304 resultados para MOA-malli


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The electrocatalytic oxidation of 1-propanol was investigated on platinum electrodes modified by submonolayers of Pb and Sn in acid media. An increase of oxidation rates observed for both Pb and Sn, and the influence of theta values was investigated. The values of the apparent activation energy evaluated from the Arrhenius plots concerning the electrochemical oxidation of 1-propanol on modified platinzed platinum electrodes, reveal a significant decrease in the presence of upd Sn and Ph adatoms. A decrease from 56 to 26 U mol(-1) in the presence of Sn. and from 78 to 25 U mol(-1) for Ph adatoms are some illustrative values which reflect the promoting effect of the upd adatoms.


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Atualmente, os compostos bioativos presentes em alimentos in natura vem sendo amplamente estudados, já que cada vez mais fica comprovado sua importância para saúde do homem devido suas funções e ações biológicas. Hoje já associa-se a ingestão de frutas e vegetais e a diminuição do risco de diversas doenças, tais como câncer, inflamações, doenças cardiovasculares, degeneração macular e outras, sendo os carotenóides e compostos fenólicos alguns dos grupos de compostos bioativos aos quais são atribuídas tais ações.1As pimentas têm significativa importância nesse cenário, uma vez que desde a época do Brasil colônia, até hoje, são muito utilizadas na culinária, nas crenças, na medicina e inclusive com arma de defesa. Os compostos presentes na pimenta são utilizados como remédios para artrites (pomadas a base de capsaicina), dores musculares (emplastro ‘Sabiá’), má digestão, dor de cabeça e gastrite. O presente estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os teores de ácido ascórbico, acidez, flavonóides totais, fenólicos totais, carotenóides totais e atividade antioxidante de duas variedades mais comuns da espécie C. Baccatum: pimenta “Dedo-de-Moça” e pimenta “Cambuci”. Além disso, fez-se um estudo para analisar o efeito do cozimento versus compostos bioativos, a fim de avaliar possíveis perdas de atividade devido ao processamento das amostras. Em todos os ensaios, a pimenta Dedo-de-Moça apresentou valores maiores de todos os compostos bioativos, quando comparados aos da pimenta Cambuci. Após o cozimento em água fervente, a maioria dos compostos sofreu redução, exceto nos testes de quantificação de Flavonóides e Carotenóides, os quais demonstraram aumento na concentração após o processamento.


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This paper is part of a larger project. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the movie Girl With a Pearl Earring (2003) by Peter Webber using the theoretical perspective of dialogue from the Bakhtin Circle, Medved, Volochinov. The multidisciplinary and interartistic potential of cinema is considered in this paper when the linguistic organization and the translinguistic elements in the corpus are focused on and understood as an example of cinema genre as discussed in the Russian Circle. The study of the ways of incorporation of different genericities by cinema, illustrated by the dialogues between the pictorial genre, the novel and the movies contribute to the recognition of the cinema as a genre that is composed by the incorporation of other genres. The construction of the cinematographic work in analysis will be regarded in its architectonic (form, content and style) and in the activity field in which it circulates.


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In this work were prepared with three ice cream added peppers of different varieties: Capsicum baccatum, Capsicum annuum and Capsicum frutescens. The peppers were first pasteurized and evaluated in relation to the effect of heat treatment on the ascorbic acid content. Results showed that the Capsicum annuum showed higher ascorbic acid content, but the heat treatment resulted in greater loss of biocompounds. The higher retention of ascorbic acid was observed with Capsicum frutescens, which presented lower content of biocompound, but near of the pepper Capsicum annuum. The follow attributes was performed to evaluate the acceptance of ice cream through the sensory attributes: color, aroma, flavor and texture. Analysis of variance showed no significant difference between ice cream formulations at the 5% level of significance with regard to color, aroma and texture. Regarding taste, the samples differed significantly, at 5% significance, and the most preferred was the ice cream made with pepper Capsicum frutescens.


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The dulce de leche or milk candy is a food widely consumed in Brazil, which shows typical characteristics of taste, color, flavor and texture. The lady-finger red pepper is regularly present on the Brazilian people table as this product contains a pungent flavor favoring various spices; and it is also rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) which is an excellent antioxidant. This study aimed at developing a dulce de leche containing lady-finger red pepper, and to determine the composition of the product. Also, the ascorbic acid contents were quantified in products stored for different periods (0, 30 and 60 days). The product acceptance by consumers on the sensory characteristics was evaluated by means of hedonic scale for color, aroma, flavor and texture attributes. The composition of the product was in accordance with the legislation in force, and the ascorbic acid contents were practically stable during the storage, and the sensory analyses indicated that the red pepper-containing dulce de leche was well accepted.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The seventh species of Fissiphallidae, Fissiphallius orube sp. nov., and the fourth from Brazil (type locality state of Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul, at the Moa river), is described. The new species differs from the remaining species of the family in lacking a pergula, having a knob at the base of the rutrum, and the ocularium spiniform projection with apical portion single or divided in two to three parts.


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Il lavoro ripercorre le tracce che gli ebrei portoghesi, esuli dopo il biennio 1496-97, lasciarono nel loro cammino attraverso l'Europa. In particolare, l'interesse si concentra sulla breve parentesi italiana, che grazie all'apertura e alla disponibilità  di alcuni Signori, come i Gonzaga di Mantova, i Medici, i Dogi della Serenissima e gli Este, risulta ricchissima di avvenimenti e personaggi, decisivi anche per la storia culturale del Portogallo. L'analisi parte evidenziando l'importanza che ebbe la tipografia ebraica in Portogallo all'epoca della sua introduzione nel Paese; in secondo luogo ripercorre la strada che, dal biennio del primo decreto di espulsione e del conseguente battesimo di massa, porta alla nascita dell'€™Inquisizione in Portogallo. Il secondo capitolo tenta di fare una ricostruzione, il più possibile completa e coerente, dei movimenti degli esuli, bollati come marrani e legati alle due maggiori famiglie, i Mendes e i Bemveniste, delineando poi il primo nucleo di quella che diventerà  nel Seicento la comunità  sefardita portoghese di Amsterdam, dove nasceranno le personalità  dissidenti di Uriel da Costa e del suo allievo Spinoza. Il terzo capitolo introduce il tema delle opere letterarie, effettuando una rassegna dei maggiori volumi editi dalle officine tipografiche ebraiche stanziatesi in Italia fra il 1551 e il 1558, in modo particolare concentrando l'attenzione sull'€™attività  della tipografia Usque, da cui usciranno numerosi testi di precettistica in lingua ebraica, ma soprattutto opere cruciali come la famosa «Bibbia Ferrarese» in castigliano, la «Consolação às Tribulações de Israel», di Samuel Usque e la raccolta composta dal romanzo cavalleresco «Menina e Moça» di Bernardim Ribeiro e dall'ecloga «Crisfal», di un autore ancora non accertato. L'ultimo capitolo, infine, si propone di operare una disamina di queste ultime tre opere, ritenute fondamentali per ricostruire il contesto letterario e culturale in cui la comunità  giudaica in esilio agiva e proiettava le proprie speranze di futuro. Per quanto le opere appartengano a generi diversi e mostrino diverso carattere, l'€™ipotesi è che siano parte di un unicum filosofico e spirituale, che intendeva sostanzialmente indicare ai confratelli sparsi per l'Europa la direzione da prendere, fornendo un sostegno teoretico, psicologico ed emotivo nelle difficili condizioni di sopravvivenza, soprattutto dell'integrità religiosa, di ciascun membro della comunità.


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Small molecules affecting biological processes in plants are widely used in agricultural practice as herbicides or plant growth regulators and in basic plant sciences as probes to study the physiology of plants. Most of the compounds were identified in large screens by the agrochemical industry, as phytoactive natural products and more recently, novel phytoactive compounds originated from academic research by chemical screens performed to induce specific phenotypes of interest. The aim of the present PhD thesis is to evaluate different approaches used for the identification of the primary mode of action (MoA) of a phytoactive compound. Based on the methodologies used for MoA identification, three approaches are discerned: a phenotyping approach, an approach based on a genetic screen and a biochemical screening approach.rnFour scientific publications resulting from my work are presented as examples of how a phenotyping approach can successfully be applied to describe the plant MoA of different compounds in detail.rnI. A subgroup of cyanoacrylates has been discovered as plant growth inhibitors. A set of bioassays indicated a specific effect on cell division. Cytological investigations of the cell division process in plant cell cultures, studies of microtubule assembly with green fluorescent protein marker lines in vivo and cross resistant studies with Eleusine indica plants harbouring a mutation in alpha-tubulin, led to the description of alpha-tubulin as a target site of cyanoacrylates (Tresch et al., 2005).rnII. The MoA of the herbicide flamprop-m-methyl was not known so far. The studies described in Tresch et al. (2008) indicate a primary effect on cell division. Detailed studies unravelled a specific effect on mitotic microtubule figures, causing a block in cell division. In contrast to other inhibitors of microtubule rearrangement such as dinitroanilines, flamprop-m-methyl did not influence microtubule assembly in vitro. An influence of flamprop-m-methyl on a target within the cytoskeleton signalling network could be proposed (Tresch et al., 2008).rnIII. The herbicide endothall is a protein phosphatase inhibitor structurally related to the natural product cantharidin. Bioassay studies indicated a dominant effect on dark-growing cells that was unrelated to effects observed in the light. Cytological characterisation of the microtubule cytoskeleton in corn tissue and heterotrophic tobacco cells showed a specific effect of endothall on mitotic spindle formation and ultrastructure of the nucleus in combination with a decrease of the proliferation index. The observed effects are similar to those of other protein phosphatase inhibitors such as cantharidin and the structurally different okadaic acid. Additionally, the observed effects show similarities to knock-out lines of the TON1 pathway, a protein phosphatase-regulated signalling pathway. The data presented in Tresch et al. (2011) associate endothall’s known in vitro inhibition of protein phosphatases with in vivo-effects and suggest an interaction between endothall and the TON1 pathway.rnIV. Mefluidide as a plant growth regulator induces growth retardation and a specific phenotype indicating an inhibition of fatty acid biosynthesis. A test of the cuticle functionality suggested a defect in the biosynthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) or waxes. Metabolic profiling studies showed similarities with different groups of VLCFA synthesis inhibitors. Detailed analyses of VLCFA composition in tissues of duckweed (Lemna paucicostata) indicated a specific inhibition of the known herbicide target 3 ketoacyl-CoA synthase (KCS). Inhibitor studies using a yeast expression system established for plant KCS proteins verified the potency of mefluidide as an inhibitor of plant KCS enzymes. It could be shown that the strength of inhibition varied for different KCS homologues. The Arabidopsis Cer6 protein, which induces a plant growth phenotype similar to mefluidide when knocked out, was one of the most sensitive KCS enzymes (Tresch et al., 2012).rnThe findings of my own work were combined with other publications reporting a successful identification of the MoA and primary target proteins of different compounds or compound classes.rnA revised three-tier approach for the MoA identification of phytoactive compounds is proposed. The approach consists of a 1st level aiming to address compound stability, uniformity of effects in different species, general cytotoxicity and the effect on common processes like transcription and translation. Based on these findings advanced studies can be defined to start the 2nd level of MoA characterisation, either with further phenotypic characterisation, starting a genetic screen or establishing a biochemical screen. At the 3rd level, enzyme assays or protein affinity studies should show the activity of the compound on the hypothesized target and should associate the in vitro effects with the in vivo profile of the compound.