998 resultados para Implante de vermes


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The residual alveolar ridges may be unfavorable for implant placement. The edentulous maxilla is often challenging for the oral surgeon because of the lack of bone as a consequence of alveolar ridge resorption and/or maxillary sinus pneumatization. Accidents or complications may occur when some of these issues are not being known. This article reports one case of implant displaced into the maxillary sinus, 27 days after sinus bone augmentation with simultaneous dental implant installation, causing moderated sinusitis symptoms. The implant was removed through oral cavity access to maxillary sinus.


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The association of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures with an osteointegrated implant is a treatment option at hasn't been fully explored by modern rehabilitation dentistry yet. The objective of this study is to evaluate, by means of the bidimensional method of finite elements, the distribution of tension on the structures supporting the distal extension removable partial denture (DERPD), associated to a 10.0 x 3.75 mm osteointegrated implant with an ERA retention system, in alveolar ridges of different shapes. Eight models were created, representing, from a sagittal perspective: Model A (MA) – a half arch with a horizontal ridge without posterior support, with the presence of the lower left canine, and a conventional DERPD, with metallic support in the incisal aspect of this canine, as replacement for the first and second pre-molars and the first and second molars of the lower left half arch; Model B (MB) – similar to MA, but different because of the presence of a 3.75 x 10.00 mm implant with an associated ERA retention system in the posterior region of the DERPD base; Model C (MC) - similar to MA, however with a distally ascending ridge format; Model D (MD) – similar to MC, but different because there is an implant associated to a retention system; Model E (ME) - similar to MA, however with a distally descending ridge format; Model F (MF) – similar to ME, but ditfferent in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system; Model G (MG) – similar to MA, however with a distally descending-ascending ridge format; Model H (MH) – similar to MG, but different in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system. The finite element program ANSYS 9.0 was used to load the models with vertical forces of 50 N, on each cuspid tip. The format of distal descending edge (ME and MF) was that presented worse results, so in the models with conventional RPD as in the models with RPD associated to the implant and ERA system of retention, for the structures gingival mucosa and tooth support. 1) the distally descending ridge presented the most significant stress in the model with the conventional RPD (ME) or with a prosthesis associated to an implant (MF) and 2) the horizontal ridge (MB) provided more relief to the support structures, such as the tooth and the spongy bone, when there was an implant associated to an ERA retention system. The incorporation of the implants with the ERA system retention, in the posterior area of the toothless edge, it promotes larger stability and retention to PPREL, improving the patient's masticatory acting and, consequently, its comfort and function.


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The rehabilitation with mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures (DERPD) is complex and the use of implants has been improving the functioning of this approach. The insertion bony level around of the last support tooth is an aggravating factor, since it can harm the longevity of the treatment. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the displacement tendency of a mandibular DERPD associated to an implant, with different insertion bony levels and different connections between the RPD and the support tooth, by finite element analysis. Eight models were made: MA - DERPD, incisal rest, no bony loss; MB - DERPD, distal plate, no bony loss; MC - DERPD, incisal rest, no bony loss, with implant and ERA system; MD - DERPD, distal plate, no bony loss, with implant and ERA system; ME - DERPD, incisal rest, bony loss; MF - DERPD, distal plate, bony loss; MG - DERPD, incisal rest, bony loss, with implant and ERA system; MH - DERPD, distal plate, bony loss, with implant and ERA system. Loads of 50 N in each peak were applied. Displacement maps were obtained and showed that implant favors this association and the bony loss harms the prognostic of the prosthesis. It is concluded that: the introduction of the implant with ERA system reduced the displacement tendency of the tooth and supporting structures; introduction of distal plate reduced the movement tendency of the support tooth; the decrease of the periodontal support didn't influence significantly the displacement tendency of the models with distal plate distal, but it influenced the models with distal incisal rest.


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Osseointegrated implants have specific nature distinguish them from natural teeth making them more susceptible to the efforts generated by mastication. The absence of periodontal ligament, which absorbs the masticatory forces and allows the movement of the teeth interfere with the reception of occlusal loads and therefore the predictability of implants. In the boneimplant interface did not occur the phenomena of dissipation of impact, even the movement induced. Thus, during planning and installation of implant prosthesis, the type and characteristics of occlusal pattern adopted should be established with criteria to be no grounds for future failures. In this regard we highlight the occlusal overload generated by several reasons like the presence of premature contacts, interference during motion excursive, deleterious habits and inappropriate extensions on cantilevers. Thus, the objective is to provide a review of the literature regarding the importance of occlusion in oral rehabilitation with implants. Factors to be considered in establishing a favorable occlusion, consistent with prostheses on implants will be described


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In part I of this article, the factors related to the establishment of a favourable occlusion for the implant prosthodontics as well as its real importance in this kind of rehabilitation were showed up. However, it is known that the occlusal characteristics adopted in implant prosthodontics show specific patterns which must be different between each other in accordance to the type of prosthesis installed. The objective of the second part of this work is to present to the reader, by a literature review, those characteristics, justifying the reason because they must be associated to specific kind of prosthesis for favor the treatment established.


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This research analyses the development of children presented with profound deafness and benefited by the cochlear implant, discovery of great significance in hearing health. The work is based, theoretically, on Winnicott, and methodologically, in anamnesis data and playing on a set of ludic scenes, systematically organized. Ten pre-school children with implants, selected by hospital and homogenization eligibility criteria participate in this study encompassing interviews with parents and playful observation sessions with the children, besides Lynn´s Dolls Structured Game. In the children, the results show immaturity, regression to earlier stages of their development, dependency and behavioral disorders, in particular, those related to language, interrelationship and anxiety. In the parents, family disorientation, partly overcome. The children and family participating are assisted by a multidisciplinary health team, at the hospital where they are attended.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the development of specific domains of Numerical Cognition (Number Sense – NS, Number Comprehension – NC, Number Production – NP, and Calculation – CA) in Brazilian children with Specific Learning Disorders. The study included 72 children (36 boys), from 9-to 10-years-old, enrolled in 4th and 5th years of elementary school of public schools at countryside of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. They were divided into three groups: control (CT, N = 42), Developmental Dyslexia (DL, N = 11) and Developmental Dyscalculia combined with dyslexia (DDc, N = 19). All participants had intellectual level within the normal range, however, children from the last two groups had Learning Disorders classified by School Achievement Test - TDE (Stein, 1994) and DDc children received necessarily classification as 'inferior' in Arithmetic Test of TDE. The children did not differ in NS. DL and DDc children showed slight deficits in NC. However, DDc children had moderate in NP and mild to moderate deficits in CA, which indicates a more generalized impairment in Numerical Cognition. Furthermore, DDc children showed discrepancy in Numerical Cognition performance when compared to the other groups. Thus, children with Learning Disorders showed different performances in Numerical Cognition, although both groups had preserved SN, DDc children showed higher deficits and discrepancy in relation DL and typically developing children.


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Studies on learning by exclusion have shown that participants tend to select a new object or a new figure when a new word is dictated, rejecting the objects and figures they already know or that were associated with other words. This study aimed at training conditional relations between dictated word-picture and between picture-printed word, by exclusion, and verify whether this training would be a condition for the emergence of relations between dictated word-printed word, printed word-figure, picture naming and reading. We also investigated whether responding to the words dictated with a female voice generalized to other frequencies such as male and child voices. Participants were five children between five and nine years old, with acute neurosensorial bilateral hearing impairment, users of cochlear implant Nucleus 24k®. They were exposed, individually, to tasks that consisted in selecting a comparison stimulus (either picture or printed word) related to the sample (either dictated word or picture). Words with lowest scores on a pre-test were used. The relations between dictated word-figure (AB) and figure-printed word (BC) were taught by exclusion. We assessed the emergence of the relations between dictated and printed words (AC), printed word and picture (CB), male and child voices generalization (A’C and A’’C), naming (BD) and reading (CD). All the children responded by exclusion and learned relations AB and BC, showing receptive vocabulary; AC and CB relations also were learned, consistent with class formation. Responding generalized to male and child voices, but data on naming were not systematic. Learning by exclusion was similar to that of children with typical hearing and these results describe some conditions that can improve receptive verbal repertoire.


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The aim of this work was to verify the effect of teaching the echoic behavior over the pictures naming in four children between eight and nine years old with prelingual hearing impaired, users of cochlear implants. The design adopted was: (a) pre-training that taught the matching-to-sample task; (b) pre-tests that selected three words to teach; (c) teaching of auditory-visual conditional relations; (d) naming pos-test; (e) the teaching of echoic with orofacial clues and, (f) the second naming pos-test. In the pre-test all participants achieved smaller percentage of correct on naming (60%-80%) and echoic (20%-50%) when compared to percentages word recognition (86%-93%). All participants learned the auditory-visual relations. The improvement on naming test occurred after auditory training select based for two participants; for other two participants the improvement on naming test occurred just after the training of echoic. Analysis of data showed that the listening and speaking performances are independent in their establishment and require specific conditions of teaching; in the case of this study, even though the result is not generalized to all participants, the highest correspondence into point to point naming was obtained following the teaching of echoic.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Dado o âmbito multidimensional do implante coclear, há crescente necessidade em avaliar não somente medidas clínicas de eficácia relacionadas às habilidades comunicativas, mas também aspectos mais genéricos envolvidos na efetividade do tratamento, como a qualidade de vida. OBJETIVOS: Tradução e adaptação de questionário internacional para o Português Brasileiro; análise das correlações entre fatores relacionados à qualidade de vida; análise das correlações entre qualidade de vida e medidas clínicas de resultado. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo realizado com pais de crianças com implante coclear consistindo na aplicação de instrumentos validados para avaliar aspectos de qualidade de vida e habilidades comunicativas. RESULTADOS: A tradução e adaptação cultural do questionário foi satisfatoriamente realizada e este estudo proporciona a disponibilização do questionário em versão para o Português Brasileiro. Pelos dados obtidos, o implante coclear apresentou efeito positivo na qualidade de vida das crianças implantadas e de suas famílias. As correlações observadas para a variável comunicação demonstram uma relação direta entre comunicação oral e outras variáveis de qualidade de vida. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo disponibiliza o questionário em versão para o Português Brasileiro. Para os pais de crianças brasileiras usuárias de implante coclear, a habilidade lexical (aquisição e uso das palavras) é a variável de maior impacto na qualidade de vida de seus filhos.