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Molecular dynamics investigation of benzene in one-dimensional channel systems A1PO(4)-5, VPI-5, and carbon nanotube is reported. The results suggest that, in all the three host systems, the plane of benzene is almost perpendicular to the channel axis when the molecule is near the center of the channel and the plane of benzene is parallel to the channel axis when the molecule is near the wall of the channel. The density distribution of benzene as a function of channel length, z and the radial distance, r, from the channel axis is also different in the three host structures. Anisotropy in translational diffusion coefficient, calculated in body-fixed frame of benzene, suggests that benzene prefers to move with its plane parallel to the direction of motion in A1PO(4)-5 and VPI-5 whereas in carbon nanotube the motion occurs predominantly with the plane of the benzene perpendicular to the direction of motion.;Anisotropy associated with the rotational motion is seen to alter significantly in confinement as compared to liquid benzene. In A1PO(4)-5, the rotational anisotropy is reversed as compared to liquid benzene thereby suggesting that anisotropy arising out of molecular geometry can be reduced. Reorientational correlation times for C-6 and C-2 axes Of benzene are reported. Apart from the inertial decay of reorientational correlation function due to free, rotation, two other distinct regimes of decay are observed in narrower channels (AIPO(4)-5 and carbon nanotube): (i) an initial fast decay (0.5-2 ps) and (ii) a slower decay (>2 ps) of reorientational correlation function where C-6 decays slower than C-2 Similar to what is observed in liquid benzene. In the initial fast decay, it is seen that the decay for C-6 is faster than C-2 which is in contrast to what is observed in liquid benzene or for benzene confined in VPI-5.


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Molecular dynamics simulations are used to examine the changes in water density and hydration characteristics of NaCl solutions confined in slit-shaped graphitic pores. Using a structural signature, we define the hydration limit as the salt concentration at which a sharp drop in the hydration number is observed. At small pores (H = 8.0-10 angstrom), confined water does not possess bulk-like features and remains in a layered arrangement between two surfaces. Despite this high degree of confinement, ions are able to form a quasi-2D hydration shell between two surfaces. Our results indicate the strong propensity of ions to form the first hydration shell, even under extremely confined aqueous environments. The hydration of ions is seen to weakly perturb the oxygen density distributions between two surfaces. The hydration number of Na+ reduces to about 4.15 at a pore width of H = 0.8 nm, when compared with the bulk hydration number of 6.25. At larger pore widths, above H = 16 angstrom, where bulk-like water densities are observed in the central regions of the pore, the hydration number is above 6.


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Mycobacterial spheroplasts were prepared by treatment of the glycinesensitized cells with a combination of lipase and lysozyme. They were stable for several hours at room temperature but were lysed on treatment with 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. The spheroplasts could be regenerated on a suitable medium. Fusion and regeneration of the spheroplasts were attempted using drug resistant mutant strains ofM. smegmalis. Recombinants were obtained from spheroplast fusion mediated by polyethylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide. Simultaneous expression of rccombinant properties was observed only after an initial lag in the isolated clones. This has been explained as due to “chromosome inactivation” in the fused product.


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The dynamics of solvation of newly created charged species in dense dipolar liquids can proceed at a high speed with time constants often in the subpicosecond domain. The motion of the solvent molecules can be in the inertial limit at such short times. In this paper we present a microscopic study of the effects of inertial motion of solvent molecules on the solvation dynamics of a newly created ion in a model dipolar liquid. Interesting dynamical behavior emerges when the relative contribution of the translational modes in the wave-vector-dependent longitudinal relaxation time is significant. Especially, the theory predicts that the time correlation function of the solvation energy can become oscillatory in some limiting situations. In general, the dynamics becomes faster in the presence of the inertial contribution. We discuss the experimental situations where the inertial effects can be noticeable.


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Thermonuclear fusion is a sustainable energy solution, in which energy is produced using similar processes as in the sun. In this technology hydrogen isotopes are fused to gain energy and consequently to produce electricity. In a fusion reactor hydrogen isotopes are confined by magnetic fields as ionized gas, the plasma. Since the core plasma is millions of degrees hot, there are special needs for the plasma-facing materials. Moreover, in the plasma the fusion of hydrogen isotopes leads to the production of high energetic neutrons which sets demanding abilities for the structural materials of the reactor. This thesis investigates the irradiation response of materials to be used in future fusion reactors. Interactions of the plasma with the reactor wall leads to the removal of surface atoms, migration of them, and formation of co-deposited layers such as tungsten carbide. Sputtering of tungsten carbide and deuterium trapping in tungsten carbide was investigated in this thesis. As the second topic the primary interaction of the neutrons in the structural material steel was examined. As model materials for steel iron chromium and iron nickel were used. This study was performed theoretically by the means of computer simulations on the atomic level. In contrast to previous studies in the field, in which simulations were limited to pure elements, in this work more complex materials were used, i.e. they were multi-elemental including two or more atom species. The results of this thesis are in the microscale. One of the results is a catalogue of atom species, which were removed from tungsten carbide by the plasma. Another result is e.g. the atomic distributions of defects in iron chromium caused by the energetic neutrons. These microscopic results are used in data bases for multiscale modelling of fusion reactor materials, which has the aim to explain the macroscopic degradation in the materials. This thesis is therefore a relevant contribution to investigate the connection of microscopic and macroscopic radiation effects, which is one objective in fusion reactor materials research.


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In (2+1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamics with massless photons and massive matter fields, it is shown that the mass renormalization of the latter is infrared divergent at one loop. This result remains unchanged at two loops. A simple argument based on a similar divergence of the Coulomb potential leads us to conjecture that charged states are not observable in this model. This argument holds in 1+1 dimensions also.


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This work describes an online handwritten character recognition system working in combination with an offline recognition system. The online input data is also converted into an offline image, and parallely recognized by both online and offline strategies. Features are proposed for offline recognition and a disambiguation step is employed in the offline system for the samples for which the confidence level of the classifier is low. The outputs are then combined probabilistically resulting in a classifier out-performing both individual systems. Experiments are performed for Kannada, a South Indian Language, over a database of 295 classes. The accuracy of the online recognizer improves by 11% when the combination with offline system is used.


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Reduced expression of CCR5 on target CD4(+) cells lowers their susceptibility to infection by R5-tropic HIV-1, potentially preventing transmission of infection and delaying disease progression. Binding of the HIV-1 envelope (Env) protein gp120 with CCR5 is essential for the entry of R5 viruses into target cells. The threshold surface density of gp120-CCR5 complexes that enables HIV-1 entry remains poorly estimated. We constructed a mathematical model that mimics Env-mediated cell-cell fusion assays, where target CD4(+)CCR5(+) cells are exposed to effector cells expressing Env in the presence of a coreceptor antagonist and the fraction of target cells fused with effector cells is measured. Our model employs a reaction network-based approach to describe protein interactions that precede viral entry coupled with the ternary complex model to quantify the allosteric interactions of the coreceptor antagonist and predicts the fraction of target cells fused. By fitting model predictions to published data of cell-cell fusion in the presence of the CCR5 antagonist vicriviroc, we estimated the threshold surface density of gp120-CCR5 complexes for cell-cell fusion as similar to 20 mu m(-2). Model predictions with this threshold captured data from independent cell-cell fusion assays in the presence of vicriviroc and rapamycin, a drug that modulates CCR5 expression, as well as assays in the presence of maraviroc, another CCR5 antagonist, using sixteen different Env clones derived from transmitted or early founder viruses. Our estimate of the threshold surface density of gp120-CCR5 complexes necessary for HIV-1 entry thus appears robust and may have implications for optimizing treatment with coreceptor antagonists, understanding the non-pathogenic infection of non-human primates, and designing vaccines that suppress the availability of target CD4(+)CCR5(+) cells.


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The symmetrized density-matrix renormalization-group approach is applied within the extended Hubbard-Peierls model (with parameters U/t, V/t, and bond alternation delta) to study the ordering of the lowest one-photon (1(1)B(u)(-)) and two-photon (2(1)A(g)(+)) states in one-dimensional conjugated systems with chain lengths N up to N = 80 sites. Three different types of crossovers are studied, as a function of U/t, delta, and N. The ''U crossover'' emphasizes the larger ionic character of the 2A(g) state compared to the lowest triplet excitation. The ''delta crossover'' shows strong dependence on both N and U/t. the ''N crossover'' illustrates the more localized nature of the 2A(g) excitation relative to the 1B(u) excitation at intermediate correlation strengths.


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Eight new dimeric lipids, in which the two Me2N+ ion headgroups are separated by a variable number of polymethylene units [-(CH2)(m)-], have been synthesized. The electron micrograph (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) of their aqueous dispersions confirmed the formation of vesicular-type aggregates. The vesicle sizes and morphologies were found to depend strongly on the m value, the method, and thermal history of the vesicle preparation. Information on the thermotropic properties of the resulting vesicles was obtained from microcalorimetry and temperature-dependent fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Interestingly, the T-m values for these vesicles revealed a nonlinear dependence on spacer chain length (m value). These vesicles were able to entrap riboflavin. The rates of permeation of the OH- ion under an imposed transmembrane pH gradient were also found to depend significantly on the m value. X-Ray diffraction of the cast films of the lipid dispersions elucidated the nature and the thickness of these membrane organizations, and it was revealed that these lipids organize in three different ways depending on the m value. The EPR spin-probe method with the doxylstearic acids 5NS, 12NS, and 16NS, spin-labeled at various positions of stearic acid, was used to establish, the chain-flexibility gradient and homogeneity of these bilayer assemblies. The apparent fusogenic propensities of these bipolar tetraether lipids were investigated in the presence of Na2SO4 with fluorescence-resonance energy-transfer fusion assay. Small unilamellar vesicles formed from 1 and three representative biscationic lipids were also studied with fluorescence anisotropy and H-1 NMR spectroscopic techniques in the absence and the presence of varying amounts of cholesterol.


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Organic nanoparticles consisting of single conjugated polymer chains were investigated as a function of degree of conjugation by means of single-molecule spectroscopy. The degree of conjugation was synthetically controlled. For highly conjugated chains, singlet excitons are efficiently funneled over nanometer distances to a small number of sites. In contrast, chains with less conjugation and a high number of saturated bonds do not exhibit energy funneling due to a highly disordered conformation.


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We describe here the characterization of the gene gp64 encoding the envelope fusion protein GP64 (open reading frame) ORF 105 from Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV). gp64 was transcribed from the early to late stages of infection and the transcripts were seen from 6 to 72 h post infection (hpi). The early transcripts initiated from a consensus CAGT motif while the late transcripts arose from three conserved TAAG motifs, all of which were located in the near upstream region of the coding sequence. Both early and late transcripts terminated at a run of T residues following the second polyadenylation signal located 31 nt downstream of the translation termination codon. BmGP64 protein was detectable from 6 hpi and was present in larger quantities throughout the infection process from 12 hpi, in BmNPV-infected BmN cells. The persistent presence of GP64 in BmN cells differed from the protein expression pattern of GP64 in Autographa californica multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus infection, where the protein levels decreased significantly by late times (48 hpi). BmGP64 was located in the membrane and cytoplasm of the infected host cells and as a component of the budded virions. The production of infectious budded virus and the fusion activity were reduced when glycosylation of GP64 was inhibited. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Novel designs for two-axis, high-resolution, monolithic inertial sensors are presented in this paper. Monolithic, i.e., joint-less single-piece compliant designs are already common in micromachined inertial sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes. Here, compliant mechanisms are used not only to achieve de-coupling between motions along two orthogonal axes but also to amplify the displacements of the proof-mass. Sensitivity and resolution capabilities are enhanced because the amplified motion is used for sensing the measurand. A particular symmetric arrangement of displacement-amplifying compliant mechanisms (DaCMs) leads to de-coupled and amplified motion. An existing DaCM and a new topology-optimized DaCM are presented as a building block in the new arrangement. A spring-mass-lever model is presented as a lumped abstraction of the new arrangement. This model is useful for arriving at the optimal parameters of the DaCM and for performing system-level simulation. The new designs improved the performance by a factor of two or more.