991 resultados para Joyce


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The first noncontact photoconductivity measurements of gallium nitride nanowires (NWs) are presented, revealing a high crystallographic and optoelectronic quality achieved by use of catalyst-free molecular beam epitaxy. In comparison with bulk material, the NWs exhibit a long conductivity lifetime (>2 ns) and a high mobility (820 ± 120 cm 2/(V s)). This is due to the weak influence of surface traps with respect to other III-V semiconducting NWs and to the favorable crystalline structure of the NWs achieved via strain-relieved growth. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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We investigate the growth procedures for achieving taper-free and kinked germanium nanowires epitaxially grown on silicon substrates by chemical vapor deposition. Singly and multiply kinked germanium nanowires consisting of 111 segments were formed by employing a reactant gas purging process. Unlike non-epitaxial kinked nanowires, a two-temperature process is necessary to maintain the taper-free nature of segments in our kinked germanium nanowires on silicon. As an application, nanobridges formed between (111) side walls of V-grooved (100) silicon substrates have been demonstrated. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Taper-free and vertically oriented Ge nanowires were grown on Si (111) substrates by chemical vapor deposition with Au nanoparticle catalysts. To achieve vertical nanowire growth on the highly lattice mismatched Si substrate, a thin Ge buffer layer was first deposited, and to achieve taper-free nanowire growth, a two-temperature process was employed. The two-temperature process consisted of a brief initial base growth step at high temperature followed by prolonged growth at lower temperature. Taper-free and defect-free Ge nanowires grew successfully even at 270 °C, which is 90 °C lower than the bulk eutectic temperature. The yield of vertical and taper-free nanowires is over 90%, comparable to that of vertical but tapered nanowires grown by the conventional one-temperature process. This method is of practical importance and can be reliably used to develop novel nanowire-based devices on relatively cheap Si substrates. Additionally, we observed that the activation energy of Ge nanowire growth by the two-temperature process is dependent on Au nanoparticle size. The low activation energy (∼5 kcal/mol) for 30 and 50 nm diameter Au nanoparticles suggests that the decomposition of gaseous species on the catalytic Au surface is a rate-limiting step. A higher activation energy (∼14 kcal/mol) was determined for 100 nm diameter Au nanoparticles which suggests that larger Au nanoparticles are partially solidified and that growth kinetics become the rate-limiting step. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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We report straight and vertically aligned defect-free GaAs nanowires grown on Si(111) substrates by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. By deposition of thin GaAs buffer layers on Si substrates, these nanowires could be grown on the buffer layers with much less stringent conditions as otherwise imposed by epitaxy of III-V compounds on Si. Also, crystal-defect-free GaAs nanowires were grown by using either a two-temperature growth mode consisting of a short initial nucleation step under higher temperature followed by subsequent growth under lower temperature or a rapid growth rate mode with high source flow rate. These two growth modes not only eliminated planar crystallographic defects but also significantly reduced tapering. Core-shell GaAs-AlGaAs nanowires grown by the two-temperature growth mode showed improved optical properties with strong photoluminescence and long carrier life times. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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GaAs, InAs, and InGaAs nanowires each exhibit significant potential to drive new applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices. Nevertheless, the development of these devices depends on our ability to fabricate these nanowires with tight control over critical properties, such as nanowire morphology, orientation, crystal structure, and chemical composition. Although GaAs and InAs are related material systems, GaAs and InAs nanowires exhibit very different growth behaviors. An understanding of these growth behaviors is imperative if high-quality ternary InGaAs nanowires are to be realized. This report examines GaAs, InAs, and InGaAs nanowires, and how their growth may be tailored to achieve desirable material properties. GaAs and InAs nanowire growth are compared, with a view toward the growth of high-quality InGaAs nanowires with device-accessible properties. © 2011 IEEE.


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Semiconductor nanowires have recently emerged as a new class of materials with significant potential to reveal new fundamental physics and to propel new applications in quantum electronic and optoelectronic devices. Semiconductor nanowires show exceptional promise as nanostructured materials for exploring physics in reduced dimensions and in complex geometries, as well as in one-dimensional nanowire devices. They are compatible with existing semiconductor technologies and can be tailored into unique axial and radial heterostructures. In this contribution we review the recent efforts of our international collaboration which have resulted in significant advances in the growth of exceptionally high quality IIIV nanowires and nanowire heterostructures, and major developments in understanding the electronic energy landscapes of these nanowires and the dynamics of carriers in these nanowires using photoluminescence, time-resolved photoluminescence and terahertz conductivity spectroscopy. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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GaAs nanowires were grown on Si (111) substrates. By coating a thin GaAs buffer layer on Si surface and using a two-temperature growth, the morphology and crystal structure of GaAs nanowires were dramatically improved. The strained GaAs/GaP core-shell nanowires, based on the improved GaAs nanowires with a shell thickness of 25 nm, showed a significant shift in emission energy of 260 meV from the unstrained GaAs nanowires. © 2010 IEEE.


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We have used terahertz spectroscopy to measure the conductivity and time-resolved photoconductivity of a range of semiconducting nanostructures. This article focuses on our recent terahertz conductivity studies on semiconductor nanowires and single walled carbon nanotubes. © 2010 IEEE.


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We study the optical properties of a single core-shell GaAs-AlGaAs nanowire (grown by VLS method) using the technique of micro-photoluminescence and spatially-resolved photoluminescence imaging. We observe large linear polarization anisotropy in emission and excitation of nanowires.


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We report a novel phase separation phenomenon observed in the growth of ternary In(x)Ga(1-x)As nanowires by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. A spontaneous formation of core-shell nanowires is investigated by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, revealing the compositional complexity within the ternary nanowires. It has been found that for In(x)Ga(1-x)As nanowires high precursor flow rates generate ternary In(x)Ga(1-x)As cores with In-rich shells, while low precursor flow rates produce binary GaAs cores with ternary In(x)Ga(1-x)As shells. First-principle calculations combined with thermodynamic considerations suggest that this phenomenon is due to competitive alloying of different group-III elements with Au catalysts, and variations in elemental concentrations of group-III materials in the catalyst under different precursor flow rates. This study shows that precursor flow rates are critical factors for manipulating Au catalysts to produce nanowires of desired composition.


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Surface states in semiconductor nanowires (NWs) are detrimental to the NW optical and electronic properties and to their light emission-based applications, due to the large surface-to-volume ratio of NWs and the congregation of defects states near surfaces. In this paper, we demonstrated an effective approach to eliminate surface states in InAs NWs of zinc-blende (ZB) and wurtzite (WZ) structures and a dramatic recovery of band edge emission through surface passivation with organic sulfide octadecylthiol (ODT). Microphotoluminescence (PL) measurements were carried out before and after passivation to study the dominant recombination mechanisms and surface state densities of the NWs. For WZ-NWs, we show that the passivation removed the surface states and recovered the band-edge emission, leading to a factor of ∼19 reduction of PL linewidth. For ZB-NWs, the deep surface states were removed and the PL peaks width became as narrow as ∼250 nm with some remaining emission of near band-edge surface states. The passivated NWs showed excellent stability in atmosphere, water, and heat environments. In particular, no observable changes occurred in the PL features from the passivated NWs exposed in air for more than five months.


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One of the main motivations for the great interest in semiconductor nanowires is the possibility of easily growing advanced heterostructures that might be difficult or even impossible to achieve in thin films. For III-V semiconductor nanowires, axial heterostructures with an interchange of the group III element typically grow straight in only one interface direction. In the case of InAs-GaAs heterostructures, straight nanowire growth has been demonstrated for growth of GaAs on top of InAs, but so far never in the other direction. In this article, we demonstrate the growth of straight axial heterostructures of InAs on top of GaAs. The heterostructure interface is sharp and we observe a dependence on growth parameters closely related to crystal structure as well as a diameter dependence on straight nanowire growth. The results are discussed by means of accurate first principles calculations of the interfacial energies. In addition, the role of the gold seed particle, the effect of its composition at different stages during growth, and its size are discussed in relation to the results observed.


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In-situ deformation experiments were carried out in a transmission electron microscope to investigate the structural response of single crystal GaAs nanowires (NWs) under compression. A repeatable self-healing process was discovered in which a partially fractured GaAs NW restored its original single crystal structure immediately after an external compressive force was removed. Possible mechanisms of the self-healing process are discussed.


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We demonstrate a method to realize vertically oriented Ge nanowires on Si(111) substrates. Ge nanowires were grown by chemical vapor deposition using Au nanoparticles to seed nanowire growth via a vapor-liquid-solid growth mechanism. Rapid oxidation of Si during Au nanoparticle application inhibits the growth of vertically oriented Ge nanowires directly on Si. The present method employs thin Ge buffer layers grown at low temperature less than 600 degrees C to circumvent the oxidation problem. By using a thin Ge buffer layer with root-mean-square roughness of approximately 2 nm, the yield of vertically oriented Ge nanowires is as high as 96.3%. This yield is comparable to that of homoepitaxial Ge nanowires. Furthermore, branched Ge nanowires could be successfully grown on these vertically oriented Ge nanowires by a secondary seeding technique. Since the buffer layers are grown under moderate conditions without any high temperature processing steps, this method has a wide process window highly suitable for Si-based microelectronics.