926 resultados para Heterocyclic Amines
El creciente desarrollo de la industria del cuero y textil en nuestro país, y específicamente en la provincia de Córdoba, ha hecho resurgir en los ultimos años una problemática aún no resuelta que es la elevada contaminación de los recursos hídricos. En ambas industrias, la operación de teñido involucra principalmente colorantes de tipo azoico los cuales son "no biodegradables" y se fragmentan liberando aminas aromáticas cancerígenas. Para abordar esta problemática, la fotocatálisis heterogénea aparece como una nueva tecnología que permitiría la completa mineralización de estos colorantes. A través de radiación y un fotocatalizador sólido adecuado se pueden generan radicales libres eficientes para la oxidación de materia orgánica (colorantes) en medio acuoso. En este sentido, se proponen tamices moleculares mesoporosos modificados con metales de transición (MT) como fotocatalizadores potencialmente aptos para la degradación de estos contaminantes. El propósito principal de este proyecto es el diseño, síntesis, caracterización y evaluación de materiales mesoporosos que presenten actividad fotocatalítica ya sea mediante la modificación de su estructura con diversos metales fotosensibles y/o empleándolos como soporte de óxido de titanio. Se pretende evaluar estos materiales en la degradación de colorantes intentando desplazar su fotosensibilidad hacia la radiación visible para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías con menor impacto ambiental y mayor aprovechamiento de la energía solar. Para ello se sintetizarán materiales del tipo MCM-41 modificados con distintos MT tales como Fe, Cr, Co, Ni y Zn mediante incorporación directa del ión metálico o impregnación. Al mismo tiempo, tanto estos últimos materiales como el MCM-41 silíceo serán empleados como soporte de TiO2. Sus propiedades fisicoquímicas se caracterizarán mediante distintas técnicas instrumentales y su actividad fotocatalítica se evaluará en la degradación de colorantes azoicos bajo radiación visible. Se seleccionará el catalizador más eficiente y se estudiarán los diversos factores que afectan el proceso de fotodegradación. Así mismo, el análisis de la concentración del colorante y los productos presentes en el medio en función del tiempo de reacción permitirá inferir sobre la cinética de la decoloración y postular posibles mecanismos de fotodegradación. Con esta propuesta se espera contribuír al desarrollo de un sector industrial importante en nuestra provincia como es el de las industrias del cuero y textil, mediante la generación de nuevas tecnologías que empleen la energía solar para la degradación de sus efluentes (colorantes). En este sentido, se espera desarrollar nuevos materiales optimizados para lograr la mayor eficiencia fotocatalítica. Esto conduciría entonces hacia la remediación de un problema ambiental de alto impacto tanto para nuestra provincia y nuestro país como para la población mundial, como es la contaminación de los recursos hídricos. Finalmente, con este proyecto se contribuirá a la formación de dos doctorandos y un maestrando, cuyos temas de tesis están vinculados con nuestro objeto de estudio. The increasing development of the textile and leather industries in our country, and specifically in Córdoba, has revived an unresolved problem that is the high contamination of water resources. In both industries, the dyeing involves mainly type azoic dyes which are not biodegradable and break releasing carcinogenic aromatic amines. Heterogeneous photocatalysis appears as a new technology that would allow the complete mineralization of these pollutants. Through radiation and a suitable solid it is possible to generate free radicals for efficient oxidation of organic matter (dyes) in aqueous medium. In this respect, mesoporous molecular sieves modified with transition metals are proposed as potential photocatalysts. The main purpose of this project is the synthesis of mesoporous materials having photocatalytic activity for the degradation of dyes. We will try to move their photosensitivity to visible radiation to develop new technologies with lower environmental impact and greater use of solar energy. Materials MCM-41 modified with metals (Fe, Cr, Co, Ni and Zn) will be synthesized by direct incorporation or impregnation. These materials and the siliceous MCM-41 will be then employed as support of TiO2. The materials will be evaluated in the photocatalytic degradation of azoic dyes under visible radiation. The influence of different factors on the photodegradation proccess will be studied. Kinetic studies will be carried out and a possible reaction way will be proposed. Thus, this work will contribute to the advancement of an important industrial sector and the remediation of an environmental problem with high impact for our province and our country. Moreover, this proyect will contribute to the development of two doctoral tesis and one magister tesis which are vinculated with our study subject.
Ammonium salt derivatives of natural allylphenols were synthesized with the purpose of obtaining potential peripheral analgesics. These drugs, by virtue of their physicochemical properties, would not be able to cross the blood brain barrier. Their inability to enter into the central nervous system (CNS) should prevent several adverse effects observed with classical opiate analgesics (Ferreira et al., 1984). Eugenol (1) O-methyleugenol (5) and safrole (9) were submitted to nitration, reduction and permethylation, leading to the ammonium salts 4, 8 and 12. Another strategy applied to eugenol (1), consisting in its conversion to a glycidic ether (13), opening the epoxide ring with secondary amines and methylation, led to the ammonium salts 16 and 17. All these ammonium salts showed significant peripheral analgesic action, in modified version of the Randall-Sellito test (Ferreira et al. 1978), at non-lethal doses. The ammonium salt 8 showed an activity comparable to that of methylnalorphinium, the prototype of an ideal peripheral analgesic (Ferreira et al., 1984).
To sense myriad environmental odors, animals have evolved multiple, large families of divergent olfactory receptors. How and why distinct receptor repertoires and their associated circuits are functionally and anatomically integrated is essentially unknown. We have addressed these questions through comprehensive comparative analysis of the Drosophila olfactory subsystems that express the ionotropic receptors (IRs) and odorant receptors (ORs). We identify ligands for most IR neuron classes, revealing their specificity for select amines and acids, which complements the broader tuning of ORs for esters and alcohols. IR and OR sensory neurons exhibit glomerular convergence in segregated, although interconnected, zones of the primary olfactory center, but these circuits are extensively interdigitated in higher brain regions. Consistently, behavioral responses to odors arise from an interplay between IR- and OR-dependent pathways. We integrate knowledge on the different phylogenetic and developmental properties of these receptors and circuits to propose models for the functional contributions and evolution of these distinct olfactory subsystems.
Objective: Aim of post operative treatments after cardiac surgery is to avoid low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS). Levosimendan, a new inotrope agent, has been demonstrated in adult patient to be an effective treatment for this purpose when classical therapy is not effective. It shows a positive effect on cardiac output, with fewer adverse effects and lower mortality than with dopamine. There is very few data on its benefit in the paediatric population. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of levosimendan in cardiac children with LCOS.Methods: Retrospective analysis of 25 children hospitalised in our PICU after cardiac surgery that demonstrated LCOS not responding to classical catecholamine therapy and who received levosimendan as rescue. LCOS parameters like urine output, mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), arterio-venous differences in CO2 (AVCO2) and plasmatic lactate were compared before therapy and at 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after the beginning of the levosimendan infusion. We also analyzed the effect on the utilisation of amines (amine score), adverse events and mortality.Results: After the beginning of levosimendan infusion, urine output (3.1 vs 5.3ml/kg/h, p=0.003) and SVO2 (56 vs 64mmHg, p=0.001) increase significantly during first 72 hours and at the same time plasmatic lactate (2.6 vs 1.4 mmole/l, p<0.001), AVCO2 (11 vs 8 mmHg, p=0.002) and amine score (63 vs 39, p=0.007) decrease significantly. No side effects were noted during administration of levosimendan. In this group of patients, mortality was 0%.Conclusion: Levosimendan is an effective treatment in children after congenital heart surgery. Our study, with a greater sample of patient than other studies, confirms the improvement of cardiac output already shown in other paediatric studies.
? BREVIS RADIX (BRX) has been identified through a loss-of-function allele in the Umkirch-1 accession in a natural variation screen for Arabidopsis root growth vigor. Physiological and gene expression analyses have suggested that BRX is rate limiting for auxin-responsive gene expression by mediating cross-talk with the brassinosteroid pathway, as impaired root growth and reduced auxin perception of brx can be (partially) rescued by external brassinosteroid application. ? Using genetic tools, we show that brx mutants also display significantly reduced cotyledon and leaf growth. ? Similar to the root, the amplitude and penetrance of this phenotype depends on genetic background and shares the physiological features, reduced auxin perception and brassinosteroid rescue. Furthermore, reciprocal grafting experiments between mutant and complemented brx shoot scions and root stocks suggest that the shoot phenotypes are not an indirect consequence of the root phenotype. Finally, BRX gain-of-function lines display epinastic leaf growth and, in the case of dominant negative interference, increased epidermal cell size. Consistent with an impact of BRX on brassinosteroid biosynthesis, this phenotype is accompanied by increased brassinosteroid levels. ? In summary, our results demonstrate a ubiquitous, although quantitatively variable role of BRX in modulating the growth rate in both the root and shoot.
La determinació de compostos orgànics contaminants en aigües residuals d’origen urbà i industrial és un tema que ha suscitat un creixent interès, tant des del punt de vista del problema mediambiental que es deriva de l’abocament d’aquestes aigües al medi aquàtic públic com des de la perspectiva de reutilització de les aigües tractades en processos industrials. La majoria d’aquests contaminants no s’eliminen completament en plantes de tractament d’aigües convencionals, pel que s’han de controlar. Aquest fet implica desenvolupar nous processos de tractament que permetin millorar l'eficiència de l'eliminació de les plantes de tractament convencionals. Per tal d'investigar la presència d'aquests compostos contaminants a baixes concentracions és necessari desenvolupar nous mètodes analítics altament sensibles. En el nostre projecte s'han desenvolupat diferents mètodes analítics per determinar compostos orgànics contaminants en aigües residuals provinents de plantes de tractament d'aigües industrials, urbanes i plantes potabilitzadores, utilizant principalment la microextracció en fase sòlida (SPME) seguida de la cromatografia de gasos acoblada a un espectròmetre de masses (GC-MS). S'ha estudiat la presència de diferents famílies de compostos en aquestes aigües, com són: ftalats, amines alifàtiques primàries i nitrosamines. A més a més, s'han desenvolupat mètodes analítics per determinar amines alifàtiques primàries en llots actius provinents de diferents tipus de plantes de tractament d'aigües i plantes potabilitzadores.
Una vez comprobado el problema medioambiental existente en nuestro planeta en cuanto a emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) y con el objetivo de reducir dichas emisiones, se están desarrollando nuevos métodos y materiales sintéticos para la captura de CO2, entre otros. Este proyecto pretende estudiar una tecnología de captura de CO2, centrándose en el estudio postcombustión basado en materiales sólidos compuestos por sílice impregnados del grupo amino. El método experimental utilizado ha consistido en realizar las síntesis por duplicado de tres materiales diferentes basados en un soporte de sílices impregnadas con aminas diferentes: 3‐aminopropiltrimetoxisilano (APTMS), N‐3‐(trimetoxisil)propil)etano‐1,2‐ diamina) (AEAPTMS) y Polietilenimina (PEI). Estos materiales han sido caracterizados mediante las técnicas experimentales: Análisis de área superficial BET, pH, Análisis Termogravimétrico, Análisis Elemental y Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (MEB). El estudio para evaluar la captura de CO2, se ha realizado mediante la Balanza de Suspensión Magnética en condiciones de presión atmosférica y bajas temperaturas (45‐105ºC). Con un 10 vol. % CO2 en N2 a 45ºC para la absorción CO2 y a 105ºC para la desorción. La capacidad de captura de CO2 para los materiales estudiados se sitúa entorno a un 3%, que difiere considerablemente de los estudios publicados en la bibliografía. En contrapartida el comportamiento de los materiales sometidos al proceso de captura de CO2 es constante, ya que perdura a lo largo de los ciclos, y reversible debido a la práctica totalidad de absorción y desorción de masa en este proceso.
Introducció: El fracàs renal agut és una complicació que afecta entre el 6 i el 25% dels pacients crítics. Un 72% d’aquests malalts necessitaran de tècniques de depuració extrarenal contínues (TCDER) o intermitents en algun moment de l’ingrés. Actualment la dosi d’ultrafiltrat a cada situació clínica és objecte d’estudi i publicacions. Objectius: Analitzar les diferències entre les dosis pautades i administrades en les TCDER. Comparar les diferències entre la dosi en funció del tipus de TCDER: hemofiltració venovenosa contínua (HVVC) i hemodiafiltració venovenosa contínua. Descriure la tassa de recuperació de la funcionalitat renal o bé la necessitat d’hemodiàlisis convencional a l’alta d’UCI en els malalts que s’han sotmès a TCDER. Determinar la mortalitat Material i mètodes: Estudi observacional de 40 pacients crítics sotmesos a TCDER, 20 pacients en HVVC i 20 pacients en HDFVVC. S’han analitzat les dades mitjançant proves no paramètriques U de Mann Withney, test exacte de Fischer i Chi quadrat. Resultats: L’edat mitjana de la mostra fou 63 ± 13 anys, amb un 57% d’homes. La incidència d’hipertensió arterial fou del 60%, de diabetis mellitus del 30%, de dislipèmia del 25% i de malaltia renal crònica del 27%. La mediana de puntuació de SOFA fou de 10, i d’AKIN de 3. Un 85% dels pacients van precisar ventilació mecànica i/o amines durant l’ingrés. Vam registrar la dosi d’ultrafiltrat pautada pel facultatiu, essent la mitjana de la mostra de 34,34 mL/kg/h (34,73 en HVVC i 33,95 en HDFVVC), mentre que la dosi administrada fou de 27,93 mL/kg/h (26,85 en HVVC i 29 en HDFVVC), essent la diferència entre ambdues estadísticament significativa. L’estada mitjana a UCI fou de 23,7 dies, i la mortalitat de la sèrie del 65%. Conclusió: Les dosis d’ultrafiltrat rebudes en les TCDER són menors a les dosis pautades independentment del tipus de tècnica. La mortalitat de la nostra sèrie fou similar a les sèries publicades.
The restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frequent, often unrecognized disorder in the elderly. The diagnosis is essentially based on the clinical history. The RLS is characterized by (1) an urge to move the limbs, usually associated with abnormal sensations in the legs; (2) symptoms are worse at rest; (3) they are relieved by movements; (4) they mainly occur in the evening or at night. Specific diagnostic criteria have been developed for cognitively impaired elderly persons. The RLS is a chronic disorder with high impact on sleep and quality of life. Treatment is symptomatic and recommended drugs are dopaminergic agents, opioids, and gabapentine.
Similar to animal hormones, classic plant hormones are small organic molecules that regulate physiological and developmental processes. In development, this often involves the regulation of growth through the control of cell size or division. The plant hormones auxin and brassinosteroid modulate both cell expansion and proliferation and are known for their overlapping activities in physiological assays. Recent molecular genetic analyses in the model plant Arabidopsis suggest that this reflects interdependent and often synergistic action of the two hormone pathways. Such pathway interactions probably occur through the combinatorial regulation of common target genes by auxin- and brassinosteroid-controlled transcription factors. Moreover, auxin and brassinosteroid signaling and biosynthesis and auxin transport might be linked by an emerging upstream connection involving calcium-calmodulin and phosphoinositide signaling.
Novel formulations of cationic nanoemulsions based on three different lipids were developed to strengthen the attraction of the polyanionic oligonucleotide (ODN) macromolecules to the cationic moieties on the oil nanodroplets. These formulations were developed to prolong the release of the ODN from the nanoemulsion under appropriate physiological dilutions as encountered in the eye following topical application. Increasing the concentration of the new cationic lipid exhibiting two cationic amine groups (AOA) in the emulsion from 0.05% to 0.4% did not alter markedly the particle size or zeta potential value of the blank cationic nanoemulsion. The extent of ODN association did not vary significantly when the initial concentration of ODN remained constant at 10 microM irrespective of the cationic lipid nature. However, the zeta potential value dropped consistently with the low concentrations of 0.05% and 0.1% of AOA in the emulsions suggesting that an electrostatic attraction occurred between the cationic lipids and the polyanionic ODN molecules at the o/w interface. Only the nanoemulsion prepared with N-[1-(2,3-dioleoyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium salts (DOTAP) remained physically stable over time. DOTAP cationic lipid nanoemulsion was the most efficient formulation capable of retaining the ODN despite the high dilution of 1:100 with simulated tear solution (STS). Less than 10% of the ODN was exchanged in contrast to 40-50% with the other cationic nanoemulsions. The in-vitro release kinetic behavior of ODN exchange with physiological anions present in the STS appears to be complex and difficult to characterize using mathematical fitting model equations. Further pharmacokinetic studies are needed to verify our kinetic assumptions and confirm the in-vitro ODN release profile from DOTAP cationic nanoemulsions.
OBJECTIVE: To explore the potential of deep HIV-1 sequencing for adding clinically relevant information relative to viral population sequencing in heavily pre-treated HIV-1-infected subjects. METHODS: In a proof-of-concept study, deep sequencing was compared to population sequencing in HIV-1-infected individuals with previous triple-class virological failure who also developed virologic failure to deep salvage therapy including, at least, darunavir, tipranavir, etravirine or raltegravir. Viral susceptibility was inferred before salvage therapy initiation and at virological failure using deep and population sequencing genotypes interpreted with the HIVdb, Rega and ANRS algorithms. The threshold level for mutant detection with deep sequencing was 1%. RESULTS: 7 subjects with previous exposure to a median of 15 antiretrovirals during a median of 13 years were included. Deep salvage therapy included darunavir, tipranavir, etravirine or raltegravir in 4, 2, 2 and 5 subjects, respectively. Self-reported treatment adherence was adequate in 4 and partial in 2; one individual underwent treatment interruption during follow-up. Deep sequencing detected all mutations found by population sequencing and identified additional resistance mutations in all but one individual, predominantly after virological failure to deep salvage therapy. Additional genotypic information led to consistent decreases in predicted susceptibility to etravirine, efavirenz, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and indinavir in 2, 1, 2 and 1 subject, respectively. Deep sequencing data did not consistently modify the susceptibility predictions achieved with population sequencing for darunavir, tipranavir or raltegravir. CONCLUSIONS: In this subset of heavily pre-treated individuals, deep sequencing improved the assessment of genotypic resistance to etravirine, but did not consistently provide additional information on darunavir, tipranavir or raltegravir susceptibility. These data may inform the design of future studies addressing the clinical value of minority drug-resistant variants in treatment-experienced subjects.
Leptin, a 16-kDa protein mainly produced by adipose tissue, has been involved in the control of energy balance through its hypothalamic receptor. However, pleiotropic effects of leptin have been identified in reproduction and pregnancy, particularly in placenta, where it was found to be expressed. In the current study, we examined the effect of cAMP in the regulation of leptin expression in trophoblastic cells. We found that dibutyryl cAMP [(Bu)(2)cAMP], a cAMP analog, showed an inducing effect on endogenous leptin expression in BeWo and JEG-3 cell lines when analyzed by Western blot analysis and quantitative RT-PCR. Maximal effect was achieved at 100 microM. Leptin promoter activity was also stimulated, evaluated by transient transfection with a reporter plasmid construction. Similar results were obtained with human term placental explants, thus indicating physiological relevance. Because cAMP usually exerts its actions through activation of protein kinase A (PKA) signaling, this pathway was analyzed. We found that cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation was significantly increased with (Bu)(2)cAMP treatment. Furthermore, cotransfection with the catalytic subunit of PKA and/or the transcription factor CREB caused a significant stimulation on leptin promoter activity. On the other hand, the cotransfection with a dominant negative mutant of the regulatory subunit of PKA inhibited leptin promoter activity. We determined that cAMP effect could be blocked by pharmacologic inhibition of PKA or adenylyl ciclase in BeWo cells and in human placental explants. Thereafter, we decided to investigate the involvement of the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway in the cAMP effect on leptin induction. We found that 50 microm PD98059, a MAPK kinase inhibitor, partially blocked leptin induction by cAMP, measured both by Western blot analysis and reporter transient transfection assay. Moreover, ERK 1/2 phosphorylation was significantly increased with (Bu)(2)cAMP treatment, and this effect was dose dependent. Finally, we observed that 50 microm PD98059 inhibited cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of CREB in placental explants. In summary, we provide some evidence suggesting that cAMP induces leptin expression in placental cells and that this effect seems to be mediated by a cross talk between PKA and MAPK signaling pathways.