Conclui-se que a prevalência de síndrome demencial na população estudada foi superior à obtida em estudos de bases populacionais e que a maior prevalência de demência estava associada ao aumento da idade e à baixa escolaridade. Além disto, mostrou-se que a maior complexidade do trabalho com dados e com coisas estava associada com melhor desempenho cognitivo na velhice, independentemente da idade, da escolaridadade, da renda e do tempo de ocupação.


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Circuit quantum electrodynamics, consisting of superconducting artificial atoms coupled to on-chip resonators, represents a prime candidate to implement the scalable quantum computing architecture because of the presence of good tunability and controllability. Furthermore, recent advances have pushed the technology towards the ultrastrong coupling regime of light-matter interaction, where the qubit-resonator coupling strength reaches a considerable fraction of the resonator frequency. Here, we propose a qubit-resonator system operating in that regime, as a quantum memory device and study the storage and retrieval of quantum information in and from the Z(2) parity-protected quantum memory, within experimentally feasible schemes. We are also convinced that our proposal might pave a way to realize a scalable quantum random-access memory due to its fast storage and readout performances.