943 resultados para Lysine availability
In studies on the evaluation of methodologies for the analysis of soil, phosphorus (P) has been the single most studied aspect, due to the complexity of this dynamic element in soil. However, these studies have been limited regarding soil conditions in Paranaa. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and ion exchange resin methods in the evaluation of available P for soybean (Glycine max) in the soils of Paranaa State. Twelve soil samples collected from the upper 0-20 cm were planted with soybean for a period of 42 days in the greenhouse. The ability to extract soil P followed the order of decreasing average amount of extracted P: Mehlich-3 > resin > Mehlich-1. The correlation coefficients between the content of P extracted by Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and resin and the amount of P accumulated in the plants were 0.86, 0.90 and 0.93, respectively. Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and resin showed similar efficiency in the evaluation of P availability to plants and, under conditions of natural fertility and in soils that had received no application of poorly natural reactive phosphates, can be used to quantify the concentrations of P in the soils of Parana State.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Apparent amino acid availability coefficients and protein digestibility of four animal products [fish meal (FM), meat and bone meal (MBM), poultry by-product and feather meal] and four plant protein-rich products [soybean meal (SBM), cottonseed meal-28, cottonseed meal-38 and corn gluten meal (CGM)] were determined for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Ingredients were incorporated to a practical reference diet at a 7 : 3 ratio (70% of reference diet and 30% of test ingredient). Chromic oxide was used as external digestibility marker. Among animal products poultry by-product meal (PBM; 89.7%) and FM (88.6%) presented the highest apparent protein digestibility (APD) while MBM (78.4%) and feather meal (78.5%) presented the lowest APD. Among plant protein-rich products CGM (91.4%) and SBM (92.4%) presented the highest APD values while cottonseed meal-28 presented the lowest APD (78.6%). Average apparent amino acid availability of feed ingredients was similar to protein digestibility with 92.3%, 89.6%, 73.4%, 80.7%, 88.9%, 84.4%, 91.2% and 79.7% values for SBM, CGM, cottonseed meal-28 and 38, FM, MBM, PBM and feather meal respectively. These results indicate that O. niloticus is able to utilize efficiently different feedstuffs.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The effect of lysine amino acid supplementation on the growth characteristics and morphological pattern of skeletal muscle tissue in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus larvae was evaluated. There were four treatments (T) with increasing levels of lysine supplement (T1 = 0.0%: T2 =1.1%; T3 = 1.7%; T4 = 4.0%) and one treatment with a commercial diet (T5). In all treatments, morphological and histochemical muscle tissue analyses were similar. Two distinct layers were identified: a superficial red layer, more developed in the lateral line region, formed by fibres with intense to moderate NADH-TR reaction and strong acid-stable mATPase activity, and a deep white one, most of the Muscle mass, formed by fibres with weak NADH-TR reaction and strong alkali-stable mATPase activity. There was an intermediate layer between these two layers with fibres exhibiting either weak acid-stable or acid-labile mATPase activity. Body mass increase was significantly higher in T5 than in the lysine treatments (T1-T4). There was no difference in number and diameters of muscle fibres between lysine treatments. In T5, muscle fibre diameter and number were higher. The frequency of red fibres with diameters <= 8 mu m was higher in the lysine treatments, and with diameters between 16 and 24 mu m, was higher in T5. Most white fibre diameters in T5 were significantly larger than 24 mu m and in T1-T4 were between 8 and 16 mu m. Cell proliferation was higher in the lysine treatments and muscle growth in T5 was mainly by fibre hypertrophy. (c) 2005 the Fisheries Society of the British
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present work describes the preparation and characterization of polyelectrolyte coatings of poly-L-lysine (PLL) to modify a glassy carbon electrode and its application to the pre-accumulation of nitroprusside (NP). The effects of the coating on the electrochemical reduction of NP were investigated. The performance of the modified electrode indicates that the drug can be immobilized by electrostatic interaction and the voltammetric signal monitored at all pH values in the range of 2-12. The strong interaction between NP and PLL stabilizes the complex on the electrode surface and minimizes the chemical reaction of lost CN- ions as a subsequent reaction of electron transfer, which could improve the action mechanism of NP.
An experiment was conducted at Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia/Unesp - Botucatu for 168 days to evaluate the effects of protein, Met + Cys and lysine diet levels on egg production and egg quality of laying Japanese quails. Quails with 42 days of age were reared in a completely randomized design. There were 1,944 quails distributed in four replicates of 27 birds per pen, according to a factorial 3x3x2 with three crude protein levels (16, 18 and 20% CP), three Met + Cys levels (0.700; 0.875 and 1.050%) and two lysine levels (1.100 and 1.375%). Birds fed diets with 18 and 20% CP had higher feed intake and egg production than those fed diets with 16% CP. There was significant interaction (p<0.05) between protein and Met + Cys levels on egg weight. There was no effects (p>0.05) of the protein level on feed conversion per dozen eggs; however, improved feed conversion per egg mass was seen for birds fed diets with 20% CP compared to those fed diets with 16% and 18% CP. Protein and lipid percentage in the yolk increased when dietary protein level increased from 16 to 18%. Increasing Met + Cys from 0.700% to 0.875% reduced yolk protein percentage. Higher lipid percentage in the yolk was seen in eggs from quails fed diets with 1.050% Met + Cys, whereas 1.375% lysine in the diet of resulted in decreased egg production and egg mass, besides poorer feed conversion per dozen eggs and per egg mass.
O experimento foi realizado no Departamento de Produção Vegetal da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil, utilizando-se as culturas de guaranazeiro (Paullinia cupana Kunth), cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.), cajueiro (Anacardium occidentale L.), goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.) e seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. - Arg.). No período de seca (setembro/94) e de chuvas (novembro/94), realizaram-se determinações de resistência estomática (RE) (s cm-1) e transpiração (T) (µg cm-1 s-1) nas diferentes espécies. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições. A partir das análises dos dados pode-se concluir: 1. diferenças significativas entre espécies, em termos das variáveis avaliadas no período de deficiência hídrica, com valores decrescentes de resistência estomática e crescente de transpiração na seguinte ordem: guaranazeiro > cafeeiro > cajueiro > goiabeira > seringueira; 2. Nas águas as diferenças entre espécies, para ambas as variáveis, foram menos evidentes, continuando a cultura da seringueira a apresentar menor resistência estomática e maior transpiração dentre as espécies; 3. As culturas de guaraná e café apresentaram maior resistência à perda de água, em relação às demais culturas.
Ceftazidime is hydrolysed only slowly at pH 10 at room temperature. This is indicated by a small cathodic stripping voltammetric peak obtained at pH 10 at a hanging mercury drop electrode at about -0.6 V which corresponds to the reduction of the hydrolysis product. This peak is enhanced more than tenfold by the addition of poly-L-lysine (PLL) to the electrolyte solution. The optimum accumulation potential is between 0 and -0.1 V: the size of the peak decreases steadily, however, as the accumulation potential is moved to more negative potentials and is about one-sixth the size for accumulation at -0.4 V. Existing knowledge of the organic chemistry of cephalosporins indicates that the accumulation must involve an aminolysis reaction of the unprotonated PLL with the beta-lactam ring of the ceftazidime. The limit of detection (3 sigma) in standard solutions was calculated to be 1 x 10(-10) mol l(-1). The detection limit in buffer solution containing 1% of urine was calculated to be 5 x 10(-9) mol l(-1), i.e. 5 x 10(-6) mol l(-1) in the urine. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. AU rights reserved.
In this work the influence of the anhtropogenic activities in the uptake of metals at a reservoir for public water supply in Araraquara City, São Paulo State, Brazil was studied. For this, the distribution of Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd and Pb in sediments collected from Anhumas reservoir, at seven sampling points and at three depths for each point was investigated. The pseudo-total and available metals contained in the different sediment samples were assessed using an ICP-AES technique. Among the five metals studied, cadmium possesses the largest relative potential availability, with percentages of 20 to 98% for the three different sediment types. In addition, the following decreasing availability order was characterized: Cd > Cu > Pb > Ni > Cr.