927 resultados para MAPAS CONCEITUAIS
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Acidentes relacionados ao transporte de petróleo constituem uma ameaça às zonas costeiras de todo o mundo, pois se trata de um evento ecologicamente desastroso podendo causar sérios danos ao meio ambiente. Na costa nordeste do Pará ocorre intenso fluxo de navios e balsas transportando petróleo e derivados, daí a necessidade de estabelecer estratégias de prevenção e gestão dos impactos ambientais ao derrame de óleo para elaboração de planos de emergência. O objetivo deste trabalho é gerar o mapa dos ambientes costeiros e o mapa de índice de sensibilidade ambiental ao derrame de óleo dos ambientes costeiros de uma porção da costa nordeste do Pará. A metodologia consistiu no processamento digital de imagens Landsat ETM+7, associadas aos dados do MDE do SRTM (shuttle radar topography mission) e aos dados de campo, em ambiente de SIG (sistema de informação geográfica). Os resultados permitiram o reconhecimento e a descrição de cinco unidades geomorfológicas e de ambientes sedimentares; identificação e hierarquização de nove índices de sensibilidade ambiental (ISA); além da geração do mapa de índice de sensibilidade ambiental ao derramamento de óleo. As técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e SIG mostraram ser importantes ferramentas no reconhecimento dos ambientes costeiros e geração dos mapas propostos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este estudo desenvolveu uma metodologia com o objetivo de identificar as áreas mais apropriadas para silvicultura baseada na interação entre elementos do meio físico utilizando um sistema de informação geográfica (SIG). A área de estudo corresponde a bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul (sudeste do Brasil) a qual foi escolhida por ter tido uma significativa ampliação de área de silvicultura nas últimas décadas. A bacia compreende aproximadamente 15.300 km2 sendo caracterizada por uma paisagem heterogênea e complexa. A análise do meio físico considerou os mapas temáticos regionais de geologia, geomorfologia e pedologia os quais foram obtidos em formato AutoCAD e depois convertidos e ajustados no ambiente ArcGIS®. Para cada elemento da paisagem (rocha e estruturas, relevo e solo) foram aplicados critérios de ponderação do mais adequado (5) para o menos adequado (1) no sentido de evitar o avanço dos processos erosionais e escorregamentos. O mapa de integração final foi o Mapa de Potencialidade à Silvicultura que possibilitou indicar as áreas mais favoráveis para a silvicultura. As áreas mais adequadas estão associadas a um conjunto de fatores que incluem rochas sedimentares, relevos suaves e solos espessos e homogêneos (latossolos). As menos favoráveis estão associadas com dois tipos de ambientes físicos: a) áreas de relevos de serras com substrato formado por rochas graníticas e solos pouco espessos (cambissolos) e b), áreas formadas por solos hidromorfos e nível freático próximo à superfície. Os resultados mostraram que cerca de 80% da área total poderia ser considerada adequada ou muito adequada para a silvicultura do ponto de vista do meio físico. A maioria das áreas adequadas representa vastas regiões formadas por rochas migmatíticas associadas a relevos de morros e solos relativamente pouco espessos. O Mapa de Potencialidade à Silvicultura constitui uma importante ferramenta para o gerenciamento da atividade de silvicultura, particularmente em áreas com elevada diversidade geológica e geomorfológica.
In-Car Navigation System and Route Guidance (RGNS), commercial or free, have adopted different graphic designs to maps which support the navigation task. This paper aims at evaluating the driver's subjective preference for colors to represent route and arrow direction in maps for these systems. A total of 54 drivers (27 males and 27 females) participated in an experiment which was performed in a parked vehicle. Two cartographic representations were produced to evaluate the route color and other two for the arrow color. The route was symbolized by black or blue color and the arrow direction by green or red hue. The cartographic representations were presented in a seven-inch navigation monitor. The results indicate that most drivers prefer the navigation route in black color. However, drivers who regularly use navigation systems have presented the tendency to prefer the route in blue hue. The direction arrow in green hue was the mostly preferred by the drivers and there was no significant correlation between different individual characteristics. This study concludes that drivers' preference was influenced by different factors, such as grouping by color, shape and proximity, subjective or conventional association, as well as by the level of contrast among the map features. Evaluating the performance of cartographic representations in route following task is recommended, in order to support the influence of graphic designs to maps in usability of route guidance systems.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the integration of environmental issues in the context of manufacturing function/production (or operations), which is considered the organizational area that should lead corporate environmental management. We present a background on the greening of the manufacturing area, especially in terms of product development, process, quality management and logistics. Four case studies of Brazilian companies are presented as part of the study, and it is found that the maturity level of these companies' environmental management tends to follow the degree to which the environment has been inserted into subareas of production, especially in the process of product development. However, difficulties encountered in greening a company's logistics activities are also recognized in most cases. It is concluded that companies can overcome this challenge by adopting new concepts of green supply chain management. The notes highlight the observed distance between arguments in the international literature and the reality of Brazilian companies on the greening of manufacturing aspects.
Pós-graduação em Biometria - IBB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of this study was to analyze different intensities of soil sampling for accuracy in geostatistical analysis and interpolation maps for precision agriculture in the sugarcane area. Soil samples were collected at two regular grids at a depth of 0.00 to 0.20m for granulometric analysis (area 1) and soil fertility (area 2). We compared soil sampling intensities: 208, 105, 58 and 24 points in Area 1 and 206, 102 and 53 points in Area 2. The data were submitted to descriptive analysis and geostatistics. The variograms constructed with 105 points didn't differ from variograms with 208 points, which doesn't occur for 58 and 24 points. The increase of sampling interval and reducing the number of points promote greater error in kriging. Samples with more than 100 points per area did not result in significant improvements in the error of kriging, or differed in the amount of fertilizer applied to the field.
This paper aims to understand the nature of personal archives and their main features based on the collector entity IEB-USP (Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo). Based on this entity and on archival theory, we discuss here, differences and similarities between the organic and private archives realizing the intrinsic value established on personal archival and how its institutionalization is denominated, once it directly pervades the attribution of value that is assigned and settled, relating to the work and life of a political or artistic personality, and also related to the collective memory and legacy left for this historically, aesthetic and socially important figures. We highlight, here, the approximation of Archival Science and Information Science and Library through the principles and organization methodologies applied to personal archives.
In the context of the studies in the Information Science, the information not just depends on meaning, but the social bows are current of this. The research in development analyse conceptual elements to answer the question about the semiotic foundations of the information mediation processes. This paper aim to know and analyse the semiotic foundations of the information mediation processes in the Information Science context. It presents concepts and reflections regarding the relationship of the information mediation process Charles Peirce's Semiotics, especially, the discussion about the semiotic bases to information mediation process. It discusses the information mediation as a specialization of the communication process, developed, fundamentally, for the human action trying to solve communication and technical problems in sociocultural order.
The proposal of present paper is to present a conceptual and terminological discussion relative to the terms: organizational memory, corporate memory and institutional memory that is a subject still little studied and explored in the academic area. The study is theoretical focus and the research kind is bibliographical. As research sources were utilized: books, digital libraries of theses and dissertations in the scope of the country and CAPES Journals Portal. This study is in course and is part of doctorate research "Organizational memory and the knowledge bases constitution". As the partial results, observes that the question about "memory" is studied by different areas of knowledge: Psychology, Neurosciences, History and others; the concepts about organizational memory and corporate memory are studied by Administration and Information Systems areas; the concept of institutional memory is more studied by Business Communication area focusing the company history. Beyond that, observes the use of another term, social memory, utilized by Information Science and History areas.
Fossil fuels are the main energy sources of the modern industrial age. Very sophisticated processes have been developed to extract these resources, due to increased demand on a global scale, as the extraction of oil. However, the complexity of these processes can cause accidents such as the release of oil to seas and oceans. In this context, this study proposes to carry out the implementation of a system of information to charts of environmental sensitivity to oil and prepare maps of vulnerability to oil for the city of Caraguatatuba-SP. The implementation of the database with geographical information of coastal environments was appropriate to be provided by the Internet, allowing wide access of data. The maps of vulnerability are important tool developed for the Individual Emergency Plans, because they were developed in operational scale, appropriate to actions to combat oil.
Cette étude visait à générer une carte du potentiel d'érosion pour la Ferme Santa Edwirges, située à Lorena /SP. Les résultats ont etés classifiés en faible, modéré, élève et très élève potentiel d'érosion et la carte obtenue a été comparé par rapport aux autres cartes existantes pour la zone d'étude. La méthodologie proposée se basant sur une application qualitative simple L’équation Universelle de Perte de Sol (USLE ou EUPS), en considérant les parties de l'équation: érodibilité, la topographie et l'utilisation des terres. Les donnés ont etés intégrés par l'algèbre de carte dans l’environnement SIG de ArcGIS. Pour la représentation de chacune de ces parcelles, nous avons utilisé une carte des formations superficielles de la ferme, généré à partir d'une ré-interprétation de la carte géologique, une carte de la pente et une carte d'utilisation des terres, attribuant un poids d’important pour chaque catégorie de ces cartes dans le processus d'érosion et dans l'algèbre proposée. Les résultats obtenus sont compatibles avec les zones identifiées comme les plus critiques sur terrain. La ferme a été identifiée comme de potentiel d'érosion modérée et la partie sud de la ferme le plus critique, suivi du groupe conduit par la zone de cisaillement, par contre les plaines proches des rivières ont eté identifié comme la zone plus stable avec moins de potentiel d'érosionDe la comparaison des résultats de ce travail et d'autres qui ont fait antérieurement dans la zone d’intéresse, qui ont utilisé les paramètres géotechniques dans la représentation de l'érosivité des sols, nous avons pu voir des résultats similaires, en particulier dans les zones à potentiel élevé et faible pour l'érosion. De la discussion et analyse des résultats, la méthodologie proposée à eté validée