956 resultados para Mate tea
Fil: Ercoli, César Adrián. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
El trabajo desarrollado pretende dar a conocer cuales son las necesidades especificas de alumnos con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA).Se enmarca en los estudios que afrontan la temática de la Atención a Diversidad y la inclusión de los alumnos con TEA en centros ordinarios educativos. Se pretende desarrollar recursos metodológicos para ofrecer una respuesta adaptativa ante el reto de afrontar las competencias clave a través de la nueva asignatura de “Tecnología, programación y robótica”; Para ello se analizan las características de cuatro estudiantes con TEA escolarizados en secundaria del centro concertado Colegio Lourdes (FUHEM) de la comunidad de Madrid y se ofrecen respuestas diferentes en función de ellas, apoyándonos en sus fortalezas para vencer sus dificultades, con el objetivo de alcanzar las mismas competencias claveque el resto de compañeros, como marca la Ley Orgánica de Mejora de la Calidad de la Educación, LOMCE, que entra en vigor en este nivel en el curso 2015-2016. ABSTRACT The developed work seeks to highlight what are the specific needs of students with autism spectrum (ASDs).The part of the studies faced the issue of Attention to diversity and the inclusion of students with ASD in mainstream schools educational disorder. It aims to develop methodological resources to offer an adaptive response to the challenge of addressing key skills through the new subject of "Technology, Programming and Robotics"; To do the characteristics of four students with ASD are discussed in secondary school concerted Lourdes (FUHEM) of the Madrid and different responses depending on them are offered, building on their strengths to overcome their difficulties, in order to achieve the same core competencies of other colleagues as brand organic law of Quality Improvement of Education, LOMCE, which takes effect in the 2015-2016 year.
Avian plumage has long been used to test theories of sexual selection, with humans assessing the colors. However, many birds see in the ultraviolet (<400 nm), to which humans are blind. Consequently, it is important to know whether natural variation in UV reflectance from plumage functions in sexual signaling. We show that female starlings rank males differently when UV wavelengths are present or absent. Principal component analysis of ≈1300 reflectance spectra (300–700 nm) taken from sexually dimorphic plumage regions of males predicted preference under the UV+ treatment. Under UV− conditions, females ranked males in a different and nonrandom order, but plumage reflectance in the human visible spectrum did not predict choice. Natural variation in UV reflectance is thus important in avian mate assessment, and the prevailing light environment can have profound effects on observed mating preferences.
Tetraethylammonium (TEA+) is widely used for reversible blockade of K channels in many preparations. We noticed that intracellular perfusion of voltage-clamped squid giant axons with a solution containing K+ and TEA+ irreversibly decreased the potassium current when there was no K+ outside. Five minutes of perfusion with 20 mM TEA+, followed by removal of TEA+, reduced potassium current to <5% of its initial value. The irreversible disappearance of K channels with TEA+ could be prevented by addition of ≥ 10 mM K+ to the extracellular solution. The rate of disappearance of K channels followed first-order kinetics and was slowed by reducing the concentration of TEA+. Killing is much less evident when an axon is held at −110 mV to tightly close all of the channels. The longer-chain TEA+ derivative decyltriethylammonium (C10+) had irreversible effects similar to TEA+. External K+ also protected K channels against the irreversible action of C10+. It has been reported that removal of all K+ internally and externally (dekalification) can result in the disappearance of K channels, suggesting that binding of K+ within the pore is required to maintain function. Our evidence further suggests that the crucial location for K+ binding is external to the (internal) TEA+ site and that TEA+ prevents refilling of this location by intracellular K+. Thus in the absence of extracellular K+, application of TEA+ (or C10+) has effects resembling dekalification and kills the K channels.
The relative contribution of genetic and socio-cultural factors in the shaping of behavior is of fundamental importance to biologists and social scientists, yet it has proven to be extremely difficult to study in a controlled, experimental fashion. Here I describe experiments that examined the strength of genetic and cultural (imitative) factors in determining female mate choice in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata. Female guppies from the Paria River in Trinidad have a genetic, heritable preference for the amount of orange body color possessed by males. Female guppies will, however, also copy (imitate) the mate choice of other females in that when two males are matched for orange color, an "observer" female will copy the mate choice of another ("model") female. Three treatments were undertaken in which males differed by an average of 12%, 24%, or 40% of the total orange body color. In all cases, observer females viewed a model female prefer the less colorful male. When males differed by 12% or 24%, observer females preferred the less colorful male and thus copied the mate choice of others, despite a strong heritable preference for orange body color in males. When males differed by 40% orange body color, however, observer females preferred the more colorful male and did not copy the mate choice of the other female. In this system, then, imitation can "override" genetic preferences when the difference between orange body color in males is small or moderate, but genetic factors block out imitation effects when the difference in orange body color in males is large. This experiment provides the first attempt to experimentally examine the relative strength of cultural and genetic preferences for a particular trait and suggests that these two factors moderate one another in shaping social behavior.
Recent genetic evidence suggests that parasitic protozoa often reproduce by "selfing," defined as sexual stages from a single, clonal lineage fertilizing each other. Selfing favors production of an excess of female over male progeny. We tested whether the proportion of male gametocytes of blood parasites of the genus Haemoproteus was affected by variables that could influence the probability of selfing. Proportions of male Haemoproteus gametocytes from 11 passerine host populations were not affected by the age of the parasites' avian hosts, date in season, sex of host, intensity of host's infection, or prevalence of parasites within host populations.