918 resultados para Hobson, Allan J.: Unennäöstä. Johdatus unitutkimukseen
Functional MRI (fMRI) data often have low signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and are contaminated by strong interference from other physiological sources. A promising tool for extracting signals, even under low SNR conditions, is blind source separation (BSS), or independent component analysis (ICA). BSS is based on the assumption that the detected signals are a mixture of a number of independent source signals that are linearly combined via an unknown mixing matrix. BSS seeks to determine the mixing matrix to recover the source signals based on principles of statistical independence. In most cases, extraction of all sources is unnecessary; instead, a priori information can be applied to extract only the signal of interest. Herein we propose an algorithm based on a variation of ICA, called Dependent Component Analysis (DCA), where the signal of interest is extracted using a time delay obtained from an autocorrelation analysis. We applied such method to inspect functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data, aiming to find the hemodynamic response that follows neuronal activation from an auditory stimulation, in human subjects. The method localized a significant signal modulation in cortical regions corresponding to the primary auditory cortex. The results obtained by DCA were also compared to those of the General Linear Model (GLM), which is the most widely used method to analyze fMRI datasets.
The biological cause of broiler PSE meat seems to be an excessive release of Ca(2+), promoted by a genetic mutation of ryanodine receptors located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle cells. Excessive Ca(2+), associated with protein denaturation in meat, enhances protease activity and influences the functional properties of PSE meat. Twenty-four-hour post-mortem Pectoralis major m. samples exhibited lower values for pH, water-holding capacity, and shear force than did control samples, in contrast to colour (L*) and cooking loss values. Protease activity, measured as myofibril fragmentation index, presented higher values in PSE meat than in control samples. Ultrastructural examination revealed shrinking and depolymerisation of myofilaments and Z-lines disorganisation within the sarcomere in PSE meat. Intense calpain activity was also observed, indicating that the process may initiate at the filaments, because of protein denaturation, and spread through Z-lines, resulting in the collapse of the sarcomere structure. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The report was commissioned by the Department of Education, Science and Training to investigate the perceived efficacy of middle years programmes in all States and Territories in improving the quality of teaching, learning and student outcomes, especially in literacy and numeracy and for student members of particular target groups. These target groups included students from lower socio-economic communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, students with a language background other than English, rural and remote students, and students struggling with the transition from middle/upper primary to the junior secondary years. The project involved large scale national and international literature reviews on Australian and international middle years approaches as well as an analysis of key literacy and numeracy teaching and learning strategies being used. In the report, there is emergent evidence of the relative efficacy of a combination of explicit state policy, dedicated funding and curriculum and professional development frameworks that are focused on the improvement of classroom pedagogy in the middle years. The programs that evidenced the greatest current and potential value for target group students tended to have developed in state policy environments that encouraged a structural rather than adjunct approach to middle years innovations. The authors conclude that in order to translate the gains made into sustainable improvement of educational results in literacy and numeracy for target groups, there is a need for a second generation of middle years theorising, research, development and practice.
This research project was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training to investigate the perceived efficacy of middle years programs in all States and Territories in improving the quality of teaching, learning and student outcomes - especially in literacy and numeracy and for student members of particular target groups. The latter groups included students from lower socio-economic communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) communities, students with a Language Background Other than English (hereafter LBOTE), rural and remote students, and students struggling with the transition from middle/upper primary to the junior secondary years.
For the purposes of this report, ""systemic disease"" will be interpreted as conditions that are spread out within the body rather than localized strictly to the tissues of the oral cavity. Since it would take many volumes to review all such conditions, the intent of the authors is to review a few examples of conditions where initial panoramic radiographic findings suggested widespread disease of significance enough to affect the quality of life and longevity of the patient.
p73 has recently been identified as a structural and functional homolog of the tumor suppressor protein p53. Overexpression of p53 activates transcription of p53 effector genes, causes growth inhibition and induced apoptosis. We describe here the effects of a tumor-derived truncated transcript of p73 alpha (p73 Delta exon2) on p53 function and on cell death. This transcript, which lacks the acidic N-terminus corresponding to the transactivation domain of p53, was initially detected in a neuroblastoma cell line. Overexpression of p73 Delta exon2 partially protects lymphoblastoid cells against apoptosis induced by anti-Fas antibody or cisplatin. By cotransfecting p73 Delta exon2 with wild-type p53 in the p53 null line Saos 2, we found that this truncated transcript reduces the ability of wild-type p53 to promote apoptosis. This anti-apoptotic effect was also observed when p73 Delta exon2 was co-transfected with full-length p73 (p73 alpha). This was further substantiated by suppression of p53 transactivation of the effector gene p21-Waf1 in p73 Delta exon2 transfected cells and by inhibition of expression of a reporter gene under the control of the p53 promoter. Thus, this truncated form of p73 can act as a dominant-negative agent towards transactivation by p53 and p73 alpha, highlighting the potential implications of these findings for p53 signaling pathway. Furthermore, we demonstrate the existence of a p73 Delta exon2 transcript in a very significant proportion (46%) of breast cancer cell lines. However, a large spectrum of normal and malignant tissues need to be surveyed to determine whether this transdominant p73 variant occurs in a tumor-specific manner.
Recent studies have provided evidence that breast cancer susceptibility gene products (Brca1 and Brca2) suppress cancer, at least in part, by participating in DNA damage signaling and DNA repair. Brca1 is hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage and co-localizes with Rad51, a protein involved in homologous-recombination, and Nbs1.Mre11.Rad50, a complex required for both homologous-recombination and nonhomologous end joining repair of damaged DNA. Here, we report that there is a qualitative difference in the phosphorylation states of Brca1 between ionizing radiation (IR) and UV radiation. Brca1 is phosphorylated at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR and W; however, Ser-1387 is specifically phosphorylated after IR, and Ser-1457 is predominantly phosphorylated after W. These results suggest that different types of DNA-damaging agents might signal to Brca1 in different ways. We also provide evidence that the rapid phosphorylation of Brca1 at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR (but not after W) is largely ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase-dependent. The overexpression of catalytically inactive ATM and Rad3 related (ATR) kinase inhibited the UV-induced phosphorylation of Brca1 at these sites, indicating that ATR controls Brca1 phosphorylation in vivo after the exposure of cells to UV light. Moreover, ATR associates with Brca1; ATR and Brca1 foci co-localize both in cells synchronized in S phase and after exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents. ATR can itself phosphorylate the region of Brca1 phosphorylated by ATM (Ser-Gln cluster in the C terminus of Brca1, amino acids 1241-1530), However, there are additional uncharacterized ATR phosphorylation site(s) between residues 521 and 757 of Brca1, Taken together, our results support a model in which ATM and ATR act in parallel but somewhat overlapping pathways of DNA damage signaling but respond primarily to different types of DNA lesion.