263 resultados para Interception


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Increased rates of nitrogen fertilizer application lead to increased spikelet sterility. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects on engorged pollen production and spikelet sterility, of nitrogen and assimilate availability during microspore development, in two rice cultivars (Doongara and Amaroo) grown under two different water depths. Despite the temperature not being low enough during microspore development to cause spikelet sterility, the number of engorged pollen grains was lower in cv. Doongara than in cv. Amaroo. Nitrogen application decreased the number of engorged pollen grains per anther through increased spikelet density. Nitrogen application increased spikelet sterility as a result of increased panicle density showing pronounced indirect effect of N on spikelet sterility. Engorged pollen number was also closely related (r = -0.636*) to the nitrogen content of the leaf blade, indicating a direct negative effect of plant N status on engorged pollen production. The results suggest that the intrinsic pollen producing ability is the key element in the difference in cold tolerance between the two cultivars, particularly under high N rates. Opening the canopy for increased solar radiation interception by the treated plants increased the level of engorged pollen, indicating the importance of immediate assimilate availability for engorged pollen production. Shading reduced crop growth rate, but did not effect engorged pollen production. There was no effect of variation in assimilates production on spikelet sterility.


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A study has been made of the coalescence of secondary dispersions in beds of woven meshes. The variables investigated were superficial velocity, bed depth, mesh geometry and fibre material; the effects of presoaking the bed in the dispersed phase before operation were also considered. Equipment was design~d to generate a 0.1% phase ratio toluene in water dispersion whose mean drop size was determined using a Coulter Counter. The coalesced drops were sized by photography and a novel holographic technique was developed to evaluate the mean diameter of the effluent secondary drops. Previous models describing single phase flow in porous media are reviewed and it was found that the experimental data obtained in this study is best represented by Keller's equation which is based on a physical model similar to the internal structure of the meshes. Statistical analysis of two phase data produced a correlation, for each mesh tested, relating the pressure drop to superficial velocity and bed depth. The flow parameter evaluated from the single phase model is incorporated into a theoretical comparison of drop capture mechanisms which indicated that direct and indirect interception are predominant. The resulting equation for drop capture efficiericy is used to predict the initial, local drop capture rate in a coalescer. A mathematical description of the saturation profiles was formulated and verified by average saturation data. Based 6n the Blake-Kozeny equation, an expression is derived analytically to predict the two phase pressure drop using the parameters which characterise the saturation profiles. By specifying the local saturation at the inlet face for a given velocity, good agreement between experimental pressure drop data and the model predictions was obtained.


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A study has been made of the coalescence of secondary dispersions in beds of monosized glass ballotini. The variables investigated were superficial velocity, bed depth, ballotini size and dispersed phase concentration. Equipment was designed to generate a toluene ln water dispersion with phase ratios from 0.1 - 1.0 v/v % and whose mean drop size was determined using a Coulter Counter. The coalesced drops were sized by photography and the mean diameter of the effluent drops was determined using a Malvern Particle Size Analyser. Previous models describing single phase flow in porous media are reviewed and it was found that the experimental data obtained in this study is best represented by the Carman-Kozeny equations. Relative permeability correlations were used to predict the saturation profiles across the bed from measured two phase pressure drop data. Theoretical comparison of drop capture mechanisms indicated that direct and indirect interception are predominant. The total capture efficiency for the bed can also be evaluated using Spielman and Fitzpatrick's correlation.The resulting equation is used to predict the initial, local drop capture rate in a coalescer. A mathematical description of the saturation profiles is formulated and verified by the saturation profiles obtained by relative permeability. Based on the Carman-Kozeny equation, an expression is derived analytically to .predict the two phase pressure drop using the parameters which characterise the saturation profiles. By specifying the local saturation at the inlet face for a given velocity and phase ratio, good agreement between experimental pressure drop data and the model predictions was obtained. An attempt to predict the exit drop size has been made using an analogy for flow through non cylindrical channels.


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The literature relating to haze formation, methods of separation, coalescence mechanisms, and models by which droplets <100 μm are collected, coalesced and transferred, have been reviewed with particular reference to particulate bed coalescers. The separation of secondary oil-water dispersions was studied experimentally using packed beds of monosized glass ballotini particles. The variables investigated were superficial velocity, bed depth, particle size, and the phase ratio and drop size distribution of inlet secondary dispersion. A modified pump loop was used to generate secondary dispersions of toluene or Clairsol 350 in water with phase ratios between 0.5-6.0 v/v%.Inlet drop size distributions were determined using a Malvern Particle Size Analyser;effluent, coalesced droplets were sized by photography. Single phase flow pressure drop data were correlated by means of a Carman-Kozeny type equation. Correlations were obtained relating single and two phase pressure drops, as (ΔP2/μc)/ΔP1/μd) = kp Ua Lb dcc dpd Cine A flow equation was derived to correlate the two phase pressure drop data as, ΔP2/(ρcU2) = 8.64*107 [dc/D]-0.27 [L/D]0.71 [dp/D]-0.17 [NRe]1.5 [e1]-0.14 [Cin]0.26  In a comparison between functions to characterise the inlet drop size distributions a modification of the Weibull function provided the best fit of experimental data. The general mean drop diameter was correlated by: q_p q_p p_q /β      Γ ((q-3/β) +1) d qp = d fr  .α        Γ ((P-3/β +1 The measured and predicted mean inlet drop diameters agreed within ±15%. Secondary dispersion separation depends largely upon drop capture within a bed. A theoretical analysis of drop capture mechanisms in this work indicated that indirect interception and London-van der Waal's mechanisms predominate. Mathematical models of dispersed phase concentration m the bed were developed by considering drop motion to be analogous to molecular diffusion.The number of possible channels in a bed was predicted from a model in which the pores comprised randomly-interconnected passage-ways between adjacent packing elements and axial flow occured in cylinders on an equilateral triangular pitch. An expression was derived for length of service channels in a queuing system leading to the prediction of filter coefficients. The insight provided into the mechanisms of drop collection and travel, and the correlations of operating parameters, should assist design of industrial particulate bed coalescers.


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The natural cosmogenic radionuclide 7Be (T1/2 = 53.4 d) is supplied to the surface ocean from the atmosphere and, in the Arctic Ocean, can be used as a tracer of the efficiency with which sea ice intercepts the atmospheric fluxes of chemical species and of the importance of ice as a transport mechanism for particulate matter and chemical species. Analyses of 7Be in samples of surface water, surface sea ice, water beneath the ice, sea ice sediments, and precipitation from the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean show that the fraction of sea ice coverage determines the amount of 7Be in the surface water. When sea ice coverage is <40%, the 7Be inventory in the upper ocean (130 ± 19 Bq m**-2) is in good agreement with that expected from the inventory from 7Be atmospheric flux (128 ± 21 Bq m**-2). In contrast, when ice coverage is >80%, the water column inventory drops to 58 ± 20 Bq m**-2. The 7Be inventory in sea ice is 39 ± 23 Bq m**-2, and mass balance calculations show that sea ice can intercept 30 ± 18% of the atmospheric flux of 7Be during the studied period. We suggest that other atmospherically transported contaminants should be similarly intercepted. 7Be in the ice also can be used to estimate that the annual transport and release of sediment to the ablation area of the Fram Strait is -500 g m**-2, a value comparable to previously measured fluxes in sediment traps deployed in the area.


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For the reconstruction of sea-ice variability, a biomarker approach which is based on (1) the determination of sea-ice diatom-specific highly-branched isoprenoid (IP25) and (2) the coupling of phytoplankton biomarkers and IP25 has been used. For the first time, such a data set was obtained from an array of two sediment traps deployed at the southern Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean at water depth of 150 m and 1550 m and recording the seasonal variability of sea ice cover in 1995/1996. These data indicate a predominantly permanent sea ice cover at the trap location between November 1995 and June 1996, an ice-edge situation with increased phytoplankton productivity and sea-ice algae input in July/August 1996, and the start of new-ice formation in late September. The record of modern sea-ice variability is then used to better interpret data from sediment core PS2458-4 recovered at the Laptev Sea continental slope close to the interception with Lomonosov Ridge and recording the post-glacial to Holocene change in sea-ice cover. Based on IP25 and phytoplankton biomarker data from Core PS2458-4, minimum sea-ice cover was reconstructed for the Bølling/Allerød warm interval between about 14.5 and 13 calendar kyr BP, followed by a rapid and distinct increase in sea-ice cover at about 12.8 calendar kyr BP. This sea-ice event was directly preceded by a dramatic freshwater event and a collapse of phytoplankton productivity, having started about 100 years earlier. These data are the first direct evidence that enhanced freshwater flux caused enhanced sea-ice formation in the Arctic at the beginning of the Younger Dryas. In combination with a contemporaneous, abrupt and very prominent freshwater/meltwater pulse in the Yermak Plateau/Fram Strait area these data may furthermore support the hypothesis that strongly enhanced freshwater (and ice) export from the Arctic into the North Atlantic could have played an important trigger role for the onset of the Younger Dryas cold reversal. During the Early Holocene, sea-ice cover steadily increased again (ice-edge situation), reaching modern sea-ice conditions (more or less permanent sea-ice cover) probably at about 7-8 calendar kyr BP.


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Introdução: Os indivíduos portadores da má oclusão de Classe II Divisão 1 possuem diversas etiologias e podem ser encontrados em todas as etnias. As suas características clínicas e radiográficas se agravam com o crescimento e uma vez não tratada, continuam com esta má oclusão por toda sua vida. Para o tratamento ortodôntico na dentição mista recorre-se a dispositivos como aparelhos extra-orais, aparelhos funcionais fixos e removíveis. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão sobre o diagnóstico e tratamento da Classe II Divisão 1 na dentição mista, salientando a importância do tratamento nesta fase. Materiais e Métodos: Para a concretização do presente trabalho foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica no presente ano, recorrendo-se ao livro “Ortodontia Contemporânea” do autor William Proffit, diversos motores de busca online, nomeadamente, PubMed, Medline, Elsevier e Scholar Google, utilizando como palavras-chave: “Class II Division 1”, “Mixed Dentition”, “Functional Appliance”, “Extra-Oral Appliance”, e revistas de Ortodontia, nomeadamente, American Journal of Orthodontics, Seminars in Orthodontics, The Angle Orthodontist e Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial. A pesquisa foi realizada sem qualquer tipo de limites temporais, sendo dada uma maior importância a artigos mais recentes. Os artigos foram selecionados segundo o seu rigor científico e interesse para o tema. Numa fase mais avançada de revisão bibliográfica foram usados artigos citados na bibliografia dos artigos selecionados na primeira pesquisa efetuada. Conclusão: A dentição mista é considerada a fase ideal para iniciar o diagnóstico, prevenção, interceção e possível correção dos problemas dentários e/ou esqueléticos associados a uma Classe II Divisão 1. A Ortopedia Funcional dos Maxilares, removível ou fixa, e o uso de aparelhos extra-orais constituem recursos terapêuticos disponíveis para o tratamento desta má oclusão.


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Annual ryegrass is one of the species that best meets the needs of ranchers of southern Brazil during the winter period of the year. The breeding of ryegrass for many years has been developing superior materials, diploid and tetraploid, which, despite its higher prices for seed are being used by producers because of their better performance and quality. The objective of this research was to evaluate the behavior of different cultivars of Italian ryegrass - diploid and tetraploid, grazing, climate conditions of southwestern Paraná. The experiment was conducted in the city of Pato Branco / PR. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four replications. The observed cultivars were: LE 284, Camaro, Bakarat, Estações, Ponteio and Nibbio (diploid) and Winter Star, KLM 138, Escorpio, Titan, Barjumbo and Potro (tetraploid). The grazing was mob-grazing type time respecting input of 25 cm and 10 cm high output. It was observed that the cultivars that had high period of pasture use were those that produced larger amounts of forage. For all cultivars the highest forage accumulations occur between the months of August, September and October. Tetraploid have lower population density of tillers, but this does not affect the IAF among cultivars nor the interception of solar radiation before and after the completion of a grazing. NDF and ADF contents linearly increase with advancing in ryegrass cultivars development cycle. On average, tetraploid cultivars produce larger amounts of forage in relation to diploid cultivars.


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Recent years have seen an astronomical rise in SQL Injection Attacks (SQLIAs) used to compromise the confidentiality, authentication and integrity of organisations’ databases. Intruders becoming smarter in obfuscating web requests to evade detection combined with increasing volumes of web traffic from the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud-hosted and on-premise business applications have made it evident that the existing approaches of mostly static signature lack the ability to cope with novel signatures. A SQLIA detection and prevention solution can be achieved through exploring an alternative bio-inspired supervised learning approach that uses input of labelled dataset of numerical attributes in classifying true positives and negatives. We present in this paper a Numerical Encoding to Tame SQLIA (NETSQLIA) that implements a proof of concept for scalable numerical encoding of features to a dataset attributes with labelled class obtained from deep web traffic analysis. In the numerical attributes encoding: the model leverages proxy in the interception and decryption of web traffic. The intercepted web requests are then assembled for front-end SQL parsing and pattern matching by applying traditional Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA). This paper is intended for a technique of numerical attributes extraction of any size primed as an input dataset to an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and statistical Machine Learning (ML) algorithms implemented using Two-Class Averaged Perceptron (TCAP) and Two-Class Logistic Regression (TCLR) respectively. This methodology then forms the subject of the empirical evaluation of the suitability of this model in the accurate classification of both legitimate web requests and SQLIA payloads.


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O jogo de futebol, e simultaneamente o seu processo ofensivo, tem sido, nos últimos anos, alvo de diversos trabalhos de investigação. Tendo como objetivo a sua análise e caracterização, o especial interesse por parte dos investigadores tem estado focado predominantemente no processo ofensivo no seu todo, desde a recuperação de posse de bola, o desenvolvimento do processo em si e a sua finalização. O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo a caraterização do processo ofensivo da equipa principal e equipa B do Sporting Clube de Portugal após recuperação de posse de bola por desarme ou interceção. Foram registadas as sequências ofensivas de 16 jogos (8 por equipa), da equipa principal e da sua equipa B, da época 2014/15, na condição de visitado, com recurso ao software Videobserver (Afra, 2013). As sequências ofensivas foram observadas e registadas a partir da recuperação de posse de bola de forma dinâmica, ou seja, através de desarme ou interceção. Para a análise estatística descritiva e sequencial foi utilizado o software SDIS GSEQ 5.1 (Bakeman & Quera, 1996). Os resultados permitiram concluir que i) as equipas observadas recuperaram a posse de bola maioritariamente no setor médio defensivo e numa relação de igualdade ou superioridade relativa; ii) as equipas observadas, desenvolvem o processo ofensivo de forma semelhante, recorrendo ao passe curto ou médio, para a frente, ou diagonal frente e rasteiro como comportamento mais vezes verificado após a recuperação de posse de bola; iii) O método de jogo ofensivo mais utilizado pelas equipas observadas é o ataque rápido. A equipa principal do SCP, ao contrário da equipa B, não é influenciada pela forma como o adversário reage à perda de posse de bola para optar pelo seu método de jogo ofensivo; iv) no caso da equipa principal, o método de jogo ofensivo que potencia mais situações de finalização com sucesso é o ataque rápido, enquanto na equipa B é o contra-ataque; v) ambas as equipas optam pelo método de jogo ofensivo contra-ataque, quando a recuperação de posse de bola acontece no setor defensivo e setor médio defensivo, sendo substituído pelo ataque rápido nos setores mais adiantados.


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O jogo de futebol, e simultaneamente o seu processo ofensivo, tem sido, nos últimos anos, alvo de diversos trabalhos de investigação. Tendo como objetivo a sua análise e caracterização, o especial interesse por parte dos investigadores tem estado focado predominantemente no processo ofensivo no seu todo, desde a recuperação de posse de bola, o desenvolvimento do processo em si e a sua finalização. O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo a caraterização do processo ofensivo da equipa principal e equipa B do Sporting Clube de Portugal após recuperação de posse de bola por desarme ou interceção. Foram registadas as sequências ofensivas de 16 jogos (8 por equipa), da equipa principal e da sua equipa B, da época 2014/15, na condição de visitado, com recurso ao software Videobserver (Afra, 2013). As sequências ofensivas foram observadas e registadas a partir da recuperação de posse de bola de forma dinâmica, ou seja, através de desarme ou interceção. Para a análise estatística descritiva e sequencial foi utilizado o software SDIS GSEQ 5.1 (Bakeman & Quera, 1996). Os resultados permitiram concluir que i) as equipas observadas recuperaram a posse de bola maioritariamente no setor médio defensivo e numa relação de igualdade ou superioridade relativa; ii) as equipas observadas, desenvolvem o processo ofensivo de forma semelhante, recorrendo ao passe curto ou médio, para a frente, ou diagonal frente e rasteiro como comportamento mais vezes verificado após a recuperação de posse de bola; iii) O método de jogo ofensivo mais utilizado pelas equipas observadas é o ataque rápido. A equipa principal do SCP, ao contrário da equipa B, não é influenciada pela forma como o adversário reage à perda de posse de bola para optar pelo seu método de jogo ofensivo; iv) no caso da equipa principal, o método de jogo ofensivo que potencia mais situações de finalização com sucesso é o ataque rápido, enquanto na equipa B é o contra-ataque; v) ambas as equipas optam pelo método de jogo ofensivo contra-ataque, quando a recuperação de posse de bola acontece no setor defensivo e setor médio defensivo, sendo substituído pelo ataque rápido nos setores mais adiantados.


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Botnets, which consist of thousands of compromised machines, can cause a significant threat to other systems by launching Distributed Denial of Service attacks, keylogging, and backdoors. In response to this threat, new effective techniques are needed to detect the presence of botnets. In this paper, we have used an interception technique to monitor Windows Application Programming Interface system calls made by communication applications. Existing approaches for botnet detection are based on finding bot traffic patterns. Our approach does not depend on finding patterns but rather monitors the change of behaviour in the system. In addition, we will present our idea of detecting botnet based on log correlations from different hosts.


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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is an important vegetable crop and often cultivated in regions exposed to salinity and high temperatures (HT) which change plant architecture, decrease canopy light interception and disturb physiological functions. However, the long-term effects of salinity and HT combination (S+HT) on plant growth are still unclear. A dynamic functional-structural plant model (FSPM) of tomato was parameterized and evaluated for different levels of S+HT combinations. The evaluated model was used to quantify the contributions of morphological changes (architectural effects) and physiological disturbances (non-architectural effects) on the reduction of shoot dry mass under S+HT. The model predicted architectural variables with high accuracy (>85%), which ensured the reliability of the model analyses. HT enhanced architectural effects but reduced non-architectural effects of salinity on dry mass production. The stronger architectural effects of salinity under HT could not be counterbalanced by the smaller non-architectural effects. Therefore, long-term influences of HT on shoot dry mass under salinity were negative at the whole plant level. Our model analysis highlights the importance of plant architecture at canopy level in studying the plant responses to the environments and shows the merits of dynamic FSPMs as heuristic tools.