853 resultados para Isostatic pressing.


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This paper reflects on the motivation, method and effectiveness of teaching leadership and organisational change to graduate engineers. Delivering progress towards sustainable development requires engineers who are aware of pressing global issues (such as resource depletion, climate change, social inequity and an interdependent economy) since it is they who deliver the goods and services that underpin society within these constraints. They also must understand how to implement change in the organisations within which they will work. In recognition of this fact the Cambridge University MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development has focussed on educating engineers to become effective change agents in their professional field with the confidence to challenge orthodoxy in adopting traditional engineering solutions. This paper reflects on ten years of delivering a special module to review how teaching change management and leadership aspects of the programme have evolved and progressed over that time. As the students who embark on this professional practice have often extensive experience as practising engineers and scientists, many have already learned the limitations of their technical background when solving complex problems. Students often join the course recognising their need to broaden their knowledge of relevant cross-disciplinary skills. The programme offers an opportunity for these early to mid-career engineers to explore an ethical and value-based approach to bringing about effective change in their particular sectors and organisations. This is achieved through action learning assignments in combination with reflections on the theory of change to enable students to equip themselves with tools that help them to be effective in making their professional and personal life choices. This paper draws on feedback gathered from students during their participation on the programme and augments this with alumni reflections gathered some years after their graduation. These professionals are able to look back on their experience of the taught components and reflect on how they have been able to apply this key learning in their subsequent careers. Copyright © 2012 September.


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The Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) concept is based on the coupling of a particle accelerator to a subcritical reactor core by means of a neutron spallation target interface. This paper investigates the benefits of multiple spallation targets in ADSRs. The motivation behind this is, firstly, to improve the overall reliability of the accelerator-reactor system, and, secondly, to evaluate other potential advantages such as lower beam power requirements. The results show that a system containing two or three spallation targets, coupled to independent accelerators, offers better neutronic performance. This is demonstrated through the increased effective multiplication factor (keff) in the two- and three-target configurations and a more uniform neutron flux distribution. A multiple-target ADSR also proves effective in mitigating the impact of frequent beam interruptions, a pressing issue that needs to be addressed for the ADSR concept to advance. Assuming no simultaneous beam shutdowns, the two- and three-target configurations reduce the risk of fuel cladding failure due to thermal cyclic fatigue. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Yongle-Big-Bell is an exquisite heritage of ancient China and has more than 600 years history. The long history renders the suspending wooden rack serious damage. Therefore, the security is of our great concern. In order to know if the wooden rack is safe or not for the conventional striking in the festival service, a systemic research work has been done. At first the existing deformation and response to the strike of the beetle were measured, and then calculations using method of material mechanics and finite element analysis were conducted. Based on the results of our research, some concluding remarks and suggestion were given: The Yongle-Big-Bell can be struck regularly without urgent danger of collapse. In view of the existence of serious rotten damage, the repair and protection of wooden rack are pressing.


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日益增强的旅游活动干扰正成为九寨沟世界自然遗产的有效保护与持续管理不可回避的挑战,已成为当前区域生态保护与经济发展的焦点问题之一。阐明相关旅游的干扰活动对核心景区植物物种组成、多样性与结构的影响是九寨沟有效保护与持续管理的必要前提和基础,然而至今少有研究。选择九寨沟与旅游活动相关的九个景点、公路建设地段以及退耕地还林地,详细调查了林下植被结构、物种组成与多样性,比较了相关旅游活动干扰与基本未受干扰地段的差异。目的是阐明九寨沟核心景区旅游干扰条件下植物多样性与群落结构及其特点,揭示旅游干扰与植被结构和生物多样的相互关系,评估九寨沟旅游管理的有效性,探索减免旅游干扰影响的对策与措施。初步结论如下。 1.旅游活动引起九寨沟核心景区植物组成和群落结构特征改变显著。栈道及公路附近许多耐荫喜湿的敏感种局部消失,而早熟禾、车前草、委陵菜等耐干旱、耐践踏、繁殖能力强的植物种群扩大;外来物种频繁出现并已少量侵入干扰相对较轻的林分深处;林下群落以草本植物为优势,灌木与苔藓植物的频度、盖度、高度以及灌木密度均有所下降。可见,大量的游人活动和景区公路建设已对九寨沟丰富的乡土植物构成极大威胁,导致其生物多样性降低。而九寨沟农耕地退耕有利于九寨沟生态环境和生物多样性保护,正逐步向稳定群落演替。 2.干扰强度的差异导致九寨沟植物所受影响的程度不同。栈道附近植物受影响的程度与游人活动频率有关,活动频率高的地段干扰强度大,对植物的影响程度重,反之植物所受的影响较轻。强度干扰地段,耐荫喜湿的物种少见,伴生植物优势地位突出,生物多样性明显降低,植物群落结构特征改变也极为显著;干扰较轻的地段,伴生物种少量出现,植物群落结构变化不明显,生物多样性略为降低,部分地区结构参数值和多样性指数有所升高。公路修建是一种强度干扰,它导致附近植物种类极为单一,草本优势种异常突出,多数植物生活力低下、生长更新能力差。 3.不同植物类群受干扰影响的程度不同。草本及苔藓植物的种类组成和多样性指数受干扰影响较大,灌木和苔藓植物的结构受干扰影响较大,苔藓植物对干扰影响最为敏感。 综合分析表明,九寨沟核心景区的管理虽然比较规范,但目前核心区热点景点段的管理仍然不够,旅游活动驱动了林下植被退化明显、物种组成显著变化、生物多样性衰退、非乡土喜光耐旱种群扩大。导致九寨沟核心区旅游活动与生物多样性保护目标尖锐冲突,进一步约束旅游活动带来的干扰,强化管理,开展林下植被恢复与非乡土喜光耐旱种群调控是九寨沟自然遗产地保护一项紧迫任务。 The increasing tourism disturbance is an unavoidable challenge to effective conservation and sustained tourist management of Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve. It has become one of the focal problems of regional ecological protect and economic development. It is important to clarify effects of tourism disturbance on plant species composition, diversity and community structure in kernel spot for effective conservation and sustained tourist management in Jiuzhaigou, China. However, there were little studies about this yet. The study investigated the vegetation structure, species composition and diversity at nine sight spot, road area and four abandoned farmlands connecting with tourism, and compared the differences between disturbed area and undisturbed area. The purpose of the this study is clarifying the plant diversity and community structure and characteristics of the disturbed area in kernel spot of Jiuzhaigou, discovering the relation between vegetation structure and biodiversity, evaluating the effect of tourist management and exploring the measure decreasing tourist disturbance. Our results are following: 1. Tourism disturbance caused a significant change in species composition and structure of plant communities in kernel Spot of Jiuzhaigou. In the vicinity of plank and road, some native shade-tolerant or hygrophilous plants had disappeared, accompanying with the population expansion of some xerophilous and disturbance-resisting species such as Poa sp. Plantago depressa, Potentiila multicaulis and some exotic and synanthropic species. Herbs were domaint species, while frequency coverage and height of shrubs and bryophytes, and shrub density decreased. In indicated that tourist activities and build of road had adversely affected on native plant species, and led to decline in biodiversity of Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve. Abandoned farmlands maybe conduced to entironment and biodiversity conservation. 2. Nearby the plank, influency variable of tourism disturbance on plant was alosely and positively correlated with disturbance intensity. There was companion plant species and lacked shape-loving species in heavy disturbed areas, which caused decrease in biodiversity and significant change in community structure in these places. On the contrary, in the slightly disturbed areas, some companion speices displayed and biodiversity decreased slightly, but no significant change in community structure in these areas. The biuld of road is a heavy disturbance form, which led to increase of herb species and to decrease in vitality and regeneration capacity. 3. The intensity of tourism disturbance on plant depended on plant groups. Tourism interference significantly influenced species composition and diversity index of herb and bryophyte; it also significantly influenced community structure; the bryophyte was more sensitive to tourism disturbance. Our result indicated that the management in kernel spot of Jiuzhaigou is relatively reasonable, but not adequate. Tourism speed the degradation of the vegetation under woodland, the change of the species composition, the decreaing of the biodiversity and the expanding of the exotic sunloving plant populations. The contradiction between tourism and conserving biodiversity is increasing, so enforcing management, regenerating the vegetation under woodland and adjusting the exotic sunloving arid-tolerent plant populations is a pressing work to protect the Jiuzhaigou natural legacy.


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臭氧层损耗导致的地球表面UV-B辐射增强以及温室气体增多引起的气候变暖是当今两大全球环境问题。UV-B辐射增强和气候变暖对陆地植物和生态系统产生深远影响,并已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。作为世界第三极的青藏高原,UV-B 辐射增强以及气候变暖现象尤为突出。本试验所在林区是青藏高原东缘的主要林区,具有大面积的亚高山人工针叶成熟林,在全球变化背景下该森林的天然更新潜力如何是急待回答的重要问题。基于此,本研究围绕森林树种的种子和幼苗这一更新的重要阶段,开展了气候变暖、UV-B辐射增强和联合胁迫对云杉种子萌发及幼苗定居影响的研究,旨在全球变化背景下,探讨全球变暖、UV-B 辐射增强和联合胁迫是否对西南地区大面积人工亚高山针叶林更新的种子萌发和幼苗定居阶段产生影响。 本文以青藏高原东缘亚高山针叶林主要树种云杉为研究对象,研究云杉种子萌发及幼苗的生长和生理对UV-B辐射增强与气候变暖的响应。采用UV-B荧光灯(UV-lamp)来模拟增强的UV-B 辐射,此外,采用开顶式有机玻璃罩(OTCs)来模拟气候变暖。本试验包括四个处理:(1)大气UV-B 辐射+大气温度(C);(2)大气UV-B 辐射+模拟气候变暖(W);(3)增强的UV-B辐射+大气温度(U);(4)增强的UV-B辐射+模拟气候变暖(U+W)。 根据本试验结果,UV-B辐射增强对云杉种子萌发没有显著影响,它对萌发云杉幼苗的影响主要体现在幼叶展开以后。根据两年的试验结果,增强的UV-B辐射降低了云杉幼苗抗氧化酶活性,降低了抗氧化物质的含量,此外,造成了膜质的过氧化,表现为MDA在针叶中的积累。增强的UV-B照射处理萌发云杉幼苗两年后,幼苗的生长受到显著抑制。我们的结果显示,OTCs分别提高了空气(10 cm)和土壤(5 cm)温度1.74℃和0.94 ℃。增温显著地促进了云杉种子提前萌发,提高了萌发速率和萌发比率,而且,明显地促进了幼苗的生长,表现为株高和生物量累积的显著增长。此外增温还有利于云杉幼苗根的伸长生长以及生物量的累积,这可以使云杉幼苗更好地利用土壤中的水分和营养元素。 根据本试验结果,温度升高显著地促进了增强UV-B辐射下云杉萌发幼苗的生长,这说明,温度升高缓解了UV-B辐射增强对云杉萌发幼苗的负面影响。这种缓解作用可能是温度升高对UV-B辐射增强处理下幼苗的抗氧化系统活性改善的结果。温度升高还缓解了高UV-B辐射对云杉幼苗根生长的抑制作用,这也可能是增温缓解伤害的原因之一。此外,根据我们的试验结果,增温与UV-B辐射增强联合作用(U+W)下云杉萌发幼苗的生长状况好于大气温度与大气UV-B辐射联合(C)处理,表现为株高、地径、根长和生物量积累均高于C处理,因此可以推断,UV-B辐射增强与气候变暖同时存在对萌发幼苗在两年之内的生长没有产生抑制作用,也就是说,气候变暖的缓解作用完全弥补了UV-B辐射增强的有害作用。 同样,增强的UV-B辐射显著影响了云杉幼苗的光合作用,表现为净光合速率(Pn)和表观量子效率(Φ)的提高,此外,根据我们的试验结果,它还造成了PSII的光抑制。增强的UV-B辐射显著抑制了云杉幼苗对营养元素的吸收,表现为大量营养元素、碳、钙、镁和锌含量的降低,但是,它却显著促进了铁在植株体内的积累。增温显著地提高了净光合速率,但是,它对光系统II(PSII)的光化学效率影响不大。温度升高缓解了UV-B增强对云杉幼苗光合作用的伤害,表现为净光合速率、表观量子效率以及PSII光化学效率的提高。此外,温度升高还缓解了UV-B辐射增强对离子吸收的抑制作用。 Enhanced UV-B radiation due to the reduction of O3 layer and global warming induced by increased greenhouse gases in the air have become the two pressing aspects of global climate changes. Moreover, enhanced UV-B radiation and warming have profound and long-term impacts on terrestrial plants and ecosystems, and the studies focusing on the two factors have attracted many attentions. Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is the third in elevation in the world, and enhanced UV-B radiation and climate warming are especially prominent in this region. Our research located in the main forest belt in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau where large areas of subalpine coniferous forests distributed. Based on that, we carried out a research to study the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation and climate warming on seed germination and seedlings growth of seedlings which are the important basic stage in forest regeneration. This research was arranged by a complete factorial design and included two factors (UV-B radiation and temperature) with two levels. The UV-lamps were used to manipulate the supplemental UV-B radiation and open-top chambers (OTCs) were adopted to increase temperature. The four treatments were: (1) C, ambient UV-B without warming; (2) U, enhanced UV-B without warming; (3) W, ambient UV-B with OTCs warming; (4) U+W, enhanced UV-B with OTCs warming. The main results were exhibited as follows: 1. Based on our results in this research, OTCs increased temperature on average 1.74℃ in air (10 cm above ground) and 0.92 ℃ in soil (5 cm beneath ground). Furthermore, OTCs also slightly reduced soil moisture and relative air humidity, however, the differences was not statistically significant. 2. Our results showed that enhanced UV-B had no significant effects on the seeds germination of P. asperata. Enhanced UV-B affected sprouts of P. asperata until the needles unfolded. During two years, enhanced UV-B inhibited the efficiency of the antioxidant defense systems, and as a result, it induced oxidant stress and the accumulation of MDA in needles. After two years of exposure to enhanced UV-B, the growth of P. asperata sprouts was markedly restrained compared with those under ambient UV-B radiation and temperature (C). Warming significantly stimulated the germination speed and increased the germination rate of P. asperata seeds. In the next place, it prominently facilitated the growth of P. asperata sprouts, represented as improvements in stem elongation and biomass accumulation. Furthermore, warming also increased root growth of P. asperata sprouts, which could made sprouts more efficient to use water and nutrient elements in soil. In this research, warming alleviated the deleterious effects of enhanced UV-B on P. asperata sprouts. It markedly stimulated the growth of P. asperata sprouts exposed to enhanced UV-B. The ease effects of warming on the abilities of the antioxidant defense systems might account for its amending effects on growth. After two years of exposure to enhanced UV-B radiation and warming, the growth of P. asperata sprouts was better than those under ambient UV-B radiation without warming (C), which could be seen from the higher plant height, basal diameter, root length and total biomass accumulation compared with C. 3. Enhanced UV-B radiation significantly influenced the photosynthesis processes of two-year old P. asperata seedlings. Our results showed that enhanced UV-B reduced the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and the apparent quantum efficiency (Φ), and induced photoinhibition of photosynthetic system II (PSII). Enhanced UV-B significantly decreased the concentration of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn), however, it increased the accumulation of iron (Fe) in the whole plant of P. asperata seedlings. Warming significantly stimulated Pn of P. asperata seedlings but it had no prominent impacts on the photochemical efficiency of PSII. In our research, warming also alleviated the harmful effects of enhanced UV-B on photosynthesis and absorption of ions of P. asperata seedlings. It increased Pn, Φ and the photochemical efficiency of PSII in seedlings exposed to enhanced UV-B. Moreover, warming also increased the absorption of ions of the seedlings exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation.


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Bulk novel cemented carbides (W1-xAlx)C-10.1 vol% Co (x = 0.2, 0.33, 0.4, 0.5) are prepared by mechanical alloying and hot-pressing sintering. Hot-pressing (HP) is used to fabricate the bulk bodies of the hard alloys. The novel cemented carbides have good mechanical properties compared with WC-Co. The density and operating cost of the novel material is much lower than a WC-Co system. The material is easy to process and the processing leads to nano-scaled, rounded, particles in the bulk material. The hardness of (W1-xAlx)C-10.1 vol% Co (x = 0.2, 0.33, 0.4, 0.5) hard material is 20.37, 21.16, 21.59 and 22.16 GPa, and the bending strength is 1257, 1238, 1211 and 1293 MPa, with the aluminum content varying from 20% to 50%. The relationship between the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the novel hard alloy is also discussed.


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The solid-solution-particle reinforced W(Al)-Ni composites were successfully fabricated by using mechanical alloying (MA) and hot-pressing (HP) technique when the content of Ni is between 45 wt% and 55 wt%. Besides, samples of various original component ratio of Al50W50 to Ni have been fabricated, and the corresponding microcomponents and mechanical properties such as microhardness, ultimate tensile strength and elongation were characterized and discussed. The optimum ultimate tensile strength under the experiment conditions is 1868 MPa with elongation of 10.21 % and hardness of 6.62 GPa. X-ray diffraction (XRD), FE-SEM and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDS) were given to analysis the components and morphology of the composite bulk specimens.


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A nitrate-citrate combustion route to synthesize nanocrystalline samarium-doped ceria powders for solid electrolyte ceramics is presented. This route is based on the gelling of nitrate solutions by the addition of citric acid and ammonium hydroxide, followed by an intense combustion process due to an exothermic redox reaction between nitrate and citrate ions. The influence of ignition temperature on the characteristics of the powders was studied. The change of the crystal structure with the content of doped Sm was investigated. High temperature X-ray, and Raman scattering were used to characterize the sample. The lattice constant and unit volume increase with doping level and increasing temperature. Dense ceramic samples prepared by uniaxial pressing and sintering in air were also studied.


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Oxidized amorphous Si3N4 and SiO2 powders were pressed alone or as a mixture under high pressure (1.0-5.0 GPa) at high temperatures (800-1700 degreesC). Formation of crystalline silicon oxynitride (Si(2ON)2) was observed from amorphous silicon nitride (Si3N4) powders containing 5.8 wt% oxygen at 1.0 GPa and 1400 degreesC, The Si2ON2 coexisted with beta -Si3N4 with a weight fraction of 40 wt%, suggesting that all oxygen in the powders participated in the reaction to form Si2ON2. Pressing a mixture of amorphous Si3N4 of lower oxygen (1.5 wt%) and SiO2 under 1.0-5.0 GPa between 1000 degrees and 1350 degreesC did not give Si2ON2 phase, but yielded a mixture of alpha,beta -Si3N4, quartz, and coesite (a high-pressure form of SiO2). The formation of Si2ON2, from oxidized amorphous Si3N4 seemed to be assisted by formation of a Si-O-N melt in the system that was enhanced under the high pressure.


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The crystallization and phase transformation of amorphous Si3N4 ceramics under high pressure (1.0-5.0 GPa) between 800 and 1700 degreesC were investigated. A greatly enhanced crystallization and alpha-beta transformation of the amorphous Si3N4 ceramics were evident under the high pressure, as characterized by that, at 5.0 GPa, the amorphous Si3N4, began to crystallize at a temperature as low as 1000 degreesC (to transform to alpha modification). The subsequent alpha-beta transformation occurred completed between 1350 and 1420 degreesC after only 20 min of pressing at 5.0 GPa. In contrast, under 0.1 MPa N-2, the identical amorphous materials were stable up to 1400 degreesC without detectable crystallization, and only a small amount of a phase was detected at 1500 degreesC. The crystallization temperature and the alpha-beta transformation temperatures are reduced by 200-350 degreesC compared to that at normal pressure. The enhanced phase transformations of the amorphous Si3N4, were discussed on the basis of thermodynamic and kinetic consideration of the effects of pressure on nucleation and growth.


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The curing temperature, pressure, and curing time have significant influence on finished thermosetting composite products. The time of pressure application is one of the most important processing parameters in the manufacture of a thermosetting composite. The determination of the time of pressure application relies on analysis of the viscosity variation of the polymer, associated with curing temperature and curing time. To determine it, the influence of the time of pressure application on the physical properties of epoxy-terminated poly(phenylene ether ketone) (E-PEK)-based continuous carbon fiber composite was studied. It was found that a stepwise temperature cure cycle is more suitable for manufacture of this composite. There are two viscosity valleys, in the case of the E-PEK system, associated with temperature during a stepwise cure cycle. The analysis on the effects of reinforcement fraction and defect content on the composite sheet quality indicates that the width-adjustable second viscosity valley provides a suitable pressing window. The viscosity, ranging from 400 to 1200 Pa . s at the second viscosity valley, is the optimal viscosity range for applying pressure to ensure appropriate resin flow during curing process, which enables one to get a finished composite with optimal fiber volume fraction and low void content. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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With the rapid development of satellite observations, we can use the altimetry geoid to study submarine tectonics and geodynamics. On the basis of the 4' x 4' geoid undulation calculated from altimeter data of Geosat, ERS-1/2 and Topex/Poseidon on the West Pacific, located between 0degreesN similar to 45degreesN, 100degreesC similar to 150degreesE, Bouguer, Glenni and isostatic geoid undulation are obtained from correction of gravitational potential of the global topography and isostacy. Moho discontinuity depth is inversed by the Glenni geoid undulation, and the stress field from small-scale mantle convection is reasonably calculated from the isostatic geoid undulation. The results show that within the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea, short-wavelength lineations of the geoid undulation are parallel or cross to magnetic lineations and rifting ridges. The Moho depth of marginal sea basins becomes shallow southward, and its values are similar to that of the Philippine Sea. These facts show that strength of tectonic activities are almost the same on the both sides of the Ryukyu-Taiwan-Philippine are. Various kinds of tectonic features with different driving mechanisms of small-middle and large-scale of mantle convection, however, display a special pattern of tectonics and geodynamics of the continental marginal seas distinguished from oceans and continents.


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Petroleum and Natural Gas is an important strategic resources. The reserves of Petroleum and Natural Gas can’t meet the need of our country, which also blocks the development of economy and threatens the safety of national. Therefore, it makes a great sense to bring “the second round of oil & gas exploration” into effect and study the exploration of oil and gas of Pre-Cenozoic residual basins in China. The integrated geophysical exploration is the main way to research the Pre-Cenozoic residual basins. Gravity exploration is one of the most important exploration methods, which has played an important role in oil and gas prospecting, such as compartmentalizing geotectonic elements, delineating the distribution range of sedimentary basins, searching oil and gas structure, abstracting oil and gas information, and so on, from its naissance. The isostatic gravity anomalies is significant for exploration, which can help us research deep crustal structure, the equilibrium state of earth, the geologic structure of shallow crust, the basement shape of sedimentary basins and the genetic evolution of sedimentary basins. In the paper, we stress the implication and physical meanings systemically, and discuss the calculation theory. On the basis of previous work, we test different isostatic compensation models and parameters to find out their influences to the result of isostatic gravity anomalies. In addition, we improve the method of isostatic gravity anomalies calculation and give a system of isostatic gravity anomalies calculation which is proved has satisfying effect. From the research above, we find that the results of Platt model and Airy model are consistent, which have similar form and almost the same value. However, by contrast, the Airy model is proved has better adaptability than Platt model. The two main parameters——crust thickness and density difference of crust and mantle, both have influence to the isostatic gravity anomalies, but the latter have more. Finally, we adopt the regional field extending edge method to make the result more of actual geologic condition. On the methods above, we calculate the isostatic gravity anomalies field in Yellow Sea area from the Bouguer gravity anomalies and the water depth and altitude data. And then the isostatic gravity anomalies character is analyzed and the integrated geological-geophysical interpretation is made on the basis of summarizing the previous research result systemically and analyzing other geophysical data and geological information. From the research, we find that the Yellow Sea area belongs to continental type crust equilibrium regions, where the isostatic gravity anomalies field is placid and has less fluctuation values, which implies that the area is in equilibrium state to different extends.