834 resultados para Marital
The total number of pregnancy terminations decreased from 7,602 in 2000 to 6,845 in 2001. This represents a 10% decrease. Induced termination decreased from 6,059 to 5,722 (a 6% decrease) and spontaneous termination decreased from 1,541 to 1,119 (a 27% decrease). Pregnancy terminations by maternal and child health regions (MCH) • The fertility rate for the state as a whole increased from 62.3 per 1,000 to 62.6 per 1,000, from 2000 to 2001. In 2000, 15 MCH regions had a higher rate than the statewide fertility rate, while in 2001, the number of MCH regions with a higher rate than the statewide fertility rate dropped to 12. Region 7 continued to have the highest fertility rate and region 12 continued to have the lowest rate. • The pregnancy rate decreased from 74.6 per 1,000 to 74.1 per 1,000. Region 16 continued to have the lowest pregnancy rate. However, region 23 had the highest pregnancy rate in 2001, compared to region 7 in 2000. • The induced termination rate decreased 0.6 per 1,000 and down to 9.4 per 1,000 in 2001. Compared to 2000 reports, two fewer regions had a higher rate than the statewide induced termination rate in 2001 (8 regions in 2000 vs. 6 regions in 2001). • The spontaneous termination rate for the state dropped to 1.8 per 1,000 from 2.5 per 1,000. The number of regions with a higher spontaneous termination rate decreased from 9 to 7. Region 14 had the highest rate, and region 20 had the lowest. • The statewide induced termination ratio increased from 145.7 per 1,000 to 149.6 per 1,000. Region 12 had the highest ratio for both years, and region 22 had the lowest ratio. • The statewide spontaneous termination ratio decreased from 39.7 per 1,000 to 29.3 per 1,000. One less region was higher, compared to 2000 data (9 regions in 2000 vs. 8 regions in 2001). In summary, the geographic distribution of the 2001 data showed a pattern similar to that seen in 2000. Generally, the frequency for both induced and spontaneous terminations decreased by month of occurrence, gestational age, marital status, and education level and mother’s age
Por ser la cuarta vidual, como corroboran las Nov. 53, 6; 74, 5 y 117, 5, una figura vinculada tanto al Derecho de familia, en concreto, a la denominada, en doctrina, cuarta marital o uxoria en su acepción penal, pues en ésta encuentra una parte importante de sus raíces, como al Derecho sucesorio; su historia y fines se entenderán mejor si se integra en la evolución de ambos sistemas. Lo dicho justifica, a mi juicio, el interés de un estudio que, como éste, se centre, por una parte, en la institución que fue el precedente histórico inmediato de la cuarta vidual y, por otra, en el análisis de la Novela que, por primera vez, reguló el derecho a la cuarta en favor del cónyuge viudo, esto es, la 53, 6.
This paper investigates the prevalence of incapacity in performing daily activities and the associations between household composition and availability of family members and receipt of care among older adults with functioning problems in Spain, England and the United States of America (USA). We examine how living arrangements, marital status, child availability, limitations in functioning ability, age and gender affect the probability of receiving formal care and informal care from household members and from others in three countries with different family structures, living arrangements and policies supporting care of the incapacitated. Data sources include the 2006 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe for Spain, the third wave of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2006), and the eighth wave of the USA Health and Retirement Study (2006). Logistic and multinomial logistic regressions are used to estimate the probability of receiving care and the sources of care among persons age 50 and older. The percentage of people with functional limitations receiving care is higher in Spain. More care comes from outside the household in the USA and England than in Spain. The use of formal care among the incapacitated is lowest in the USA and highest in Spain.
BACKGROUND: Metals are known endocrine disruptors and have been linked to cardiometabolic diseases via multiple potential mechanisms, yet few human studies have both the exposure variability and biologically-relevant phenotype data available. We sought to examine the distribution of metals exposure and potential associations with cardiometabolic risk factors in the "Modeling the Epidemiologic Transition Study" (METS), a prospective cohort study designed to assess energy balance and change in body weight, diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk in five countries at different stages of social and economic development. METHODS: Young adults (25-45 years) of African descent were enrolled (N = 500 from each site) in: Ghana, South Africa, Seychelles, Jamaica and the U.S.A. We randomly selected 150 blood samples (N = 30 from each site) to determine concentrations of selected metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury) in a subset of participants at baseline and to examine associations with cardiometabolic risk factors. RESULTS: Median (interquartile range) metal concentrations (μg/L) were: arsenic 8.5 (7.7); cadmium 0.01 (0.8); lead 16.6 (16.1); and mercury 1.5 (5.0). There were significant differences in metals concentrations by: site location, paid employment status, education, marital status, smoking, alcohol use, and fish intake. After adjusting for these covariates plus age and sex, arsenic (OR 4.1, 95% C.I. 1.2, 14.6) and lead (OR 4.0, 95% C.I. 1.6, 9.6) above the median values were significantly associated with elevated fasting glucose. These associations increased when models were further adjusted for percent body fat: arsenic (OR 5.6, 95% C.I. 1.5, 21.2) and lead (OR 5.0, 95% C.I. 2.0, 12.7). Cadmium and mercury were also related with increased odds of elevated fasting glucose, but the associations were not statistically significant. Arsenic was significantly associated with increased odds of low HDL cholesterol both with (OR 8.0, 95% C.I. 1.8, 35.0) and without (OR 5.9, 95% C.I. 1.5, 23.1) adjustment for percent body fat. CONCLUSIONS: While not consistent for all cardiometabolic disease markers, these results are suggestive of potentially important associations between metals exposure and cardiometabolic risk. Future studies will examine these associations in the larger cohort over time.
PURPOSE: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most frequent disorders in childhood and adolescence. Both neurocognitive and environmental factors have been related to ADHD. The current study contributes to the documentation of the predictive relation between early attachment deprivation and ADHD. METHOD: Data were collected from 641 adopted adolescents (53.2 % girls) aged 11-16 years in five countries, using the DSM oriented scale for ADHD of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach and Rescorla, Manual for the ASEBA school-age forms and profiles. University of Vermont, Research Center for Children, Youth and Families, Burlington, 2001). The influence of attachment deprivation on ADHD symptoms was initially tested taking into consideration several key variables that have been reported as influencing ADHD at the adoptee level (age, gender, length of time in the adoptive family, parents' educational level and marital status), and at the level of the country of origin and country of adoption (poverty, quality of health services and values). The analyses were computed using the multilevel modeling technique. RESULTS: The results showed that an increase in the level of ADHD symptoms was predicted by the duration of exposure to early attachment deprivation, estimated from the age of adoption, after controlling for the influence of adoptee and country variables. The effect of the age of adoption was also demonstrated to be specific to the level of ADHD symptoms in comparison to both the externalizing and internalizing behavior scales of the CBCL. CONCLUSION: Deprivation of stable and sensitive care in infancy may have long-lasting consequences for children's development.
Introduction: Many people desire to lose weight. This favors the marketing of "miracle" products with overemphasized slimming capacities. To our knowledge, no study regarding the claimed performances of slimming products has ever been conducted in Switzerland. Objectives: To assess weight loss claims of slimming products available in Switzerland by analyzing their corresponding advertisements. Methods: Between May 2008 and February 2013, 31 advertisements for 13 different slimming products from a single producer were collected. Weight loss claims and text of the advertisement were analyzed. Results: Weight loss claims ranged between 7 and 31 kg, with an estimated daily weight loss ranging between 300 g and 1 kg. 84% of the advertisements targeted women (by including the photograph of a woman), 61% showed a picture of a person before and after using the product, and 51% claimed that the product had improved marital relationships. The terms "natural", "miracle/extraordinary" and "scientific" were present in 92%, 77%, and 31% of the products, respectively. Free gifts were provided to buyers for 69% of the products. Cost was very similar for all 13 products (range: 49 to 59 CHF, with 8 products costing the same amount) and no correlation was found between cost of the product and weight loss claims. No differences were found for weight loss claims according to presence or absence of a picture or of the terms ".natural", ".miracle/extraordinary" and ".scientific" Finally, the yearly costs for advertising such products (French-speaking Switzerland) ranged between 56,000 and 126,000 CHF, suggesting that the gains obtained were higher than this value. Conclusion: In Switzerland, advertisements for slimming products use positive and reassuring terms to attract consumers, which are lured by unreachable, false promises of rapid and easy weight loss. Taking into account the costs of advertising, the gains obtained appear to be significant. Legislation on advertising of such products is urgently needed.
Little is known about the financial burden of individuals with depressive symptoms. This study explored that burden, using data from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe. To assess the association between depressive symptoms and the individuals' financial burden for medical care and whether they forwent medical care because of costs, logistic regressions were performed that adjusted for age, gender, marital status, education, and chronic diseases. A total of 16,696 noninstitutionalized individuals aged 50-79 years were included in the study. Individuals with depressive symptoms and those without such symptoms bore a similar financial burden. However, individuals with depressive symptoms were at increased risk of forgoing care because of costs, which may worsen their health and financial situation
Summary: The relationship of marital satisfaction and job satisfaction to psychological distress among partners
Investigaciones recientes sobre la violencia doméstica demuestran una relación significativa entre el sufrimiento de malos tratos en la relación de pareja y la insatisfacción marital. A pesar de ello, algunas mujeres siguen viendo aspectos positivos en la relación, aspecto que dificulta poner fin a la relación. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar la percepción del ajuste diádico en la relación de pareja con un grupo de mujeres maltratadas y detectar si existen diferencias según la duración y el tipo de maltrato sufrido. Las participantes son 115 mujeres maltratadas que acuden a un servicio de la salud pública y completaron la Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) de Spanier (1976), y una adaptación de la Entrevista Semiestructurada sobre Maltrato Doméstico (Echeburúa, Corral, Sarasua, Zubizarreta y Sauca, 1994). El 51% de las mujeres había sufrido una historia de maltrato superior a 5 años y un 29% había sufrido malos tratos de tipo sexual. La satisfacción conyugal fue menor en las mujeres que sufrieron abusos sexuales, mientras que la duración del maltrato se relacionaba únicamente con la expresión de afecto y la cohesión. Se discute la implicación de los resultados y se señala la importancia de analizar en qué situaciones, a pesar de que exista maltrato en la relación, ésta puede resultar suficientemente satisfactoria como para no romperla.
BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, health policies are decided at the local level, but little is known regarding their impact on the screening and management of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs). We thus aimed at assessing geographical levels of CVRFs in Switzerland.¦METHODS: Swiss Health Survey for 2007 (N = 17,879). Seven administrative regions were defined: West (Leman), West-Central (Mittelland), Zurich, South (Ticino), North-West, East and Central Switzerland. Obesity, smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes prevalence, treatment and screening within the last 12 months were assessed by interview.¦RESULTS: After multivariate adjustment for age, gender, educational level, marital status and Swiss citizenship, no significant differences were found between regions regarding prevalence of obesity or current smoking. Similarly, no differences were found regarding hypertension screening and prevalence. Two thirds of subjects who had been told they had high blood pressure were treated, the lowest treatment rates being found in East Switzerland: odds-ratio and [95% confidence interval] 0.65 [0.50-0.85]. Screening for hypercholesterolemia was more frequently reported in French (Leman) and Italian (Ticino) speaking regions. Four out of ten participants who had been told they had high cholesterol levels were treated and the lowest treatment rates were found in German-speaking regions. Screening for diabetes was higher in Ticino (1.24 [1.09 - 1.42]). Six out of ten participants who had been told they had diabetes were treated, the lowest treatment rates were found for German-speaking regions.¦CONCLUSIONS: In Switzerland, cardiovascular risk factor screening and management differ between regions and these differences cannot be accounted for by differences in populations' characteristics. Management of most cardiovascular risk factors could be improved.
Objective: This article presents a study of the change over time in the family interactions of couples who conceived through in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). Background: Observational methods are rarely used to study family interactions in families who used assisted reproductive techniques, but these methods are crucial for taking account of the communication that occurs in interactions with infants. Methods: Thirty-one couples expecting their first child were seen during the fifth month of pregnancy and when the child was nine months old. Family interactions were recorded in pre- and postnatal versions of the Lausanne Trilogue Play situation. Measures of marital satisfaction and parent-to-foetus/baby attachment or 'bonding' were also used to assess family relational dynamics. Results: Results showed that family alliance, marital satisfaction and parental attachment scores in the IVF sample were all similar to or higher than those in the reference sample during pregnancy. However, at nine months postnatally, the family alliance scores were lower. While marital satisfaction decreased over the period and parent-baby attachment increased, the family alliance scores were unstable, as no association was observed between the pre- and postnatal scores. In addition, neither prenatal marital satisfaction nor parent-foetus attachment predicted the postnatal family alliance. Conclusion: The change in the family alliance over the transition to parenthood appears to be specific to our IVF sample. Given that postnatal family functioning could not be predicted by prenatal family functioning, our observational data underline the importance of offering postnatal support to these families.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the determinants and the 4-year evolution of the forgoing of healthcare for economic reasons in Switzerland. METHOD: Population-based survey (2007-2010) of a representative sample aged 35-74years in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. Healthcare forgone, socioeconomic and insurance status, marital status, and presence of dependent children were assessed using standardized methods. RESULTS: A total of 2601 subjects were included in the analyses. Of the subjects, 13.8% (358/2601) reported having forgone healthcare for economic reasons, with the percentage varying from 3.7% in the group with a monthly income ≥13,000CHF (1CHF≈1$) to 30.9% in the group with a monthly income <3000CHF. In subjects with a monthly income <3000CHF, the percentage who had forgone healthcare increased from 22.5% in 2007/8 to 34.7% in 2010 (P trend=0.2). Forgoing healthcare for economic reasons was associated with lower income, female gender, smoking status, lower job position, having dependent children, being divorced and single, paying a higher deductible, and receiving a premium subsidy. CONCLUSION: In a Swiss region with universal health insurance coverage, the reported prevalence of forgoing healthcare for economic reasons was high and greatly dependent on socioeconomic factors. Our data suggested an increasing trend among participants with the lowest income.
En este estudio de caso único se presenta el tratamiento de una mujer diagnosticada de depresión mayor con terapia sistémica de pareja. Esta modalidad de terapia supone la inclusión de la pareja en todas las sesiones de tratamiento, en las que se trabaja con ambos de forma conjunta. A medida que avanza la terapia se van explicitando los significados relacionales de los síntomas y las dificultades de relación, y se trabaja de forma conjunta para remediarlas. El proceso terapéutico se completó con 11 sesiones, la mayoría quincenales, y los resultados de la evaluación al terminar el tratamiento mostraron un descenso notable de los síntomas depresivos de la paciente (según el BDI-II) con respecto a la evaluación inicial. Asimismo, en la entrevista diagnóstica post-tratamiento no cumplía tampoco los criterios de depresión mayor. En cuanto a la pareja, ambos percibieron la relación como más armónica (según el DAS). Dentro de las limitaciones propias de los estudios de caso único, este trabajo permite ilustrar las potencialidades del enfoque sistémico en el tratamiento de la depresión.
En este artículo se revisa el tema de la evaluación de los trastornos psicosexuales haciendo hincapié en los instrumentos de auto-evaluación. En la bibliografía anglosajona existen muchas referencias a estos inventarios. En los últimos 5 años sólo en la revista Journal of Sex Marital Therapy se citan 23 de los más usuales. En nuestro ámbito existen pocos, y estos son a menudo traducciones y adaptaciones no validadas de los referidos en las revistas anglosajonas. Hemos querido tratar en profundidad dos de los inventarios más conocidos: el Sexual Arousability Inventori (SAI) y el Sexual Interaction Inventory. El primero ha sido validado en muestras españolas. Se proporciona suficiente información para que el lector pueda utilizar estos instrumentos en su práctica clínica, y se le incita a que se ofrezcan datos obtenidos en muestras españolas para corroborar sus características psicométricas y de utilidad clínica.