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Salmonella enterica sérovar Typhi (S. Typhi) est l’agent responsable de la fièvre typhoïde et cause environ 200 000 morts et 27 millions de cas annuellement. C’est un pathogène entérique dont le réservoir est restreint à l’Homme. Les raisons de cette restriction d’hôte sont méconnues et pourraient dépendre de l’expression de facteurs d’adhésion à des étapes importantes au cours de la pathogenèse. L’annotation bioinformatique du génome de S. Typhi identifie 12 fimbriae de type chaperon-placier (FCP), un curli ainsi qu’un pilus de type IV. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche est d’étudier ces systèmes d’adhésion peu caractérisés. D’abord, le niveau d’expression de ces gènes a été évalué dans différentes conditions de culture in vitro en utilisant une approche de gènes rapporteurs. L’expression des 14 systèmes d’adhésion a été détectée. Nos résultats indiquent qu’une carence en fer favorise l’expression des opérons bcf et csg. Indépendamment du fer, l’expression de bcf, csg, pil, sef, sta, stc, stg et sth est influencée par la richesse nutritive du milieu. L’incubation en milieu LB liquide favorise l’expression de la plupart des systèmes d’adhésion par rapport à un milieu LB liquide sans agitation ou un milieu LB solide. En somme, l’expression des systèmes d’adhésion de S. Typhi a été observée et est influencée par des conditions environnementales. Dans un second volet, nous avons tent de surexprimer les différents systèmes d’adhésion chez une souche d’E. coli ou de S. Typhi afimbriaire. Avec cette approche, nous avons été en mesure de démontrer que l’opéron tcf encode pour un fimbria fonctionnel que l’on a pu observer en microscopie électronique. L’expression de tcf chez une souche afimbriaire d’E. coli et S. Typhi a également diminué leur capacité d’adhésion à des cellules épithéliales intestinales humaines lors d’essais in vitro. Nos observations démontrent que l’expression des systèmes d’adhésion retrouvés chez S. Typhi est influencée par les conditions enviroi9onnementales. Au moins un de ces systèmes est fonctionnel. Ceci suggère une contribution des systèmes d’adhésion retrouvés chez S. Typhi lors de l’interaction de ce pathogène avec l’humain.
Polymer materials find application in optical storage technology, namely in the development of high information density and fast access type memories. A new polymer blend of methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) in methanol is prepared and characterized and its comparison with methylene blue sensitized PVA in methanol and complexed methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl chloride (CMBPVC) is presented. The optical absorption spectra of the thin films of these polymers showed a strong and broad absorption region at 670-650 nm, matching the wavelength of the laser used. A very slow recovery of the dye on irradiation was observed when a 7:3 blend of polyvinyl alcohol/polyacrylic acid at a pHof 3.8 and a sensitizer concentration of 4.67 10 5 g/ml were used. A diffraction efficiency of up to 20% was observed for the MBPVA/alcohol system and an energetic sensitivity of 2000 mJ/cm2 was obtained in the photosensitive films with a spatial frequency of 588 lines/mm.
Polymer materials find application in optical storage technology, namely in the development of high information density and fast access type memories. A new polymer blend of methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) in methanol is prepared and characterized and its comparison with methylene blue sensitized PVA in methanol and complexed methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl chloride (CMBPVC) is presented. The optical absorption spectra of the thin films of these polymers showed a strong and broad absorption region at 670-650 nm, matching the wavelength of the laser used. A very slow recovery of the dye on irradiation was observed when a 7:3 blend of polyvinyl alcohol/polyacrylic acid at a pHof 3.8 and a sensitizer concentration of 4.67 10 5 g/ml were used. A diffraction efficiency of up to 20% was observed for the MBPVA/alcohol system and an energetic sensitivity of 2000 mJ/cm2 was obtained in the photosensitive films with a spatial frequency of 588 lines/mm.
Los métodos disponibles para realizar análisis de descomposición que se pueden aplicar cuando los datos son completamente observados, no son válidos cuando la variable de interés es censurada. Esto puede explicar la escasez de este tipo de ejercicios considerando variables de duración, las cuales se observan usualmente bajo censura. Este documento propone un método del tipo Oaxaca-Blinder para descomponer diferencias en la media en el contexto de datos censurados. La validez de dicho método radica en la identificación y estimación de la distribución conjunta de la variable de duración y un conjunto de covariables. Adicionalmente, se propone un método más general que permite descomponer otros funcionales de interés como la mediana o el coeficiente de Gini, el cual se basa en la especificación de la función de distribución condicional de la variable de duración dado un conjunto de covariables. Con el fin de evaluar el desempeño de dichos métodos, se realizan experimentos tipo Monte Carlo. Finalmente, los métodos propuestos son aplicados para analizar las brechas de género en diferentes características de la duración del desempleo en España, tales como la duración media, la probabilidad de ser desempleado de largo plazo y el coeficiente de Gini. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que los factores diferentes a las características observables, tales como capital humano o estructura del hogar, juegan un papel primordial para explicar dichas brechas.
Analizar la problemática de la Reforma escolar en Barcelona y su difícil implantación en los barrios populares. Analizar la oferta de la Pedagogía modernista activa y los recursos que tienen las familias para utilizar este tipo de oferta. 3 grupos de familias: 5 de posición social inferior, 3 de posición social media y 1 de posición social alta, de una escuela que reune las siguientes características: público popular, se adapta a la Reforma escolar, utiliza nuevos métodos y técnicas. Realiza una introducción general al problema. Escoge la muestra y analiza los tres tipos de familias. Compara los tres grupos y elabora las conclusiones. Plantea la siguiente hipótesis: la incidencia diferencial de una misma Pedagogía depende de los medios de los que se dispone para poderla utilizar. Encuesta, observación, entrevista. Análisis comparativo, análisis cuantitativo, análisis estadístico. Una escuela pedagógica activa puede tener dos efectos diferenciales en la familia: según la clase social de los padres, según las competencias y disposiciones que la definición de infancia implique en los padres del niño.
Growth profiles of two isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type (PT) 4 inoculated into either the albumen of whole shell eggs or into separated albumen were found to be markedly affected by the size of the inoculum and the composition of the medium used to suspend the cells prior to inoculation. Using our model with an inoculum of two cells, multiplication of the Salmonella was not seen in 93% of eggs held at 20 degreesC for 8 days. In approximately 7% of eggs, however, growth occurred during the 8 days of storage. If the inoculum equaled or exceeded 25 cells per egg when eggs were subsequently stored at 20 degreesC, or 250 cells per egg when eggs were stored at 30 degreesC, high levels of growth of Salmonella in the egg occurred significantly more frequently than when the inoculum was two cells. High levels of growth were also seen more frequently if the inoculum was suspended in buffered peptone water or maximal recovery diluent rather than in phosphate buffered saline. Growth of Salmonella in separated albumen occurred very infrequently (1.1% of samples) at low inoculum levels and did not become significant until the inoculum was 250 cells or greater. Growth in the albumen was unaffected by the composition of the suspending medium. Provided that the inoculum was approximately 2 cells per egg and the bacteria were suspended in PBS, observed growth profiles of S. enteritidis inoculated into the albumen of whole eggs resembled those in naturally contaminated eggs. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The pH-structure correlation of the products of aniline peroxydisulfate reaction was mainly investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The reactions of aniline and ammonium peroxydisulfate were carried out in aqueous solutions of initial pH ranging from 4.9 to 13.2 and monomer/oxidant molar ratio of 4/1. For an initial pH of 4.9, the spectroscopic techniques showed that the emeraldine salt form of polyaniline (PANI-ES) is the main product, corroborating that the usual head-to-tail coupling mechanism is taking place. The resonance Raman spectra at 1064 nm exciting wavelength were useful to detect the emeraldine salt as a minor product for reactions at an initial pH of 5.3-11.5. The Raman spectra of the main product of the reaction at initial pH of 13.2 excited at 1064 and 413.1 nm showed new spectral features consistent with 1,4-Michael-type adducts of aniline monomers and 1,4-benzoquinone-monoimine unit. These compounds and their products of hydrolysis/oxidation are the predominant species for the reaction media of initial pH from 5.3 to 13.2. In order to get PANI with different nanoscale morphologies, a pH value of more than 0 or 1 was used in the aniline polymerization. The spectroscopic data obtained in this work reveal that head-to-tail coupling does not occur when aniline reacts at media pH higher than about 5. It is suggested that chemical structures of the products of aniline oxidation by an unusual mechanism are the driving force for the development of assorted morphologies. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The effect of variations in the composition for ternary catalysts of the type Pt-x(Ru-Ir)(1-x)/C on the methanol oxidation reaction in acid media for x values of 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 is reported. The catalysts were prepared by the sol-gel method and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses. The nanometric character (2.8-3.2 nm) of the sol-gel deposits was demonstrated by XRD and TEM while EDX and AAS analyses showed that the metallic ratio in the compounds was very near to the expected one. Cyclic voltammograms for methanol oxidation revealed that the reaction onset occur at less positive potentials in all the ternary catalysts tested here when compared to a Pt-0.75-Ru-0.25/C (E-Tek) commercial composite. Steady-state polarization experiments (Tafel plots) showed that the Pt-0.25(Ru-Ir)(0.75)/C catalyst is the more active one for methanol oxidation as revealed by the shift of the reaction onset towards lower potentials. In addition, constant potential electrolyses suggest that the addition of Ru and Ir to Pt decreases the poisoning effect of the strongly adsorbed species generated during methanol oxidation. Consequently, the Pt-0.25 (Ru-Ir)(0.75)/C Composite catalyst is a very promising one for practical applications. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Personalized communication is when the marketing message is adapted to each individual by using information from a databaseand utilizing it in the various, different media channels available today. That gives the marketer the possibility to create a campaign that cuts through today’s clutter of marketing messages and gets the recipients attention. PODi is a non-profit organization that was started with the aim of contributing knowledge in the field of digital printingtechnologies. They have created a database of case studies showing companies that have successfully implemented personalizedcommunication in their marketing campaigns. The purpose of the project was therefore to analyze PODi case studies with the main objective of finding out if/how successfully the PODi-cases have been and what made them so successful. To collect the data found in the PODi cases the authors did a content analysis with a sample size of 140 PODi cases from the year 2008 to 2010. The study was carried out by analyzing the cases' measurable ways of success: response rate, conversion rate, visited PURL (personalized URL:s) and ROI (Return On Investment). In order to find out if there were any relationships to be found between the measurable result and what type of industry, campaign objective and media vehicle that was used in the campaign, the authors put up different research uestions to explore that. After clustering and merging the collected data the results were found to be quite spread but shows that the averages of response rates, visited PURL and conversion rates were consistently very high. In the study the authors also collected and summarized what the companies themselves claim to be the reasons for success with their marketing campaigns. The resultshows that the creation of a personalized campaign is complex and dependent on many different variables. It is for instance ofgreat importance to have a well thought-out plan with the campaign and to have good data and insights about the customer in order to perform creative personalization. It is also important to make it easy for the recipient to reply, to use several media vehicles for multiple touch points and to have an attractive and clever design.
Sam Atmore, Associate Director of Media Resources, reading Earth by David Brin (PS3552 R4825 E27 1990) Added to gallery 11/1/2010
We live in a world full of social media and portable technology that allows for the effortless access to, and sharing of, information. While this constant connection can be viewed as a benefit by some, there have been recent, sometimes embarrassing, instances throughout the world that show just how quickly any expectation of privacy can be destroyed. From pictures of poorly dressed shoppers at a grocery store to customers recording interactions with their servers at restaurants, the internet is full of media (all with the potential to go viral) created and posted without consent of all parties captured. This risk to privacy is not just limited to retail and restaurants, as being in any situation amongst people puts you at risk, including being in an academic classroom. Anyone providing in-class instruction, be they professor or librarian, can be at risk for this type of violation of privacy. In addition, the students in the class are also at risk for being unwittingly captured by their classmates. To combat this, colleges and universities are providing recommendations to faculty regarding this issue, such as including suggested syllabus statements about classroom recording by students. In some instances, colleges and universities have instituted formal policies with strict penalties for violators. An overview of current privacy law as it relates to an academic setting is discussed as well as recent, newsworthy instances of student recording in the classroom and the resulting controversies. Additionally, there is a discussion highlighting various recommendations and formal policies that have been issued and adopted by colleges and universities around the country. Finally, advice is offered about what librarians can do to educate students, faculty, and staff about the privacy rights of others and the potential harm that could come from posting to social media and the open web images and video of others without their consent.
This paper deals with an unusual application for a copolymer of styrene-1 % divinylbenzene bearing high amount of aminomethyl groups for anion-exchange and affinity chromatography. The so-called aminomethyl resin (AMR), to date only employed for peptide synthesis, swelled appreciably in water and was used successfully to purify negatively charged peptides. By correlating swelling degree of beads with pH of the media, it was possible to estimate that the AMR amino group pK(a) is approximately 5.5. In addition, the synthesized acetyl-(NANP)(3)-AMR succeeded in the affinity interaction with large antibody molecules related to malaria transmission and raised previously against this dodecapeptide sequence. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents some findings regarding the interaction between different computer interfaces and different types of collective work. We want to claim that design in online learning environments has a paramount role in the type of collaboration that happens among participants. In this paper, we report on data that illustrate how teachers can collaborate online in order to learn how to use geometry software in teaching activities. A virtual environment which allows that construction to be carried out collectively, even if the participants are not sharing a classroom, is the setting for the research presented in this paper.
A new synthetic route for producing monodispersed and single crystal acicular goethite particles with small particle size and a high axial ratio adequate for use as a high density magnetic recording media precursor is reported. It essentially consists of the hydrolysis of alkaline Fe-III suspensions in the presence of carbonate by a three-step procedure, the formation of ferrihydrite primary particles, the ferrihydrite dissolution and nucleation of goethite, and the growth of the goethite nuclei. Changing the temperature of heating during ageing achieved a separation of the two last stages. X-Ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and surface area data have been used to determine the mechanism responsible for the formation of goethite particles with controlled size and shape. The best conditions to prepare monodispersed goethite particles have been established. The results show that uniform goethite particles of (a) 60 nm length with an axial ratio of 6 and (b) 230 nm length with a high axial ratio of 10, can be obtained by using an [OH]/[Fe] molar ratio of 0.35 in the initial suspensions with carbonate or sodium hydroxide, respectively. The [OH]/[Fe] molar ratio determines the particle size and elongation by controlling the hydrolysis reaction rate, while the carbonate ions promote a constant [OH] in the solution, keeping the pH around 10 during the entire synthesis process. This procedure, associated with the appropriate temperature control, leads, under certain conditions, to highly homogeneous goethite particles with sizes smaller than those obtained using sodium hydroxide with the same [OH]/[Fe] ratio.
Spindle-type iron fine particles have been prepared by reduction of silica-coated-hematite particles. Hydrogen reduction of the coated-hematite cores yielded uniform spindle-type iron particles, which were stabilized by surface oxidation. Narrow particle distributions are observed from TEM measurements. X-ray, Mössbauer and magnetization data are in agreement with the presence of nanosized α-Fe particles, having surface layer of spinel structure oxide. Mössbauer spectra show that the oxide surface is superparamagnetic at room temperature. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.