974 resultados para High-velocity


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The Velocity Sourced Series Elastic Actuator has been proposed as a method for providing safe force or torque based actuation for robots without compromising the actuator performance. In this paper we assess the safety of Velocity Sourced Series Elastic Actuators by measuring the Head Injury Criterion scores for collisions with a model head. The study makes a comparative analysis against stiff, high impedance actuation using the same motor without the series elastic component, showing that the series elastic component brings about a massive reduction in the chance of head injury. The benefits of a collision detection and safe reaction system are shown to be limited to collisions at low speeds, providing greater interaction comfort but not necessarily contributing to safety from injury.


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Actuators with deliberately added compliant elements in the transmission system are often described as improving the safety of the actuator at the detriment of the performance. We show that our variant of the Series Elastic Actuator topology, the Velocity Sourced Series Elastic Actuator, has well defined performance characteristics that make for improvements in safety and performance over conventional high impedance actuators. The improvement in performance was principally achieved by having tight velocity control of the DC motor that acts as the mechanical power source for the actuator. Results for performance are given for point to point transition times, while results for safety are based on empirical assessment of the Head Injury Criterion during collisions.


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An experimental set-up was used to visually observe the characteristics of bubbles as they moved up a column holding xanthan gum crystal suspensions. The bubble rise characteristics in xanthan gum solutions with crystal suspension are presented in this paper. The suspensions were made by using different concentrations of xanthan gum solutions with 0.23 mm mean diameter polystyrene crystal particles. The influence of the dimensionless quantities; namely the Reynolds number, Re, the Weber number, We, and the drag co-efficient, cd, are identified for the determination of the bubble rise velocity. The effect of these dimensionless groups together with the Eötvös number, Eo, the Froude number, Fr, and the bubble deformation parameter, D, on the bubble rise velocity and bubble trajectory are analysed. The experimental results show that the average bubble velocity increases with the increase in bubble volume for xanthan gum crystal suspensions. At high We, Eo and Re, bubbles are spherical-capped and their velocities are found to be very high. At low We and Eo, the surface tension force is significant compared to the inertia force. The viscous forces were shown to have no substantial effect on the bubble rise velocity for 45 < Re < 299. The results show that the drag co-efficient decreases with the increase in bubble velocity and Re. The trajectory analysis showed that small bubbles followed a zigzag motion while larger bubbles followed a spiral motion. The smaller bubbles experienced less horizontal motion in crystal suspended xanthan gum solutions while larger bubbles exhibited a greater degree of spiral motion than those seen in the previous studies on the bubble rise in xanthan gum solutions without crystal.


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The flood flow in urbanised areas constitutes a major hazard to the population and infrastructure as seen during the summer 2010-2011 floods in Queensland (Australia). Flood flows in urban environments have been studied relatively recently, although no study considered the impact of turbulence in the flow. During the 12-13 January 2011 flood of the Brisbane River, some turbulence measurements were conducted in an inundated urban environment in Gardens Point Road next to Brisbane's central business district (CBD) at relatively high frequency (50 Hz). The properties of the sediment flood deposits were characterised and the acoustic Doppler velocimeter unit was calibrated to obtain both instantaneous velocity components and suspended sediment concentration in the same sampling volume with the same temporal resolution. While the flow motion in Gardens Point Road was subcritical, the water elevations and velocities fluctuated with a distinctive period between 50 and 80 s. The low frequency fluctuations were linked with some local topographic effects: i.e, some local choke induced by an upstream constriction between stairwells caused some slow oscillations with a period close to the natural sloshing period of the car park. The instantaneous velocity data were analysed using a triple decomposition, and the same triple decomposition was applied to the water depth, velocity flux, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment flux data. The velocity fluctuation data showed a large energy component in the slow fluctuation range. For the first two tests at z = 0.35 m, the turbulence data suggested some isotropy. At z = 0.083 m, on the other hand, the findings indicated some flow anisotropy. The suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data presented a general trend with increasing SSC for decreasing water depth. During a test (T4), some long -period oscillations were observed with a period about 18 minutes. The cause of these oscillations remains unknown to the authors. The last test (T5) took place in very shallow waters and high suspended sediment concentrations. It is suggested that the flow in the car park was disconnected from the main channel. Overall the flow conditions at the sampling sites corresponded to a specific momentum between 0.2 to 0.4 m2 which would be near the upper end of the scale for safe evacuation of individuals in flooded areas. But the authors do not believe the evacuation of individuals in Gardens Point Road would have been safe because of the intense water surges and flow turbulence. More generally any criterion for safe evacuation solely based upon the flow velocity, water depth or specific momentum cannot account for the hazards caused by the flow turbulence, water depth fluctuations and water surges.


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Velocity jump processes are discrete random walk models that have many applications including the study of biological and ecological collective motion. In particular, velocity jump models are often used to represent a type of persistent motion, known as a “run and tumble”, which is exhibited by some isolated bacteria cells. All previous velocity jump processes are non-interacting, which means that crowding effects and agent-to-agent interactions are neglected. By neglecting these agent-to-agent interactions, traditional velocity jump models are only applicable to very dilute systems. Our work is motivated by the fact that many applications in cell biology, such as wound healing, cancer invasion and development, often involve tissues that are densely packed with cells where cell-to-cell contact and crowding effects can be important. To describe these kinds of high cell density problems using a velocity jump process we introduce three different classes of crowding interactions into a one-dimensional model. Simulation data and averaging arguments lead to a suite of continuum descriptions of the interacting velocity jump processes. We show that the resulting systems of hyperbolic partial differential equations predict the mean behavior of the stochastic simulations very well.


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This paper presents a 100 Hz monocular position based visual servoing system to control a quadrotor flying in close proximity to vertical structures approximating a narrow, locally linear shape. Assuming the object boundaries are represented by parallel vertical lines in the image, detection and tracking is achieved using Plücker line representation and a line tracker. The visual information is fused with IMU data in an EKF framework to provide fast and accurate state estimation. A nested control design provides position and velocity control with respect to the object. Our approach is aimed at high performance on-board control for applications allowing only small error margins and without a motion capture system, as required for real world infrastructure inspection. Simulated and ground-truthed experimental results are presented.


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In this paper, we report on the device physics and charge transport characteristics of high-mobility dual-gated polymer thin-film transistors with active semiconductor layers consisting of thiophene flanked DPP with thienylene-vinylene-thienylene (PDPP-TVT) alternating copolymers. Room temperature mobilities in these devices are high and can exceed 2 cm2 V-1 s-1. Steady-state and non-quasi-static measurements have been performed to extract key transport parameters and velocity distributions of charge carriers in this copolymer. Charge transport in this polymer semiconductor can be explained using a Multiple-Trap-and-Release or Monroe-type model. We also compare the activation energy vs. field-effect mobility in a few important polymer semiconductors to gain a better understanding of transport of DPP systems and make appropriate comparisons.


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In this paper, we report the device characteristics of ambipolar thin-film transistors (TFTs) based on a diketopyrrolopyrrole-benzothiadiazole copolymer. This polymer semiconductor exhibits the largest comparable electron and hole mobility values in a single organic semiconductor. The key to realizing such high mobility values, which are $0.5&cm}{2}/\hbox{V}̇\hbox{s, is molecular design, i.e., the use of suitable surface treatments of the source/drain contact electrodes and device architectures, particularly top-gate configurations. The subthreshold characteristics of the TFT devices are greatly improved by the use of dual-gate device geometry. We also report the first measurement of the velocity distribution of electron and hole velocities in an ambipolar organic semiconductor.


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Large concentrations of magnetite in sedimentary deposits and soils with igneous parent material have been reported to affect geophysical sensor performance. We have undertaken the first systematic experimental effort to understand the effects of magnetite for ground-penetrating radar (GPR) characterization of the shallow subsurface. Laboratory experiments were conducted to study how homogeneous magnetite-sand mixtures and magnetite concentrated in layers affect the propagation behavior (velocity, attenuation) of high-frequency GPR waves and the reflection characteristics of a buried target. Important observations were that magnetite had a strong effect on signal velocity and reflection, at magnitudes comparable to what has been observed in small-scale laboratory experiments that measured electromagnetic properties of magnetite-silica mixtures. Magnetite also altered signal attenuation and affected the reflection characteristics of buried targets. Our results indicated important implications for several fields, including land mine detection, Martian exploration, engineering, and moisture mapping using satellite remote sensing and radiometers.


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In estuaries and natural water channels, the estimate of velocity and dispersion coefficients is critical to the knowledge of scalar transport and mixing. This estimate is rarely available experimentally at sub-tidal time scale in shallow water channels where high frequency is required to capture its spatio-temporal variation. This study estimates Lagrangian integral scales and autocorrelation curves, which are key parameters for obtaining velocity fluctuations and dispersion coefficients, and their spatio-temporal variability from deployments of Lagrangian drifters sampled at 10 Hz for a 4-hour period. The power spectral densities of the velocities between 0.0001 and 0.8 Hz were well fitted with a slope of 5/3 predicted by Kolmogorov’s similarity hypothesis within the inertial subrange, and were similar to the Eulerian power spectral previously observed within the estuary. The result showed that large velocity fluctuations determine the magnitude of the integral time scale, TL. Overlapping of short segments improved the stability of the estimate of TL by taking advantage of the redundant data included in the autocorrelation function. The integral time scales were about 20 s and varied by up to a factor of 8. These results are essential inputs for spatial binning of velocities, Lagrangian stochastic modelling and single particle analysis of the tidal estuary.


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Balconies, as one of the main architectural features in subtropical climates, are assumed to enhance the ventilation performance of buildings by redirecting the wind. Although there are some studies on the effect of balconies on natural ventilation inside buildings, the majority have been conducted on single zone buildings with simple geometries. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of balconies on the internal air flow pattern and ventilation performance of multi-storey residential buildings with internal partitions. To this end, a sample residential unit was selected for investigation and three different conditions tested, base case (no balcony), an open balcony and a semi-enclosed balcony. Computational Fluid Dynamics is used as an analysis method due to its accuracy and ability to provide detailed results. The cases are analysed in terms of average velocity, flow uniformity and number of Air Changes per Hour (ACH). The results suggest the introduction of a semi-enclosed balcony into high-rise dwellings improves the average velocity and flow uniformity. Integrating an open balcony results in reduction of the aforementioned parameters at 0° wind incidence.


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Doppler weather radars with fast scanning rates must estimate spectral moments based on a small number of echo samples. This paper concerns the estimation of mean Doppler velocity in a coherent radar using a short complex time series. Specific results are presented based on 16 samples. A wide range of signal-to-noise ratios are considered, and attention is given to ease of implementation. It is shown that FFT estimators fare poorly in low SNR and/or high spectrum-width situations. Several variants of a vector pulse-pair processor are postulated and an algorithm is developed for the resolution of phase angle ambiguity. This processor is found to be better than conventional processors at very low SNR values. A feasible approximation to the maximum entropy estimator is derived as well as a technique utilizing the maximization of the periodogram. It is found that a vector pulse-pair processor operating with four lags for clear air observation and a single lag (pulse-pair mode) for storm observation may be a good way to estimate Doppler velocities over the entire gamut of weather phenomena.


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The growth of the nanocrystalline tribolayer produced in oxygen free high conductivity copper after sliding against 440C stainless steel was studied. Tests were conducted on a pin-on-disk tribometer at sliding velocities of 0.05 and 1.0 m/s and sliding times of 0.1 to 10,000 s. Subsurface deformation and the growth of the tribolayer as a function of time were studied with the use of transmission electron microscopy and ion induced secondary electron microscopy. A continuous nanocrystalline tribolayer was produced after as little as 10 s of sliding at both sliding velocities. The tribolayer produced by sliding at 0.05 m/s continued to grow at sliding times up to 10,000 s and developed texture. Dynamic recrystallization of the tribolayer at a sliding velocity of 1.0 m/s inhibited the growth of a continuous anocrystalline tribolayer.


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The impression creep behaviour of zinc is studied in the range 300 to 500 K and the results are compared with the data from conventional creep tests. The steady-state impression velocity is found to exhibit the same stress and temperature dependence as in conventional tensile creep with the same power law stress exponent. Also studied is the effect of indenter size on the impression velocity. The thermal activation parameters for plastic flow at high temperatures derived from a number of testing techniques agree reasonably well. Grain boundary sliding is shown to be unimportant in controlling the rate of plastic flow at high temperatures. It is observed that the Cottrell-Stokes law is obeyed during high-temperature deformation of zinc. It is concluded that a mechanism such as forest intersection involving attractive trees controls the high-temperature flow rather than a diffusion mechanism.