948 resultados para Medieval -- England
We investigated the decayed historical church window glasses of two Catalonian churches, both under Mediterranean climate. Glass surfaces were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Their chemical composition was determined by avelength-dispersive spectrometry (WDS) microprobe analysis. The biodiversity was investigated by molecular methods: DNA extraction from glass, amplification by PCR targeting the16S rRNA and ITS regions, and fingerprint analyses by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Clone libraries containing either PCR fragments of the bacterial 16S rDNA or the fungal ITS regions were screened by DGGE. Clone inserts were sequenced and compared with the EMBL database.
The aim of this study is to explore the role and importance of different animal species in Turku through an analysis of osteological data and documentary evidence. The osteological material used in this study is derived from two town plots in Turku dating from the 13th century to the 19th century. The osteological material deposited in Turku represents animals bred both in the town and in the surrounding landscape. Animal husbandry in SW-Finland can also be examined through a number of historical documents. The importance of animals in Turku and its hinterland are closely connected and therefore the roles of the animals in both urban and rural settings are examined. The study has revealed the complexity of the depositional patterns in medieval and post-medieval Turku. In the different areas of Turku, characteristic patterns in the osteological material and different deposit types were evident. These patterns are reflections of the activities and therefore of the lifestyles practiced in Turku. The results emphasise the importance of context- awareness in the study of material culture from archaeological sites. Both the zooarchaeological and historical sources indicate that cattle were important in animal husbandry in Turku from the Middle Ages up to the 19th century. Sheep were the second most common species. When taking into consideration the larger size of cattle, the dominance of these animals when it come to meat consumption seems clear even in those phases where sheep bones are more abundant. Pig is less abundant in the material than either cattle or sheep and their importance for subsistence was probably fairly modest, albeit constant. Goats were not abundant in the material. Most of the identified goat bones came from low utility body parts (e.g. skulls and lower extremities), but some amount of goat meat was also consumed. Wild species were of minor importance when it came to consumption practices in Turku. The changes in Turku’s animal husbandry patterns between the medieval and post medieval periods is reflected in the change in age of the animals slaughtered, which was part of a wider pattern seen in North- and Central Europe. More mature animals are also present in the assemblages. This pattern is related to the more pronounced importance of cattle as a manure producer and a draught animal as a result of the intensification of crop cultivation. This change seems to occur later in Finland than in the more Southerly regions, and indeed it did not necessarily take hold in all parts of the country.
El año 2008 una intervención arqueológica en un solar cercano al Port Vell de Barcelona permitió estudiar y localizar una importante área del puerto medieval de la ciudad entre el que destacaría el muelle construido en el año 1477 y un pecio de construcción de casco previo y a tingladillo. El presente artículo realiza una aproximación al pecio Barceloneta I desde diferentes enfoques como los estudios palinológicos, dendrocronológicos, además del estudio histórico y arquitectónico. El conjunto de resultados permite situar la embarcación como la evidencia material de las complejas redes de comunicación marítima entre el Atlántico y el Mediterráneo en época Bajo Medieval así como avanzar en el conocimiento de la construcción naval en este periodo.
[spa] En los últimos años ha aumentado el interés arqueológico por los cambios territoriales de época histórica. Asimismo, el número de registros polínicos ha aumentado sensiblemente. A pesar de que la falta de marcos cronológicos fiables impone límites a las interpretaciones sobre antropización, el presente artículo pretende realizar una síntesis de los cambios paleoambientales documentados entre los siglos VIII aC y XII dC, haciendo especial referencia a las transformaciones humanas del entorno. Este conjunto de datos polínicos hace evidente una intervención humana al inicio del periodo ibérico, presión que se intensifica durante el iberismo Pleno con la expansión de actividades agrícolas. El mundo romano significa una explotación del espacio menos extensiva, si bien el el siglo VII dC se produce una extensión de los pastos tanto en sectores elevados del Pirineo como de litoral catalán que modifica profundamente el paisaje. [eng] The archaeological interest on the environmental changes during historical times has increased during the last decades. In accordance, a number of palynological from NE Spain records has been recently published. Despite chronological frame works are not yet enough reliable, this paper proposes a synthesis of landscape changes from VIIIth century BC to XIIth century AD. Palynological data suggest the presence of human impacts at ghe beginning of iberic times. Humans pressure, mainly farmning activities, intensified during iberian times. Roman times record a less extensive land use but at the IVth century AD, grazing expanded at regional scale. Pastures expanded again at VIIth century AD, reaching high altitudes in the Pyrenees while at littoral plains, meadows were used for grazing. This period resulted in a deep change of the Catalan lansacapes.
Dial M for Murder: A Case of Passion Killing, Criminal Evidence and Sultanic Power in Medieval India
This paper considers the structures and applications of the criminal judicial system in the Islamic Later Middle Period as it developed in India under the sultans of Delhi (1200-1400 CE). A fundamental issue in crime and punishment is the relationship between sultanic power and religious authority. Particularly at stake in this relationship is the question of who can sanction the highest form of punishment, i.e. the death penalty (siyāsa). Contemporary historians and scholars in the study of religion investigating the relationship between sharīʿa and siyāsa to reveal the extent and limits of sultanic power show a system of governance that allowed for the delegation of authority, particularly in the area of the judiciary, from the sultan down to viziers and judges. Some scholars depict the relationship between the ʿulamāʾ and the sultan as a kind of stand off. The actual dynamics of legal jurisdiction were much more complex. This study proposes a new interpretive framework for understanding the relationship between political power and religious authority through a critical analysis of the criminal judicial system, law, and historical narrative. In particular, I consider a murder case described by Shams al-dīn Sirāj ʿAfīf in one of the most significant histories written in the later Delhi Sultanate, the Tārīkh-i Fīrūzshāhī.
Article sobre l'edifici de 'La Pabordia' de Girona, un casal medieval amb torre. Es fa una reflexió i un estudi sobre l'estructura de l'edifici, les tècniques constructives emprades en cada fase i la relació existent entre els seus diversos àmbits i cossos, tenint en compte la documentació planimètrica, la informació gràfica a través de fotografies, i la consulta puntual de documentació medieval
Electricity spot prices have always been a demanding data set for time series analysis, mostly because of the non-storability of electricity. This feature, making electric power unlike the other commodities, causes outstanding price spikes. Moreover, the last several years in financial world seem to show that ’spiky’ behaviour of time series is no longer an exception, but rather a regular phenomenon. The purpose of this paper is to seek patterns and relations within electricity price outliers and verify how they affect the overall statistics of the data. For the study techniques like classical Box-Jenkins approach, series DFT smoothing and GARCH models are used. The results obtained for two geographically different price series show that patterns in outliers’ occurrence are not straightforward. Additionally, there seems to be no rule that would predict the appearance of a spike from volatility, while the reverse effect is quite prominent. It is concluded that spikes cannot be predicted based only on the price series; probably some geographical and meteorological variables need to be included in modeling.
Arran de la troballa d'un taller ceràmic al carrer de Carders de Barcelona, datat entre els segles XII i XIII, s'ha dut a terme la caracterització arqueomètrica de 31 individus per tal de definir les característiques químiques i petrogràfiques de la seva producció. A més, s'han contrastat els resultats amb els obtinguts per a l'altre taller del segle XIII conegut a la ciutat, el del carrer de l'Hospital. L'estudi ha permès de definir el grup de referència (GR) del carrer de Carders, com també indicar l'existència d"individus procedents d'aquesta excavació però que es relacionen amb la producció del carrer de l'Hospital. I a la inversa, l'existència d'individus procedents del carrer de l'Hospital que es relacionen amb el carrer de Carders. Finalment, entre els materials procedents del carrer de Carders s'han identificat dues noves produccions no conegudes anteriorment.
[cat] En aquest article es repassa l'activitat del mestre de cases Bernat Gual, des que va signar un contracte d'aprenentatge amb el mestre d'aixa Domingo Ferrer, l'any 1405, fi ns que desapareix de la documentació municipal, l'any 1453. En aquests quaranta-vuit anys d'activitat, Gual es va fer càrrec de grans obres (com ara l'assut de Xerta-Tivenys), però també d'una gran quantitat de petits treballs, sempre al servei del Consell de la Ciutat. La seva tasca s'emmarca en el context arquitectònic de la Tortosa medieval, determinat per la catedral i el palau del bisbe, però també pel Pont de Barques, una important infraestructura de fusta que era conservada per artesans especialitzats.