763 resultados para Hochschild, Arlie Russell
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Indexes in v. 6 and v. 10.
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Mode of access: Internet.
"Letters to Mrs. Russell Gurney as well as from her have in some instances been admitted."--Pref.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Religião e ciência submetidas à Análise do Discurso Crítica. O fundamentalismo protestante a partir da obra Os fundamentos e a ciência moderna sob a perspectiva da obra de Bertrand Russell Religião e ciência, ambas as obras submetidas a uma análise crítica de seus discursos a partir da concepção faircloughiana para assim delinear seus textos, discursos, intenções e práticas sociais. O advento da modernidade, ao influenciar os diversos segmentos da sociedade e alterar a maneira de o indivíduo se relacionar com Deus, com a natureza e com seu semelhante, consequentemente, também alterou algumas percepções religiosas existentes até a Idade Média. A modernidade se destaca ao propiciar à humanidade outras possibilidades para lidar com seus problemas cotidianos e questões existenciais. Recorrer às técnicas científicas para solucionar problemas da natureza, melhorar a produção agrícola, curar doenças, ou até mesmo prever catástrofes naturais abriu precedente para que o homo religiosus ampliasse seus horizontes rumo ao moderno e questionasse a importância da vida religiosa como apresentada até então. O sagrado e o profano entram em debate acirrado. Enquanto a era da razão conquista seu espaço por meio do racionalismo, o mundo religioso se esforça para se reinventar e enfrentar um novo mundo com suas ideologias atraentes. Religião e ciência se aferram a seus espaços para delinearem seus limites, mas sempre contemplando e considerando um magistério em comum: a ciência moderna.
The work of Russell Dalton has undoubtedly played a seminal role in the study of the relation between political sophistication and partisan dealignment. We furthermore acknowledge the presence of a consensus on the occurrence of lower levels of partisanship in Germany. Using panel data as well as pooled cross-sectional observations, however, it is clear that generational replacement is not the sole driving force of partisan dealignment, but that period effects should also be taken into account. While on an aggregate level rising levels of political sophistication have occurred simultaneously with decreasing partisanship, individual level analysis suggests clearly that the least sophisticated are most likely to feel alienated from the party system. We close with some very specific suggestion on how to address the democratic consequences of declining levels of partisanship.
Our case study of charismatic celebrity comedian Russell Brand’s turn to political activism uses Bourdieu’s field theory to understand the process of celebrity migration across social fields. We investigate how Brand’s capital as a celebrity performer, storyteller and self-publicist translated from comedy to politics. To judge how this worked in practice, we analysed the comedic strategies used in his stand-up show Messiah Complex and undertook a conversational analysis of his notorious interview with Jeremy Paxman on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)’s flagship current affairs programme Newsnight. We argue that Brand was able to secure political legitimacy by creatively constituting himself as an authentic anti-austerity spokesperson for the disenfranchised left in United Kingdom. In order to do so, he repurposed his celebrity capital to political ends and successfully deployed the cultural and social capitals he had developed as a celebrity comedian to secure widespread engagement with his media performances.