984 resultados para Laitinen, Kai: Aino Kallaksen mestarivuodet


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It is reported in this work the preparation, characterisation and photoluminescence study of poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) thin films co-doped with [Eu(tta)(3)(H(2)O)(2)] and [Tb(acac)(3)(H(2)O)(3)] complexes. Both the composition and excitation wavelength may be tailored to fine-tune the emission properties of these Ln(3+)-beta-diketonate doped polymer films, exhibiting green and red primary colours, as well as intermediate colours. In addition to the ligand-Ln(3+) intramolecular energy transfer, it is observed an unprecedented intermolecular energy transfer process from the (5)D(4) emitting level of the Tb(3+) ion to the excited triplet state T(1) of the tta ligand coordinated to the Eu(3+) ion. The PMMA polymer matrix acts as a co-sensitizer and enhances the overall luminescence intensity of the polymer films. Furthermore, it provides considerable UV protection for the luminescent species and improves the photostability of the doped system.


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In this work is reported the sensitization effect by polymer matrices on the photoluminescence properties of diaquatris(thenoyltrifluoroacetonate)europium(III), [Eu(tta)(3)(H(2)O)(2)], doped into poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) with doping percentage at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10% (mass) in film form. TGA results indicated that the Eu(3+) complex precursor was immobilized in the polymer matrix by the interaction between the Eu(3+) complex and the oxygen atoms of the PHB polymer when the rare earth complex was incorporated in the polymeric host. The thermal behaviour of these luminescent systems is similar to that of the undoped polymer, however, the T(onset) temperature of decomposition decreases with increase of the complex doping concentration. The emission spectra of the Eu(3+) complex doped PHB films recorded at 298 K exhibited the five characteristic bands arising from the (5)D(0) -> (7)F(J) intraconfigurational transitions (J = 0-4). The fact that the quantum efficiencies eta of the doped film increased significantly revealed that the polymer matrix acts as an efficient co-sensitizer for Eu(3+) luminescent centres and therefore enhances the quantum efficiency of the emitter (5)D(0) level. The luminescence intensity decreases, however, with increasing precursor concentration in the doped polymer to greater than 5% where a saturation effect is observed at this specific doping percentage, indicating that changes in the polymeric matrix improve the absorption property of the film, consequently quenching the luminescent effect.


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Adhesive mortars are widely used to set porcelain stoneware tiles on buildings because their bond strength and flexibility properties increase the cladding serviceability. However, their long-term performance is not well understood, mainly the degradation of the polymeric matrix. The influence of moisture content on the flexibility of six adhesive mortars is investigated, based on standard EN 12002. Four of them have defined formulations and the other two are commercial and are widely used to set porcelain stoneware tiles on building facades in Brazil. The results show that moisture content above 6% is sufficient to reduce 50% of the mortar deformability, but that the drying process allows it to recover to a value similar to that prior to saturation; a logarithmic function best fits the correlation between moisture content and flexibility; water immersion increases matrix rigidity. It is suggested that standards should consider flexibility tests on both dried and wet samples as a requirement for polymer-modified mortars. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of Pigment Volume Content (PVC) on fungal growth on acrylic paint formulations with and without biocide, exposed to weathering in three different climatic regions in Brazil for four years, was studied Latex paints. with PVC of 30%, 35% and 50%, were applied to autoclaved aerated concrete blocks pre-covered with acrylic sealer and acrylic plaster They were exposed to equatorial, tropical and temperate climates in north, south-east, and south Brazil Cladosporium was the most abundant fungal genus detected in the biofilm on the surfaces of all paint formulations at all sites after four years Heaviest fungal colonization occurred in the tropical south-east and lightest in the temperate south of the country, but more phototrophs, principally cyanobacteria, were detected in the equatorial region PVC and presence of biocides were shown to be of less importance than environmental conditions (irradiance, humidity and temperature) for biofilm formation and consequent discolouration These results have important implications for testing of paint formulations (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the thermal performance of cool colored acrylic paints containing infrared reflective pigments in comparison to conventional colored acrylic paints of similar colors (white, brown and yellow) applied on sheets of corrugated fiber cement roofing. Evaluated properties are: color according to ASTM D 2244-89, the UV/VIS/NIR reflectance according to ASTM E 90396, and thermal performance by exposure to infrared radiation emitted from a lamp with the measurement of surface temperatures of the specimens with thermocouples connected to a data logging system. Results demonstrated that the cool colored paint formulations produced significantly higher NIR reflectance than conventional paints of similar colors, and that the surface temperatures were more than 10 degrees C lower than those of conventional paints when exposed to infrared radiation. The study shows that cool paints enhance thermal comfort inside buildings, which can reduce air conditioning costs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: This study evaluated the ability of benzalkonium chloride (BAC) to bind to dentine and to inhibit soluble recombinant MMPs and bound dentine matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Methods: Dentine powder was prepared from extracted human molars. Half was left mineralized; the other half was completely demineralized. The binding of BAG to dentine powder was followed by measuring changes in the supernatant concentration using UV spectrometry. The inhibitory effects of BAC on rhMMP-2, -8 and -9 were followed using a commercially available in vitro proteolytic assay. Matrix-bound endogenous MMP-activity was evaluated in completely demineralized beams. Each beam was either dipped into BAG and then dropped into 1 mL of a complete medium (CM) or they were placed in 1 mL of CM containing BAG for 30 days. After 30 days, changes in the dry mass of the beams or in the hydroxyproline (HYP) content of hydrolysates of the media were quantitated as indirect measures of matrix collagen hydrolysis by MMPs. Results: Demineralized dentine powder took up 10-times more BAG than did mineralized powder. Water rinsing removed about 50% of the bound BAC, whilst rinsing with 0.5 M NaCl removed more than 90% of the bound BAG. BAG concentrations 0.5 wt% produced 100% inhibition of soluble recombinant MMP-2, -8 or -9, and inhibited matrix-bound MMPs between 55 and 66% when measured as mass loss or 76-81% when measured as solubilization of collagen peptide fragments. Conclusions: BAC is effective at inhibiting both soluble recombinant MMPs and matrix-bound dentine MMPs in the absence of resins. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Estimates of the performance of carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) and gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) as markers of alcohol consumption have varied widely. Studies have differed in design and subject characteristics. The WHO/ISBRA Collaborative Study allows assessment and comparison of CDT, GGT, and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) as markers of drinking in a large, well-characterized, multicenter sample. Methods: A total of 1863 subjects were recruited from five countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, and Japan). Recruitment was stratified by alcohol use, age, and sex. Demographic characteristics, alcohol consumption, and presence of ICD-10 dependence were recorded using an interview schedule based on the AUDADIS, CDT was assayed using CDTect(TM) and GGT and AST by standard methods. Statistical techniques included receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Multiple regression was used to measure the impact of factors other than alcohol on test performance. Results: CDT and GGT had comparable performance on ROC analysis, with AST performing slightly less well. CDT was a slightly but significantly better marker of high-risk consumption in men. All were more effective for detection of high-risk rather than intermediate-risk drinking. CDT and GGT levels were influenced by body mass index, sex, age, and smoking status. Conclusions: CDT was little better than GGT in detecting high- or intermediate-risk alcohol consumption in this large, multicenter, predominantly community-based sample. As the two tests are relatively independent of each other, their combination is likely to provide better performance than either test alone, Test interpretation should take account sex, age. and body mass index.


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Four male cone-specific promoters were isolated from the genome of Pinus radiata D. Don, fused to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and analysed in the heterologous host Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. The temporal and spatial activities of the promoters PrCHS1, PrLTP2, PrMC2 and PrMALE1 during seven anther developmental stages are described in detail. The two promoters PrMC2 and PrMALE1 confer an identical GUS expression pattern on Arabidopsis anthers. DNA sequence analysis of the PrMC2 and PrMALE1 promoters revealed an 88% sequence identity over 276 bp and divergence further upstream (


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This article combines both international practice and analytical contributions into a systematic and synthetic presentation of the evolution of peace operations from their modern inception in 1948 to the present. It seeks to serve a didactic purpose in proposing a basic structure for Brazilian scholars' burgeoning debate on peace operations and intervention, rather than a definitive characterization of blue helmet practice. Peace operations' progression is traced through five analytical "generations," each adding a crucial factor distinguishing it from its predecessors. Each generation is placed in relation to changes in the nature of conflict and in the interpretation of the foundational principles of peace operations, and links to broader theoretical issues in International Relations are made explicit at each stage.


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Abstract This paper uses the framework of the Copenhagen School to understand the process of securitization of cyberspace, exploring how something in such sphere becomes a threat. Seeking to contribute to the debate, this study analyses the securitization discourses of Brazil and of the United States from Hansen and Nissenbaum's (2009) theorization about the existence of a specific sector for cybersecurity. To comprehend the securitization of cyberspace in these terms allows not only to identify distinct levels of securitization, but also to capture the dynamics of cyber threats, distinguishing them from those existent in other sectors, as well as to trace distinctions between tendencies of securitization and militarization.


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No âmbito da tradução nas suas múltiplas vertentes e face às diferentes abordagens que nem sempre se articulam de maneira inequívoca, é conveniente termos referências bem definidas. A linguística na linha de André Martinet1, que elabora sobre o funcionamento de um sistema linguístico de forma simples e nãonormativa, parece-nos fornecer uma excelente base para quem estuda e trabalha em tradução e, em geral, na área das Línguas. A abordagem em questão é aplicável aos fenómenos linguísticos, nomeadamente aos níveis fonológico e morfo-sintáctico. A ponte para abordagens de carácter semântico-pragmático pode estabelecer-se através do plano da axiologia - área intermédia entre sintaxe e semântica - em que conseguimos operar com elementos discretos, intimamente ligados aos processos da significação. Veremos, no esboço que se segue, como se pode, num primeiro momento, analisar um determinado fenómeno gramatical existente em dois sistemas linguísticos. Vamos concentrar-nos no conjuntivo em alemão e em português, tendo em linha de conta os princípios da linguística martinetiana.


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O artigo pode ser lido como uma pequena introdução à linguística funcionalista martinetiana. Consiste numa breve apresentação comentada de alguns dos conceitos fundamentais (monema, dupla articulação, relação funcional, valor axiológico) da obra ―Elementos de Linguística Geral―1 aplicada, nas suas exemplificações, à língua alemã. Consideramos a abordagem de André Martinet digna de ser conhecida por todos os estudantes e interessados da linguística. Descreve e explica, de forma não-dogmática e simples, o funcionamento de um sistema linguístico, isto é, de uma língua humana (no original, da língua francesa), facilita o entendimento da dinâmica desse mesmo sistema e abre caminho para abordagens científicas (operação com elementos discretos, segmentação, comutação), também ao nível da significação.


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In an age where Babel has turned into transcultural communication, an interlingual approach – i.e. in English and in French – to the translating process from German to Portuguese appeared pertinent. Aiming at a refinement of the translating competence, this process consists in contrasting different linguistic and literary strategies through an intercultural and multi-etymological perspective. Thus, we settled upon Heiner Müller‘s play Der Auftrag. Erinnerung an eine Revolution (1980), on which the composer Heiner Goebbels has based himself to textually and musically dramatize an excerpt, Der Mann im Farhstuhl / The Man in the Elevator. A transcription of such excerpt in its source language, German, as well as its translation into English (Carl Weber, 1984, Performing Arts Publications, New York) and French (Jean Jourdheuil, Heinz Schwarzinger, Editions Minuit, Paris) can be found in the booklet that accompanies the CD – edited in 1988 by ECD (München: Records GmbH). It should be emphasized that such a creation allows a framing of Müller‘s text into a musical scenography and, therefore, encourages an intersemiotic contrast. This experience enabled us to come up with a unique imagery of Müller‘s piece of writing, by means of its dramatic and musical conversion and, simultaneously, lead us to stretch our textual consciousness to a multitude of intra-, extra- and interlinguistic elements.