1000 resultados para Juan VI, Cantacuceno, Emperador de Bizancio, 1292-1383
Ara és moment de fer balanç per veure com ha anat la darrera campanya arrossera i preparar la propera incorporant, si s’escau, els avenços tecnològics més adients per millorar la productivitat de l’arròs, en un marc sostenible de respecte al medi ambient. L’objectiu d’aquesta jornada és donar a conèixer a tot el sector productiu arrosser i a tots els agents involucrats els resultats més rellevants dels treballs desenvolupats en aquesta darrera campanya per les diferents entitats que realitzen treballs de recerca en el conreu de l’arròs al Delta de l’Ebre. Els treballs que es presentaran fan referència tant al maneig del conreu com a sanitat vegetal. Us convidem, doncs, a la present jornada que pretén ser molt divulgativa i arribar a tots els arrossers i tècnics vinculats al món de l’arròs.
Juan Ramón Masoliver perteneció a una generación privilegiada en cuanto a su formación. Promovió la revista Hèlix, altavoz del surrealismo en Catalunya, y estuvo en contacto con el núcleo surrealista francés. Conoció a James Joyce y Ezra Pound, dos intelectuales claves para su formación y su desarrollo cultural posterior. También en esta época entró en contacto con corrientes de pensamiento cercanas al fascismo. Con todas sus experiencias construyó un excéntrico personaje que, en su madurez, contaría con la simpatía de numerosos intelectuales.
This study was performed in an urban neighborhood of the capital city of the province of San Juan, Argentina. Erected as a housing complex, the place consists of 768 flats distributed in buildings of three and seven floors each. A survey was carried out in 33% of the dwellings, enquiring about the number of Triatoma infestans found indoors, stage of the bug development - nymph or adult - and how these insects had entered their homes. Adult T.infestans were found on all floors; 163 people (64%) had found them at least once, and 130 (51%) several times. Dispersal flight seems to have been the main mechanism of infestation by adult bugs in this area, and a total of 51% of the surveyed inhabitants reported that the insects had flown into their flats.
ABSTRACT : The whisker-to-barrel pathway of rodents is formed by a series of somatotopic projections from the mystacial whisker follicles to the layer IV of the primary somatosensory cortex such that each follicle corresponds to a cluster of cortical neurons called barrel. Barrels are present in layer IV but form part of functional columns that comprise the entire depth of the somatosensory cortex. Interestingly, the cortex of the barrelless mouse strain (BRL) is organized such a manner that thalamocortical afferents do not remodel their projections in layer IV and barrels fail to appear. Nevertheless, functionally, a columnar organization persists, indicating that functional columns are not only provided by thalamocortical projections and layer IV cells. Since in the visual cortex of cats, layer VI cells contribute to the response properties of layer IV neurons, we wonder whether layer VI pyramidal cells could contribute to the columnar organization of the primary somatosensory cortex of mice. To address -this question, we morphologically analyzed the distribution of intracortical axon collaterals of layer VI neurons after in-vivo juxtacellular injections of biocytin in the C2 barrel column. Injected hemispheres were tangentially serial cut and intracortical collaterals of individual layer VI neurons were reconstructed at the light microscopic level. The position of axonal boutons was recorded to evaluate the distribution of presumed synaptic contacts. In normal (NOR) mice, cluster analysis shows that layer VI pyramidal cells can be classified in four statistically different clusters of neurons. Moreover, we assume that two classes are formed by cortico-cortical neurons and two classes are formed by cortico-thalamic neurons. Looking at the direction of the main axon in the white matter, we noticed that its orientation correlates perfectly with the type of neuron: cortico-cortical neurons send main axon medially whereas cortico-thalamic neurons send main axon laterally. Performing the same study in the BRL strain, we showed that the BRL mutation affects layer VI pyramidal cells tangentially and radially: the effects of the mutation are illustrated by a significant decrease of the index of colurnnarization and a significant decrease of percentage of boutons in granular and supragranular layers comparing to NOR neurons. In spite of these differences, the same four classes of layer VI neurons have been found in BRL mice. Using a tangential analysis of the boutons distribution, we showed that putative synapses are distributed mainly in the C2 barrel column. This was observed for each layer, type of neuron, cluster or strain, indicating that layer VI pyramidal cells could participate to the functional columnar organization of the barrel cortex. To determine post-synaptic partners of layer VI neurons in layer IV, we conducted an ultrastructural analysis of layer VI-to-IV contacts. We showed that synapses principally occur on spines and spiny dendritic shafts, supposed to belong to excitatory neurons. We furthermore showed that pre-synaptic elements are significantly different between en passant and terminaux contacts, which support hypothesis that terminaux boutons should show longer duration of facilitation than en passant boutons. RÉSUMÉ : Le «whisker-to-barrel pathway» des rongeurs est caractérisé par une série de projections somatotopiques depuis les follicules des moustaches ('whiskers') jusqu'à la couche IV de l'aire somatosensorielle primaire, de telle façon que chaque follicule corresponde à un groupe de neurones corticaux appelés tonneaux (`barrels'). Les tonneaux sont seulement présents en couche IV mais font partie de colonnes fonctionnelles qui s'étendent sur toute la profondeur du cortex somatosensoriel. Chez les souris mutantes barrelless (BRL), le cortex somatosensoriel est organisé de façon telle que lés afférences thalamocorticales ne remodellent pas leurs projections en couche IV et que les tonneaux n'apparaissent pas. Fonctionnellement, pourtant, une organisation en colonnes persiste, ce qui indique que les colonnes fonctionnelles ne sont pas uniquement produites par les projections thalamocorticales et par les cellules de la couche IV. Puisque les cellules de la couche VI contribuent à influencer les réponses des cellules de la couche IV dans le cortex visuel du chat, nous nous sommes demandé si ces cellules ne pourraient pas aussi contribuer à l'organisation en colonnes du cortex somatosensoriel primaire de la souris. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons analysé de façon morphologique la distribution intracorticale des collatéraux axonaux de neurones de la couche VI. Suite à des injections juxtacellulaires de biocytine in-vivo dans la colonne C2, les hémisphères cérébraux ont été tangentiellement coupés en série et les collatéraux intracorticaux des neurones de la couche VI ont été reconstruits en microscopie optique. La position des boutons axonaux a aussi été enregistrée pour évaluer la distribution des contacts synpptiques potentiels. Chez les souris NOR, une analyse multivariée montre que les cellules pyramidales de la couche VI sont distribuées en quatre classes. Deux de ces classes sont probablement formées de neurons cortico-corticaux, alors que les deux autres sont probablement formées de neurones corticothalamiques. En observant la direction de l'axone principal dans la matière blanche, nous avons noté que son orientation est parfaitement corrélée avec le type supposé de neurone : les neurones corticocorticaux envoient leurs axones principaux médiallement, alors que les neurons cortico-thalamiques envoient leurs axones principaux latéralement. En menant la même étude chez les souris BRL, nous avons montré que la mutation affecte les cellules pyramidales de la couche VI de façon tangentielle, mais aussi radiaire : les effets de 1a mutation se traduisent par une diminution significative de l'index de « columnarization » et de la connectivité en couches granulaire et supragranulaire. Malgré ces différences, les quatre mêmes classes de neurones ont été retrouvées. En utilisant une analyse tangentielle de la distribution des boutons, nous avons montré que les synapses potentielles sont distribuées principalement dans la colonne C2. Cette observation a été faite dans chaque couche, chaque type de neurones, chaque classe de neurones et chaque souche de souris, indicant que les cellules de la couche VI participent certainement à l'organisation en colonne du cortex somatosensoriel. Pour déterminer les partenaires post-synaptiques des cellules de la couche VI en couche IV, nous avons conduit une analyse ultrastructurelle de ces contacts. Nous avons montré que les synapses interviennent principalement sur les épines et sur les dendrites supposés appartenir à des cellules excitatrices. Nous avons aussi montré que les éléments pré-synaptiques de ces synapses sont significativement differents selon le type de bouton, en passant ou terminal, ce qui supporte l'hypothèse que les boutons terminaux seraient capables d'une plus longue facilitation.
Cal examinar dins dels marcs europeu, estatal i autonòmic l'actual distribució de competències en matèria d'obligacions contractuals, decidint el marge que li queda al legislador català en aquesta matèria en el moment en què s'està elaborant el llibre VI del Codi civil de Catalunya.
Es proposa que el legislador català reguli, de manera uniforme, el dret de desistiment al Llibre VI CCCat. Pot fer-ho, en el seu cas, fent ús o considerant els models de regulació uniforme que s´està proposant en el context de la revisió de l´acquis comunitari. És aquesta mateixa regulació comunitària la que avala una configuració del dret a desistir com a causa extintiva del contracte, amb eficàcia retroactiva o ex tunc, i, per tant, com a mecanisme que es projecte sobre un contracte perfeccionat, fins i tot consumat. Ara bé, aquesta configuració no hauria de privar al legislador català de l´oportunitat de considerar altres possibilitats: així, la d´articular la facultat de penediment en fase pre-contractual. Serien més d´una les tècniques que faciliten la reflexió abans de l´atorgament del contracte, en comptes de permetre-la després. Convertida en mecanisme post-contractual, haurà d´anar acompanyada de les disposicions que estableixin el règim del contracte mentre no transcorre el termini per a desistir, les conseqüències de l´eventual pèrdua de la cosa entretant no caduqui el dret, les condicions i requisits d´exercici de la facultat i la liquidació de la situació possessòria, en el seu cas. Els comentaris i suggerències que es proposen a l´estudi es formulen a propòsit dels preceptes que, relatius al desistiment, s´incorporaren als Treballs preparatoris del Llibre Sisè del Codi civil de Catalunya (document de 23.04.04)
The variation of abundances of intermediate snail hosts of Fasciola hepatica in Cuba (Fossaria cubensis and Pseudosuccinea columella) was studied during one year under natural conditions at five sampling sites in San Juan y Martinez municipality, Pinar del Rio province, Cuba. The effect of some environmental variables on the lymnaeid abundances was also studied. A canonical correspondence analysis showed that both species do not generally occur together in the same habitat and that most factors affect them in an opposite fashion, although both of them correlate positively through time to the diversity of the habitats. F. cubensis prefers the sites that are in or closer to the city whereas P. columella is more abundant in rural sites. Lymnaeid abundances are mainly affected by nitrite and nitrate concentrations as well as by the abundance of the thiarid Tarebia granifera. F. cubensis is more abundant in polluted habitats with low densities (or absence) of T. granifera whereas P. columella prefers cleaner habitats and can coexist with the thiarid, even at its higher densities. The implications of divergent preferences of the two lymnaeids for the control of fasciolosis are discussed.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Il dualismo della vita dell'esegeta a 30 anni dalla ricostruzione di Pierre Nautin, tra documentazione e interpretazione.
In this paper, the last of a series dealing with the survey of freshwater gastropods of the state of Rio de Janeiro, the results of collections carried out in the Noroeste Fluminense Mesoregion from 2002 to 2005 are presented and revealed the occurrence of 20 species: Antillorbis nordestensis; Biomphalaria glabrata; B. straminea; B. tenagophila; Drepanotrema anatinum; D. cimex; D. depressissimum; D. lucidum; Ferrissia sp.; Gundlachia ticaga; Gundlachia sp.; Heleobia sp.; Idiopyrgus sp.; Lymnaea columella; Melanoides tuberculatus; Physa acuta; P. marmorata; Plesiophysa guadeloupensis; Pomacea lineata; and Pomacea sp. Concerning the snail hosts of schistosomiasis the three natural vectors were identified and, although no specimens were found harbouring larval forms of Schistosoma mansoni, different kinds of cercariae had been observed.
INTRODUCTION No definitive data are available regarding the value of switching to an alternative TNF antagonist in rheumatoid arthritis patients who fail to respond to the first one. The aim of this study was to evaluate treatment response in a clinical setting based on HAQ improvement and EULAR response criteria in RA patients who were switched to a second or a third TNF antagonist due to failure with the first one. METHODS This was an observational, prospective study of a cohort of 417 RA patients treated with TNF antagonists in three university hospitals in Spain between January 1999 and December 2005. A database was created at the participating centres, with well-defined operational instructions. The main outcome variables were analyzed using parametric or non-parametric tests depending on the level of measurement and distribution of each variable. RESULTS Mean (+/- SD) DAS-28 on starting the first, second and third TNF antagonist was 5.9 (+/- 2.0), 5.1 (+/- 1.5) and 6.1 (+/- 1.1). At the end of follow-up, it decreased to 3.3 (+/- 1.6; Delta = -2.6; p > 0.0001), 4.2 (+/- 1.5; Delta = -1.1; p = 0.0001) and 5.4 (+/- 1.7; Delta = -0.7; p = 0.06). For the first TNF antagonist, DAS-28-based EULAR response level was good in 42% and moderate in 33% of patients. The second TNF antagonist yielded a good response in 20% and no response in 53% of patients, while the third one yielded a good response in 28% and no response in 72%. Mean baseline HAQ on starting the first, second and third TNF antagonist was 1.61, 1.52 and 1.87, respectively. At the end of follow-up, it decreased to 1.12 (Delta = -0.49; p < 0.0001), 1.31 (Delta = -0.21, p = 0.004) and 1.75 (Delta = -0.12; p = 0.1), respectively. Sixty four percent of patients had a clinically important improvement in HAQ (defined as > or = -0.22) with the first TNF antagonist and 46% with the second. CONCLUSION A clinically significant effect size was seen in less than half of RA patients cycling to a second TNF antagonist.
En l’eliminació del crom en suspensió de les aigües residuals de les indústries es realitzen dos processos: una precipitació en medi àcid on es redueix el crom (VI) a crom (III) en què s’elimina la major part del crom, i el següent tractament es fa per bescanvi iònic o per adsorció. Els adsorbents emprats actualment tenen un elevat cost i s’està estudiant nous adsorbents, com a substituts dels tradicionals, de baix cost. Dins d’aquest adsorbents de baix cost es troben els bioadsorbents, biomaterials amb gran capacitat d’adsorció. L’objectiu del projecte es va centrar en l’estudi de l’adsorció de crom trivalent i hexavalent en solucions aquoses utilitzant com a adsorbent el residu industrial de closca de cranc, provinent d’una indústria alimentària de barretes de cranc
Rio Negro virus (RNV) (Venezuelan equine encephalitis subtype VI) circulates only in Argentina; in northern provinces, isolates have been obtained from mosquitoes and rodents since 1980 and have been associated with acute febrile illness in humans. However, no studies of RNV have been performed in the central area of the country. We carried out molecular and serological detection of RNV in Córdoba, a province of the central part of the country, in mosquitoes and humans, respectively. One mosquito pool tested positive for alphavirus RNA by reverse transcriptase-nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-nested PCR). Subsequent sequencing determined that this alphavirus grouped with RNV. Serological studies detected antibodies to RNV in one human serum sample, which was obtained during the same period that RNV was detected using the aforementioned molecular methods. This is the first report of RNV circulation in the central area of Argentina, indicating an expansion of its original distribution. These results highlight the importance of strengthening surveillance procedures in endemic areas, as well as in new regions where RNV may emerge.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública, Inclusión y Calidad de Vida de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Socia