1000 resultados para Hipertensão pressão arterial


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à ocorrência da pressão arterial elevada em adolescentes de alto nível econômico. MÉTODOS: Foram investigados 233 alunos (113 meninos e 120 meninas) matriculados entre a quinta e a oitava série do ensino fundamental de escolas privadas de Londrina, Paraná. Foram coletadas informações sobre classificação econômica e os hábitos ligados ao consumo alimentar, por meio de questionários. A massa corporal foi avaliada por balança digital da marca Plenna e a altura por estadiômetro de madeira com precisão de 0,1cm. A pressão arterial foi aferida por aparelho oscilométrico automático. Para a análise estatística, utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado ou o teste t para avaliar a associação entre a pressão arterial e os fatores de risco. A regressão de Poisson indicou a magnitude dessas associações. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da pressão arterial elevada foi de 12,4% entre os estudantes. Foram verificadas associações entre a pressão arterial elevada e as variáveis: sexo e estado nutricional. Posteriormente, no modelo ajustado, a regressão de Poisson somente indicou significância entre a associação da pressão arterial elevada e o estado nutricional. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se significativa prevalência de pressão arterial elevada em adolescentes de alto nível econômico e os valores elevados de pressão arterial se associaram ao excesso de peso corporal


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre obesidade abdominal e pressão arterial elevada em adolescentes da rede pública de ensino da região metropolitana da cidade de Londrina (PR). MÉTODOS: Constituiu-se uma amostra de 656 adolescentes com idades entre dez e 13 anos. Foram realizadas análises antropométricas de massa corporal, estatura e circunferência de cintura, além da aferição da pressão arterial de repouso. Para análise e comparação dos dados, foram aplicados Mann-Whitney e o teste t de Student. Também foram analisadas as possíveis associações entre pressão arterial e circunferência de cintura por meio do teste do qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas associações entre obesidade abdominal e pressão arterial elevada em ambos os sexos (RP 2,7; IC95% 1,8-4,2). Além disso, verificou-se que, independentemente do grupo etário, a obesidade abdominal associa-se com valores mais elevados de pressão arterial. CONCLUSÕES: A obesidade abdominal está associada à ocorrência de aumento da pressão arterial em adolescentes.


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Blood pressure and vascular reactivity to phenylephrine (hypertensor) and sodium nitroprusside (hypotensor) was determined on male broilers taken from 5 commercial strains (Arbor Acres, Cobb, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA and Ross), with 21-28 days of age. Blood pressure was measured in the femoral artery by introducing a cannula attached to a pressure transdutor and recorded on a polygraph. Hyper or hypopressor substances were injected via jugular vein at 5, 10, 20 and 40-mcg kg(-1) body weight. No differences in the systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure and no significant blood pressure responses to phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside were observed among strains. Throughout strain and treatment blood pressures (systolic, diastolic and mean) were high in both experiments. This suggests that these modern male broilers have high arterial pressure possibly due to an indirect selection effect.


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PURPOSE--To analyze the influence of transient and sustained elevations of arterial pressure (AP) on the rate of rise of the left ventricular pressure (dp/dt). METHODS--Thirteen anesthetized, thoracotomized and mechanically ventilated dogs, submitted to pharmacological autonomic block (oxprenolol-3 mg/kg plus atropine-0.5 mg/kg). The AP elevation was obtained by mechanical constriction of the descending thoracic aorta. Two protocols were applied to all animals: Transient Arterial Hypertension (TAH) and Sustained Arterial Hypertension (SAH) and the following variables were evaluated: heart rate (HR), systolic (LVSP) and end diastolic (LVEDP) left ventricular pressure and dp/dt. In TAH the variables were analyzed in the basal condition (To) and at the maximal value of AP attained during the transient pressure elevation (TM). In the protocol SAH the variables were evaluated in the conditions: Control (Ho), hypertension 1 (H1) and hypertension 2 (H2). RESULTS--Considering all conditions, there were no significant differences among the values of HR. In the protocol TAH, the LVSP varied from 133 +/- 22 mmHg to 180 +/- 27 mmHg, whereas in SAH the values of LVSP were as follow: HO = 129 +/- 25 mmHg; H1 = 152 = 23 mmHg; H2 = 182 +/- 24 mmHg. LVEDP changed in both protocols: To = 7 +/- 2 mmHg; TM = 13 +/- 2 mmHg (p < 0.05); Ho = 7 +/- 2 mmHg; H1 = 10 +/- 2 mmHg; H2 = 14 +/- 3 mmHg (p < 0.05). During TAH there was no difference between the values of dp/dt (To = 3.303 +/- 598 mmHg/s; TM = 3.350 +/- 653 mmHg/s; p > 0.05), however, there were increases of the dp/dt during SAH (Ho = 3.233 +/- 576 mmHg/s; H1 = 3.831 +/- 667 mmHg/s; H1 = 4.594 +/- 833 mmHg/2; p < 0.05). CONCLUSION--The values of dp/dt are not influenced by transient elevation of AP. Sustained increase of AP activates cardiac adjustments, which results in elevation of dp/dt, by stimulation of contractile state. Probably, the inotropic intervention mechanism is the length dependent activation due to the Frank-Starling mechanism.


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The vegetal species, Allium cepa, known as onion, is widely used in the folk medicine as diuretic, besides it has been used on the bronchitis, cough, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension treatment. In this study we evaluate the onion aqueous extract (AE) effect on water flow and electrolytes in anesthetized Wistar rats, besides we also evaluate arterial pressure alterations. Two groups were studied: Group 1 (control) - oral tratment with 1.0 mL of distilled water, and Group 2 (experimental) - oral treatment with 1.0 mL of AE 20%. The rats were anesthetized and we canulate the trachea, left carotide artery (for arterial pressure measurement and blood collecting), jugular vein (to execute inulin perfusion - to register glomerular filtration), and urinary bladder (to collect urine). The Group 1 results had shown that the animals had not presented significant alterations (p>0.05) in the analyzed parameters. The animals of Group 2 had a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the arterial pressure (22.0%). However, there were not significant alterations in renal parameters (p>0.05). These results show that the treatment with the AE lead a hypotensor effect in anesthetized Wistar rats, but not followed by renal parameters alterations.


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The neuromodulatory effect of nitric oxide (NO) on glutamatergic transmission within the NTS related to cardiovascular regulation has been widely investigated. Activation of glutamatergic receptors in the NTS stimulates the production and release of NO and other nitrosyl substances with neurotransmitter/neuromodulator properties. The presence of NOS, including the protein nNOS and its mRNA in vagal afferent terminals in the NTS and nodose ganglion cells suggest that NO can act on glutamatergic transmission. We previously reported that iontophoresis of L-NAME on NTS neurons receiving vagal afferent inputs significantly decreased the number of action potentials evoked by iontophoretic application of AMPA. In addition, iontophoresis of the NO donor papaNONOate enhanced spontaneous discharge and the number of action potentials elicited by AMPA, suggesting that NO could be facilitating AMPA-mediated neuronal transmission within the NTS. Furthermore, the changes in renal sympathetic discharge during activation of baroreceptors and cardiopulmonary receptors involve activation of AMPA and NMDA receptors in the NTS and these responses are attenuated by microinjection of L-NAME in the NTS of conscious and anesthetized rats. Cardiovascular responses elicited by application of NO in the NTS are closely similar to those obtained after activation of vagal afferent inputs, and L-glutamate is the main neurotransmitter of vagal afferent fibers. In this review we discuss the possible neuromodulatory mechanisms of central produced/released NO on glutamatergic transmission within the NTS.


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The control of the blood pressure depends on the activity of select groups of neurons present in the central nervous system. Evidence has demonstrated that the redox state (a balance between oxidizing and reducing species) is involved in the control of neuronal activity, which suggests that the redox state can influence the neuronal transmission within the central nervous system acting on the neuronal modulation of biological functions. For instance, the glutamatergic transmission may be widely affected by reactive oxygen species, oxidizing agents that have been extensively investigated due to their involvement in physiological and pathological processes. In the present article, we discuss the main experimental finds that support the hypothesis that reactive oxygen species have important role in physiological (and pathological) modulation of the cardiovascular function through alterations in the sympathetic and parasympathetic system. Therefore, reactive oxygen species can actively participate in the development of cardiovascular diseases like hypertension when the balance in the redox state is disrupted.


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GOALS: This research evaluated the change in arterial pressure before and after two procedures of dental prophylaxis: Jet system baking soda and conventional prophylaxis and patient's opinion regarding the comfort of each one. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Were selected 32 patients with age between 18 to 30 years old, who need prophylaxis to remove biofilm and were subjected to three different types of treatment: sodium bicarbonate jet (G1), prophylaxis conventional (G2) and placebo (G3) at intervals of one month between them. Patients were divided randomly. Arterial pressure was measured by wrist digital Omron HEM – 6111. The measurements were realized in four times: before the prophylaxis, immediately the end of procedure, 15 and 30 minutes after finished of treatment. Patient comfort was measured by a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) after the end of the treatment. The data were analyzed using the variance test. The results showed that there was statistically significant difference to the comfort of the procedures. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference to the comfort of the procedures, and G2 and G3 better than G1. Regarding the variation of arterial pressure there was no statistically significant difference between groups. CONCLUSIONS: The methods of prophylaxis no effect on arterial pressure, but conventional prophylaxis is more comfortable than others treatments


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The object of this study was assess through pre-clinical tests, the possible diuretic activity and the effects on the mean arterial pressure of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of branches of “bugre”, Hedyosmum brasiliense Miq., species used in the treatment of renal and urinary disorders The tests were made in males anesthetized Wistar rats and randomly distributed into 4 experimental groups: Group I – Water control, group II – treated with aqueous extract (EA) of “bugre”, Group III – water control + “tween 80”, group IV – treated with ethanol extract (EE) and “bugre”. All groups were subjected to experimental protocol, composed of three periods: Balance (40 minutes), Basal (30 minutes) and Experimental (90 minutes), occurring the urine collection every 30 minutes, from the basal period and measuring blood pressure every 10 minutes. The results presented validate the ethnobotany indication of the use of H. brasiliense tea in the treatment of renal problems, because increased significantly the urinary flow in anesthetized Wistar rats (diuretic effect), without changing significantly (p>0,05) the arterial pressure