760 resultados para MAGNA STRAUS
« Sermo adaptabillis b. Laurentio... Dispersit, dedit pauperibus... Quia secundum b. Dionixium in De ecclesiastica Yerarchia... » (1-2) ; — « Sermo de assumptione b. Marie... Quid hoc audio de te... Quid nos tantilly... » (2v-3), suivi d'une note à l'usage des prédicateurs : « Nota quod ne sermo sit deffectuosus... » (3) ; — « Sermo de conceptione b. Marie. Que est ista que progreditur... Karissimi, predicator evangelicus, beatitudinis eterne preco... » (3v-4v) ; — « Sermo de quatuor festis principalibus b. Marie... Que est ista que progreditur... Verba ista sunt tocius curie celestis... » (4v-5v) ; — « Sermo de Purificatione. In mansuetudine suscipite... Secundum b. Gregorium, Mor. 23... » (6-7) ; — « Sermo de b. Francischo... Cujus est ymago hec et superscriptio... Secundum b. Gregorium, omelia 30... » (7v-8v) ; — « Sermo in dominica [in Quinquagesima]. Ecce ascendimus Jerosolimam... Karissimi, sicut scitis, finis est... » (9-10) ; — [Sermo in dominica IIa post Epiphaniam] « Tu servasti vinum bonum usque adhuc... In verbis istis spiritualiter intellectus... » (10-10v) ; — « Sermo de b. Francischo. Ad ymaginem similitudinis sue... Verba ista ad litteram scripta... » (11-12) ; — « Sermo de b. Johane Baptista. Magnus es tu et faciens mirabilia... Secundum Gregorium quia tute... » (12v-13) ; — « Sermo de angelis. Inmittit angelus Domini... Sanctus ille David, acceptus de ovibus... » (13v-14) ; — « In ascensione Domini. Exultavit ut gigas... Duo sunt inter cetera Christi misteria... » (14v-16) ; — « De asumpcione Domine nostre. Ad preceptum tuum elevabitur aquila... Quia, karissimi, Mater Domini... » [FRANCISCUS DE MAYRONIS] ; cf. éd. Bâle, 1498, f. CIV-CIIIV, avec variantes (16v-18) ; — « De Maria Magdalena. Permittuntur [sic pro : Remittuntur] tibi peccata tua... Sicut solent maximi principes... » [Idem], sermon abrégé ; cf. éd. cit., f. LXXXVIIIV-XCI (18-19v) ; — « De s. Johane Evangelista. Dillectus meus michi... Ostenditur b. Johannes prout inflamatus... » [Idem], résumé ; cf. éd. cit., f. XXIX-XXIXV (20) ; — « In festo apostolorum Petri et Pauli. Accepimus gratiam et apostolatum... Gloriosissimi christiane fidei religionis... » (20v-23v) ; — « Sermo de gratia divina acquirenda. Accepimus gratiam etc. Vivat, obsecro, anima mea ... quoniam... » (24) ; — « Accepimus gratiam etc. Restat ostendere via physionomica... » (24v-26) ; — « Sermo de beatitudine, sive gloria celesti, sive in festo Omnium sanctorum. Fons sapientie verbum Dei... Ecce ego sto prope fontem... In hoc festo precipue et anno... » (26-29) ; — « De nativitate Domine nostre. Egredietur virga de radice Jesse... Percutiet terram virga... Clementissimus pastor ovium... » (29v-32) ; — « Sermo de uno confessore pontifice. Rector fratrum et stabilimentum populi... Inter viros eximie sanctitatis... » (32v) ; — « De nativitate Domini. Transeamus usque Bethelem... Innocencius in quodam sermone de predicatione... » (34v-36) ; — « In die nativitatis Domini. Sol ortus est et humiles exaltati sunt... Beatus Augustinus, De Civitate Dei : Anima participacione... » (36-37v) ; — « Dominica infra octavas Nativitatis. Ecce positus est hic in ruinam... Secundum doctrinam Philosophi in diversis locis... » (38-38v) ; — « Dominica quarta in quadragesima. Sequebatur eum multitudo magna... Secundum Damascenum libro primo, capitulo XV°, diversitas actionum... » (39-40v) ; — « De Canane[a], dominica secunda [sic] in quadragesima [Feria 5a post dom. Ia in XLa]. Dimitte illam quia clamat... Si attendamus ordinem generacionis... » (41-42v) ; — « Dominica de Passione. Si veritatem dico vobis... Secundum sententiam Phylosophi primo Metaphysice... » (43-43v) ; — « In cena Domini. Hodie est rex et cras morietur... Omne agens ordinate prius inquirit... » (44-45) ; — « De resurectione. Hec dies quam fecit Dominus... Scilicet est ex dictis Philosophi in diversis locis... » (45v-47) ; — « Dominica in Quadragesima. Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile... Ut dicit Philosophus, secundo de Celo et mundo... » (47-48v) ; — « De b. Clara. Sicut lux meridiana clara est... Secundum Philosophum tertio Methaphysice, si res creatas... » (48v-49v) ; — « Sermo de Cruce. Vidit mulier quod bonum esset lignum... Sicut ex doctrina Philosophi primo Ethicorum... » (50-51) ; — « De s. Anthonio. Misit servum suum hora cene... Sicut in rebus naturalibus docet experiencia... » (51v-52v) ; — « De b. Johane Batista. Tu puer propheta Altissimi... Secundum doctrinam Hugonis in commento de angelica Jerarchia... » (53-54) ; — « De b. Bertholameo [sic]. Dedit illi contra inimicos potenciam... Racio docet et experiencia manifestat... » (54v-55) ; — « De b. Francischo. Amice, ascende superius... Dicit Philosophus quinto Physicorum quod motus... » (55v-56) ; — [De b. Bernardo] « Omnia parata sunt, venite ad nupcias... Sicut videmus in motu naturali... » (56v-57) ; — « De sacerdote novo. Vos elegit Dominus... Ut potest haberi ex dictis Dyonisii... » (57v-58v) ; — « De assumpcione Virginis gloriose. Elevetur tronus David super Israel... Videmus quod triplici racione aliqua corpora... » (58v-59v) ; — « De assumpcione Virginis. Veni de Libano sponsa mea... Secundum testimonium Scripturarum et humane consuetudinis... » (59v-61) ; — « De Trinitate. Tripliciter sol exurens montes... Secundum quod dicit Philosophus, tota nostra noticia... » (61-61v) ; — « De b. Francischo. Hic beatus in facto suo erit... Post doctrinam philosophorum et experienciam... » (62-62v) ; — [De b. Eligio] « Provideat rex virum sapientem... Secundum sententiam (secundum) sapientis primo Metaphysice . » (63-64) ; — « De resurrectione Domini. Tercia dies est hodie... Tripliciter alicujus rei non vise accipimus fidem certam... » (64-65) ; — «Stetit in medio discipulorum et dixit : Pax vobis... Ut dicit b. Augustinus undevicesimo de Civitate Dei... » (65v-67) ; — « De Omnibus sanctis... Gloriosa dicta sunt de te... Aperta est civitas... Doctore egregio Bernardo scilicet attestante... » (67-69) ; — « De b. Johane Batista. Hic venit in testimonium... Sicut potest probari ex dictis Philosophi et exemplis... » (69v-70) ; — « De b. Petro apostolo. Tu pasce populum meum Israel... Secundum sententiam Philosophi tertio Politicorum... » (70v-71) ; — « De assumpcione Virginis gloriose. Transibo in locum tabernaculi... Triplici ratione secundum philosophorum doctrinam aliqua moventur... » (71v-72v) ; — [De b. Francisco] « Adolescens, tibi dico surge... Consideranti sciderum revolucionem... » (73-74v) ; — [De s. Michaele] « Michael et angeli preliabantur... Sicut ex doctrina Phylosophi in pluribus locis patet... » (74v-76) ; — « De b. Nicholao. Petra fundebat michi rivos olei... Secundum philosophicam doctrinam, diversitas effectuum... » (76-77) ; — « In festo apostolorum Petri et Pauli. Fecit Deus duo luminaria magna... Secundum sententiam Philosophi secundo Methaphysice... » (77v-78) ; — « De b. Bertholameo. Vidi angelum fortem... Secundum dictum Philosophi, omnes transferentes... » (78v-79) ; — « Dominica in Quadragesima. Ductus est Jhesus in desertum... Sicut naturalium operationum multiplex experiencia... » (79v-80v) ; — « De s. Thoma apostolo. Ecce cognovi quoniam Deus meus es... Bernardus in sermone : Deus noverim me... » (81-81v) ; — « De sacerdote novo. Misit Dominus servum suum... Secundum quod dicit Philosophus primo Ethicorum, diversarum operationum... » (82-82bis) ; — « In purificatione Virginis. Parasti ante faciem omnium populorum... Si attendamus formationem rerum temporalium... » (82bisv-83v) ; — « De uno martire. Esto vir fortis, et prelia bella Domini... Secundum consuetudinem hominum... » (84-85) ; — « De festo Purificacionis. Lucerna splendens super candelabrum... Doctrina philosophorum et tradit... » (85v-86v) ; — « Feria quarta Cinerum. Cum jejunas unge caput tuum... Morum Philosophi doctrinam perlegens et attendens... » (87-88v) ; — « In quarta feria Cinerum. Cum jejunatis, nolite fieri sicut ypocrite... Sicut ex doctrina Philosophi primo Ethicorum potest colligi... » (88v-89v) ; — « In festo b. Lodovici [episcopi]. Surrexit rex de solio suo... Ut dicit Philosophus quarto Methaphysicorum... » (90-91v) ; — « De b. Jacobo. Vox tonitrui tui in rota... Secundum doctrinam philosophicam formarum naturalium... » (91v-92v) ; — [In festo Annunciationis] « Ecce concipies in utero... Secundum doctrinam Philosophi septimo de Animalibus, ad generationem... » (93-94) ; — « De s. Ludovico [episcopo]. Reposita est michi corona justitie... Secundum sententiam Philosophi secundo Phisicorum, omne agens... » (94-96).
In this study, we investigated the presence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) genes among 101 ciprofloxacin-resistant urinary Escherichia coli isolates and searched for mutations in the quinolone-resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) of the DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV genes in PMQR-carrying isolates. Eight isolates harboured the qnr and aac(6')-Ib-cr genes (3 qnrS1, 1 qnrB19 and 4 aac(6')-Ib-cr). A mutational analysis of the QRDRs in qnr and aac(6')-Ib-cr-positive isolates revealed mutations in gyrA, parC and parE that might be associated with high levels of resistance to quinolones. No mutation was detected in gyrB. Rare gyrA, parC and parE mutations were detected outside of the QRDRs. This is the first report of qnrB19, qnrS1 and aac(6')-Ib-cr -carrying E. coli isolates in Brazil.
We have previously demonstrated disease-dependent gene delivery in the brain using an AAV vector responding to NFκB activation as a probe for inflammatory responses. This vector, injected focally in the parenchyma prior to a systemic kainic acid (KA) injection mediated inducible transgene expression in the hippocampus but not in the cerebellum, regions, respectively, known to be affected or not by the pathology. However, such a focal approach relies on previous knowledge of the model parameters and does not allow to predict the whole brain response to the disease. Global brain gene delivery would allow to predict the regional distribution of the pathology as well as to deliver therapeutic factors in all affected brain regions. We show that self-complementary AAV2/9 (scAAV2/9) delivery in the adult rat cisterna magna allows a widespread but not homogenous transduction of the brain. Indeed, superficial regions, i.e., cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum were more efficiently transduced than deeper regions, such as striatum, and substantia nigra. These data suggest that viral particles penetration from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the brain is a limiting factor. Interestingly, AAV2/9-2YF a rationally designed capsid mutant (affecting surface tyrosines) increased gene transfer efficiency approximately fivefold. Neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, but not microglia, were transduced in varying proportions depending on the brain region and the type of capsid. Finally, after a single intracisternal injection of scAAV2/9-2YF using the NFκB-inducible promoter, KA treatment induced transgene expression in the hippocampus and cortex but not in the cerebellum, corresponding to the expression of the CD11b marker of microglial activation. These data support the use of disease-inducible vectors administered in the cisterna magna as a tool to characterize the brain pathology in systemic drug-induced or transgenic disease models. However, further improvements are required to enhance viral particles penetration into the brain.
Revision of the genus Mecocephala Dallas, 1851 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). The genus Mecocephala Dallas, 1851 is revised, and some taxonomic and geographical distribution data are evaluated. The following species are considered to belong to this genus: M. acuminata Dallas, 1851 = M. holmbergi Pirán, 1969 syn. nov., M. curculionoides Pirán, 1959, M. bonariensis sp. nov., M. magna sp. nov., M. maldonadensis sp. nov., and M. zikani sp. nov.; their distribution is restricted to southern Neotropical Region. Other species, formerly placed in Mecocephala, are considered, respectively: M. rubripes Berg, 1894 incertae sedis, M. darwini Kirkaldy, 1909 incertae sedis, M. atra Bergroth, 1914 incertae sedis, Paramecocephala uruguayensis (Pirán, 1970) comb. nov., Paramecocephala fusca (Haglund, 1868) comb. nov. A key to the species is presented.
Lamprophyre dykes have been recently discovered in blocks of gneiss embedded in a calcschist formation of wildflysch type that forms the top of the Mesozoic-Tertiary metasedimentary cover of the Antigorio nappe (the Teggiolo zone) in the Val Bavona (Lower Penninic, NW Ticino, Switzerland). The presence of the lamprophyres gives a clue to the possible source of these blocks. Similar dykes occur in the N part of the Maggia nappe where they are intruded into the Matorello granite and the surrounding gneisses. We studied these lamprophyres at two localities in the Teggiolo zone (Tamierpass and Lago del Zott) and at one locality in the Maggia nappe (Laghetti). Detailed mineralogical and geochemical investigations confirm their great similarity, particularly between the Tamier and Laghetti dykes. They all recrystallized during Alpine metamorphism under amphibolite facies conditions and lost their primary mineral assemblages and textures. The chemistry reveals a calc-alkaline affinity, a limited differentiation range, features of mineral accumulation and intense remobilization in some cases. The lamprophyres are characterized by a high mg# and relatively low contents in REE and other incompatible elements. In situ SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon dating yielded ages of 284.8 +/- 1.7 Ma (Tamier), 290.0 +/- 1.3 Ma (Zott) and 290.5 +/- 3.7 Ma (Laghetti). These ages are compatible with the general late- to post-Variscan magmatic evolution of the Helvetic and Lower Penninic domains. The lamprophyres are considered as melts derived from the lithospheric Variscan mantle, variously hybridized and differentiated at the contact with crustal material during late- to post-orogenic extension. These lamprophyres are chemically distinct from earlier lamprophyres of Visean age, emplaced together with their associated granites in transcurrent fault zones during the Variscan orogenic compression. The similarity of these different dykes suggests that the front of the Maggia nappe is a likely source of the gneissic blocks embedded in the calcschists at the top of the Teggiolo zone. They would have been provided by the advancing Maggia nappe during its thrusting over the Antigorio nappe and simultaneous closure of the Teggiolo sedimentary basin.
El crucero "Localización, Concentración y Distribución de los Langostinos Rojos de Profundidad", se desarrolló entre el 18 de julio y el 06 de agosto de 1996, utilizando una red de arrastre tipo Gran ton, modelo 400/130. Se exploró el área comprendida entre Puerto Pizarro y Huarmey a profundidades entre 254 y 1 021 m. A partir de la información obtenida en el rastreo acústico, realizado en el área citada y del conocimiento de la existencia de dos biocenosis en la zona arquibentónica, una al norte y la otra al sur del Banco de Máncora, se determinó realizar el estudio sistemático y bioecológico del recurso objetivo, en el área comprendida entre 03°24' a 04°05'S y 81"00' a 81"25'W. • En esta área de evaluación, la captura estuvo constituida por peces (86,92%), crustáceos (8,04 %), moluscos (2,78%), equinodermos (1,20%), onidarios (1 ,00%), poríferos (0,03%), anélidos (0,03%), briozoarios (0,00 1%) y sipuncúlidos (0,004 %). Se registraron 38 especies de crustáceos, de los cuales 7 constituyeron los denominados langostinos de profundidad: ifeterocarpus vicarius, Haliporoides" diomedeae, Nematocarcinus agassizii, Heterocarpus hostilis, Psathyrocaris fragilis, Plesionika trispinus y Pasiphaea magna. Los más importantes langostinos rojos de profundidad se presentaron desde los 08° 18.20' S hasta los 03"32.11' S, principalmente al sur del Banco de Máncora, a profundidades entre 382 y 1 021 m. La densidad media (t/mn2) del total de langostinos rojos de profundidad, para el área de evaluación estuvo comprendida entre 0,0017 y 0,420 t/mn 2• Se determinó una profundización de los langostinos rojos fuera de su área habitual, asociado a un desplazamiento de la mínima de oxígeno hacia mayores profundidades. Esto determinó poca disponibilidad de los principales langostinos rojos de profundidad. Se destaca la mayor frecuencia de la "gamba" Haliporoides diomedeae entre 0,2 a 1,6 ml/l de oxígeno disuelto, con sus mayores densidades entre 0,8 a 1,6 ml/l. El "camarón naylon" Heterocarpus vicarius, mostró las mayores concentraciones a menores tenores de oxígeno (0, 17 a 0,25 ml/1). Se establecieron relaciones biométricas de las principales especies de langostinos rojos de profundidad.
Ponencia del Dr. Miquel Mallol Esquefa en el Homenaje académico In Memoriam al Profesor V.J. Wukmir, persona, maestro y científico humanista. Aula Magna Universitat de Barcelona, 24 de mayo del 2006. Mirada a la persona y al científico V.J. Wukmir a partir de su concepto humanista de "hombre privado" como auto construcción compartida: en la persona, en el organismo en la célula. En la ciencia y en el arte. «Compatior, ergo vobiscum sum»
Cyst-based ecotoxicological tests are simple and low-cost methods for assessing acute toxicity. Nevertheless, only a few comparative studies on their sensitivity are known. In the present study, the suitability of the use of two freshwater Anostracan species, Streptocephalus rubricaudatus and S. texanus, was assessed. The impact of 16 priority pollutants (4 heavy metals, 11 organic, and 1 organometallic compounds) on these two species, as well as on Artemia salina (Artoxkit M), Daphnia magna (International Organization for Standardization 6341), and S. proboscideus (Streptoxkit F) was assessed. For indicative comparison, bioassays using Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotoxkit F) and Photobacterium phosphoreum (Microtox) were also performed. For heavy metals (K2Cr2O7, Cd2+, Zn2+, Cu2+), the sensitivity of the two studied Streptocephalus species was slightly higher than that of D. magna. It was significantly more elevated than for the marine A. salina. For organic and organometallic micropollutants [phenol, 3,5-dichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol (PCP), hydroquinone, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate, sodium dodecyl sulfate, tributylphosphate, dimethylphthalate, atrazine, lindane, malathion, tributyltin chloride (TBT-Cl)], the sensitivity of the 4 anostracan species was of the same order of magnitude as that of D. magna. Artemia salina was slightly less sensitive to some organic compounds (PCP, hydroquinone, TBT-Cl). The sensitivity of S. rubricaudatus to organic solvents was low. On the other hand, this anostracan was quite sensitive to NaCl. Thus, its use is restricted to freshwater samples. The evaluation of global practicability of these two tests confirms that cyst-based freshwater anostracans may be used to perform low-cost tests at a sensitivity comparable to that of D. magna (24 h immobilization test).
The toxicity and environmental behavior of new pH-sensitive surfactants from lysine are presented. Three different chemical structures are studied: surfactants with one amino acid and one alkyl chain, surfactants with two amino acids on the polar head and one alkyl chain, and gemini surfactants. The pH sensitivity of these compounds can be tuned by modifying their chemical structures. Cytotoxicity has been evaluated using erythrocytes and fibroblast cells. The toxic effects against these cells depend on the hydrophobicity of the molecules as well as their cationic charge density. The effect of hydrophobicity and cationic charge density on toxicity is different for each type of cells. For erythrocytes, the toxicity increases as hydrophobicity and charge density increases. Nevertheless, for fibroblasts cationic charge density affects cytotoxicity in the opposite way: the higher charge density, the lower the toxicity. The effect of the pH on hemolysis has been evaluated in detail. The aquatic toxicity was established using Daphnia magna. All surfactants yielded EC50 values considerably higher than that reported for cationic surfactants based on quaternary ammonium groups. Finally, their biodegradability was evaluated using the CO2 headspace test (ISO 14593). These lysine derivatives showed high levels of biodegradation under aerobic conditions and can be classified as"readily biodegradable compounds".
O ensino fundamental e médio no Brasil têm compartilhado, por longo tempo, prédios, equipamentos e professores, cujo dimensionamento este trabalho apresenta, com base nos dados censitários. O rápido crescimento da matrícula do ensino médio suscita importantes questões sobre as verdadeiras necessidades de construção escolar, bem como sobre a divisão de competências educacionais na esfera de governo e a identidade pedagógica das escolas. Os dados censitários revelam que será necessário construir numerosos prédios escolares, ante o aumento da procura, porém, ainda é significativa a utilização de espaço e tempo letivo. Portanto, governos estaduais e municipais precisarão colaborar entre si, continuando a compartilhar pessoal e recursos materiais. Para melhores resultados, é necessário operacionalizar o regime de colaboração, prescrito pela Carta Magna. Normas mais claras e estáveis precisam ser negociadas para evitar casuísmos.
Comprend : Le Caire en 1862, ou environs. ; Haute-Egypte, Thèbes, le temple de Louqsor vers 1862 (Maspero en a commencé le déblaiement le 16 mars 1883) ; Haute-Egypte : temple d'Edfou (Apollinopolis magna)avant son déblaiement par Marinette Bey. ; Haute-Egypte : vallée de Bâl el Molouk ; entrée du ravin où sont creusés les hypogées. (vallée des tombeaux des rois, à Thèbes). ; Haute-Egypte, Thèbes(1862 ?): premier pylône de Karnak vu du nord (le pylône ptolémaïque et le temple de Khons à Karnak).
The functional response of predators is usually modelled as a function of absolute prey density. Arditi and Ginzburg have suggested that it should often depend instead on the prey available per capita of predators, i.e. on the prey/predator ratio. Theory suggests that these two forms of dependence are related to the degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Experiments using four filter-feeding cladoceran species were designed to test this hypothesis and to investigate the relation between individual behaviour and population dynamics. The patterns of population abundance that the cladocerans reached at equilibrium match the expectation that species with homogeneous spatial behaviour follow prey-dependent dynamics while those with heterogeneous behaviour follow ratio-dependent dynamics.
Anàlisi de les relacions que s'estableixen entre la història i la memòria, vistes des dela perspectiva d'un espai cultural concret però en funció de l'actual fase global en la qual la memòria ha esdevingut un camp preferent i un producte cultural de mercat, alhora que un element destacat en l'actual fase postmoderna de justificació democràtica. L'article apuntacom en tota aquesta magna operació cosmètica el gran damnificat és el coneixement històric, que acaba difuminat i fins i tot distorsionat.
Anàlisi de les relacions que s'estableixen entre la història i la memòria, vistes des dela perspectiva d'un espai cultural concret però en funció de l'actual fase global en la qual la memòria ha esdevingut un camp preferent i un producte cultural de mercat, alhora que un element destacat en l'actual fase postmoderna de justificació democràtica. L'article apuntacom en tota aquesta magna operació cosmètica el gran damnificat és el coneixement històric, que acaba difuminat i fins i tot distorsionat.
Como resultado de la transformación del paganismo romano florecieron, en época imperial, religiones de procedencia oriental o grecooriental, caracterizadas todas ellas por la salvación personal y, en muchos casos, por un dios individual que nace, muere y resucita. A partir del siglo II d. de J. C., entre los cultos orientales más extensamente difundidos por todo el Imperio hallamos el de la diosa Cibeles o Mater Deum Magna 1 daea Phrygia (haciendo alusión directa a su procedencia y soberanía en Frigia).