636 resultados para LATTICES


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The thermal conductivity of periodic composite media with spherical inclusions embedded in a homogeneous matrix is discussed. Using Green's function, we show that the Rayleigh identity can be generalized to deal with the thermal properties of these systems. A technique for calculating effective thermal conductivities is proposed. Systems with cubic symmetries (including simple cubic, body centered cubic and face centered cubic symmetry) are investigated in detail, and useful formulae for evaluating effective thermal conductivities are derived.


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In this paper we analyze the valuation of options stemming from the flexibility in an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Power Plant. First we use as a base case the opportunity to invest in a Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) Power Plant, deriving the optimal investment rule as a function of fuel price and the remaining life of the right to invest. Additionally, the analytical solution for a perpetual option is obtained. Second, the valuation of an operating IGCC Power Plant is studied, with switching costs between states and a choice of the best operation mode. The valuation of this plant serves as a base to obtain the value of the option to delay an investment of this type. Finally, we derive the value of an opportunity to invest either in a NGCC or IGCC Power Plant, that is, to choose between an inflexible and a flexible technology, respectively. Numerical computations involve the use of one- and two-dimensional binomial lattices that support a mean-reverting process for the fuel prices. Basic parameter values refer to an actual IGCC power plant currently in operation.


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We show that a category of one-dimensional XY-type models may enable high-fidelity quantum state transmissions, regardless of details of coupling configurations. This observation leads to a fault-tolerant design of a state transmission setup. The setup is fault-tolerant, with specified thresholds, against engineering failures of coupling configurations, fabrication imperfections or defects, and even time-dependent noises. We propose an experimental implementation of the fault-tolerant scheme using hard-core bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices.


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19 p.


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We investigate the 2d O(3) model with the standard action by Monte Carlo simulation at couplings β up to 2.05. We measure the energy density, mass gap and susceptibility of the model, and gather high statistics on lattices of size L ≤ 1024 using the Floating Point Systems T-series vector hypercube and the Thinking Machines Corp.'s Connection Machine 2. Asymptotic scaling does not appear to set in for this action, even at β = 2.10, where the correlation length is 420. We observe a 20% difference between our estimate m/Λ^─_(Ms) = 3.52(6) at this β and the recent exact analytical result . We use the overrelaxation algorithm interleaved with Metropolis updates and show that decorrelation time scales with the correlation length and the number of overrelaxation steps per sweep. We determine its effective dynamical critical exponent to be z' = 1.079(10); thus critical slowing down is reduced significantly for this local algorithm that is vectorizable and parallelizable.

We also use the cluster Monte Carlo algorithms, which are non-local Monte Carlo update schemes which can greatly increase the efficiency of computer simulations of spin models. The major computational task in these algorithms is connected component labeling, to identify clusters of connected sites on a lattice. We have devised some new SIMD component labeling algorithms, and implemented them on the Connection Machine. We investigate their performance when applied to the cluster update of the two dimensional Ising spin model.

Finally we use a Monte Carlo Renormalization Group method to directly measure the couplings of block Hamiltonians at different blocking levels. For the usual averaging block transformation we confirm the renormalized trajectory (RT) observed by Okawa. For another improved probabilistic block transformation we find the RT, showing that it is much closer to the Standard Action. We then use this block transformation to obtain the discrete β-function of the model which we compare to the perturbative result. We do not see convergence, except when using a rescaled coupling β_E to effectively resum the series. For the latter case we see agreement for m/ Λ^─_(Ms) at , β = 2.14, 2.26, 2.38 and 2.50. To three loops m/Λ^─_(Ms) = 3.047(35) at β = 2.50, which is very close to the exact value m/ Λ^─_(Ms) = 2.943. Our last point at β = 2.62 disagrees with this estimate however.


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Microtubules (MT) are composed of 13 protofilaments, each of which is a series of two-state tubulin dimers. In the MT wall, these dimers can be pictured as "lattice" sites similar to crystal lattices. Based on the pseudo-spin model, two different location states of the mobile electron in each dimer are proposed. Accordingly, the MT wall is described as an anisotropic two-dimensional (2D) pseudo-spin system considering a periodic triangular "lattice". Because three different "spin-spin" interactions in each cell exist periodically in the whole MT wall, the system may be shown to be an array of three types of two-pseudo-spin-state dimers. For the above-mentioned condition, the processing of quantum information is presented by using the scheme developed by Lloyd.


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We propose a simple single-layer magnetic microtrap configuration which can trap an array of magnetically-trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. The configuration consists of two series of parallel wires perpendicular to each other and all of the crossing points are cut off for maintaining the uniformity of the current. We analyse the trapping potential, the position of trapping centres and the uniformity of the array of the traps. The trapping depth and trapping frequency with different parameters are also calculated. Lastly, the effect of the cut-off crossing points, dissipate power, chip production are introduced concisely.


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When studying physical systems, it is common to make approximations: the contact interaction is linear, the crystal is periodic, the variations occurs slowly, the mass of a particle is constant with velocity, or the position of a particle is exactly known are just a few examples. These approximations help us simplify complex systems to make them more comprehensible while still demonstrating interesting physics. But what happens when these assumptions break down? This question becomes particularly interesting in the materials science community in designing new materials structures with exotic properties In this thesis, we study the mechanical response and dynamics in granular crystals, in which the approximation of linearity and infinite size break down. The system is inherently finite, and contact interaction can be tuned to access different nonlinear regimes. When the assumptions of linearity and perfect periodicity are no longer valid, a host of interesting physical phenomena presents itself. The advantage of using a granular crystal is in its experimental feasibility and its similarity to many other materials systems. This allows us to both leverage past experience in the condensed matter physics and materials science communities while also presenting results with implications beyond the narrower granular physics community. In addition, we bring tools from the nonlinear systems community to study the dynamics in finite lattices, where there are inherently more degrees of freedom. This approach leads to the major contributions of this thesis in broken periodic systems. We demonstrate the first defect mode whose spatial profile can be tuned from highly localized to completely delocalized by simply tuning an external parameter. Using the sensitive dynamics near bifurcation points, we present a completely new approach to modifying the incremental stiffness of a lattice to arbitrary values. We show how using nonlinear defect modes, the incremental stiffness can be tuned to anywhere in the force-displacement relation. Other contributions include demonstrating nonlinear breakdown of mechanical filters as a result of finite size, and the presents of frequency attenuation bands in essentially nonlinear materials. We finish by presenting two new energy harvesting systems based on our experience with instabilities in weakly nonlinear systems.


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An understanding of the mechanics of nanoscale metals and semiconductors is necessary for the safe and prolonged operation of nanostructured devices from transistors to nanowire- based solar cells to miniaturized electrodes. This is a fascinating but challenging pursuit because mechanical properties that are size-invariant in conventional materials, such as strength, ductility and fracture behavior, can depend critically on sample size when materials are reduced to sub- micron dimensions. In this thesis, the effect of nanoscale sample size, microstructure and structural geometry on mechanical strength, deformation and fracture are explored for several classes of solid materials. Nanocrystalline platinum nano-cylinders with diameters of 60 nm to 1 μm and 12 nm sized grains are fabricated and tested in compression. We find that nano-sized metals containing few grains weaken as sample diameter is reduced relative to grain size due to a change from deformation governed by internal grains to surface grain governed deformation. Fracture at the nanoscale is explored by performing in-situ SEM tension tests on nanocrystalline platinum and amorphous, metallic glass nano-cylinders containing purposely introduced structural flaws. It is found that failure location, mechanism and strength are determined by the stress concentration with the highest local stress whether this is at the structural flaw or a microstructural feature. Principles of nano-mechanics are used to design and test mechanically robust hierarchical nanostructures with structural and electrochemical applications. 2-photon lithography and electroplating are used to fabricate 3D solid Cu octet meso-lattices with micron- scale features that exhibit strength higher than that of bulk Cu. An in-situ SEM lithiation stage is developed and used to simultaneously examine morphological and electrochemical changes in Si-coated Cu meso-lattices that are of interest as high energy capacity electrodes for Li-ion batteries.


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An automatic experimental apparatus for perturbed angular correlation measurements, capable of incorporating Ge(Li) detectors as well as scintillation counters, has been constructed.

The gamma-gamma perturbed angular correlation technique has been used to measure magnetic dipole moments of several nuclear excited states in the osmium transition region. In addition, the hyperfine magnetic fields, experienced by nuclei of 'impurity' atoms embedded in ferromagnetic host lattices, have been determined for several '4d' and '5d' impurity atoms.

The following magnetic dipole moments were obtained in the osmium transition region μ2+(190Os) = 0.54 ± 0.06 nm μ4+(190Os) = 0.88 ± 0.48 nm μ2+(192Os) = 0.56 ± 0.08 nm μ2+(192Pt) = 0.56 ± 0.06 nm μ2+’(192Pt) = 0.62 ± 0.14 nm.

These results are discussed in terms of three collective nuclear models; the cranking model, the rotation-vibration model and the pairing-plus-quadrupole model. The measurements are found to be in satisfactory agreement with collective descriptions of low lying nuclear states in this region.

The following hyperfine magnetic fields of 'impurities' in ferromagnetic hosts were determined; Hint(Cd Ni) = - (64.0 ± 0.8)kG Hint(Hg Fe) = - (440 ± 105)kG Hint(Hg Co) = - (370 ± 78)kG Hint(Hg Ni) = - (86 ± 22)kG Hint(Tl Fe) = - (185 ± 70)kG Hint(Tl Co) = - (90 ± 35)kG Hint(Ra Fe) = - (105 ± 20)kG Hint(Ra Co) = - (80 ± 16)kG Hint(Ra Ni) = - (30 ± 10)kG, where in Hint(AB); A is the impurity atom embedded in the host lattice B. No quantitative theory is available for comparison. However, these results are found to obey the general systematics displayed by these fields. Several mechanisms which may be responsible for the appearance of these fields are mentioned.

Finally, a theoretical expression for time-differential perturbed angular correlation measurement, which duplicates experimental conditions is developed and its importance in data analysis is discussed.


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Desenvolvemos nesta dissertação um método híbrido direto para o cálculo do fator de desvantagem e descrição da distribuição do fluxo de nêutrons em sistemas combustível-moderador. Na modelagem matemática, utilizamos a equação de transporte de Boltzmann independente do tempo, considerando espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico no modelo monoenergético e espalhamento isotrópico no modelo multigrupo, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), em geometria unidimensional. Desenvolvemos nesta dissertação um método híbrido direto para o cálculo do fator de desvantagem e descrição da distribuição do fluxo de nêutrons em sistemas combustível-moderador. Na modelagem matemática, utilizamos a equação de transporte de Boltzmann independente do tempo, considerando espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico no modelo monoenergético e espalhamento isotrópico no modelo multigrupo, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), em geometria unidimensional. Descrevemos uma análise espectral das equações de ordenadas discretas (SN)a um grupo e a dois grupos de energia, onde seguimos uma analogia com o método de Case. Utilizamos, neste método, quadraturas angulares diferentes no combustível (NC) e no moderador (NM), onde em geral assumimos que NC > NM . Condições de continuidade especiais que acoplam os fluxos angulares que emergem do combustível (moderador) e incidem no moderador (combustível), foram utilizadas com base na equivalência entre as equações SN e PN-1, o que caracteriza a propriedade híbrida do modelo proposto. Sendo um método híbrido direto, utilizamos as NC + NM equações lineares e algébricas constituídas pelas (NC + NM)/2 condições de contorno reflexivas e (NC + NM)/2 condições de continuidade para determinarmos as NC + NM constantes. Com essas constantes podemos calcular os valores dos fluxos angulares e dos fluxos escalares em qualquer ponto do domínio. Apresentamos resultados numéricos para ilustrar a eficiência e a precisão do método proposto.


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A combinação de excelentes propriedades mecânicas aliadas à biocompatibilidade torna a borracha natural um material amplamente empregado na fabricação de artefatos voltados à saúde, tais como bicos de chupetas e de mamadeiras, e luvas cirúrgicas e de procedimentos não-cirúrgicos. Esses artefatos são processados a partir de látices de poli(cis-isopreno) extraído de seringueiras. Entretanto, o grande número de insaturações presentes na cadeia polimérica, mesmo após a vulcanização, resulta em uma baixa resistência desse material ao envelhecimento, causado principalmente pela associação de fatores como temperatura, oxigênio, ozônio e radiação. Outro inconveniente associado à aplicação da borracha natural é a presença de proteínas no látex, com potencial alergênico, podendo promover reações fisiológicas em alguns usuários. Por esse motivo artefatos comerciais à base de material sintético também são encontrados no mercado. Esses artefatos também não são isentos dos processos naturais de desgaste e decomposição. Esta Dissertação teve como objetivo realizar um estudo comparativo de propriedades dos produtos comerciais à base de borracha natural e à base de material sintético (bicos de chupeta e de mamadeiras e luvas) de diferentes fabricantes, como adquiridos e após sofrerem envelhecimento acelerado. O estudo foi feito empregando-se as técnicas de espectroscopia na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e termogravimetria (TG). Uma avaliação mecânica com métodos padronizados foi também realizada


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A.G. Vulih has shown how an essentially unique intrinsic multiplication can be defined in certain types of Riesz spaces (vector lattices) L. In general, the multiplication is not universally defined in L, but L can always be imbedded in a large space L# in which multiplication is universally defined.

If ф is a normal integral in L, then ф can be extended to a normal integral on a large space L1(ф) in L#, and L1(ф) may be regarded as an abstract integral space. A very general form of the Radon-Nikodym theorem can be proved in L1(ф), and this can be used to give a relatively simple proof of a theorem of Segal giving a necessary and sufficient condition that the Radon-Nikodym theorem hold in a measure space.

In another application, the multiplication is used to give a representation of certain Riesz spaces as rings of operators on a Hilbert space.


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This paper reports room-temperature ferromagnetism in Co- and Cu-doped In2O3 samples synthesized by a solid-state reaction method. Structure and composition analyses revealed that Co and Cu were incorporated into the In2O3 lattices. Photoluminescence measurement revealed an additional emission at 520 urn from these doped samples. The magnetic measurement showed that additional Cu doping greatly enhanced the ferromagnetism of In1.99Co0.01O3 bulk samples. The implication of the effects of additional Cu doping is also discussed. (c) 2007 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.