1000 resultados para Iowa Lieutenant Governor
Report on the Office of Governor for the year ended June 30, 2009
An act to provide the State of Iowa with a new state capitol building was enacted on April 14, 1870 and then on Thursday, the 23d day of November, 1871, the corner stone of the new capitol building, at the city of Des Moines, was laid with appropriate ceremonies
In the 2010 legislative session, the General Assembly passed and the Governor signed into law Senate File 2389 (SF 2389), which provided guidance for Smart Planning in Iowa and established the Iowa Smart Planning Task Force. This Task Force was charged with recommending policies and strategies for creating a stronger planning culture in Iowa, producing more resilient and sustainable communities. The Task Force, along with its two committees and four workgroups, met throughout the summer and fall of 2010 to identify and review best practices, consult local and national experts, and craft recommendations in the best interest of Iowans. A public input process was also implemented, resulting in improved recommendations.
Speech by Governor Culver.
Speech by Governor Culver.
Speech by Governor Culver.
This report summarises the statewide efforts in dealing with the disaster of the floods of 1993.
This report summarises the statewide efforts in dealing with the disaster of the floods of 1993.
This Technology Governance Board Annual Report provides information on the FY06 – FY10 Information Technology Personnel Spending; FY06 – FY10 Technology Equipment and Services Spending; and FY06 – FY10 Internal IT Expenditures with the Iowa Communications Network and Department of Administrative Services - Information Technology Enterprise. The report also contains a projection of technology cost savings. This report was produced in compliance with Iowa Code §8A.204(3a) and was submitted to the Governor, the Department of Management, and the General Assembly on January 12, 2009.
This Technology Governance Board Annual Report provides information on the FY07 – FY11 Information Technology Personnel Spending; FY07 – FY11 Technology Equipment and Services Spending; and FY07 – FY11 Internal IT Expenditures with the Iowa Communications Network and Department of Administrative Services - Information Technology Enterprise. The report also contains a projection of technology cost savings. This report was produced in compliance with Iowa Code §8A.204(3a) and was submitted to the Governor, the Department of Management, and the General Assembly on January 11, 2010.
This Technology Governance Board Annual Report provides information on the FY08 – FY12 Information Technology Personnel Spending; FY08 – FY12 Technology Equipment and Services Spending; and FY08 – FY12 Internal IT Expenditures with the Iowa Communications Network and Department of Administrative Services - Information Technology Enterprise. The report also contains a projection of technology cost savings. This report was produced in compliance with Iowa Code §8A.204(3a) and was submitted to the Governor, the Department of Management, and the General Assembly on January 10, 2011.
Speech by Governor Culver.
Governor Branstad's budget reccommendations for the fiscal years 2012 and 2013. NOTE: this is a very large file and may take a while for it to download.
Final Report of the Governor's Committee on Government Spending, 1996. The Governor reconvened the Fisher Commission to see what could be done to maintain the fiscal discipline that had been evident since the State spending reforms were put in place, 1992.
A narrative of the history of the Soldiers' and Sailor's Monument on the State Capitol grounds.