914 resultados para Healthcare costs. Health insurance. Data mining


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Abstract Due to recent scientific and technological advances in information sys¬tems, it is now possible to perform almost every application on a mobile device. The need to make sense of such devices more intelligent opens an opportunity to design data mining algorithm that are able to autonomous execute in local devices to provide the device with knowledge. The problem behind autonomous mining deals with the proper configuration of the algorithm to produce the most appropriate results. Contextual information together with resource information of the device have a strong impact on both the feasibility of a particu¬lar execution and on the production of the proper patterns. On the other hand, performance of the algorithm expressed in terms of efficacy and efficiency highly depends on the features of the dataset to be analyzed together with values of the parameters of a particular implementation of an algorithm. However, few existing approaches deal with autonomous configuration of data mining algorithms and in any case they do not deal with contextual or resources information. Both issues are of particular significance, in particular for social net¬works application. In fact, the widespread use of social networks and consequently the amount of information shared have made the need of modeling context in social application a priority. Also the resource consumption has a crucial role in such platforms as the users are using social networks mainly on their mobile devices. This PhD thesis addresses the aforementioned open issues, focusing on i) Analyzing the behavior of algorithms, ii) mapping contextual and resources information to find the most appropriate configuration iii) applying the model for the case of a social recommender. Four main contributions are presented: - The EE-Model: is able to predict the behavior of a data mining algorithm in terms of resource consumed and accuracy of the mining model it will obtain. - The SC-Mapper: maps a situation defined by the context and resource state to a data mining configuration. - SOMAR: is a social activity (event and informal ongoings) recommender for mobile devices. - D-SOMAR: is an evolution of SOMAR which incorporates the configurator in order to provide updated recommendations. Finally, the experimental validation of the proposed contributions using synthetic and real datasets allows us to achieve the objectives and answer the research questions proposed for this dissertation.


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Expert systems are built from knowledge traditionally elicited from the human expert. It is precisely knowledge elicitation from the expert that is the bottleneck in expert system construction. On the other hand, a data mining system, which automatically extracts knowledge, needs expert guidance on the successive decisions to be made in each of the system phases. In this context, expert knowledge and data mining discovered knowledge can cooperate, maximizing their individual capabilities: data mining discovered knowledge can be used as a complementary source of knowledge for the expert system, whereas expert knowledge can be used to guide the data mining process. This article summarizes different examples of systems where there is cooperation between expert knowledge and data mining discovered knowledge and reports our experience of such cooperation gathered from a medical diagnosis project called Intelligent Interpretation of Isokinetics Data, which we developed. From that experience, a series of lessons were learned throughout project development. Some of these lessons are generally applicable and others pertain exclusively to certain project types.


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Ubiquitous computing software needs to be autonomous so that essential decisions such as how to configure its particular execution are self-determined. Moreover, data mining serves an important role for ubiquitous computing by providing intelligence to several types of ubiquitous computing applications. Thus, automating ubiquitous data mining is also crucial. We focus on the problem of automatically configuring the execution of a ubiquitous data mining algorithm. In our solution, we generate configuration decisions in a resource aware and context aware manner since the algorithm executes in an environment in which the context often changes and computing resources are often severely limited. We propose to analyze the execution behavior of the data mining algorithm by mining its past executions. By doing so, we discover the effects of resource and context states as well as parameter settings on the data mining quality. We argue that a classification model is appropriate for predicting the behavior of an algorithm?s execution and we concentrate on decision tree classifier. We also define taxonomy on data mining quality so that tradeoff between prediction accuracy and classification specificity of each behavior model that classifies by a different abstraction of quality, is scored for model selection. Behavior model constituents and class label transformations are formally defined and experimental validation of the proposed approach is also performed.


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In this position paper, we claim that the need for time consuming data preparation and result interpretation tasks in knowledge discovery, as well as for costly expert consultation and consensus building activities required for ontology building can be reduced through exploiting the interplay of data mining and ontology engineering. The aim is to obtain in a semi-automatic way new knowledge from distributed data sources that can be used for inference and reasoning, as well as to guide the extraction of further knowledge from these data sources. The proposed approach is based on the creation of a novel knowledge discovery method relying on the combination, through an iterative ?feedbackloop?, of (a) data mining techniques to make emerge implicit models from data and (b) pattern-based ontology engineering to capture these models in reusable, conceptual and inferable artefacts.


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Diabetes is the most common disease nowadays in all populations and in all age groups. diabetes contributing to heart disease, increases the risks of developing kidney disease, blindness, nerve damage, and blood vessel damage. Diabetes disease diagnosis via proper interpretation of the diabetes data is an important classification problem. Different techniques of artificial intelligence has been applied to diabetes problem. The purpose of this study is apply the artificial metaplasticity on multilayer perceptron (AMMLP) as a data mining (DM) technique for the diabetes disease diagnosis. The Pima Indians diabetes was used to test the proposed model AMMLP. The results obtained by AMMLP were compared with decision tree (DT), Bayesian classifier (BC) and other algorithms, recently proposed by other researchers, that were applied to the same database. The robustness of the algorithms are examined using classification accuracy, analysis of sensitivity and specificity, confusion matrix. The results obtained by AMMLP are superior to obtained by DT and BC.


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There are a number of factors that contribute to the success of dental implant operations. Among others, is the choice of location in which the prosthetic tooth is to be implanted. This project offers a new approach to analyse jaw tissue for the purpose of selecting suitable locations for teeth implant operations. The application developed takes as input jaw computed tomography stack of slices and trims data outside the jaw area, which is the point of interest. It then reconstructs a three dimensional model of the jaw highlighting points of interest on the reconstructed model. On another hand, data mining techniques have been utilised in order to construct a prediction model based on an information dataset of previous dental implant operations with observed stability values. The goal is to find patterns within the dataset that would help predicting the success likelihood of an implant.


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Abstract This paper presents a new method to extract knowledge from existing data sets, that is, to extract symbolic rules using the weights of an Artificial Neural Network. The method has been applied to a neural network with special architecture named Enhanced Neural Network (ENN). This architecture improves the results that have been obtained with multilayer perceptron (MLP). The relationship among the knowledge stored in the weights, the performance of the network and the new implemented algorithm to acquire rules from the weights is explained. The method itself gives a model to follow in the knowledge acquisition with ENN.


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La predicción del valor de las acciones en la bolsa de valores ha sido un tema importante en el campo de inversiones, que por varios años ha atraído tanto a académicos como a inversionistas. Esto supone que la información disponible en el pasado de la compañía que cotiza en bolsa tiene alguna implicación en el futuro del valor de la misma. Este trabajo está enfocado en ayudar a un persona u organismo que decida invertir en la bolsa de valores a través de gestión de compra o venta de acciones de una compañía a tomar decisiones respecto al tiempo de comprar o vender basado en el conocimiento obtenido de los valores históricos de las acciones de una compañía en la bolsa de valores. Esta decisión será inferida a partir de un modelo de regresión múltiple que es una de las técnicas de datamining. Para llevar conseguir esto se emplea una metodología conocida como CRISP-DM aplicada a los datos históricos de la compañía con mayor valor actual del NASDAQ.---ABSTRACT---The prediction of the value of shares in the stock market has been a major issue in the field of investments, which for several years has attracted both academics and investors. This means that the information available in the company last traded have any involvement in the future of the value of it. This work is focused on helping an investor decides to invest in the stock market through management buy or sell shares of a company to make decisions with respect to time to buy or sell based on the knowledge gained from the historic values of the shares of a company in the stock market. This decision will be inferred from a multiple regression model which is one of the techniques of data mining. To get this out a methodology known as CRISP-DM applied to historical data of the company with the highest current value of NASDAQ is used.


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La gran cantidad de datos que se registran diariamente en los sistemas de base de datos de las organizaciones ha generado la necesidad de analizarla. Sin embargo, se enfrentan a la complejidad de procesar enormes volúmenes de datos a través de métodos tradicionales de análisis. Además, dentro de un contexto globalizado y competitivo las organizaciones se mantienen en la búsqueda constante de mejorar sus procesos, para lo cual requieren herramientas que les permitan tomar mejores decisiones. Esto implica estar mejor informado y conocer su historia digital para describir sus procesos y poder anticipar (predecir) eventos no previstos. Estos nuevos requerimientos de análisis de datos ha motivado el desarrollo creciente de proyectos de minería de datos. El proceso de minería de datos busca obtener desde un conjunto masivo de datos, modelos que permitan describir los datos o predecir nuevas instancias en el conjunto. Implica etapas de: preparación de los datos, procesamiento parcial o totalmente automatizado para identificar modelos en los datos, para luego obtener como salida patrones, relaciones o reglas. Esta salida debe significar un nuevo conocimiento para la organización, útil y comprensible para los usuarios finales, y que pueda ser integrado a los procesos para apoyar la toma de decisiones. Sin embargo, la mayor dificultad es justamente lograr que el analista de datos, que interviene en todo este proceso, pueda identificar modelos lo cual es una tarea compleja y muchas veces requiere de la experiencia, no sólo del analista de datos, sino que también del experto en el dominio del problema. Una forma de apoyar el análisis de datos, modelos y patrones es a través de su representación visual, utilizando las capacidades de percepción visual del ser humano, la cual puede detectar patrones con mayor facilidad. Bajo este enfoque, la visualización ha sido utilizada en minería datos, mayormente en el análisis descriptivo de los datos (entrada) y en la presentación de los patrones (salida), dejando limitado este paradigma para el análisis de modelos. El presente documento describe el desarrollo de la Tesis Doctoral denominada “Nuevos Esquemas de Visualizaciones para Mejorar la Comprensibilidad de Modelos de Data Mining”. Esta investigación busca aportar con un enfoque de visualización para apoyar la comprensión de modelos minería de datos, para esto propone la metáfora de modelos visualmente aumentados. ABSTRACT The large amount of data to be recorded daily in the systems database of organizations has generated the need to analyze it. However, faced with the complexity of processing huge volumes of data over traditional methods of analysis. Moreover, in a globalized and competitive environment organizations are kept constantly looking to improve their processes, which require tools that allow them to make better decisions. This involves being bettered informed and knows your digital story to describe its processes and to anticipate (predict) unanticipated events. These new requirements of data analysis, has led to the increasing development of data-mining projects. The data-mining process seeks to obtain from a massive data set, models to describe the data or predict new instances in the set. It involves steps of data preparation, partially or fully automated processing to identify patterns in the data, and then get output patterns, relationships or rules. This output must mean new knowledge for the organization, useful and understandable for end users, and can be integrated into the process to support decision-making. However, the biggest challenge is just getting the data analyst involved in this process, which can identify models is complex and often requires experience not only of the data analyst, but also the expert in the problem domain. One way to support the analysis of the data, models and patterns, is through its visual representation, i.e., using the capabilities of human visual perception, which can detect patterns easily in any context. Under this approach, the visualization has been used in data mining, mostly in exploratory data analysis (input) and the presentation of the patterns (output), leaving limited this paradigm for analyzing models. This document describes the development of the doctoral thesis entitled "New Visualizations Schemes to Improve Understandability of Data-Mining Models". This research aims to provide a visualization approach to support understanding of data mining models for this proposed metaphor visually enhanced models.


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Objectives: To determine the demands on healthcare resources caused by different types of illnesses and variation with age and sex.