774 resultados para Kings and rulers--Conduct of life
El carcinoma basocelular (CBC) representa el tumor maligno más frecuente de la piel en personas de raza blanca. Incide en mayores de 50 años de edad e infiltra los tejidos, pero rara vez ocasiona metástasis. En trabajos anteriores, observamos imágenes de cuerpos apoptóticos con MOAR (microscopía óptica de alta resolución), en pieles portadoras de CBC. Todas las células eucariotas poseen una maquinaria enzimática que interviene en la apoptosis. Estas enzimas son las proteincinasas pertenecientes a la familia de las caspasas. Se sintetizan como procaspasas, las cuales una vez activadas, actúan sobre otra caspasa en una reacción secuencial en cadena. Se reconoce que la apoptosis juega un rol importante en el balance y mantenimiento de los tejidos. Hipótesis: -Investigar si la expresión de metaloproteasas y caspasas en las células del CBC promueven y contribuyen a la progresión y extensión tumoral. Objetivos:-Profundizar el conocimiento de la conducta biológica del CBC, en referencia a la relación de los patrones de crecimiento macro y microscópicos del tumor, enfatizando en la expresión de metaloproteasas (colagenasa-3 y streptomelisina), CD-31, Ki-67, oncoproteína bcl-2 y caspasas, mediante la implementación de técnicas de inmunohistoquímica. -Analizar a nivel morfológico la presencia de cuerpos apoptóticos por medio de MOAR y determinar si influyen en la conducta biológica del tumor. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizará un estudio retrospectivo y prospectivo de pacientes asistidos en el Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Nacional de Clínicas, desde el año 2000. Se utilizarán tomas incisionales de piel, que se fijarán en formol neutro al 10 por ciento y luego serán procesadas e incluidas en parafina y coloreadas con H-E (hematoxilina-eosina). Especimenes seleccionados, se utilizarán para técnicas de MOAR e inmunocitoquímica. El material para MOAR, se fijará en Karnovsky enfriado a pH 7,2 y se incluirá en resinas epóxicas, seccionados con un ultramicrótomo Porter BluMT1 (1micra) y coloreados con P.A.S. azul de toluidina, fuscina básica y metenamina-plata. La aplicación de las técnicas inmunohistoquímicas, se utilizaran sobre cortes desparafinados con xilol, que permitirán investigar en forma retrospectiva y prospectiva la matriz extracelular (MEC) y los elementos neoplásicos. Los anticuerpos monoclonales a utilizar serán: Colageno tipo IV clone CIV 22 M0785 monoclonal antibody (DAKO), CD44 clone E29 M0613 monoclonal antibody (DAKO), Oncoproteina bcl-2 clone 124 M0887 monoclonal antibody (DAKO), CD31: clone 35 BH11 MO631 monoclonal antibody (DAKO) K-167 clone PC10 M0879 monoclonal antibody.(DAKO) bclx y Caspasa 8. Metodología Estadística Los resultados serán evaluados mediante: a) Varianza Anova; para datos con distribución gausiana como media, SD. b) Krusal Walles; para rasgos de distribución no gausiana. c) Chi2 para determinar la diferencia significativa para proporciones. Resultados esperados: Del análisis histomorfológico cualitativo y cuantitativo de biopsias de piel con CBC, aportar determinaciones que clarifiquen la conducta biológica de este tumor.- Importancia del Proyecto: El CBC es una entidad que está aumentando su incidencia en forma exponencial, debido sobre todo a pautas sociales. No sólo ocasiona trastornos en los pacientes, sino que también, representa gastos en el sistema de salud. Asimismo, significa un desafío para la investigación. Esto permite explorar aspectos de la biología molecular, a partir de una entidad que posee características únicas.
This study sought to explore and examine if the provision of full day care improves the quality of life for children and their parents. Owing to the effects of the Celtic Tiger, life in Ireland has changed considerably over the past five to ten years. Because of the booming economy there are now 60.8% of women employed in the workforce. This means many changes for children, parents and families. Findings in the literature review are based on international studies. The researcher utilised both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies for the study. She interviewed 31 respondents; 27 childcare managers; 3 politicians and the chairperson of a childcare committee. Furthermore, 325 questionnaires were completed in a survey by working parents in the statutory and voluntary sectors in and around Sligo town and in two childcare facilities in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. Babies as young as 4 months are being cared for in childcare facilities from 6.45am until 6.pm daily, 5 days per week. Some children are spending up to 11 hours per day in childcare facilities. The study has not categorically concluded that full day care is either positive or negative for children. Childcare facilities are providing good quality childcare encompassing various services; however, 25 out of 27 childcare managers reported to the researcher that they would not leave their child in full day care. Parents are finding it difficult to manage work life balance. Health dominated quality of life issues. Two hundred and thirty five (235) parents reported being stressed. The study also found that 315 working parents feel that the government is not doing enough to support working parents. On a positive note, 241 parents said they are happy in general with the quality of life for them, their family and their children. In addition, the researcher has identified a number of recommendations for future changes in policy and further study.
(A Short Survey of the Life and Activities of VIktor Kupradze)
Background: No studies have described and evaluated the association between hemodynamics, physical limitations and quality of life in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) without concomitant cardiovascular or respiratory disease. Objective: To describe the hemodynamic profile, quality of life and physical capacity of patients with PH from groups I and IV and to study the association between these outcomes. Methods: Cross-sectional study of patients with PH from clinical groups I and IV and functional classes II and III undergoing the following assessments: hemodynamics, exercise tolerance and quality of life. Results: This study assessed 20 patients with a mean age of 46.8 ± 14.3 years. They had pulmonary capillary wedge pressure of 10.5 ± 3.7 mm Hg, 6-minute walk distance test (6MWDT) of 463 ± 78 m, oxygen consumption at peak exercise of 12.9 ± 4.3 mLO2.kg-1.min-1 and scores of quality of life domains < 60%. There were associations between cardiac index (CI) and ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (r=-0.59, p <0.01), IC and ventilatory equivalent for oxygen (r=-0.49, p<0.05), right atrial pressure (RAP) and 'general health perception' domain (r=-0.61, p<0.01), RAP and 6MWTD (r=-0.49, p<0.05), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and 'physical functioning' domain (r=-0.56, p<0.01), PVR and 6MWTD (r=-0.49, p<0.05) and PVR index and physical capacity (r=-0.51, p<0.01). Conclusion: Patients with PH from groups I and IV and functional classes II and III exhibit a reduction in physical capacity and in the physical and mental components of quality of life. The hemodynamic variables CI, diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure, RAP, PVR and PVR index are associated with exercise tolerance and quality of life domains.
Abstract Background: Studies have shown the impact of atrial fibrillation (AF) on the patients' quality of life. Specific questionnaires enable the evaluation of relevant events. We previously developed a questionnaire to assess the quality of life of patients with AF (AFQLQ version 1), which was reviewed in this study, and new domains were added. Objective: To demonstrate the reproducibility of the AFQLQ version 2 (AFQLQ v.2), which included the domains of fatigue, illness perception and well-being. Methods: We applied 160 questionnaires (AFQLQ v.2 and SF-36) to 40 patients, at baseline and 15 days after, to measure inter- and intraobserver reproducibility. The analysis of quality of life stability was determined by test-retest, applying the Bartko intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach's alpha test. Results: The total score of the test-retest (n = 40) had an ICC of 0.98 in the AFQLQ v.2, and of 0.94 in the SF36. In assessing the intra- and interobserver reproducibility of the AFQLQ v.2, the ICC reliability was 0.98 and 0.97, respectively. The internal consistency had a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.82, compatible with good agreement of the AFQLQ v.2. Conclusion: The AFQLQ v.2 performed better than its previous version. Similarly, the domains added contributed to make it more comprehensive and robust to assess the quality of life of patients with AF.