290 resultados para MPF


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The compressive behaviour of finite unidirectional composites with a region of misaligned reinforcement is investigated via finite element analyses. Models with and without fibre bending stiffness are compared, confirming that compressive strength is accurately predicted without modelling fibre bending stiffness for real composite components which typically have waviness defects of several millimetres wavelength. Various defect parameters are investigated. Results confirm the well-known sensitivity of compressive strength to misalignment angle, and also show that compressive strength falls rapidly with the proportion of laminate width covered by the wavy region. A simple empirical equation is proposed to model the effect of a single patch of waviness in finite specimens. Other parameters such as length and position of the wavy region are found to have a smaller effect on compressive strength. The modelling approach is finally adapted to model distributed waviness and thus determine the compressive strength of composites with realistic waviness defects. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hybrid glass-carbon 2D braided composites with varying carbon contents are impacted using a gas gun by impactors of masses 12.5 and 44.5. g, at impact energies up to 50. J. The damage area detected by ultrasound C-scan is found to increase roughly linearly with impact energy, and is larger for the lighter impactor at the same impact energy. The area of whitening of the glass tows on the distal side corresponds with the measured C-scan damage area. X-ray imaging shows more intense damage, at the same impact energy, for a higher-mass impactor. Braids with more glass content have a modest increase in density, decrease in modulus, and reduction in the C-scan area and dent depth at the impact site, particularly at the higher impact energies. Impact damage is found to reduce significantly the compressive strength, giving up to a 26% reduction at the maximum impact energy. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper describes a new approach to model the forces on a tread block for a free-rolling tyre in contact with a rough road. A theoretical analysis based on realistic tread mechanical properties and road roughness is presented, indicating partial contact between a tread block and a rough road. Hence an asperity-scale indentation model is developed using a semi-empirical formulation, taking into account both the rubber viscoelasticity and the tread block geometry. The model aims to capture the essential details of the contact at the simplest level, to make it suitable as part of a time-domain dynamic analysis of the coupled tyre-road system. The indentation model is found to have a good correlation with the finite element (FE) predictions and is validated against experimental results using a rolling contact rig. When coupled to a deformed tyre belt profile, the indentation model predicts normal and tangential force histories inside the tyre contact patch that show good agreement with FE predictions. © 2012 Elsevier B.V..


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Composite structures exhibit many different failure mechanisms, but attempts to model composite failure frequently make a priori assumptions about the mechanism by which failure will occur. Wang et al. [1] conducted compressive tests on four configurations of composite specimen manufactured with out-of-plane waviness created by ply-drop defects. There were significantly different failures for each case. Detailed finite element models of these experiments were developed which include competing failure mechanisms. The model predictions correlate well with experimental results-both qualitatively (location of failure and shape of failed specimen) and quantitatively (failure load). The models are used to identify the progression of failure during the compressive tests, determine the critical failure mechanism for each configuration, and investigate the effect of cohesive parameters upon specimen strength. This modelling approach which includes multiple competing failure mechanisms can be applied to predict failure in situations where the failure mechanism is not known in advance. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The SR-protein kinase activity was analyzed and the cytological changes were observed during oocyte maturation in bisexual transparent color crucian carp ( Carassius auratus color variety). The results revealed that the SR-protein kinase activity was sensitive to the artificially induced spawning hormones, and the change of oscillatory activity was similar to that of the maturation-promoting factor (MPF) kinase that regulates meiotic cell cycle in fish.


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稀土离子的敏化发光早在1942年就被Weissiman发现了,后来,人们对这一现象作了大量的研究工作,并且,开始用于稀土离子的测试。高灵敏度和好的选择性一直是分析工作者追求的真正目的。为此,很长时间以来,人们从化学体系上入手,不断地在配体种类;配体条件;溶剂作用;第二配体影响;胶束;表面活性剂等方面入手,来寻找可获得高的灵敏度和好的选择性的测试体系,并取得了一定的成绩,但还远远满足不了分析工作者的要求。近年来,随着仪器设备的不断改进,人们想到,能否通过新的仪器的出现来改善分析测试的灵敏度和选择性。时间分辨光谱法就是在这种条件下产生的,并且,初步的实验就得到了令人十分满意的结果。时间分辨光谱法顾名思义是以时间做为分辨量的一种方法,是一种多维萤光技术,它采用脉冲激光做为光源和门控检测系统相结合,因此,不但获得了高子常规法的灵敏度,而且还解决了光谱峰有干扰的发光组分的测定,提高了选择性。为了有效地应用时间分辨光谱法即获得更高的灵敏度和更好的选择性,时间分辨光支要求:①待测定的物质必须有较强的发光,这是提高灵敏度的前提:②待测定的物质的寿命必须合适(如测单组分时是通过延迟消除噪声,则被测组分的寿命至少要比噪音信号长;若是二组分的分辨光谱法测定,就要求二组分间寿命差要尽可能大),这样才可能效分辨;③适合彼此间有光谱干扰的多组分中单一组分的测定,这是时间分辨光谱法优于常远见二维光法的最为突出的一点。Eu-TTA_3和SmTTA_3是较合适时间分辨测定体系。Eu_TTA_3和S_m-TTA_3 二元络合物不但有较强的萤光,而且寿命差较大,EuTTA_39寿命400微秒)。SmTTA_3(寿命21微秒),并且Eu和Sm间有光谱干扰,因此在混合体系下,时间分辨光谱法测定Eu和Sm才充分显示了伏越性。为此,为了研究稀土元素的时间分辨光谱测定,本论文分三部分完成。第一部分:几种稀土离子萤光络合物体系的选择通过对Eu~(3+)、Tb~(3+)、Dy~(3+)络合体系最强发光的条件实验,期望找到一系列既有较强的发光,元素间又存在着光谱干扰。而常规法又难以测试的络合物体系。为此,在现有条件下,做了TTA、DBM、Phen、AAE、Sal五种配体Eu~(3+)、Sm~(3+)、Tb~(3+)、Py~(3+)四种稀土离子所有可能的络合物组成的发光条件试验,主要为配体浓度和PH值的影响。确定了不同络合物的最佳组成条件。并且考虑到苯的毒性和萃取的繁琐性。选用乙醇做为溶剂。最后得到TTA、DBM是Eu、Sm较好的络合剂,而且它们与Phen的三元络合物也具有强的发光。Sml:是Tb和Dy的较好络合剂,并且它们与Phen形成三元络合物也具有较强的萤光,AAE、Phen是选择性最差的络合剂,它们与Tb、Eu、Sm、Dy都能形成有一定发光强度的络合剂Eu和Sm以及Tb和Dy之间是无论配体息样变化都有光谱干扰的两对元素。第二部分;发光络合物的萤光寿命的测试:除了要求从化学体系入手,得到具有较强的发光络合物之外,时间分辨光谱法还要求;待分辩的物质间有较大的寿命差异。寿命τ是进行时间分辨光谱法的理论基础。为此,在本室和11室自己安装的仪器上做了已讨论的最佳条件下合成的络合物萤光寿命的测试,并给出了许多络合物的寿命数据。同时还讨论了配体种类,稀土离子浓度,对寿命大小的影响,得出不同的稀土离子络合物寿命差异很大,即使是相同的稀土离子,配体不同,寿命也是不同的,一般而言,Eu,Tb寿命较长,达几百微秒,Dy、Sm寿命较短,一般仅为几微秒或几十微秒,并总有寿命Tb > Eu > Sm > Dy。为了讨论稀土离子浓度对寿命的影响。选Eu. Sm-TTA和Tb. Dy-Sal-乙醇溶液为例,进行了浓度影响实验,得到浓度粹灭的同时,不仅萤光强度减弱,而且寿命缩短,最后总结出: Eu. Sm-TTA(Phen)二元(或三元)络合物和Tb. Dy-Sal(Phen)二元(或三元)络合物彼此间寿命差最大。第三部分:时间分辨光谱法研究在前二部分准备工作完成后,基本上就确定了可供时间分辩的最佳体系,即Eu. Sm-TTA二元络合物(或它与Phen形成的三元络合物)和Tb、Dy-Sal二元络合物(或与Phen形成的三元络合物)-乙醇体系。关于Eu.Sm-TTA体系的时间分辨光谱法测定,已有过研究并得到了十分满意的结果,因此,本论文选不曾有过报导的Tb、Dy-Sal 乙醇体系为时间分辨光谱法研究的对象。首先在本室和11室自建的时间分辨光谱仪上进行了仪器测量参数的选择,然后,对Tb、Dy-sal的时间分辨光谱法给以原理性的讨论,得到在延迟大于30微秒后,可消除Dy对Tb测定的干扰的结果,之后,又作了当延迟大于100微秒的条件下的时间分辩光谱法在Dy存在下测定Rb[Sal]_3的检测限的探索,并与MPF-4型萤光分光光度计的测试结果做了比较,得到了可高于常规法三个数量级的灵敏度的初步结果。本论文建立了寿命测量和激光时间分辨的实验装置,并且完成了原理性实验,在选择体系测定寿命和利用时间分辨排除稀土离子干扰方面得到了较好的初步结果,积累了大量数据完成了本论文目的要求。


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尽管体细胞核移植(somatic cell nuclear transfer, SCNT)技术仍然处于 起步发展阶段,但是随着体细胞核移植技术在近些年来的飞速发展,人们已经得 到了多种哺乳动物体细胞核移植的存活后代。体细胞核移植技术在生物医药、农 业及其它领域的应用显示了这项技术的巨大发展前景。另一方面,人们发现体细 胞核移植效率低下并且体细胞克隆动物存在许多缺陷,这些主要是由于核移植技 术,供体细胞选择,体外培养系统以及卵母细胞的状态等的差异导致的。本研究 主要围绕着这些因素在体细胞核移植过程中对于克隆胚胎植入前后发育的影响 而开展,目的在于提高体细胞核移植的效率。 实验一,研究了几个因素对克隆胚胎发育和克隆效率的影响,为提高体细胞 核移植效率提供一些依据。这部分研究主要包括四倍体半克隆小鼠研究和蛋白酶 体抑制剂在克隆胚胎和孤雌激活胚胎发育中的影响。四倍体体细胞半克隆 (tetraploid semi-cloned , TSC)胚胎的体外发育结果表明,虽然TSC 胚胎可 能避免二倍体半克隆胚胎发育过程中的非整倍体现象,但是仍然不能形成胎儿。 另外,利用蛋白酶体抑制剂MG132 处理克隆胚胎的结果表明,虽然MG132 通过抑 制成熟促进因子(maturation promoting factors,MPF)活性的降低可以提高 克隆胚胎的体外发育率,但是没有改变克隆胚胎的质量。 实验二,研究了克隆技术在克隆胚胎构建和发育上的影响。首先,我们研究 了完整颗粒细胞注射到卵母细胞中所引起的变化。我们发现完整的颗粒细胞注入 到卵母细胞中之后很快引起细胞膜裂解和细胞核碎裂,从而导致激活后重构胚胎 的碎裂。这一实验表明完整供体细胞核注入的方法不适用于小鼠体细胞克隆。接 下来我们研究了不同的核移植技术――利用piezo 的直接注射法(piezoelectric microinjection,PEM)和电融合法(Electrofusion,EF)――对植入前后的克隆胚 胎以及出生后的克隆动物的影响。研究的结果发现,在PEM 法中,提高piezo 脉 冲的强度会导致供体细胞核DNA 断裂增加,使植入前克隆胚胎的细胞数目减少, 凋亡增加,从而降低克隆胚胎的质量。相反,在用EF 法产生的胚胎中细胞核DNA 的断裂很少,克隆胚胎质量相对较好。实验的结果表明,由于两种克隆技术利用 的原理不同,会对克隆胚胎的发育产生一定的影响,从而改变克隆的效率。 实验三,研究了猕猴体细胞克隆胚胎早期发育过程中细胞核内有丝分裂器蛋 白[Nuclear Mitotic Apparatus Protein,NuMA]的表达和分布。尽管在有些猕猴体 细胞核移植胚胎中没有检测到NuMA 的正确表达和分布并且有些胚胎出现了微 管组装异常,但是大多数猕猴体细胞核移植胚胎具有正常的NuMA 蛋白表达和 正常的核型。通过改进操作技术我们得到了可以发育到正常囊胚的猕猴体细胞核 移植胚胎。这些结果提示猕猴SCNT 胚胎发育失败的原因不是NuMA 等重要蛋 白的缺失。


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早在六十年代,人们为了寻找较好的激光玻璃,曾对Sm~(3+)离子掺杂的玻璃中的光谱进行过研究。为了探寻新型的激光,发光玻璃,又进一步研究了Sm~(3+)在玻璃中的发光和敏化。我们以寻找一种高亮度,低成本的发光玻璃为目的,研究了基质玻璃组成,敏化离子及其浓度对Sm~(3+)发光性质的影响。 选择B_2O_3-BaO-M_mO_n(M_mO_n=Li_2O,Na_2O,K_2O,MgO,CaO,SrO)玻璃体系,所用原料的纯度皆为分析纯以上,用陶瓷坩埚在1250℃掺杂氧化钐(纯度均大于99%),玻璃的荧光谱和激发光谱,用MPF-4型荧光分光光度计测定。


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Sustained-release matrix tablets based on Eudragit RL and RS were manufactured by injection moulding. The influence of process temperature; matrix composition; drug load, plasticizer level; and salt form of metoprolol: tartrate (MPT), fumarate (MPF) and succinate (MPS) on ease of processing and drug release were evaluated. Formulations composed of 70/30% Eudragit RL/MPT showed the fastest drug release, substituting part of Eudragit RL by RS resulted in slower drug release, all following first-order release kinetics. Drug load only affected drug release of matrices composed of Eudragit RS: a higher MPT concentration yielded faster release rates. Adding triethyl citrate enhanced the processability, but was detrimental to long-term stability. The process temperature and plasticizer level had no effect on drug release, whereas metoprolol salt form significantly influenced release properties. The moulded tablets had a low porosity and a smooth surface morphology. A plasticizing effect of MPT, MPS and MPF on Eudragit RS and Eudragit RL was observed via DSC and DMA. Solubility parameter assessment, thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction demonstrated the formation of a solid solution immediately after production, in which H-bonds were formed between metoprolol and Eudragit as evidenced by near-infrared spectroscopy. However, high drug loadings of MPS and MPF showed a tendency to recrystallise during storage. The in vivo performance of injection-moulded tablets was strongly dependent upon drug loading. © 2012 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.


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A replicated field plot experiment was carried out in Northern Ireland in 1996 with flax, cv Ariane, and linseed, cv Flanders, each grown at seed rates of 500, 1000 and 1500 seeds/m(2), in which a comparison was made between netting of the standing crop, following desiccation by the trimesium salt of glyphosate (Touchdown, Zeneca Ltd.), and water or dew retting of the pulled crop. Application at 4 litres/ha on 9 August, 33 days after the mid-point of flowering (MPF), achieved both desiccation and partial retting of the crop within 14 days. Over 16 % clean long fibre was extracted by scutching the stand-netted flax straw, yielding 800 kg/ha fibre, while water retting achieved 20 extraction and 980 kg/ha yield and dew netting 8.5 % and 420 kg/ha respectively. The dew retting was uneven, resulting in high losses during fibre extraction, while water retting for 7 days at 25 degreesC did not achieve complete retting resulting in a high content of woody fragments in the fibre. Fibre yields increased by almost 50 % with the high v. low seed rate. Linseed was less well retted than flax and contained higher levels of impurity in the extracted long fibre which, after retting, yielded 120 to 310 kg/ha at extraction rates of 2.9 % to 7.5 %.

In a second experiment in 1998 flax cvs. Viola and Evelyn were treated with the timesium salt of glyphosate at rates of 2, 4 or 6 litres/ha 10, 20, 30 or 40 days after MPF on 5 July. Viola desiccated satisfactorily at all spray dates with 4 and 6 litres/ha glyphosate. The 20-day treatment desiccated more slowly than the 30-day and the 2 litres/ha rate did not achieve complete desiccation, but the trimesium salt of glyphosate achieved better desiccation at this timing than that found in earlier studies with the original form of glyphosate. Evelyn desiccated more slowly and less evenly than Viola particularly at the 20-day and 40-day timings. Spraying at MPF + 10 days interrupted early development of the seed and fibre significantly reducing yields. Due to slower desiccation the 20-day timing was no better than the 30-day, which was well retted by harvest 44 days after spraying, and gave the highest yield of clean long fibre. The spraying 40 days after MPF was considered too late in the season to be of practical use. It was concluded that retting of standing flax following desiccation with the trimesium salt of glyphosate was more effective than with the earlier formulation and that resting of the standing crop could achieve equivalent or better retting with similar fibre yields to traditional retting methods. The optimum spray timing was found to be about 30 days after MPF with 4 or 6 litres/ha, the lower rate being adequate for glyphosate responsive varieties such as Viola.