828 resultados para Hopkins, Pauline E
This paper considers the question of which is better: the batch or the continuous activated sludge processes? It is an important question because dissension still exists in the wastewater industry as to the relative merits of each of the processes. A review of perceived differences in the processes from the point of view of two related disciplines, process engineering and biotechnology, is presented together with the results of previous comparative studies. These reviews highlight possible areas where more understanding is required. This is provided in the paper by application of the flexibility index to two case studies. The flexibility index is a useful process design tool that measures the ability of the process to cope with long term changes in operation.
This essay considers processes by which community identities are challenged by discussing the use of whiteface as an activist strategy in recent indigenous theatre in Canada and Australia. To understand whiteface, I employ Susan Gubar's notion of racechange, processes that test and even transgress racial borders. I also situate whiteface in relation to the history of blackface minstrelsy. Noting the ways these racial performances affirm the hierarchies of color and how power becomes invested in such color codings, the essay highlights indigenous employment of whiteface as a potential form of critical historiography. I then analyze how whiteface functions in two productions, Daniel David Moses's Almighty Voice and His Wife (1991) in Canada and the Queensland Theatre Company's 2000 revival of George Landen Dann's Fountains Beyond in Australia. My analysis posits that such indigenous performances of whiteface can affirm the identity of the marginalized other even as they destabilize the fixity of race and its meanings.
Antigen-specific suppression of a previously primed immune response is a major challenge for immunotherapy of autoimmune disease. ReIB activation is required for myeloid DC differentiation. Here, we show that antigen-exposed DCs in which ReIB function is inhibited lack cell surface CD40, prevent priming of immunity, and suppress previously primed immune responses. DCs generated from CD40-deficient mice similarly confer suppression. Regulatory CD4(+) T cells induced by the DCs transfer antigen-specific Infectious tolerance to primed recipients in an interleukin10-dependent fashion. Thus CD40, regulated by ReIB activity, determines the consequences of antigen presentation by myeloid DCs. These observations have significance for autoimmune immunotherapy and suggest a mechanism by which peripheral tolerance might be constitutively maintained by RelB(-) CD40(-) DCs.
Este Caderno traz o relat??rio elaborado pela Mesa-Redonda de Pesquisa A????o sobre a Gest??o de Iniciativas Horizontais, do Centro Canadense para o Desenvolvimentoda Gest??o do Canad??, que objetiva avaliar iniciativas e pesquisas realizadas,identificar li????es e oferecer orienta????es pr??ticas a gerentes sobre efic??ciaem gest??o horizontal
OBJETIVO: Analisar o padrão temporal dos óbitos e internações, no período de 1995 a 1998, associadas à diarréia em crianças menores de cinco anos de idade para subsidiar ações específicas de prevenção e controle dessa doença. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram obtidos do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e Sistema de Internações Hospitalares (SIH) do Ministério da Saúde. As séries mensais de internações e de óbitos por diarréia foram decompostas em componentes de tendência linear estocástica, sazonalidade determinística e irregularidades mediante a aplicação dos modelos estruturais para análise de séries temporais. RESULTADOS: Os níveis de ambas as séries apresentaram mudanças ao longo do tempo, com declínio mais perceptível na série de internações. A variação das taxas de inclinação foi constante para cada uma das séries, em média, a menos 5,3 internações por mês (p-valor <0,001) e menos um óbito por mês (p-valor <0,1), respectivamente. Na análise dos resíduos do modelo de internações, observou-se mudança no nível da tendência em janeiro de 1996. O componente sazonal de ambos os modelos foi estatisticamente significante (p-valor <0,0001), sendo maio e junho os meses com maior excesso de internações e óbitos. Os pressupostos de normalidade e de independência temporal dos resíduos não puderam ser rejeitados ao nível de 0,05. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem a predominância da etiologia viral das diarréias moderadas e graves. Neste caso, a vacinação específica é a medida mais eficaz na prevenção e controle, sendo necessários estudos de eficácia de novas candidatas à vacina contra o rotavírus no Brasil.
Copyright © 2015 Société Française d'Ichtyologie.
A radiometric assay system has been used to study oxidation patterns of (1-14C) fatty acids by drug-susceptible and drug-resistant organisms of the genus Mycobacterium. Two strains of M. tuberculosis susceptible to all drugs, H37Rv and Erdman, were used. Drug-resistant organisms included in this investigation were M. tuberculosis H37Rv resistant to 5 ug/ml isoniazid, M. bovis, M. avium, M. intracellular, M. kansasii and M. chelonei. The organisms were inoculated in sterile reaction vials containing liquid 7H9 medium, 10% ADC enrichment and 1.0 uCi of one of the (1-14C) fatty acids (butyric, hexánoic, octanoic, decanoic, lauric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic). Vials were incubated at 37°C and the 14CO2 envolved was measured daily for 3 days with a Bactec R-301 instrument. Although each individual organism displayed a different pattern of fatty oxidation, these patterns were not distinctive enough for identification of the organism. No combination of fatty acids nor preferential oxidation of long chain or of short chain fatty acids were able to separate susceptible from resistant organisms. Further investigation with a larger number of drug susceptible mycobacteria including assimilation studies and oxidation of other substrates may be required to achieve a distinction between drug-susceptible and drug-resistant mycobacteria.