996 resultados para Material mixture


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Understanding material flow in friction stir welding is important for production of sound dissimilar metal welding that control the intermixing of two alloys being welded and consequent formation of new constituents which influences the weld properties. In the present experimental investigation material flow patterns are visualised using dissimilar and similar aluminium alloys using a simple innovative ,experiment. The experimental results reveal that only a portion of material transported from the leading edge undergoes chaotic flow and the remaining is deposited systematically in the trailing edge of the weld. Using this information it is shown that the formation of a friction stir welding defect, joint line remnant, does not occur only when the weld interface is on the advancing side. The material flow visualisation study has been utilised to analyse the mechanism of weld formation and its usefulness in improving fatigue properties and for dissimilar metal welds.


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Non-Gaussianity of signals/noise often results in significant performance degradation for systems, which are designed using the Gaussian assumption. So non-Gaussian signals/noise require a different modelling and processing approach. In this paper, we discuss a new Bayesian estimation technique for non-Gaussian signals corrupted by colored non Gaussian noise. The method is based on using zero mean finite Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) for signal and noise. The estimation is done using an adaptive non-causal nonlinear filtering technique. The method involves deriving an estimator in terms of the GMM parameters, which are in turn estimated using the EM algorithm. The proposed filter is of finite length and offers computational feasibility. The simulations show that the proposed method gives a significant improvement compared to the linear filter for a wide variety of noise conditions, including impulsive noise. We also claim that the estimation of signal using the correlation with past and future samples leads to reduced mean squared error as compared to signal estimation based on past samples only.


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This paper investigates the persistent pattern in the Helsinki Exchanges. The persistent pattern is analyzed using a time and a price approach. It is hypothesized that arrival times are related to movements in prices. Thus, the arrival times are defined as durations and formulated as an Autoregressive Conditional Duration (ACD) model as in Engle and Russell (1998). The prices are defined as price changes and formulated as a GARCH process including duration measures. The research question follows from market microstructure predictions about price intensities defined as time between price changes. The microstructure theory states that long transaction durations might be associated with both no news and bad news. Accordingly, short durations would be related to high volatility and long durations to low volatility. As a result, the spread will tend to be larger under intensive moments. The main findings of this study are 1) arrival times are positively autocorrelated and 2) long durations are associated with low volatility in the market.


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The thermal decomposition of lanthanum biscitrato chromium(III) dihydrate has been studied in static air and dynamic argon atmospheres. The complex decomposes in four steps: dehydration, decomposition of the citrate to an intermediate oxycarbonate, formation of LaCrO4(V) from oxycarbonate, and finally decomposition of LaCrO4(V) to LaCrO3. Formation of LaCrCrO4(V) requires the presence of oxygen The decomposition behaviour of a mechanical mixture of lanthanum citrate hydrate and chromium citrate hydrate was compared with that of the citrato complex. Both the starting material and the intermediates were characterized by X-ray diffraction, IR electronic and ESR spectroscopy, surface area and magnetic susceptibility measurements, as well as by chemical analysis. A scheme is proposed for the decomposition of lanthanum biscitrato chromium(III) dihydrate in air. LaCrO3 can be obtained at temperatures as low as 875 K by isothermal decomposition of the complex.


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Starting from beam and target spin systems which are polarized in the usual way by applying external magnetic fields, measurements of appropriate final state tensor parameters, viz., {t0,1k, k=1,...,2j} of particle d with spin j in a reaction a+b→d+c1+c2+. . .are suggested to determine the reaction amplitudes in spin space free from any associated discrete ambiguity.


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A creep resistant permanent mould cast Mg alloy MRI 230D was laser surface alloyed with Al and a mixture of Al and Al2O3 using pulsed Nd:YAG laser irradiation at four different scan speeds in order to improve the corrosion and wear resistance. The microstructure, corrosion and wear behavior of the laser surface alloyed material is reported in this manuscript. The coating comprised of a featureless microstructure with cellular-dendritic microstructure near the interface and exhibited good interfacial bonding. A few solidification cracks reaching down to substrate were also observed. The two step coating with Al followed by a mixture of Al and Al2O3 exhibited a slightly better corrosion resistance than the single step coating with Al. In the long run, however, corrosion resistance of both the coatings became comparable to the as-cast alloy. The corroded surface of the laser surface alloyed specimens revealed a highly localized corrosion. The laser surface alloyed specimens exhibited an improvement in wear resistance. The laser scan speed did not exhibit a monotonic trend either in corrosion or wear resistance.


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A hydrothermal reaction of a mixture of ZnCl2, V2O5, ethylenediamine and water gave rise to a layered poly oxovanadate material. clusters. These clusters, with all the vanadium ions in the +4 state, are connected together through Zn(NH2(CH2)(2)NH2)(2) linkers forming a two-dimensional structure. The layers are also separated by distorted trigonal bipyramidal [Zn-2(NH2(CH2)(2)NH2)(5)] complexes. The Structure, thus, presents a dual role for the Zn-ethylenediamine complex. The magnetic susceptibility studies indicate that the interactions between the V centres in I are predominantly antiferromagnetic in nature and the compound shows highly frustrated behaviour. The magnetic properties are compared to the theoretical calculations based oil the Heisenberg model, in addition to correlating to the structure. Crystal data for the complexes are presented.


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The aim of this dissertation is to model economic variables by a mixture autoregressive (MAR) model. The MAR model is a generalization of linear autoregressive (AR) model. The MAR -model consists of K linear autoregressive components. At any given point of time one of these autoregressive components is randomly selected to generate a new observation for the time series. The mixture probability can be constant over time or a direct function of a some observable variable. Many economic time series contain properties which cannot be described by linear and stationary time series models. A nonlinear autoregressive model such as MAR model can a plausible alternative in the case of these time series. In this dissertation the MAR model is used to model stock market bubbles and a relationship between inflation and the interest rate. In the case of the inflation rate we arrived at the MAR model where inflation process is less mean reverting in the case of high inflation than in the case of normal inflation. The interest rate move one-for-one with expected inflation. We use the data from the Livingston survey as a proxy for inflation expectations. We have found that survey inflation expectations are not perfectly rational. According to our results information stickiness play an important role in the expectation formation. We also found that survey participants have a tendency to underestimate inflation. A MAR model has also used to model stock market bubbles and crashes. This model has two regimes: the bubble regime and the error correction regime. In the error correction regime price depends on a fundamental factor, the price-dividend ratio, and in the bubble regime, price is independent of fundamentals. In this model a stock market crash is usually caused by a regime switch from a bubble regime to an error-correction regime. According to our empirical results bubbles are related to a low inflation. Our model also imply that bubbles have influences investment return distribution in both short and long run.


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Viime aikoina ilmastonmuutos, fossiilisten polttoaineiden väheneminen ja niiden hinnan nousu ovat lisänneet merkittävästi maailmanlaajuista kiinnostusta uusiutuviin energiavaroihin. Suomessa uusiutuvien energialähteiden käytössä on jo pitkään panostettu metsäteollisuuden sivutuotevirtana tuottamaan puuperäiseen biomassaan, jota metsäteollisuus käyttää energiantuotantoonsa. Metsäteollisuuden jätevesien käsittelyssä syntyy erilaisia lietteitä, jotka joko uusiokäytetään tai hävitetään polttamalla tai sijoittamalla kaatopaikalle. Erityisesti biolietteiden uusiokäyttö on hankalaa ja kaatopaikkasijoitus tulevaisuudessa mahdotonta tai ainakin kustannuksiltaan kohtuutonta. Käytännössä liete hävitetään polttamalla ja kuivaamalla siitä tulee polttoaine. Lietteiden energiakäyttö on järkevin tapa hävittää jäteliete. Lietteiden korkean vesipitoisuuden vuoksi ne tulee kuitenkin kuivata ennen polttoa. Lietteen kuivaaminen sekundäärienergiavirralla eli metsäteollisuusprosesseissa sivutuotteena muodostuvalla ns. hukkalämmöllä lisää lietteen poltosta saatavaa energiamäärää ja korvaa fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttöä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää lietteen kuivaukseen optimaalisin kuoren ja lietteen seossuhde eri kuivausparametrejä vaihdellen. Kokeellinen työ aloitettiin rakentamalla energiatekniikan koehalliin laboratoriokokoluokan kiintopetikuivuri, jossa kuivumista tutkittiin puhaltamalla polttoainepedin läpi lämmitettyä ilmaa. Kuivattavina polttoaineina olivat kuoren ja lietteen seos tai pelkkä kuori ja liete erilaisilla massoilla ja erilaisilla prosenttisilla suhteilla ja erilaisissa lämpötiloissa. Kuivumiskäyrien määritys perustui massanmuutokseen. Koelaitteessa olivat anturit lämpötilan mittausta varten, jotta lämpötila saatiin säädettyä ja seurattua kokeen edellyttämällä tavalla. Lämpötilat ja painonmuutokset tallentuivat koetta tehdessä tietokoneelle. Kuivauskokeet osoittivat, että liete-kuori seos kuivuu hyvin kiintopedissä kun lietteen massaosuus seoksessa on korkeintaan 50 %. Lietteen massaosuuden ollessa tätä suurempi kuivaaminen ei enää ole tehokasta, mikä johtuu luultavasti ilman suuresta kanavoitumisesta kuivauspedissä. Kuorta kuivatessa lämpötilan nosto 50 °C:stä 70 °C:een oli huomattavasti tehokkaampaa kuin 70 °C:stä 90 °C:een, ajallisesti ero oli noin kaksinkertainen.


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Among the various cathode materials studied for Li-ion batteries over the past many years, spinet LiMn2O4 is found to be one of the most attractive materials. Nanoparticles of the electrode materials sustain high rate capability due to large surface to volume ratio and small diffusion path length. Nanoparticles of spinel LiMn2O4 have been synthesized by microwave hydrothermal technique using prior synthesized amorphous MnO2 and LiOH. The phase and purity of spinel LiMn2O4 are confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction. The morphological studies have been investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The electrochemical performances of the material for Li insertion/extraction are evaluated by cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling and AC impedance studies. The initial discharge capacity is found to be about 89 mAh g(-1) at current density of 21 mA g(-1). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We observe a surprisingly sharp increase in the pair hydrophobicity in the water climethylsulfoxide (DMSO) binary mixture at small DMSO concentrations, with the mole fraction of DMSO (x(D)) in the range 0.12-0.16. The increase in pair hydrophobicity is measured by an increase in the depth of the first minimum in the potential of mean force (PMF) between two methane molecules. However, this enhanced hydrophobicity again weakens at higher DMSO concentrations. We find markedly unusual behavior of the pure binary mixture (in the same composition range) in the diffusion coefficient of DMSO and in the local composition fluctuation of water, We find that, in the said composition range, the average coordination number of the methyl groups (of distinct DMSO) varies between 2.4 and 2.6, indicating the onset of the formation of a chain-like extended connectivity in an otherwise stable tetrahedral network comprising of water and DMSO molecules. We propose that the enhanced pair hydrophobicity of the binary mixture at low DMSO concentrations is due to the participation of the two methane molecules in the local structural order and the emerging molecular associations in the water-DMSO mixture.


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Nanocrystalline Ce1-xFexO2-delta (0 <= x <= 0.45) and Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O2-delta of similar to 4 nm sizes were synthesized by a sonochemical method using diethyletriamine (DETA) as a complexing agent. Compounds were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Ce1-xFexO2-delta (0 <= x <= 0.45) and Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O2-delta crystallize in fluorite structure where Fe is in +3, Ce is in +4 and Pd is in +2 oxidation state. Due to substitution of smaller Fe3+ ion in CeO2, lattice oxygen is activated and 33% Fe substituted CeO2 i.e. Ce0.67Fe0.33O1.835 reversibly releases 0.31O] up to 600 degrees C which is higher or comparable to the oxygen storage capacity of CeO2-ZrO2 based solid solutions (Catal. Today 2002, 74, 225-234). Due to interaction of redox potentials of Pd2+/0(0.89 V) and Fe3+/2+ (0.77 V) with Ce4+/3+ (1.61 V), Pd ion accelerates the electron transfer from Fe2+ to Ce4+ in Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O1.815, making it a high oxygen storage material as well as a highly active catalyst for CO oxidation and water gas shift reaction. The activation energy for CO oxidation with Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O1.815 is found to be as low as 38 kJ mol(-1). Ce0.67Fe0.33O1.835 and Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O1.815 have also shown high activity for the water gas shift reaction. CO conversion to CO2 is 100% H-2 specific with these catalysts and conversion rate was found to be as high 27.2 mu moles g(-1) s(-1) and the activation energy was found to be 46.4 kJ mol(-1) for Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O1.815.


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A study of the correlations between material properties and normalized erosion resistance (inverse of erosion rates) of various materials tested in the rotating disk and the flow venturi at various intensities indicates that different individual properties influence different stages of erosion. At high and low intensities of erosion, energy properties predominate the phenomenon, whereas at intermediate intensities strength and acoustic properties become more significant. However, both strength and energy properties are significant in the correlations for the entire spectrum of erosion when extensive cavitation and liquid impingement data from several laboratories involving different intensities and hydrodynamic conditions are considered. The use of true material properties improved the statistical parameters by 3 to 37%, depending on the intensity of erosion. It is possible to evaluate qualitatively the erosion resistances of materials based on the true stress-true strain curves.