945 resultados para LUMBAR PUNCTURE
This is a retrospective clinical, radiological and patient outcome assessment of 21 consecutive patients with King 1 idiopathic adolescent scoliosis treated by short anterior selective fusion of the major thoracolumbar/lumbar (TL/L) curve. Three-dimensional changes of both curves, changes in trunk balance and rib hump were evaluated. The minimal follow-up was 24 months (max. 83). The Cobb angle of the TL/L curve was 52 degrees (45-67 degrees) with a flexibility of 72% (40-100%). The average length of the main curve was 5 (3-8) segments. An average of 3 (2-4) segments was fused using rigid single rod implants with side-loading screws. The Cobb angle of the thoracic curve was 33 degrees (18-50 degrees) with a flexibility of 69% (29-100%). The thoracic curve in bending was less than 20 degrees in 17 patients, and 20-25 degrees in 4 patients. In the TL/L curve there was an improvement of the Cobb angle of 67%, of the apex vertebral rotation of 51% and of the apex vertebral translation of 74%. The Cobb angle of the thoracic curve improved 29% spontaneously. Shoulder balance improved significantly from an average preoperative imbalance of 14.5-3.1 mm at the last follow-up. Seventy-five percent of the patients with preoperative positive shoulder imbalance (higher on the side of the thoracic curve) had levelled shoulders at the last follow-up. C7 offset improved from a preoperative 19.8 (0-40) to 4.8 (0-18) mm at the last follow-up. There were no significant changes in rotation, translation of the thoracic curve and the clinical rib hump. There were no significant changes in thoracic kyphosis or lumbar lordosis. The average score of the SRS-24 questionnaire at the last follow-up was 91 points (max. 120). We conclude that short anterior selective fusion of the TL/L curve in King 1 scoliosis with a thoracic curve bending to 25 degrees or less (Type 5 according to Lenke classification) results in a satisfactory correction and a balanced spine. Short fusions leave enough mobile lumbar segments for the establishment of global spinal balance. A positive shoulder imbalance is not a contraindication for this procedure. Structural interbody grafts are not necessary to maintain lumbar lordosis.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between the 3-dimensional (3-D) motion pattern of the caudal lumbar and lumbosacral portions of the canine vertebral column and the morphology of vertebrae, facet joints, and intervertebral disks. SAMPLE POPULATION: Vertebral columns of 9 German Shepherd Dogs and 16 dogs of other breeds with similar body weights and body conditions. PROCEDURE: Different morphometric parameters of the vertebral column were assessed by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging. Anatomic conformation and the 3-D motion pattern were compared, and correlation coefficients were calculated. RESULTS: Total range of motion for flexion and extension was mainly associated with the facet joint angle, the facet joint angle difference between levels of the vertebral column in the transverse plane on CT images, disk height, and lever arm length. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Motion is a complex process that is influenced by the entire 3-D conformation of the lumbar portion of the vertebral column. In vivo dynamic measurements of the 3-D motion pattern of the lumbar and lumbosacral portions of the vertebral column will be necessary to further assess biomechanics that could lead to disk degeneration in dogs.
Autogenous iliac crest has long served as the gold standard for anterior lumbar arthrodesis although added morbidity results from the bone graft harvest. Therefore, femoral ring allograft, or cages, have been used to decrease the morbidity of iliac crest bone harvesting. More recently, an experimental study in the animal showed that harvesting local bone from the anterior vertebral body and replacing the void by a radio-opaque beta-tricalcium phosphate plug was a valid concept. However, such a concept precludes theoretically the use of posterior pedicle screw fixation. At one institution a consecutive series of 21 patients underwent single- or multiple-level circumferential lumbar fusion with anterior cages and posterior pedicle screws. All cages were filled with cancellous bone harvested from the adjacent vertebral body, and the vertebral body defect was filled with a beta-tricalcium phosphate plug. The indications for surgery were failed conservative treatment of a lumbar degenerative disc disease or spondylolisthesis. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to report on the surgical technique, operative feasibility, safety, benefits, and drawbacks of this technique with our primary clinical experience. An independent researcher reviewed all data that had been collected prospectively from the onset of the study. The average age of the patients was 39.9 (26-57) years. Bone grafts were successfully harvested from 28 vertebral bodies in all but one patient whose anterior procedure was aborted due to difficulty in freeing the left common iliac vein. This case was converted to a transforaminal interbody fusion (TLIF). There was no major vascular injury. Blood loss of the anterior procedure averaged 250 ml (50-350 ml). One tricalcium phosphate bone plug was broken during its insertion, and one endplate was broken because of wrong surgical technique, which did not affect the final outcome. One patient had a right lumbar plexopathy that was not related to this special technique. There was no retrograde ejaculation, infection or pseudoarthrosis. One patient experienced a deep venous thrombosis. At the last follow up (mean 28 months) all patients had a solid lumbar spine fusion. At the 6-month follow up, the pain as assessed on the visual analog scale (VAS) decreased from 6.9 to 4.5 (33% decrease), and the Oswestry disability index (ODI) reduced from 48.0 to 31.7 with a 34% reduction. However, at 2 years follow up there was a trend for increase in the ODI (35) and VAS (5). The data in this study suggest that harvesting a cylinder of autograft from the adjacent vertebral body is safe and efficient. Filling of the void defect with a beta-tricalcium phosphate plug does not preclude the use of posterior pedicle screw stabilization.
An 11-year-old Gordon setter bitch was presented with a history of progressive weakness in the right hind limb associated with pain in the lumbar spine. Neurological deficits consisted of ataxia, monoparesis, muscle atrophy and spontaneous over-knuckling of the affected limb. A large 'juxtaarticular' cyst located in a right dorsolateral position of the intervertebral foramen at L3-L4 was diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging. The cyst was removed through a modified laminectomy. The dog recovered quickly and returned to the owners 4 days after surgery with slight neurological symptoms. During the follow-up examination 2 and 6 months later, the Setter showed normal gait and neurological examination.
Mass screening for osteoporosis using DXA measurements at the spine and hip is presently not recommended by health authorities. Instead, risk factor questionnaires and peripheral bone measurements may facilitate the selection of women eligible for axial bone densitometry. The aim of this study was to validate a case finding strategy for postmenopausal women who would benefit most from subsequent DXA measurement by using phalangeal radiographic absorptiometry (RA) alone or in combination with risk factors in a general practice setting. The sensitivity and specificity of this strategy in detecting osteoporosis (T-score < or =2.5 SD at the spine and/or the hip) were compared with those of the current reimbursement criteria for DXA measurements in Switzerland. Four hundred and twenty-three postmenopausal women with one or more risk factors for osteoporosis were recruited by 90 primary care physicians who also performed the phalangeal RA measurements. All women underwent subsequent DXA measurement of the spine and the hip at the Osteoporosis Policlinic of the University Hospital of Berne. They were allocated to one of two groups depending on whether they matched with the Swiss reimbursement conditions for DXA measurement or not. Logistic regression models were used to predict the likelihood of osteoporosis versus "no osteoporosis" and to derive ROC curves for the various strategies. Differences in the areas under the ROC curves (AUC) were tested for significance. In women lacking reimbursement criteria, RA achieved a significantly larger AUC (0.81; 95% CI 0.72-0.89) than the risk factors associated with patients' age, height and weight (0.71; 95% C.I. 0.62-0.80). Furthermore, in this study, RA provided a better sensitivity and specificity in identifying women with underlying osteoporosis than the currently accepted criteria for reimbursement of DXA measurement. In the Swiss environment, RA is a valid case finding tool for patients with risk factors for osteoporosis, especially for those who do not qualify for DXA reimbursement.
Paravertebral lumbar muscles are important for spine stabilization and mobility. They may be abnormal in several disorders that may be associated with pain or functional impairment. Special attention should be paid to the paravertebral muscles during imaging, so that a possible muscular disease is not overlooked, especially in patients with low back pain. This article reviews such imaging abnormalities.
The technique of transseptal puncture for catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation after percutaneous closure of a foramen ovale with the Amplatzer Occluder is demonstrated based on 2 representative cases.
BACKGROUND: During paravertebral block, the anterolateral limit of the paravertebral space, which consists of the pleura, should preferably not be perforated. Also it is possible that, during the block, the constant superior costotransverse ligament can be missed in the loss-of-resistance technique. We therefore aimed to develop a new technique for an ultrasound-guided puncture of the paravertebral space. METHODS: We performed 20 punctures and catheter placements in 10 human cadavers. A sonographic view showing the pleura and the superior costotransverse ligament was obtained with a slightly oblique scan using a curved array transducer. After inline approach, injection of 10 ml normal saline confirmed the correct position of the needle tip, distended the space, and enabled catheter insertion. The spread of contrast dye injected through the catheters was assessed by CT scans. RESULTS: The superior costotransverse ligament and the paravertebral space were easy to identify. The needle tip reached the paravertebral space without problems under visualization. In contrast, the introduction of the catheter was difficult. The CT scan revealed a correct paravertebral spread of contrast in 11 cases. Out of the remaining, one catheter was found in the pleural space, in six cases there was an epidural, and in two cases there was a prevertebral spread of contrast dye. CONCLUSIONS: We successfully developed a technique for an accurate ultrasound-guided puncture of the paravertebral space. We also showed that when a catheter is introduced through the needle with the tip lying in the paravertebral space, there is a high probability of catheter misplacement into the epidural, mediastinal, or pleural spaces.
Lumbar spinal stenosis is a frequent indication for spinal surgery. The predictive quality of treadmill testing and MRI for diagnostic verification is not yet clearly defined. Aim of the current study was to assess correlations between treadmill testing and MRI findings in the lumbar spine. Twenty-five patients with lumbar spinal stenosis were prospectively examined. Treadmill tests were performed and the area of the dural sac and neuroforamina was examined with MRI for the narrowest spinal segment. VAS and ODI were used for clinical assessment. The median age of the patients was 67 years. In the narrowest spinal segment the median area of the dural sac was 91 mm(2). The median ODI was 66 per cent. The median walking distance in the treadmill test was 70 m. The distance reached in the treadmill test correlated with the area of the dural sac (Spearman's rho = 0.53) and ODI (rho = -0.51), but not with the area of the neuroforamina and VAS. The distance reached in the treadmill test predicts the grade of stenosis in MRI but has a limited diagnostic importance for the level of clinical symptoms in lumbar spinal stenosis.
BACKGROUND: Arterial puncture closure devices (APCD) are frequently used after cardiac catheterization. Here, the diagnosis and therapy of femoral artery complications after the use of the Angio-Seal APCD is reported. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The Angio-Seal APCD was deployed in 1600 patients undergoing transfemoral catheterization. RESULTS: In 7 of 1600 cases (0.4%) vascular complications occurred following Angio-Seal deployment. Diagnosis was made by duplex sonography. Intraoperative findings consisted of a complete occlusion with dissection of the femoral artery in all patients. In 6 cases, the femoral bifurcation had to be reconstructed after endarterectomy. Follow-up is complete with a mean of 6 months. CONCLUSION: The Angio-Seal device should not be used for closure of the superficial femoral artery and in patients with severe arteriosclerosis. The application of arteriography as well as the use of ultrasound-guided puncture is advisable. In all cases, surgical intervention was successful and an adequate therapy for management of complications.