965 resultados para MATRIX MOLECULAR-WEIGHT
An AB(2) monomer, 1-(2-hydroxyethoxy)-3,5-bis-(methoxymethyl)-2,4,6-trimethylbenzene, was synthesized from mesitol and melt-polycondensed in the presence of an acid catalyst via a transetherification process at 145-150 degreesC to yield a soluble, moderately high molecular weight hyperbranched polyether. The degree of branching in the polymer was calculated to be 0.78 by a comparison of its NMR spectrum with that of an appropriately designed model compound. The weight-average molecular weight of the hyperbranched polymer was determined to be 64,600 (weight-average molecular weight/number-average molecular weight = 5.2) by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) in CHCl3, with polystyrene standards. The origin of the broad molecular weight distribution, which could either be intrinsic to such hyperbranched structures or be due to structural heterogeneity, was further probed by the fractionation of the samples by SEC and by the subjection of each fraction to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectral analysis. The mass spectral analysis suggested the presence of two primary types of species: one corresponding to the simple branched structure and the other to macrocyclics. Interestingly, from the relative intensities of the two peaks, it was apparent that cyclization became favorable at higher conversions in the melt transetherification process. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is used as an articulating surface in total hip and knee joint replacement. In order to enhance long-term durability/wear resistance properties, UHMWPE-based polymer-ceramic hybrid composites are being developed. Surface properties such as wettability and protein adsorption alter with reinforcement or with change in surface chemistry. From this perspective, the wettability and protein adsorption behavior of compression-molded UHMWPE-hydroxyapatite (HA)-aluminum oxide (Al2O3)-carbon nanotube (CNT) composites were analyzed in conjunction with surface roughness. The combined effect of Al2O3 and CNT shows enhancement of the contact angle by similar to 37A degrees compared with the surface of the UHMWPE matrix reinforced with HA. In reference to unreinforced UHMWPE, protein adsorption density also increased by similar to 230% for 2 wt.%HA-5 wt.%Al2O3-2 wt.%CNT addition to UHMWPE. An important conclusion is that the polar and dispersion components of the surface free energy play a significant role in wetting and protein adsorption than do the total free energy or chemistry of the surface. The results of this study have major implications for the biocompatibility of these newly developed biocomposites.
We report large scale deposition of tapered zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods on Si(100) substrate by using newly designed metal-organic complex of zinc (Zn) as the precursor, and microwave irradiation assisted chemical synthesis as a process. The coatings are uniform and high density ZnO nanorods (similar to 1.5 mu m length) grow over the entire area (625 mm(2)) of the substrate within 1-5 min of microwave irradiation. ZnO coatings obtained by solution phase deposition yield strong UV emission. Variation of the molecular structure/molecular weight of the precursors and surfactants influence the crystallinity, morphology, and optical properties of ZnO coatings. The precursors in addition with the surfactant and the solvent are widely used to obtain desired coating on any substrate. The growth mechanism and the schematics of the growth process of ZnO coatings on Si(100) are discussed. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The remarkable capability of nature to design and create excellent self-assembled nano-structures, especially in the biological world, has motivated chemists to mimic such systems with synthetic molecular and supramolecular systems. The hierarchically organized self-assembly of low molecular weight gelators (LMWGs) based on non-covalent interactions has been proven to be a useful tool in the development of well-defined nanostructures. Among these, the self-assembly of sugar-derived LMWGs has received immense attention because of their propensity to furnish biocompatible, hierarchical, supramolecular architectures that are macroscopically expressed in gel formation. This review sheds light on various aspects of sugar-derived LMWGs, uncovering their mechanisms of gelation, structural analysis, and tailorable properties, and their diverse applications such as stimuli-responsiveness, sensing, self-healing, environmental problems, and nano and biomaterials synthesis.
A unique strategy for scavenging free radicals in situ on exposure to gamma irradiation in polyethylene (PE) nanocomposites is presented. Blends of ultra-high molecular weight PE and linear low-density PE (PEB) and their nanocomposites with graphene (GPEB) were prepared by melt mixing to develop materials for biomedical implants. The effect of gamma irradiation on the microstructure and mechanical properties was systematically investigated. The neat blend and the nanocomposite were subjected to gamma-ray irradiation in order to improve the interfacial adhesion between PE and graphene sheets. Structural and thermal characterization revealed that irradiation induced crosslinking and increased the crystallinity of the polymer blend. The presence of graphene further enhanced the crystallinity via crosslinks between the polymer matrix and the filler on irradiation. Graphene was found to scavenge free radicals as confirmed by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Irradiation of graphene-containing polymer composites resulted in the largest increase in modulus and hardness compared to either irradiation or addition of graphene to PEB alone. This study provides new insight into the role of graphene in polymer matrices during irradiation and suggests that irradiated graphene-polymer composites could emerge as promising materials for use as articulating surfaces in biomedical implants.
This thesis presents composition measurements for atmospherically relevant inorganic and organic aerosol from laboratory and ambient measurements using the Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer. Studies include the oxidation of dodecane in the Caltech environmental chambers, and several aircraft- and ground-based field studies, which include the quantification of wildfire emissions off the coast of California, and Los Angeles urban emissions.
The oxidation of dodecane by OH under low NO conditions and the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) was explored using a gas-phase chemical model, gas-phase CIMS measurements, and high molecular weight ion traces from particle- phase HR-TOF-AMS mass spectra. The combination of these measurements support the hypothesis that particle-phase chemistry leading to peroxyhemiacetal formation is important. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was applied to the AMS mass spectra which revealed three factors representing a combination of gas-particle partitioning, chemical conversion in the aerosol, and wall deposition.
Airborne measurements of biomass burning emissions from a chaparral fire on the central Californian coast were carried out in November 2009. Physical and chemical changes were reported for smoke ages 0 – 4 h old. CO2 normalized ammonium, nitrate, and sulfate increased, whereas the normalized OA decreased sharply in the first 1.5 - 2 h, and then slowly increased for the remaining 2 h (net decrease in normalized OA). Comparison to wildfire samples from the Yucatan revealed that factors such as relative humidity, incident UV radiation, age of smoke, and concentration of emissions are important for wildfire evolution.
Ground-based aerosol composition is reported for Pasadena, CA during the summer of 2009. The OA component, which dominated the submicron aerosol mass, was deconvolved into hydrocarbon-like organic aerosol (HOA), semi-volatile oxidized organic aerosol (SVOOA), and low-volatility oxidized organic aerosol (LVOOA). The HOA/OA was only 0.08–0.23, indicating that most of Pasadena OA in the summer months is dominated by oxidized OA resulting from transported emissions that have undergone photochemistry and/or moisture-influenced processing, as apposed to only primary organic aerosol emissions. Airborne measurements and model predictions of aerosol composition are reported for the 2010 CalNex field campaign.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae pode ser isolado tanto de quadros de difteria clássica, quanto de infecções sistêmicas, como endocardite. O fibrinogênio (Fbn) e a fibronectina (Fn) são glicoproteínas presentes na matriz extracelular de tecidos conjuntivos. A influência destas proteínas na patogênese das infecções locais e invasivas causadas por C. diphtheriae é objeto de estudo devido ao fato do bacilo diftérico poder ser encontrado em lesões nas quais o Fbn e a Fn são predominantes, incluindo a pseudomembrana diftérica e vegetações cardíacas presentes na endocardite infecciosa. São crescentes as evidências de que o C. diphtheriae pode, além de aderir, ser internalizado por células em cultura. No presente estudo, investigou-se a participação de C. diphtheriae e das proteínas de superfície 67-72p na aderência à Fn e ao Fbn de plasma humano e a eritrócitos. A aderência às células HEp-2 e internalização também foram analisadas. A participação de 67-72p nos mecanismos de morte celular foi avaliada através das colorações por Azul de Tripan e 46-diamidino-2-fenil indol (DAPI), pelo ensaio de redução utilizando dimetil-tiazol-difenil tetrazólio (MTT) e por citometria de fluxo. As 67-72p foram extraídas da superfície da amostra toxigênica C. diphtheriae subsp. mitis CDC-E8392 através de processos mecânicos e precipitação com sulfato de amônio saturado. Análises por SDS-PAGE e immunoblotting detectaram a presença das bandas protéicas de 67 e 72kDa nas amostras toxinogênicas e atoxinogênicas analisadas, as quais pertenciam aos biotipos fermentador e não fermentador de sacarose. C. diphtheriae foi capazes não só de formar agregados na presença de plasma de coelho, mas também de converter Fbn em fibrina independentemente da presença do gene tox. No entanto, a amostra atoxinogênica ATCC 27010 (tox-) foi menos aderente ao Fbn do que a homóloga ATCC 27012 (tox+). A interação bacteriana com eritrócitos foi inibida somente pela Fn. Ligações entre Fn e/ou Fbn com 67-72p foram demonstradas por dot blotting, ELISA e/ou ensaios utilizando fluorescência. As 67-72p foram capazes de inibir as interações bacterianas com o Fbn, indicando que 67-72p podem participar do processo de aderência do patógeno aos tecidos do hospedeiro. Através da microscopia óptica, demonstrou-se a ligação de 67-72p adsorvidas em microesferas de látex com células HEp-2. Anticorpos de coelho do tipo IgG anti 67-72p interferiram somente com a expressão do padrão de aderência do tipo difuso, normalmente apresentado pela amostra CDC-E8392. A Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET) e a inibição da internalização bacteriana pela IgG anti 67-72p ou por 67-72p indicaram o papel de 67-72p como invasina. Alterações do citoesqueleto de células HEp-2 com acumulação de actina polimerizada, induzida por microesferas sensibilizadas com 67-72p, foi observada pelo fluorescent actin staining (FAS) test. Foi visualizado um aumento no número de bactérias viáveis no compartimento intracelular após tratamento de células HEp-2 ou dos microrganismos com Fn. A presença de partículas de látex adsorvidas com 67-72p no interior de vacúolos frouxos em células HEp-2 sugeriu que estas proteínas podem causar efeito citotóxico. A avaliação através das colorações com Azul de Tripan, DAPI e os ensaios de redução utilizando MTT demonstraram um decréscimo na viabilidade de células tratadas com 67-72p. As mudanças morfológicas observadas 3 horas após o início do tratamento com 67-72p incluíram vacuolização, fragmentação nuclear e formação de corpúsculos apoptóticos. A citometria de fluxo revelou um decréscimo de 15,13% no volume/tamanho de células tratadas com 67-72p. Além disso, o ensaio utilizando Iodeto de Propídio (IP) e Anexina V (AV)-FITIC demonstrou que havia 66,1% de células vivas (IP-/AV-), 16,6% de células em apoptose inicial (IP-/AV+) e 13,8% de células em apoptose tardia ou necrose secundária. Em conclusão, as 67-72p estão diretamente envolvidas na interação com Fn e Fbn. As proteínas não fimbriais 67-72p são hemaglutininas implicadas na aderência a células respiratórias e na internalização. Além disso, estas proteínas podem atuar como fatores de virulência em potencial para induzir apoptose de células epiteliais nos estágios iniciais da difteria e nas infecções invasivas causadas pelo C. diphtheriae
A adiponectina, um hormônio produzido pelo tecido adiposo, atua na regulação do metabolismo energético e interfere favoravelmente na sensibilidade à insulina através de suas ações no fígado e musculatura esquelética. Ao contrário da maioria das outras adipocitocinas, associa-se inversamente com a obesidade visceral, resistência à insulina, diabetes tipo 2 e doença cardiovascular. Inúmeros estudos demonstraram nos últimos anos os efeitos de variantes genéticas no gene ADIPOQ sobre os níveis circulantes de adiponectina, resistência à insulina, diabetes e obesidade. Entretanto, além de resultados contraditórios, a maior parte desses estudos foi realizada em populações Caucasianas e Asiáticas. Avaliar, em uma população multiétnica adulta do município do Rio de Janeiro, as possíveis associações das variantes genéticas (-11391 G>A, -11377C>G, +45T>G e T517G) no gene ADIPOQ com o fenótipo obeso, níveis circulantes de adiponectina de alto peso molecular e fatores de risco cardiometabólico. Trata-se de um estudo transversal. Foram estudados 100 indivíduos eutróficos (IMC 18,5 24,9 kg/m2, idade: 32,5 + 9,8 anos) e 100 obesos (IMC 30 58,2 kg/m2, idade 37,5 + 14,1 anos), igualmente divididos entre homens e mulheres. Os indivíduos obesos apresentaram valores significativamente maiores de circunferência abdominal, pressão arterial sistólica, diastólica e média, glicemia de jejum, triglicerídeos, LDL-colesterol, leptina, insulina, HOMA-IR e proteína C reativa, quando comparados aos eutróficos. Contrariamente, exibiram menores valores de adiponectina e HDL-colesterol. Análises de correlação mostraram relação inversa e significativa entre a adiponectina, circunferência abdominal, insulina, HOMA-IR e pressão arterial. Com os níveis de HDL-colesterol, a correlação foi positiva. Por meio de análise de regressão múltipla foi possível identificar os determinantes dos níveis séricos de adiponecinta. Sexo masculino, circunferência abdominal, HOMA-IR e a variante genética -11391G>A, foram os principais responsáveis por essa variação, com um R2 de 30%. Quanto à análise genética, não encontramos nenhuma associação entre essas variantes e o fenótipo obeso. Entretanto, os indivíduos carreadores do alelo mutante -11391A apresentaram menores valores de glicemia, pressão arterial e relação cintura-quadril e maiores concentrações sanguíneas de adiponectina, quando comparados aos indivíduos ditos selvagens. Ademais, os carreadores do alelo mutante -11377G apresentaram menores valores de pressão arterial sistólica, diastólica e média. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram que níveis de adiponectina diferem entre eutróficos e obesos e que concentrações mais baixas dessa adipocitocina estão associadas a um pior perfil cardiometabólico. Variantes no gene ADIPOQ podem interferir nessa relação e alguns polimorfismos parecem ter um perfil protetor no risco cardiovascular.
No projeto desenvolvido, ligações cruzadas foram formadas no polietileno de alta densidade e alto peso molecular, grade HS5103, através dos processos reticulação por peróxidos e silanos, com o objetivo de se avaliar o efeito da introdução de ligações cruzadas nas propriedades térmicas e mecânicas deste PEAD. Misturas entre o HS5103 e os peróxidos orgânicos, 2,5-Dimetil-2,5-di(terc-butilperoxi)hexano (DHBP) e peróxido de dicumila (DCP), foram produzidas e analisadas para a avaliação do efeito dos tipos de peróxido na reticulação e propriedades do PEAD e para determinação da concentração e do tipo de peróxido a ser utilizado como agente iniciador de reticulação por silano. Ensaios de índice de fluidez (MFI), reometria capilar, extração de polímero por xileno (teor de gel), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC) e tração foram realizados para caracterização das misturas com peróxidos. Os resultados indicaram aumento da viscosidade com o aumento da concentração de peróxido, sendo o DHBP o que apresentou maior índice de aumento; não houve mudanças relevantes nas propriedades mecânicas e, ocorreu aumento do grau de cristalinidade, sendo mais significativo nas amostras com DCP. Após avaliação dos resultados citados, para as amostras a serem reticuladas via silano, foi promovida a graftização de diferentes concentrações de viniltrimetóxisilano (VTMS) na presença de 0,01%p/p de DCP com a adição de 0,05%p/p de catalisador, posteriormente a reticulação foi promovida em água. As amostras produzidas foram caracterizadas por ensaios de teor de gel, análise dinâmico-mecânica (DMA), espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho (FTIR), TGA, ensaios de desgaste por deslizamento e tração. Nas amostras com silano a formação de ligações cruzadas foi gradativa, apresentando de 8% de gel para amostra com 0,5%p/p de VTMS a 57 % para amostra com1,5% p/p de silano, maior concentração utilizada. A análise dinâmico-mecânica (DMA) realizada evidenciou que houve um aumento densidade de ligações cruzadas e do módulo de armazenamento após temperatura de fusão com o teor de silano, concordando com os resultados de teor de gel. As análises de FTIR mostraram que houve a graftização e a formação de ligações cruzadas no PEAD HS5103. Não se observou um aumento significativo para o limite de resistência para o PEAD modificado. E os testes de desgaste por deslizamento indicaram um aumento da resistência ao desgaste das amostras reagidas com VTMS.
A novel plasminogen activator from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom (TSV-PA) has been identified and purified to homogeneity. It is a single chain glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 33,000 and an isoelectric point of pH 5.2. It specifically activates plasminogen through an enzymatic reaction. The activation of human native GIu-plasminogen by TSV-PA is due to a single cleavage of the molecule at the peptide bond Arg(561)-Val-(562). Purified TSV-PA, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of several tripeptide p-nitroanilide substrates, does not activate nor degrade prothrombin, factor X, or protein C and does not clot fibrinogen nor show fibrino(geno)lytic activity in the absence of plasminogen. The activity of TSV-PA was readily inhibited by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and by p-nitrophenyl-p-guanidinobenzoate. Oligonucleotide primers designed on the basis of the N-terminal and the internal peptide sequences of TSV-PA were used for the amplification of cDNA fragments by polymerase chain reaction. This allowed the cloning of a full-length cDNA encoding TSV-PA from a cDNA library prepared from the venom glands. The deduced complete amino acid sequence of TSV-PA indicates that the mature TSV-PA protein is composed of 234 amino acids and contains a single potential N-gIycosylation site at Asn(1G1). The sequence of TSV-PA exhibits a high degree of sequence identity with other snake venom proteases: 66% with the protein C activator from Aghistrodon contortrix contortrix venom, 63% with batroxobin, and 60% with the factor V activator from Russell's viper venom. On the other hand, TSV-PA shows only 21-23% sequence similarity with the catalytic domains of u-PA and t-PA. Furthermore, TSV-PA lacks the sequence site that has been demonstrated to be responsible for the interaction of t-PA (KHRR) and u-PA (RRHR) with plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1.
A platelet glycoprotein Ib-binding protein, termed TSV-GPIb-BP, was isolated from the venom of Trimeresurus stejnegeri. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, TSV-GPIb-BP showed a single band with an apparent molecular weight of 28,000 and two distinct bands with apparent molecular weights of 16,000 and 15,000 under non-reducing and reducing conditions, respectively. cDNA clones containing the coding sequences for both TSV-GPIb-BP subunits were isolated and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences of TSV-GPIb-BP subunits were confirmed by N-terminal protein sequencing and trypsin-digested peptide mass fingerprinting. Interestingly, the a subunit of TSV-GPIb-BP is identical to that of alboaggregin-B, and the sequence identity of their beta subunits is 94.3%. TSV-GPIb-BP inhibited ristocetin-induced human platelet agglutination in platelet-rich plasma under lower dosages (<5 mug/ml). On the other hand, it directly aggregated washed human platelets in the absence of additional Ca2+ or any other cofactors under higher dosages (>5 mug/ml). This platelet aggregation activity was dose-dependently inhibited by specific GPIbalpha antibodies, but not by those antibodies against platelet GPIa, GPIIa, GPIIb and GPIIIa. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A novel C-type lectin-like protein, dabocetin, was purified from Daboia russellii siamensis venom. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, it showed a single band with an apparent molecular weight of 28 kDa and two distinct bands with the apparent mole
A fibrinogen-clotting enzyme designed as jerdonobin-II was isolated from the venom of Trimeresurus jerdonii. It differed in molecular weight and N-terminal sequence with the previously isolated jerdonobin, a thrombin-like enzyme from the same venom. The enzyme consists of a single polypeptide chain with molecular weights of 30,000 and 32,000 under non-reducing and reducing conditions, respectively. Jerdonobin-II showed weak fibrinogen clotting activity and its activity unit on fibrinogen was calculated to be less than one unit using human thrombin as standard. The precursor protein sequence of jerodonobin-II was deduced from cloned cDNA sequence. The sequence shows high similarity (identity = 89%) to TSV-PA, a specific plasminogen activator from venom of T stejnegeri. Despite of the sequence similarity, jerdonobin-II was found devoid of plasminogen activating effect. Sequence alignment analysis suggested that the replacement of Lys(239) in TSV-PA to Gln(239) in jerdonobin-II might play an important role on their plasminogen activating activity difference. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In order to carry out Biometric studies, 75 samples were caught from 3 locations ( Tajan river, Sefidrud and Shirud) using Salic and the length (±1 mm) and weights (± 5 gr) of samples were determined. Using One-way ANOVA by SPPSS software, there wasn’t significant difference between locations in length and fecondity (P ≥0.01(, but there was significant difference between Shirud and tajan samples with sefidrud in weight ) P≤0.01(. In order to carry out genetic variation studies, 210 fish were caught from 3 different regions of the Iranian coastline (Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud) and 1 region in Azerbaijan (Waters of the Caspian Sea close to Kura River mouth) during 2008-2009 . Genomic DNA was extracted of fin using the phenol-chloroform. The quantity and quality of DNA from samples were assessed by spectrophptometer and 1% agarose gel electro-phoresis. PCR was carried out using 15 paired microsatellite primers. PCR products were separated on 8% polyacrylamide gels that were stained using silver nitrate. Molecular weight calculate using UVTech software. The recorded microsatellite genotypes were used as input data for the GENALEX software version 6 package in order to calculate allele and genotype frequencies, observed (Ho) and (He) expected heterozygosities and to test for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic distance between two populations was estimated from Nei standard genetic distance and genetic similarity index (Nei, 1972). Genetic differentiation between populations was also evaluated by the calculation of pairwise estimates of Fst and Rst values. From 15 SSR markers were used in this investigation, 9 of them were polymorph. Average of expected and observed heterozygosity was 0.54 and 0.49 respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations were observed in all of location except Anzali lagoon- autumn in AF277576 and EF144125, Khoshkrud in EF144125 and Gorganrud and Kura in AF277576. Using Fst and Rst there was significant difference between locations ) P≤0.01(. According to Fst , the highest population differentiation (Fst= 0.217) was between Gorganrud and Khoshkrud that have the lowest Nm and the lowest (Fst= 0.086) was between Gorganrud and Tonekabon that have the highest Nm. Using Rst the highest population differentiation (Rst= 0.271) was between Tonekabon and spring Anzali lagoon and the lowest (Rst= 0.026) was between Tonekabon and Autumn Anzali 159 lagoon. Also the difference between Spring Anzali lagoon and Autumn Anzali lagoon was noticeable (Fst=0.15). AMOVA analysis with consideration of 2 sampling regions (Iran and Azerbaijan) and 7 sampling locations (Iran: Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud, Spring Anzali lagoon and Autumn Anzali lagoon ; Azerbaijan: the Kura mouth) revealed that almost all of the variance in data namely 83% )P≤0.01( was within locations, Genetic variances among locations was 14% )P≤0.01( and among regions was 3% )P≤0.01(. The genetic distance was the highest (0.646) between Gorganrud and Autumn Anzali lagoon populations, whereas the lowest distance (0.237) was between Gorganrud and Tonekabon River. Result obtained from the present study show that at least 2 different population of Rutilus frissi kutum are found in the Caspian sea,which are including the kura river population and the southern Caspian sea samples and it appears that there is more than one population in southern Caspian sea that should be attantioned in artifical reproduction Center and stoke rebilding.
The quasi-static and dynamic responses of laminated beams of equal areal mass, made from monolithic CFRP and Ultra high molecular weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE), have been measured. The end-clamped beams were impacted at mid-span by metal foam projectiles to simulate localised blast loading. The effect of clamping geometry on the response was investigated by comparing the response of beams bolted into the supports with the response of beams whose ends were wrapped around the supports. The effect of laminate shear strength upon the static and dynamic responses was investigated by testing two grades of each of the CFRP and UHMWPE beams: (i) CFRP beams with a cured matrix and uncured matrix, and (ii) UHMWPE laminates with matrices of two different shear strengths. Quasi-static stretch-bend tests indicated that the load carrying capacity of the UHWMPE beams exceeds that of the CFRP beams, increases with diminishing shear strength of matrix, and increases when the ends are wrapped rather than through-bolted. The dynamic deformation mode of the beams is qualitatively different from that observed in the quasi-static stretch-bend tests. In the dynamic case, travelling hinges emanate from the impact location and propagate towards the supports; the beams finally fail by tensile fibre fracture at the supports. The UHMWPE beams outperform the CFRP beams in terms of a lower mid-span deflection for a given impulse, and a higher failure impulse. Also, the maximum attainable impulse increases with decreasing shear strength for both the UHMWPE and CFRP beams. The ranking of the beams for load carrying capacity in the quasi-static stretch-bend tests is identical to that for failure impulse in the impact tests. Thus, the static tests can be used to gauge the relative dynamic performances of the beams. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.