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This leaflet is for BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) Carers. Carers can be people of all ages including children, young people, parents, older people. There is a cut off slip for BME Carers to fill in with their details. This information can then be sent to the Carer Worker in their local Trust. Details are on the leaflet.


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This patient information leaflet is aimed at people who are at risk of developing a blood clot and includes details on what a blood clot is, the signs and symptoms, the risk factors and what methods may be used to reduce the risk of a blood clot.


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This leaflet provides step-by-step instructions on using the Faecal Immunochemical�Test (FIT) for bowel cancer screening. This kit is slightly different to the one we usually use as part of Northern Ireland��'s bowel cancer screening programme. It is easier to complete for people who are partially sighted and is sent following discussion with the screening helpline team.


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This leaflet provides information on bowel cancer and the Northern Ireland Bowel cancer screening programme.The translations are of the 2010 versions when screening was for 60-69 year olds but this has been extended to 60-74 year olds.


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This leaflet provides step by step instructions on using the Faecal Occult Blood test (FOBt) for bowel cancer screening.The translations are of the 2010 versions when screening was for 60��-69 year olds but this has been extended to 60��-74 year olds.


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This leaflet provides information on further investigations participants may require, including colonoscopy.The translations are of the 2010 versions when screening was for 60��-69 year olds but this has been extended to 60��-74 year olds.


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This leaflet provides step by step instructions on using the Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) for bowel cancer screening.The translations are of the 2010 versions when screening was for 60��-69 year olds but this has been extended to 60��-74 year olds.


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Rapport de synthèse : Mesures de l'aorte ascendante par scanner synchronisé au rythme cardiaque: une étude pilote pour établir des valeurs normatives dans le cadre des futures thérapies par transcathéter. Objectif : L'objectif de cette étude est d'établir les valeurs morphométriques normatives de l'aorte ascendante à l'aide de l'angiographie par scanner synchronisé au rythme cardiaque, afin d'aider au développement des futurs traitements par transcathéter. Matériels et méthodes : Chez soixante-dix-sept patients (âgé de 22 à 83 ans, âge moyen: 54,7 ans), une angiographie par scanner synchronisé au rythme cardiaque a été réalisée pour évaluation des vaisseaux coronaires. Les examens ont été revus afin d'étudier l'anatomie de la chambre de chasse du ventricule gauche jusqu'au tronc brachio-céphalique droit. A l'aide de programmes de reconstructions multiplanaires et de segmentation automatique, différents diamètres et longueurs considérés comme importants pour les futurs traitements par transcathéter ont été mesurés. Les valeurs sont exprimées en moyennes, médianes, maximums, minimums, écart-types et en coefficients de variation. Les variations de diamètre de l'aorte ascendante durant le cycle cardiaque ont été aussi considérées. Résultats : Le diamètre moyen de la chambre de chasse du ventricule gauche était de 20.3+/-3.4 mm. Au niveau du sinus coronaire de l'aorte, il était de 34.2+/-4.1 mm et au niveau de la jonction sinotubulaire il était de 29.7+/-3.4 mm. Le diamètre moyen de l'aorte ascendante était de 32.7+/-3.8 mm. Le coefficient de variation de ces mesures variait de 12 à 17%. La distance moyenne entre l'insertion proximale des valvules aortiques et le départ du tronc brachio-céphalique droit était de 92.6+/-11.8 mm. La distance moyenne entre l'insertion proximale des valvules aortiques et l'origine de l'artère coronaire proximale était de 12.1+/-3.7 mm avec un coefficient de variation de 31%. La distance moyenne entre les deux ostia coronaires était de 7.2+/-3.1 mm avec un coefficient de variation de 43%. La longueur moyenne du petit arc de l'aorte ascendante entre l'artère coronaire gauche et le tronc brachio-céphalique droit était de 52.9+/-9.5 mm. La longueur moyenne de la continuité fibreuse entre la valve aortique et la valvule mitrale antérieure était de 14.6+/-3.3 mm avec un coefficient de variation de 23%. L'aire moyenne de la valve aortique était de 582.0+/-131.9 mm2. La variation du diamètre antéro-postérieur et transverse de l'aorte ascendante était respectivement de 8.4% et de 7.3%. Conclusion Il existe d'importantes variations inter-individuelles dans les mesures de l'aorte ascendante avec cependant des variations intra-individuelles faibles durant le cycle cardiaque. De ce fait, une approche personnalisée pour chaque patient est recommandée dans la confection des futures endoprothèses de l'aorte ascendante. Le scanner synchronisé au rythme cardiaque jouera un rôle prépondérant dans le bilan préthérapeutique. Abstract : The aim of this study was to provide an insight into normative values of the ascending aorta in regards to novel endovascular procedures using ECG-gated multi-detector CT angiography. Seventy-seven adult patients without ascending aortic abnormalities were evaluated. Measurements at relevant levels of the aortic root and ascending aorta were obtained. Diameter variations of the ascending aorta during cardiac cycle were also considered. Mean diameters (mm) were as follows: LV outflow tract 20.3+/-3.4, coronary sinus 34.2+/-4.1, sinotubular junction 29.7+-3.4 and mid ascending aorta 32.7+/-3.8 with coefficients of variation (CV) ranging from 12 to 17%. Mean distances (mm) were: from the plane passing through the proximal insertions of the aortic valve cusps to the right brachio-cephalic artery (BCA) 92.6111.8, from the plane passing through the proximal insertions of the aortic valve cusps to the proximal coronary ostium 12.1+/-3.7, and between both coronary ostia 7.2+/-3.1, minimal arc of the ascending aorta from left coronary ostium to right BCA 52.9 X9.5, and the fibrous continuity between the aortic valve and the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve 14.óf3.3, CV 13-43%. Mean aortic valve area was 582+-131.9 mm2. The variations of the antero-posterior and transverse diameters of the ascending aorta during the cardiac cycle were 8.4% and 7.3%, respectively. Results showed large inter-individual variations in diameters and distances but with limited intra-individual variations during the cardiac cycle. A personalized approach for planning endovascular devices must be considered.


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Mitral regurgitation (MR) involves systolic retrograde flow from the left ventricle into the left atrium. While trivial MR is frequent in healthy subjects, moderate to severe MR constitutes the second most prevalent valve disease after aortic valve stenosis. Major causes of severe MR in Western countries include degenerative valve disease (myxomatous disease, flail leaflet, annular calcification) and ischaemic heart disease, while rheumatic disease remains a major cause of MR in developing countries. Chronic MR typically progresses insidiously over many years. Once established, however, severe MR portends a poor prognosis. The severity of MR can be assessed by various techniques, Doppler echocardiography being the most widely used. Mitral valve surgery is the only treatment of proven efficacy. It alleviates clinical symptoms and prevents ventricular dilatation and heart failure (or, at least, it attenuates further progression of these abnormalities). Valve repair significantly improves clinical outcomes compared with valve replacement, reducing mortality by approximately 70%. Reverse LV remodelling after valve repair occurs in half of patients with functional MR. Percutaneous, catheter-based to mitral valve repair is a novel approach currently under clinical scrutiny, with encouraging preliminary results. This modality may provide a valuable alternative to mitral valve surgery, especially in critically ill patients.


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BACKGROUND Drugs for inhalation are the cornerstone of therapy in obstructive lung disease. We have observed that up to 75 % of patients do not perform a correct inhalation technique. The inability of patients to correctly use their inhaler device may be a direct consequence of insufficient or poor inhaler technique instruction. The objective of this study is to test the efficacy of two educational interventions to improve the inhalation techniques in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). METHODS This study uses both a multicenter patients´ preference trial and a comprehensive cohort design with 495 COPD-diagnosed patients selected by a non-probabilistic method of sampling from seven Primary Care Centers. The participants will be divided into two groups and five arms. The two groups are: 1) the patients´ preference group with two arms and 2) the randomized group with three arms. In the preference group, the two arms correspond to the two educational interventions (Intervention A and Intervention B) designed for this study. In the randomized group the three arms comprise: intervention A, intervention B and a control arm. Intervention A is written information (a leaflet describing the correct inhalation techniques). Intervention B is written information about inhalation techniques plus training by an instructor. Every patient in each group will be visited six times during the year of the study at health care center. DISCUSSION Our hypothesis is that the application of two educational interventions in patients with COPD who are treated with inhaled therapy will increase the number of patients who perform a correct inhalation technique by at least 25 %. We will evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions on patient inhalation technique improvement, considering that it will be adequate and feasible within the context of clinical practice.


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Five days after surgical repair of pectus excavatum, this 7-year-old boy had a right-sided Kirschner wire protruding beneath the skin. The wire was repositioned blindly. Severe congestive heart failure developed. Surgical exploration showed a pierced right atrium, a torn septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve and noncoronary aortic cusp, and a large traumatic ventricular septal defect. The outcome and the indications and possible complications of surgery are discussed.


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Standard surgical aortic valve replacement with a biological prosthesis remains the treatment of choice for low- and mid-risk elderly patients (traditionally >65 years of age) suffering from severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis or insufficiency, and for young patients with formal contraindications to long-lasting anticoagulation. Unfortunately, despite the fact that several technical improvements have noticeably improved the resistance of pericardial and bovine bioprostheses to leaflet calcifications and ruptures, the risk of early valve failure with rapid degeneration still exists, especially for patients under haemodialysis and for patients <60 years of age at the time of surgery. Until now, redo open heart surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass and on cardioplegic arrest was the only available therapeutic option in case of bioprosthesis degeneration, but it carried a higher surgical risk when elderly patients with severe concomitant comorbidities were concerned. Since a few years, the advent of new transcatheter aortic valve procedures has opened new horizons in cardiac surgery and, in particular, the possibility of implanting stented valves within the degenerated stented bioprosthesis, the so-called 'valve-in-valve' (VinV) concept, has become a clinical practice in experienced cardiac centres. The VinV procedure represents a minimally invasive approach dedicated to high-risk redo patients, and published preliminary reports have shown a success rate of 100% with absence of significant valvular leaks, acceptable transvalvular gradients and low complication rate. However, this procedure is not riskless and the most important concerns are about the size mismatch and the right positioning within the degenerated bioprosthesis. In this article, we review the limited available literature about VinV procedures, underline important technical details for the positioning and provide guidelines to prevent valve-prosthesis mismatch comparing the three sizes of the only commercially available transapical device, the Edwards Sapien, with the inner diameter of three of the most commonly used stented bioprostheses.


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We obtained the first data on spatial distribution of a spherical galling insect (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) at the Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Caryocaraceae) tree level. This work was developed in two pastures in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The areas studied were: pasture 1 (in activity) and pasture 2 (abandoned pasture = savanna in recovery). We evaluated the distribution of spherical galls in: foliage orientation (slope), among leaves (border and interior of the tree crown), among leaflets (right, central, left), distal, median, and proximal as well as border, central area, and adjacent to the mid leaf vein of the leaflet, and difference between areas in 10 infested trees per area. The smaller number of spherical gall/leaflet was observed in pasture 1 than in pasture 2. More spherical galls were found on the northern in pasture 1, but in the pasture 2, the lower spherical galls were observed on the northeast than other slopes. The average number of spherical galls did not differ statistically among the three leaflets of C. brasiliense in pasture 2. However, in pasture 1, we observed highest number of spherical galls in the central leaflet. More spherical galls were found in the border than interior of the tree crown. The average number of spherical galls did not differ statistically among the longitudinal region on leaflet of C. brasiliense. The spherical gall insect preferred to colonize the leaf margin than the central portion or near mid vein on transversal regions on a leaflet.


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Egg laying site selection by a host plant specialist leaf miner moth at two intra-plant levels in the northern Chilean Atacama Desert. The spatial distribution of the immature stages of the leaf miner Angelabella tecomae Vargas & Parra, 2005 was determined at two intra-plant levels (shoot and leaflet) on the shrub Tecoma fulva fulva (Cav.) D. Don (Bignoniaceae) in the Azapa valley, northern Chilean Atacama Desert. An aggregated spatial pattern was detected for all the immature stages along the shoot, with an age dependent relative position: eggs and first instar larvae were clumped at apex; second, third and fourth instar larvae were mostly found at intermediate positions; meanwhile the spinning larva and pupa were clumped at basis. This pattern suggests that the females select new, actively growing leaflets for egg laying. At the leaflet level, the immature stages were found more frequently at underside. Furthermore, survivorship was higher for larvae from underside mines. All these results highlight the importance of an accurate selection of egg laying site in the life history of this highly specialized leaf miner. By contrast, eventual wrong choices in the egg laying site selection may be associated with diminished larval survivorship. The importance of the continuous availability of new plant tissue in this highly human modified arid environment is discussed in relation with the observed patterns.


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Opinnäytetyömme on kaksiosainen, ja se on osa lapsiperheiden terveyden edistämisen projektia, jossa Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadia on osallisena. Ensimmäisen työn aiheena oli Haagan terveysasemalla järjestettävä teemapäivä, jonka kohderyhmänä olivat lastenneuvolassa asioivat vanhemmat sekä neuvolan terveydenhoitajat. Tarkoituksena oli lisätä vanhempien tietoa alle 3-vuotiaan lapsen ravitsemuksesta ja sen vaikutuksesta tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön kehitykselle. Opinnäytetyömme toinen osa perustuu ensimmäisen työn pohjalta nousseeseen tarpeeseen tehdä terveydenhoitajille konkreettinen apuväline vanhemmille suunnattuun ravitsemusohjaukseen. Työn tarkoituksena on välittää tietoa lapsiperheiden ruokailutottumuksista pienten lasten vanhemmille. Suunnittelemme ja toteutamme vanhemmille suunnatun opaslehtisen, jotta heillä olisi helposti käytettävissään olevaa tietoa lasten ravitsemuksesta ja vinkkejä arkipäivän ruokailutilanteisiin. Opaslehtisen sisältö pohjautuu osittain ensimmäisen opinnäytetyön teoriaosuuteen, jossa käsiteltiin lapsen terveellistä kehitystä tukevaa ravitsemusta, perheiden ruokailutottumuksia sekä ravitsemukseen liittyviä uhkatekijöitä. Sisällön suunnittelussa käytimme lisäksi apuna uusinta tutkimustietoa lapsen ravitsemuksesta sekä terveysaineistolle laadittuja laatukriteereitä hyvän lopputuloksen varmistamiseksi. Halusimme tuottaa helposti lähestyttävän ja selkokielisen käytännön oppaan jokapäiväiseen käyttöön. Sisältöaiheiksi valitsimme lasten ravitsemukseen liittyviä keskeisiä asioita: alle 3-vuotiaan lapsen ravitsemus, perheen ruokailutottumukset, ruokareseptejä ja vinkkejä päivittäiseen ruoanvalmistukseen. Opaslehtisen nimenä on ”Pieni ruokakirja - Opaslehtinen pienten lasten vanhemmille”. Opaslehtinen soveltuu terveysasemien käyttöön ja siitä on todellista hyötyä monille lapsiperheille sekä terveydenhoitajille työssään.