834 resultados para Kvarken Archipelago


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This study deals with detailed morphology and anatomy of 4 species of Scaphopoda and 5 species of protobranch Bivalvia. Both classes are traditionally grouped in the taxon Diasoma, which has been questioned by different methodologies, such as molecular and developmental. This study is developed under a phylogenetic methodology with the main concern in performing it in an intelligible and testable methodology. The analyzed Scaphopoda species came from the Brazilian coast and belong to the family Dentaliidae [(1) Coccodentalium carduus; (2) Paradentalium disparile] and Gadiliidae; [(3) Polyschides noronhensis, n. sp. from Fernando de Noronha Archipelago; (4) Gadila braziliensis]. These species represent the main branches of the class Scaphopoda. From protobranch bivalves, representatives of the families Solemyidae [(5) Solemya occidentalis, from Florida; S. notialis, n. sp. from S.E. Brazil], Nuculanidae [(6) Propeleda carpentieri from Florida], and Nuculidae [(7) Ennucula puelcha, from south Brazil] are included. These species represent the main branches of the basal Bivalvia. The descriptions on the anatomy of S. occidentalis and of P. carpentieri are published elsewhere. The remaining are included here, for which a complete taxonomical treatment is performed. Beyond these species, representatives of other taxa are operationally included as part of the ingroup (indices are then shared with them), as a procedure to test the morphological monophyly of Diasoma. These taxa are: two lamellibranch bivalves [(8) Barbatia - Arcidae; (9) Serratina - Tellinidae; both published elsewhere;, and Propilidium (10) Patellogastropoda, and (11) Nautilus, basal Cephalopoda, based on basal taxa. The effective outgroups are (12) Neopilina (Monoplacophora) and (13) Hanleya (Polyplacophora). The phylogenetic analysis based on morphology revealed that the taxon Diasoma is supported by 14 synapomorphies, and is separated from Cyrtosoma (Gastropoda + Cephalopoda). Although they are not the main goal of this paper, the taxa Scaphopoda and Bivalvia are supported by 8 and by 7 synapomorphies respectively. The taxon Protobranchia resulted paraphyletic. Both scaphopod orders resulted monophyletic. The obtained cladogram is: ((((Coccodentalium carduus - Paradentalium disparile) (Polyschides noronhensis - Gadila brasiliensis)) ((Solemya occidentalis - S. notialis) (Propeleda carpenteri (Ennucula puelcha (Barbatia cancellaria - Serratina capsoides))))) (Propilidium curumim - Nautilus pompilius - Lolliguncula brevis)).


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Large-scale patterns of species diversity in the gastrointestinal helminth faunas of the coral reef fish Epinephelus merra (Serranidae) were investigated in French Polynesia and the South Pacific Ocean. The richer barrier reef community in French Polynesia supported richer parasite communities in E. merra than that on the fringing reef. While parasite communities among fish from the same archipelago were similar, differences in potential host species and the distance between archipelagos may have contributed to a qualitative difference in parasite communities between archipelagos. Digenean community diversity in coral reef fishes was greater in the western South Pacific, following similar patterns in free-living species. However, overall species diversity of camallanid nematodes of coral reef fishes does not appear to have been similarly affected.


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The scleractinian coral species, Seriatopora hystrix and Acropora longicyathus, are widely distributed throughout the latitudinal range of the tropical west Pacific. These 2 coral species live in a mutually beneficial relation with symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae), which are passed to their progeny by vertical transmission (zooxanthellate eggs or larvae) and horizontal transmission (eggs or larvae that acquire symbionts from the environment), respectively. For S. hystrix, vertical transmission might create biogeographically isolated and genetically differentiated symbiont populations because the extent of its larval migration is known to be limited. On the other hand, horizontal transmission in corals such as A. longicyathus may result in genetically connected symbiont populations, especially if its zooxanthellae taxa are widely distributed. To examine these hypotheses, symbionts were collected from colonies of S. hystrix and A. longicyathus living in the Great Barrier Reef (Australia), South China Sea (Malaysia) and East China Sea (Ryukyus Archipelago, Japan), and were examined using restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequence analysis of large and small subunit rRNA genes. Phylogenetic analysis assigned the symbionts to 1 of 3 taxonomically distinct groups, known as clades. Symbionts from Australian and Japanese S. hystrix were placed in Clade C, and Malaysian S. hystrix symbionts in the newly described Clade D. Seven of 11 Australian and all Japanese and Malaysian colonies of A. longicyathus had symbiotic dinoflagellates that also grouped with Clade C, but symbionts from the remaining Australian colonies of A. longicyathus grouped with Clade A. Analysis of molecular variance of Clade C symbionts found significant genetic variation in 1 or more geographic groups (69.8%) and to a lesser extent among populations within geographic regions (13.6%). All populations of Clade C symbionts from S. hystrix were genetically differentiated according to geographic region. Although Clade C symbionts of A. longicyathus from Japan resolved into a distinct geographic group, those from Australia and Malaysia did not and were genetically connected. We propose that these patterns of genetic connectivity correlate with differences in the dispersal range of the coral or symbiont propagules and are associated with their respective modes of symbiont transmission.


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Whereas terrestrial animal populations might show genetic connectivity within a continent, marine species, such as hermatypic corals, may have connectivity stretching to all corners of the planet. We quantified the genetic variability within and among populations of the widespread scleractinian coral, Plesiastrea versipora along the eastern Australian seaboard (4145 km) and the Ryukyu Archipelago (Japan, 681 km) using sequences of internal transcribed spacers (ITS1-2) from ribosomal DNA. Geographic patterns in genetic variability were deduced from a nested clade analysis (NCA) performed on a parsimony network haplotype. This analysis allowed the establishment of geographical associations in the distribution of haplotypes within the network cladogram, therefore allowing us to deduce phylogeographical patterns based under models of restricted gene flow, fragmentation and range expansion. No significant structure was found among Ryukyu Archipelago populations. The lack of an association between the positions of haplotypes in the cladogram with geographical location of these populations may be accounted for by a high level of gene flow of P. versipora within this region, probably due to the strong Kuroshio Current. In contrast, strong geographical associations were apparent among populations of P. versipora along the south-east coast of Australia. This pattern of restricted genetic connectivity among populations of P. versipora on the eastern seaboard of Australia seems to be associated with the present surface ocean current (the East Australian Current) on this side of the south-western Pacific Ocean.


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Seismic recordings of IRIS/IDA/GSN station CMLA and of several temporary stations in the Azores archipelago are processed with P and S receiver function (PRF and SRF) techniques. Contrary to regional seismic tomography these methods provide estimates of the absolute velocities and of the Vp/Vs ratio up to a depth of similar to 300 km. Joint inversion of PRFs and SRFs for a few data sets consistently reveals a division of the subsurface medium into four zones with a distinctly different Vp/Vs ratio: the crust similar to 20 km thick with a ratio of similar to 1.9 in the lower crust, the high-Vs mantle lid with a strongly reduced VpNs velocity ratio relative to the standard 1.8, the low-velocity zone (LVZ) with a velocity ratio of similar to 2.0, and the underlying upper-mantle layer with a standard velocity ratio. Our estimates of crustal thickness greatly exceed previous estimates (similar to 10 km). The base of the high-Vs lid (the Gutenberg discontinuity) is at a depth of-SO km. The LVZ with a reduction of S velocity of similar to 15% relative to the standard (IASP91) model is terminated at a depth of similar to 200 km. The average thickness of the mantle transition zone (TZ) is evaluated from the time difference between the S410p and SKS660p, seismic phases that are robustly detected in the S and SKS receiver functions. This thickness is practically similar to the standard IASP91 value of 250 km. and is characteristic of a large region of the North Atlantic outside the Azores plateau. Our data are indicative of a reduction of the S-wave velocity of several percent relative to the standard velocity in a depth interval from 460 to 500 km. This reduction is found in the nearest vicinities of the Azores, in the region sampled by the PRFs, but, as evidenced by SRFs, it is missing at a distance of a few hundred kilometers from the islands. We speculate that this anomaly may correspond to the source of a plume which generated the Azores hotspot. Previously, a low S velocity in this depth range was found with SRF techniques beneath a few other hotspots.


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We investigate the crust, upper mantle and mantle transition zone of the Cape Verde hotspot by using seismic P and S receiver functions from several tens of local seismograph stations. We find a strong discontinuity at a depth of similar to 10 km underlain by a similar to 15-km thick layer with a high (similar to 1.9) Vp/Vs velocity ratio. We interpret this discontinuity and the underlying layer as the fossil Moho, inherited from the pre-hotspot era, and the plume-related magmatic underplate. Our uppermost-mantle models are very different from those previously obtained for this region: our S velocity is much lower and there are no indications of low densities. Contrary to previously published arguments for the standard transition zone thickness our data indicate that this thickness under the Cape Verde islands is up to similar to 30 km less than in the ambient mantle. This reduction is a combined effect of a depression of the 410-km discontinuity and an uplift of the 660-km discontinuity. The uplift is in contrast to laboratory data and some seismic data on a negligible dependence of depth of the 660-km discontinuity on temperature in hotspots. A large negative pressure-temperature slope which is suggested by our data implies that the 660-km discontinuity may resist passage of the plume. Our data reveal beneath the islands a reduction of S velocity of a few percent between 470-km and 510-km depths. The low velocity layer in the upper transition zone under the Cape Verde archipelago is very similar to that previously found under the Azores and a few other hotspots. In the literature there are reports on a regional 520-km discontinuity, the impedance of which is too large to be explained by the known phase transitions. Our observations suggest that the 520-km discontinuity may present the base of the low-velocity layer in the transition zone. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work addresses the present-day (<100 ka) mantle heterogeneity in the Azores region through the study of two active volcanic systems from Terceira Island. Our study shows that mantle heterogeneities are detectable even when "coeval" volcanic systems (Santa Barbara and Fissural) erupted less than 10 km away. These volcanic systems, respectively, reflect the influence of the Terceira and D. Joao de Castro Bank end-members defined by Beier et at (2008) for the Terceira Rift Santa Barbara magmas are interpreted to be the result of mixing between a HIMU-type component, carried to the upper mantle by the Azores plume, and the regional depleted MORB magmas/source. Fissural lavas are characterized by higher Ba/Nb and Nb/U ratios and less radiogenic Pb-206/Pb-204, Nd-143/Nd-144 and Hf-176/Hf-177, requiring the small contribution of delaminated sub-continental lithospheric mantle residing in the upper mantle. Published noble gas data on lavas from both volcanic systems also indicate the presence of a relatively undegassed component, which is interpreted as inherited from a lower mantle reservoir sampled by the ascending Azores plume. As inferred from trace and major elements, melting began in the garnet stability field, while magma extraction occurred within the spinel zone. The intra-volcanic system's chemical heterogeneity is mainly explained by variable proportions of the above-mentioned local end-members and by crystal fractionation processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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Mestrado em Fiscalidade


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biotecnologia em Controlo Biológico, 18 de Dezembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Vulcanologia e Riscos Geológicos, 25 de Novembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, 31 de Janeiro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 6 de Dezembro de 2012, Universidade dos Açores.


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Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 26 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).


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3rd Portuguese Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry and 1st Portuguese-Spanish-Brazilian Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Aveiro, 28-30 Novembro 2012.


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3rd Portuguese Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry and 1st Portuguese-Spanish-Brazilian Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Aveiro, 28-30 Novembro 2012.