980 resultados para Interacting particle systems


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It is well known that magnetic activity in late-type stars increases with increasing rotation rate. Using inversion techniques akin to medical imaging, the rotationally broadened profiles from such stars can be used to reconstruct `Doppler images' of the distribution of cool, dark starspots on their stellar surfaces. Interacting binaries, however, contain some of the most rapidly rotating late-type stars known and thus provide important tests of stellar dynamo models. Furthermore, magnetic activity is thought to play a key role in their evolution, behaviour and accretion dynamics. Despite this, we know comparatively little about the magnetic activity and its influence on such binaries. In this review we summarise the concepts behind indirect imaging of these systems, and present movies of the starspot distributions on the cool stars in some interacting binaries. We conclude with a look at the future opportunities that such studies may provide.


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In this paper we briefly discuss the problem of simulating non-adiabatic processes in systems that are usefully modelled using molecular dynamics. In particular we address the problems associated with metals, and describe two methods that can be applied: the Ehrenfest approximation and correlated electron-ion dynamics (CEID). The Ehrenfest approximation is used to successfully describe the friction force experienced by an energetic particle passing through a crystal, but is unable to describe the heating of a wire by an electric current. CEID restores the proper heating.


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This paper derives a general procedure for the numerical solution of the Lindblad equations that govern the coherences arising from multicoloured light interacting with a multilevel system. A systematic approach to finding the conservative and dissipative terms is derived and applied to the laser cooling of p-block elements. An improved numerical method is developed to solve the time-dependent master equation and results are presented for transient cooling processes. The method is significantly more robust, efficient and accurate than the standard method and can be applied to a broad range of atomic and molecular systems. Radiation pressure forces and the formation of dynamic dark states are studied in the gallium isotope 66Ga.


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The nonlinear aspects of longitudinal motion of interacting point masses in a lattice are revisited, with emphasis on the paradigm of charged dust grains in a dusty plasma (DP) crystal. Different types of localized excitations, predicted by nonlinear wave theories, are reviewed and conditions for their occurrence (and characteristics) in DP crystals are discussed. Making use of a general formulation, allowing for an arbitrary (e.g. the Debye electrostatic or else) analytic potential form phi(r) and arbitrarily long site-to-site range of interactions, it is shown that dust-crystals support nonlinear kink-shaped localized excitations propagating at velocities above the characteristic DP lattice sound speed v(0). Both compressive and rarefactive kink-type excitations are predicted, depending on the physical parameter values, which represent pulse- (shock-)like coherent structures for the dust grain relative displacement. Furthermore, the existence of breather-type localized oscillations, envelope-modulated wavepackets and shocks is established. The relation to previous results on atomic chains as well as to experimental results on strongly-coupled dust layers in gas discharge plasmas is discussed.


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The evolution of a two level system with a slowly varying Hamiltonian, modeled as a spin 1/2 in a slowly varying magnetic field, and interacting with a quantum environment, modeled as a bath of harmonic oscillators is analyzed using a quantum Langevin approach. This allows to easily obtain the dissipation time and the correction to the Berry phase in the case of an adiabatic cyclic evolution.


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The effect of fluctuations in the classical control parameters on the Berry phase of a spin 1/2 interacting with an adiabatically cyclically varying magnetic field is analyzed. It is explicitly shown that in the adiabatic limit dephasing is due to fluctuations of the dynamical phase.


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The expansion of a dense plasma through a more rarefied ionized medium has been studied by means of two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. The initial conditions involve a density jump by a factor of 100, located in the middle of an otherwise equally dense electron-proton plasma with uniform proton and electron temperatures of 10 eV and 1 keV, respectively. Simulations show the creation of a purely electrostatic collisionless shock together with an ion-acoustic soliton tied to its downstream region. The shock front is seen to evolve in filamentary structures consistently with the onset of the ion-ion instability. Meanwhile, an un-magnetized drift instability is triggered in the core part of the dense plasma. Such results explain recent experimental laser-plasma experiments, carried out in similar conditions, and are of intrinsic relevance to non-relativistic shock scenarios in the solar and astrophysical systems.


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The generation of the third and fourth harmonics from the interaction of a 1 ps, ultraviolet (UV), krypton fluoride (KrF) laser with a solid surface is investigated. The conversion efficiency is seen to increase linearly with I lambda(2), with a transition from specular harmonic emission to emission into 2 pi steradians occurring between 10(15) and 10(16) W cm(-2) mu m(2). The diffuse emission is strongly dependent on the incidence angle of the laser, with the peak in emission at around 30 degrees being consistent with measurements for resonance absorption. Finally, the conversion efficiencies are found to be in agreement with particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations including appropriate density scalelengths. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Recent evidence suggests that genomic instability, which is an important step in carcinogenesis, may be important in the effectiveness of radiation as a carcinogen, particularly for high-LET radiations. Understanding the biological effects underpinning the risks associated with low doses of densely ionizing radiations is complicated in experimental systems by the Poisson distribution of particles that ran be delivered, In this study, we report an approach to determine the effect of the lowest possible cellular radiation dose of densely ionizing at particles, that of a single particle traversal. Using microbeam technology and an approach for immobilizing human T-lymphocytes, we have measured the effects of single alpha -particle traversals on the surviving progeny of cells. A significant increase in the proportion of aberrant cells is observed 12-13 population doublings after exposure, with a high level of chromatid-type aberrations, indicative of an instability phenotype, These data suggest that instability may be important in situations where even a single particle traverses human cells. (C) 2001 by Radiation Research Society.


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In this paper, a novel framework for visual tracking of human body parts is introduced. The approach presented demonstrates the feasibility of recovering human poses with data from a single uncalibrated camera by using a limb-tracking system based on a 2-D articulated model and a double-tracking strategy. Its key contribution is that the 2-D model is only constrained by biomechanical knowledge about human bipedal motion, instead of relying on constraints that are linked to a specific activity or camera view. These characteristics make our approach suitable for real visual surveillance applications. Experiments on a set of indoor and outdoor sequences demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on tracking human lower body parts. Moreover, a detail comparison with current tracking methods is presented.


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Aiming to establish a rigorous link between macroscopic random motion (described e.g. by Langevin-type theories) and microscopic dynamics, we have undertaken a kinetic-theoretical study of the dynamics of a classical test-particle weakly coupled to a large heat-bath in thermal equilibrium. Both subsystems are subject to an external force field. From the (time-non-local) generalized master equation a Fokker-Planck-type equation follows as a "quasi-Markovian" approximation. The kinetic operator thus defined is shown to be ill-defined; in specific, it does not preserve the positivity of the test-particle distribution function f(x, v; t). Adopting an alternative approach, previously introduced for quantum open systems, is proposed to lead to a correct kinetic operator, which yields all the expected properties. A set of explicit expressions for the diffusion and drift coefficients are obtained, allowing for modelling macroscopic diffusion and dynamical friction phenomena, in terms of an external field and intrinsic physical parameters.


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A multivariate Fokker-Planck-type kinetic equation modeling a test - panicle weakly interacting with an electrostatic plasma. in the presence of a magnetic field B . is analytically solved in an Ornstein - Uhlenbeck - type approximation. A new set of analytic expressions are obtained for variable moments and panicle density as a function of time. The process is diffusive.


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Just as conventional institutions are organisational structures for coordinating the activities of multiple interacting individuals, electronic institutions provide a computational analogue for coordinating the activities of multiple interacting software agents. In this paper, we argue that open multi-agent systems can be effectively designed and implemented as electronic institutions, for which we provide a comprehensive computational model. More specifically, the paper provides an operational semantics for electronic institutions, specifying the essential data structures, the state representation and the key operations necessary to implement them. We specify the agent workflow structure that is the core component of such electronic institutions and particular instantiations of knowledge representation languages that support the institutional model. In so doing, we provide the first formal account of the electronic institution concept in a rigorous and unambiguous way.


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The aim of this study is to compare the positioning accuracy at different gantry angles of two electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) support arm systems by using EPID difference images as a measure for displacement. This work presents a comparison of the mechanical performance of eight Varian aS500 (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA) EPIDs, mounted using either the Varian Exact-arm or R-arm.