997 resultados para Manutenção condicionada
Neste trabalho objetivou-se verificar, teoricamente , a possibilidade de manutenção de heterozigotos, em populaes de plantas autgamas, na presena e na ausncia de seleo dependente de frequncia (SDF). Considerou-se apenas um loco com dois alelos. Utilizou-se a deduo algbrica de formulas referentes a alguns modelos de populaes e um programa para simular a sucesso das geraes em uma calculadora cientfica avanada. Comparou-se os resultados do modelo com os dados obtidos experimentalmente por Allard e Workman (1963) e por Harding, Allard e Smeltzer (1966). Os coeficientes de determinao foram 0,9653 e 0,9166 para a primeira e a segunda comparao, respectivamente. Estes coeficientes indicam que o modelo D representa de modo bastante fidedigno as variaes observadas em populaes experimentais de plantas predominantemente autgamas
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior
A manutenção dos tratores agrcolas pode ser considerada um conjunto de procedimentos que visa a manter o equipamento nas melhores condies de funcionamento, propiciando aumento da vida til, evitando danos prematuros, eliminando os j observados e concorrendo para maior segurana no trabalho. Essa conduta, apesar de simples, exige ateno e cuidado semelhante ou at maior quando comparado a outro veculo automotor. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a regularidade e a qualidade da manutenção dos tratores da Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Produo da UNESP - Jaboticabal, utilizados para os mais variados tipos de trabalho, como arao, gradagem, pulverizao e jardinagem, e avaliar a condio tcnica dos operadores responsveis pelas mquinas. Os resultados indicam que a manutenção diria no foi eficiente, o que pode resultar em reduo da vida til das mquinas. Quanto aos operadores, notou-se baixo grau de conhecimento tcnico com relao manutenção dos tratores e falta de treinamento especfico.
The educational reform of the 90 s was tainted by the objectives of the fiscal adjustments, resulting in the redefinition of the state s role in the financing and offering of teaching services, and bringing about a shuffling of the responsibility between the public and private sectors to promote education to young people and adults. The 90 s also highlighted the proliferation of providers and the multiplication of Educational Programs for Youths and Adults (EJA), implemented through partnerships between governmental and nongovernmental agencies. During this period of time, the agenda of educational responsibilities concerning analphabetism was organized in a process of decentralized of the state, with the following political, social, and economic objectives: to reduce the public deficit, increasing public savings and the financial capacity of the state to concentrate resources in areas considered indispensable to direct intervention; to increase the efficiency of the social services moffered or funded by the state, giving citizens more at a lower cost, and spreading services to more remote areas, expanding access to reach those most in need; to increase the participation of citizens in public management, stimulating communitarian acts as well as developing efforts towards the effective coordination of public figures in the implementation of associated social services. Thus, Assistance Programs co-financed by the government try to deal with the problem of analphabetism. Within the sphere of the 90 s educational policy decentralization, we come to see how the agenda dedicated to the reduction of analphabetism was formed by the Solidarity Alphabetization Program (PAS). Between 1997 and 2003, the latter agenda s decentralizing proposal was integrated in the management partnership for the operationalization of tasks and resources faced with the execution of the formal objectives. In this study, we identify the dimensions of the implantation and progress of the tasks carried out by PAS, in the municipality of Lagoa de Pedras/RN. However, we consider these Programs to assist in the process without guaranteeing the reduction of the causes or substituting the responsibility of the system once the monetary resources for program maintenance provided by the partners is exhausted
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Objetivando avaliar o efeito da temperatura de imerso na manutenção da qualidade ps-colheita de frutos de maracuj-amarelo, instalou-se na FCA/UNESP este experimento, composto pelos seguintes tratamentos: T1 (testemunha); T2 (35°C por 2 horas); T3 (35°C por 4 horas); T4 (43°C por 2 horas); T5 (43°C por 4 horas); T6 (53°C por 2 horas); T7 (53°C por 4 horas), sendo os frutos mantidos em cmaras BOD a 12 ± 1 °C e 80-90% UR. A cada trs dias, foram retiradas amostras dos tratamentos para as seguintes anlises: Grupo destrutivo - pH, firmeza, slidos solveis (SS), acidez titulvel (AT), relao (SS/AT), rendimento de polpa e vitamina C; e para o grupo-controle determinaram-se perda de massa e colorao da casca. Com base nos resultados obtidos, os tratamentos hidrotrmicos dos frutos, com temperaturas menores, como o caso do T2 e T3, apresentaram frutos com menor perda de massa, melhor manutenção da colorao, boa manutenção da firmeza da casca e teores razoveis de vitamina C, enquanto as temperaturas mais elevadas causaram danos aparncia dos frutos (queima da casca) e reduziram os teores de vitamina C na polpa.
Para avaliar procedimentos para a manutenção da umidade do substrato durante o teste de germinao de Brachiaria brizantha. Estudou-se o efeito da posio das caixas plsticas na cmara de germinao sobre a perda de gua semanal, testando-se nove posies verticais (bandejas) e trs posies horizontais (porta, meio e fundo do germinador). Foi tambm avaliado o efeito de procedimentos para manter a umidade do substrato, sobre a germinao, a perda de gua semanal e o tempo despendido para a instalao do teste. Os procedimentos testados foram: (a) vedao da caixa plstica com vaselina, (b) vedao com saco plstico dobrado em quatro e colocado entre a tampa e a caixa, (c) colocao da caixa tampada dentro de saco plstico, (d) espuma sob o papel de germinao e (e) testemunha, caixa apenas tampada. Concluiu-se que a cmara de germinao promove a desidratao desigual do substrato conforme a posio das caixas; aquelas localizadas na primeira bandeja superior so as mais prejudicadas. Entre os procedimentos, a vedao com vaselina, a colocao da caixa dentro de saco plstico e a vedao com saco plstico dobrado em quatro entre a tampa e a caixa so eficientes na manutenção da umidade do substrato em taxas que no alteram os resultados do teste de germinao de B. brizantha; os dois ltimos procedimentos so os mais rpidos e prticos, adaptando-se rotina de um laboratrio de anlise de sementes.
The simulation of SES-Natal Ponta Negra: mitigation of environmental risks and predictive maintenance strategy was developed in the context of several operational irregularities in the pumping stations and sewage systems in the system Ponta Negra. Thus, the environmental risks and complaints against the company due to overflows of sewage into the public thoroughfare became common. This neighborhood has shown in recent years an increase of resident higher than the initial expectation of growth. In this sense presumed the large population growth and generation of sewers higher than expected, associated to the use of corrective maintenance and misuse of the system may be the main causes of operational failures occurring in the SES. This study aimed at analyzing the hydraulic behavior of SES Ponta Negrathrough numerical simulation of its operation associated to future scenarios of occupation. The SES Ponta Negra has a long lengthof collection networks and 6 pumping stations interconnected, being EE 1, 2, 4 coastal way, and beach Shopping interconnected EE3 to receives all sewers pumped from the rest pumping station and pumped to the sewage treatment station of neighborhood which consists of a facultative pond followed by three maturation ponds with disposal of treated effluent into infiltration ditches. Oncethey are connected with each other, the study was conducted considering the days and times of higher inflow for all lifts. Furthermore, with the aim of measuring the gatherer network failures were conducted data survey of on the networks. Thephysical and operational survey data was conducted between January/2011 and janeiro/2012. The simulation of the SES was developed with the aim ofdemonstrating its functioning, eithercurrently and in the coming years, based in population estimates and sewage flow. The collected data represents the current framework of the pumping stations of the SES Ponta Negra and served as input to the model developed in MS Excel spreadsheet which allowed simulating the behavior of SES in future scenarios. The results of this study show thatBeach Shopping Pumping Station is actually undersized and presents serious functioning problemsthatmay compromise the environmental quality of surrounding area. The other pumping stations of the system will reach itsmaximum capacity between 2013 and 2015, although the EE1 and EE3 demonstrateoperation capacity, even precariously, until 2017. Moreover, it was observed that the misuse of the network system, due to the input of both garbage and stormwater, are major factors of failures that occur in the SES. Finally, it was found that the corrective maintenance appliance, rather than predictive,has proven to beinefficient because of the serious failuresin the system, causing damage to the environment and health risks to users
The presence of fixed orthodontics appliances interfere on sanitation, allowing periodontal diseases to appear, despite the fact patients keep on visiting the dentist every month. This research aims to determine a protocol for the mechanical control of the dental biofilm performed by the professional. A protocol that was able to maintain the periodontal health of the patients under orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances, and in order to do so, it used a non-controlled, randomized and blind clinical essay. The sample involved 40 adolescents who were under the installation of fixed orthodontics appliances and it was divided in three groups, as follows: monthly controlled group (group 1) composed of 11 patients, the quarterly controlled group (group 2) with 16 patients and the semestrial controlled group (group 3) with 13 patients. For data collection, an interview and clinical exams with probing depth measurement, quantity of keratinized mucosa, Gingival Index and the Plaque Index were used. On the initial exam all patients received brushing guidelines as well as the professional control of dental biofilm, with periodontal scaler, Robinson s brush and prophylactic paste. However, Group 1 returned every month for control procedures; Group 2 every three months and Group 3 after six months. The intervention had a six-month duration (for all the three groups), when all the exams were repeated by another examiner who did not know which group each patient was inserted in. Finally, the research concluded that despite the fact there is no statistically significant difference among the three groups, clinically the patients from the monthly group presented a better response to professional control, with less accumulation of dental biofilm and less rate of gingival inflammation. Thus, the mechanical control of the dental biofilm performed by the professional could not avoid gingival increase, characterized by the raise of probing depth measurement, neither the quantity of keratinized mucosa
Com o objetivo de avaliar as alteraes cardiocirculatrias resultantes da manutenção anestsica com sevofluorano, trs grupos de 10 ces cada foram anestesiados por 60 minutos com fluxo diluente de 100% de oxignio (grupo 1), de 50% de oxignio e de xido nitroso (grupo 2) ou 27% de oxignio e 63% de xido nitroso (grupo 3). A tranqilizao foi realizada com levomepromazina (0,5 mg/kg) e a induo com tiopental (12,5 mg/kg). A freqncia cardaca apresentou elevao significativa aps a induo (P<0,05), mantendo-se mais alta que a basal, em todos os grupos, durante toda a anestesia. As variaes das presses arteriais sistlica, mdia e diastlica foram pouco significativas e mantiveram-se em todos os grupos dentro de valores aceitveis para a espcie e a utilizao do xido nitroso no interferiu nessa variao. O sevofluorano demonstrou ser um bom agente de manutenção anestsica em ces, e a adio de 63% de xido nitroso ao fluxo diluente de oxignio reduziu a necessidade anestsica de maneira significativa.
Our objective was to evaluate the impacts caused on pond water quality by maintenance of Macrobrachium rosenbergii broodstock. During eight weeks we determined pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, turbidity, particulate suspended material (PSM), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), all in inlet and effluent water. All variables presented higher values in the effluent, except OD. N-ammoniacal concentration (0.013 mg L(-1)) was 2.7 times higher in the effluent pond; NO(2)-N (0.019 mg L(-1)), 2.3; NO(3)-N (0.139 mu g L(-1)), 1.8; PO(4)-P (0.065 mg L(-1)), 7.2; and DP (0,104 mg L(-1)), 4.9 times higher. For TKN (0.67 mg L(-1)) and TP (0.235 mg L(-1)) the values in the pond effluent represent an increase of 0.27 mg L(-1) and 0.175 mg L(-1), respectively. The maintenance of M. rosenbergii broodstock increase the nutrient concentrations, mainly TP, prevent effluent pond released into receiving water bodies on 1, 2 and 3 classes of the CONAMA N degrees 357 Resolution.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
0 objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o melhor tratamento ps-colheita para manutenção floral e aumento da longevidade de crisntemo de mao do tipo pompom (Dendranthema grandiflorum (Ramat.) S. Kitamura) cv. White Polaris. Estabeleceu-se como ponto de colheita o momento em que as hastes apresentavam trs inflorescncias apicais com as ptalas externas em ngulo de 45° em relao horizontal. Durante o ensaio em laboratrio, as hastes, colhidas em estufa de produo comercial, aps totalmente imersas em gua de torneira, sombra, durante trs horas, foram cortadas sob gua na base do caule entre 50 e 60 cm. As hastes foram distribudas nos diferentes tratamentos de pulsing durante 24 horas, com luz contnua de 1.500 lux, 60 a 90% de umidade relativa do ar e temperatura ambiente de 25 ± 2°C. No primeiro experimento, testou-se a eficincia de 8-hidroxiquinolina (8-HQ) e tiabendazole (TBZ) como germicidas de manutenção da qualidade na soluo de pulsing; testaram-se, tambm, dois reguladores de crescimento, a saber: cido giberlico (GA3), 6-benzilaminopurina (6-BA) ou a mistura dos dois, com o objetivo de preservar a cor e a turgidez da folhagem. Os melhores resultados foram com 8-HQ (0,69 mol/m) e GA3 (0,058 mo1/m). No segundo experimento, avaliaram-se os seguintes inibidores de etileno: tiossulfato de prata (STS), nitrato de prata (AgNO3) e cloreto de cobalto (COC1(2)). A melhor resposta foi obtida com AgNO3 (2,9 e 4,4 mo1/m).