254 resultados para MEA


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El presente trabajo de tesis tuvo como finalidad evaluar la flora micológica del maíz seco y su harina producidos en la parroquia San Juan - Cantón Gualaceo con el fin de aportar con información sobre la calidad de estos alimentos. Además se evaluaron los siguientes factores para el desarrollo de la flora micológica: temperatura, actividad acuosa, almacenamiento; así como también el crecimiento en distintos medios de cultivos y el uso de la desinfección del grano como parte de la técnica de siembra. La detección, recuento y aislamiento de hongos se realizó de acuerdo a la técnica de recuento en placa por siembra en profundidad para la harina y en el caso del grano por la técnica de siembra directa, con y sin desinfección de la superficie del grano utilizándose el agar MEA (Agar Extracto de Malta), PDA (Agar Papa Dextrosa) y DRBC (Agar Rosa de Bengala Diclorán) y sometiendo a dos tratamientos térmicos (18°C vs 25°C). Se encontró que la micoflora presente en las muestras analizadas corresponde a los géneros Penicillium, Fusarium, Rhizopus, Aspergillus y levaduras, siendo el género predominante Penicillium tanto en el grano como en la harina. La temperatura óptima para el crecimiento fue 25°C; y a su vez el crecimiento fue mejor sin desinfectar las superficies del grano. El crecimiento micológico varió dependiendo del medio, siendo PDA el más óptimo para Penicillium y Rhizopus, mientras que para Fusarium y Aspergillus no hubo diferencia. Igualmente se encontró que la actividad acuosa influyó en forma proporcional al crecimiento micológico y que el almacenamiento controlado influyó positivamente en su disminución.


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O presente estudo pretende avaliar a exposição ocupacional a contaminação fúngica e bacteriana em quartos de hotel, mais precisamente em dois quartos com características diferentes, nomeadamente, com pavimento em alcatifa e outro sem alcatifa. Doze amostras de ar de 250L foram colhidas pelo método de impacto, em meio agar de extracto de malte (MEA) suplementado com cloranfenicol (0,05%) para fungos e em meio de TSA (agar de soja tríptica) com nistatina (0,2%) para bactérias. Foram também realizadas amostras de superfície nos mesmos locais. Em ambos os quartos apenas uma amostra de ar, no quarto sem alcatifa, apresentou contagens de fungos mais elevadas do que no exterior. No entanto, as concentrações de bactérias no ar interior foram superiores às do ar exterior. Em relação às superfícies, o quarto sem alcatifa apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação ao quarto com alcatifa, sendo que o primeiro apresentou concentrações mais elevadas de fungos. Todas as superfícies analisadas apresentaram contaminação bacteriana, mas não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os quartos. Os géneros de fungos mais prevalentes no ar foram idênticos em ambos os quartos (Penicillium sp. 40,7% - 12,3% e Cladosporium sp. 43,5% - 55,4%). Nas superfícies analisadas, os isolados pertencentes ao complexo Aspergillus fumigatus foram os únicos encontrados no quarto com alcatifa, enquanto no outro quarto os géneros mais prevalentes foram Penicillium sp. (63,6%) e Aspergillus sp. (13,6%).


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FORMIGA, Felipe Lira et al. Avaliação da Potencialidade de Uso do Resíduo Proveniente da Indústria de Beneficiamento do Caulim na Produção de Piso Cerâmico. Cerâmica Industrial, v. 14, p. 41-45, 2009.


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Study developed in order to know the carpet influence when used in the floor of a hotel room. Twelve air samples of 250L (six in a room with carpet and six more in a room with wood floor) were collected through an impaction method with a flow rate of 140 L/min onto malt extract agar (MEA) supplemented with chloramphenicol (0.05%), using the Millipore air Tester (Millipore), during cleaning activities. Outdoor sample was also performed to be used as a reference. Surface samples from floor and desks, taken at the same time, were collected by the swabbing method. to 7 days. Besides fungal contamination, we also assessed particulate matter contamination in both rooms during the same cleaning tasks. In the analyzed sur- faces, isolates belonging to Aspergillus fumigatus complex were the only fungi found in the carpeted room, whereas in the other room we found Penicllium sp. (63.6%) and Aspergillus sp. (13.6%) as the most frequent genera. In the case of particles the room with carpet obtained significant higher values for both metrics (PMC and PNC), showing that carpet may has influence on particles’ contamination of the room.


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Miniaturization of power generators to the MEMS scale, based on the hydrogen-air fuel cell, is the object of this research. The micro fuel cell approach has been adopted for advantages of both high power and energy densities. On-board hydrogen production/storage and an efficient control scheme that facilitates integration with a fuel cell membrane electrode assembly (MEA) are key elements for micro energy conversion. Millimeter-scale reactors (ca. 10 µL) have been developed, for hydrogen production through hydrolysis of CaH2 and LiAlH4, to yield volumetric energy densities of the order of 200 Whr/L. Passive microfluidic control schemes have been implemented in order to facilitate delivery, self-regulation, and at the same time eliminate bulky auxiliaries that run on parasitic power. One technique uses surface tension to pump water in a microchannel for hydrolysis and is self-regulated, based on load, by back pressure from accumulated hydrogen acting on a gas-liquid microvalve. This control scheme improves uniformity of power delivery during long periods of lower power demand, with fast switching to mass transport regime on the order of seconds, thus providing peak power density of up to 391.85 W/L. Another method takes advantage of water recovery by backward transport through the MEA, of water vapor that is generated at the cathode half-cell reaction. This regulation-free scheme increases available reactor volume to yield energy density of 313 Whr/L, and provides peak power density of 104 W/L. Prototype devices have been tested for a range of duty periods from 2-24 hours, with multiple switching of power demand in order to establish operation across multiple regimes. Issues identified as critical to the realization of the integrated power MEMS include effects of water transport and byproduct hydrate swelling on hydrogen production in the micro reactor, and ambient relative humidity on fuel cell performance.


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La Geometría del Espacio es una rama de la Matemática que estudia las propieda-des y medidas de figurasque se relacionan con la mayoría de objetos tridimensionales que tenemos a nuestro alrededor; por esto nuestro trabajo titulado “Elaboración de una guía y material didáctico de la Geometría del Espacio para el Laboratorio de Matemática de la carrera de Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad de Cuenca” da lugar a una nueva estrategia que puede utilizar el docente en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de esta asignatura. En el capítulo uno de nuestro trabajo de graduación se analizan los aspectos generales de la educación así como las corrientes pedagógicas que están presentes dentro del proceso educativo, para luego hablar de la didáctica y la importancia de trabajar con material concreto en el área de Matemática, específicamente en la Geometría del Espacio así como los recursos que son óptimos para trabajar esta asignatura. En el capítulo dos, se demuestra mediante un muestreo no probabilístico que existe dificultad en la comprensión de los contenidos de la Geometría del Espacio y que una buena opción para desarrollar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sobre esta asignatura es la utilización de material concreto y de una guía didáctica que facilite la comprensión de los contenidos. Por último en el capítulo tres se presenta un conjunto de diez prácticas sobre pla-nos y sólidos, las cuales, siguen los pasos que exige una práctica de laboratorio innovadora, de una manera ordenada y secuencial para reforzar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.


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International audience


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The red pottery industry in Piauí state is well developed and stands out at the national context for the technical quality of its products. The floor and wall tile industry, however, is little developed since the state has only one company that produces red clay-based ceramic tiles. This thesis aims at using the predominantly illitic basic mass of the above mentioned industry, with the addition of feldspar and/or kaolin residue in order to obtain products of higher technical quality. Kaolin residue consists basically of kaolinite, muscovite mica and quartz; the feldspar used was potassic. In this experiment, basic mass (MB) was used for experimental control and fifteen formulations codified as follows: F2, F4, F8, F16, F32, FR2, FR4, FR8, FR16, FR32, R2, R4, R8, R16 and R32. All raw materials were dry-milled, classified, formulated and then humidified to 10% water. Thereafter, test samples were produced by unixial pressing process in a rectangular steel matrix (60.0 x 20.0 x 5.0) mm3 at (25 MPa). They were fired at four temperatures: 1080°C, 1120°C, 1160°C, with a heating rate of 10°C/min during up to 10 min in an electric oven, and the last one in an industrial oven with a peak of 1140°C, aim ing to confirm the results found in laboratory and, finally, technological tests were performed: MEA, RL, AA, PA, TRF and PF. The results revealed that the residue under study can be considered a raw material with large potential in the industry of red clay-based ceramic tiles, since the results found both in laboratory and in the industry have shown that the test samples produced from the formulations with up to 4% feldspar and those produced with up to 8% feldspar and residue permitted a reduction in the water absorption rate and an increase in the mechanical resistance while those samples produced with up to 4% residue had an increase in the mechanical resistance when compared to those produced from the basic mass and that the formulation with 2% feldspar and residue presented the best technological properties, lowering the sintering temperature down to 1120°C


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Doutoramento em Gestão


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Due to their unpredictable behavior, stock markets are examples of complex systems. Yet, the dominant analysis of these markets as- sumes simple stochastic variations, eventually tainted by short-lived memory. This paper proposes an alternative strategy, based on a stochastic geometry defining a robust index of the structural dynamics of the markets and based on notions of topology defining a new coef- ficient that identifies the structural changes occurring on the S&P500 set of stocks. The results demonstrate the consistency of the random hypothesis as applied to normal periods but they also show its in- adequacy as to the analysis of periods of turbulence, for which the emergence of collective behavior of sectoral clusters of firms is mea- sured. This behavior is identified as a meta-routine.


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O processamento térmico de materiais cerâmicos via energia de microondas, no estágio atual, vem ganhando cada dia mais importância, tendo em vista suas inúmeras aplicações, como por exemplo: aplicação de microondas na área de processamento mineral (aquecimento de minérios antes da moagem, secagem, redução carbotérmica de óxidos minerais, lixiviação, fusão, pré-tratamento de minérios e concentrados de ouro refratário, regeneração de carvão, etc. de acordo com Kigman & Rowson, 1998). Em virtude de uma série de vantagens em potencial, frente aos métodos convencionais de aquecimento, como redução no tempo de processamento; economia de energia; diminuição do diâmetro médio das partículas e melhoramento nas propriedades tecnológicas em geral, esta tecnologia vem se destacando. Neste contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho, é desenvolver uma pesquisa visando identificar e caracterizar novas opções de matérias-primas cerâmicas como argilas, feldspatos e caulins que sejam eficazes para definir a formulação de uma ou mais massas para produção de componentes de cerâmica estrutural com propriedades físicas, mecânicas e estéticas adequadas após passarem por sinterização convencional e por energia de microondas destacando as vantagens desta última. Além dos requisitos técnicos e de processo, as formulações apresentadas deverão atender às expectativas de preço e de logística de fornecimento. No estudo foram conformados corpos-de-prova por extrusão e prensagem, sinterizados em fornos microondas e convencional, sob ciclos de queima mais rápidos que os atualmente praticados. As matérias-primas foram caracterizadas e analisadas, utilizando as técnicas de fluorescência por raios X (FRX), difração por raios X (DRX), análise térmica diferencial (DTA), análise térmica gravimétrica (DTG), análise granulométrica (AG), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), absorção d agua (AA), massa especifica aparente (MEA), porosidade aparente (PA), retração linear (RL) e tensão de ruptura e flexão (TRF). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as propriedades tecnológicas de Absorção de água (AA) e Tensão de Ruptura e flexão (TRF), proposto no trabalho foram adquiridos com sucesso e estão bem além do limite exigido pelas especificações das normas da ABNT NBR 15.270/05 e 15.310/09


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The industrial production of ornamental rocks and the burning of coffee husk generate waste that is discarded into the environment. However, with the study of the incorporation of these residues in ceramic products, may be found an alternative to reducing environmental impacts and detrimental effects on human health caused by its indiscriminate disposal of waste in nature. Thus, this work aimed to study the addition of ashes of the coffee husk and granite residue in matrix of red ceramic. The raw materials were dry milled and sieved to mesh 100. To characterize the raw materials were carried out analyzes of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), particle size analysis (PSA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG). Six formulations were prepared where the clay content was kept constant (70%wt) and ashes contents and granite residue varied from 10, 15, 20 and 30%. Dilatometrics analyzes were performed at four selected formulations, containing them: 100% clay (A100); 70% clay and 30% ashes (A70C30); 70% clay and 30% granite residue (A70G30); and 70% clay, 15% granite residue and 15% ashes (A70G15C15). The samples were prepared by uniaxial compaction with pressure of 25 MPa, and fired at temperatures of 800°C, 850ºC, 900ºC, 950ºC, 1000ºC and 1100°C. Assays were performed to determine the linear shrinkage of burning (LSB), water absorption (WA), apparent porosity (AP), density (D) and tensile bending. Also were performed analyzes of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the samples fired. The formulations incorporating granite residue and/or ashes reached the required limits of water absorption according to NBR 15270-1 and NBR 15310 and tensile bending according to classical literature (SANTOS, 1989) necessary for the production of tiles and ceramic block for masonry sealing


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To produce porcelain tiles fluxing agents are used in order to obtain a liquid phase during firing. This liquid phase fills the pores decreasing porosity, water absorption and contributes to material densification. In the porcelain tiles industry, feldspar is the main flux material used, with quantities ranging between 35 and 50%. Studies focus on the discovery of materials with flux characteristics that can reduce the consumption of feldspar by porcelain tiles industry. In this context, the coffee husk ashes, a residue obtained when coffee husks are burned to produce heat for the dryers during the processing of the green fruit, have as main chemical constituents potassium, calcium and magnesium, giving them characteristics of fluxing material. Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world and is responsible for over 30% of the world s production. In this work a physical treatment of coffee husk ash was carried out in order to eliminate the organic matter and, after this, two by-products were obtained: residual wastes R1 and R2. Both residues were added separately as single fluxes and also in association with feldspar in mixtures with raw materials collected in a porcelain industry located in Dias d Ávila-Ba. The addition of these residues aimed to contribute to the reduction of the consumption of feldspar in the production of porcelain tiles. Specimens were produced with dimensions of 60 mm x 20 mm x 6 mm in an uniaxial die with compacting pressure of 45 MPa. The samples were heated to a temperature of 1200 °C, for 8 minutes. Tests were performed to characterize the raw materials by XRF, XRD, particle size analysis, DTA and TGA and, additionally, the results of the physical properties of water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage, density, dilatometry, flexural strength and SEM of sintered body were analyzed. Additions of less than 8% of the residue R1 contributed to the decrease of porosity, but the mechanical strength of the samples was not satisfactory. Additions of 5% the R2 residue contributed significantly to decrease the water absorption and apparent porosity, and also to increase the mechanical strength. Samples with addition of feldspar associated with the R2 residue, in proportions of 6.7% of R2 and 6.7% of feldspar, led to results of water absorption of 0.12% and mechanical strength of 46 MPa, having parameters normalized to the manufacture of porcelain stoneware tiles


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Textile production has been considered as an activity of high environmental impact due to the generation of large volumes of waste water with high load of organic compounds and strongly colored effluents, toxic and difficult biodegradability. This thesis deals with obtaining porous alumina ceramic membranes for filtration of textile effluent in the removal of contaminants, mainly color and turbidity. Two types of alumina with different particle sizes as a basis for the preparation of formulation for mass production of ceramic samples and membranes. The technological properties of the samples were evaluated after using sintering conditions: 1,350ºC-2H, 1,450ºC-30M, 1,450ºC-2H, 1,475ºC-30M and 1,475ºC-2H. The sintered samples were characterized by XRD, XRF, AG, TG, DSC, DL, AA, MEA, RL, MRF-3P, SEM and Intrusion Porosimetry by Mercury. After the characterization, a standard membrane was selected with their respective sintering condition for the filterability tests. The effluent was provided by a local Textile Industry and characterized at the entry and exit of the treatment plant. A statistical analysis was used to study the effluent using the following parameters: pH, temperature, EC, SS, SD, oil and grease, turbidity, COD, DO, total phosphorus, chlorides, phenols, metals and fecal coliform. The filtered effluent was evaluated by using the same parameters. These results demonstrate that the feasibility of the use of porous alumina ceramic membranes for removing contaminants from textile effluent with improved average pore size of 0.4 micrometre (distribution range varying from 0,025 to 2.0 micrometre), with total porosity of 29.66%, and average percentages of color removal efficiency of 89.02%, 92.49% of SS, turbidity of 94.55%, metals 2.70% (manganese) to 71.52% (iron) according to each metal and COD removal of 72.80%