654 resultados para Halter, Deborah


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Large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) coupled with Fourier transform rheology (FTR) was used for the first time to characterize the large deformation behavior of selected bituminous binders at 20 C. Two polymer modified bitumens (PMB) containing recycled EVA and HDPE and two unmodified bitumens were tested with LAOS-FTR. The LAOS-FTR response of all binders was compared at same frequency, at same Deborah number (by tuning the frequency to the relaxation time of each binder) and at same phase shift angle d (by tuning the frequency to the one corresponding to d = 50 in the SAOS response of each sample). In all the approaches, LAOS-FTR results allowed to differentiate between all the nonlinear mechanical characteristics of the tested binders. All binders show LAOS-FTR patterns reminiscent from colloidal dispersions and emulsions. EVA PMB was less prone to strain-induced microstructural changes when compared to HDPE PMB which showed larger values of nonlinear FTR parameters for the range of shear strains tested in LAOS.


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Aneurysm of the left main coronary artery is a rare angiographic finding, with few cases described in the international literature. We report the case of a 42-year-old male with a previous history of acute myocardial infarction, whose coronariography indicated triple vessel coronary disease and an aneurysm of the left main coronary artery. A review of the etiology, clinical aspects, and surgical management of coronary arterial aneurysm is presented.


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The patient is a male with risk factors for coronary artery disease, who was referred for cardiac catheterization after acute myocardial infarction in the inferior wall. The patient underwent transluminal coronary angioplasty in the right coronary artery with successful stent implantation.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar potenciais preditores clínicos, ecocardiográficos e/ou hemodinâmicos de regressão de sinais eletrocardiográficos (ECG) de sobrecarga atrial esquerda (SAE) após valvoplastia mitral percutânea (VMP) com sucesso. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 24 pacientes (75% do sexo feminino, idade média 37,1 ± 11,9 anos) com estenose mitral moderada a grave, ritmo sinusal (RS) e sinais de SAE no ECG, submetidos a VMP entre 2002 e 2004. Pelo menos seis meses após o procedimento (388,2 ± 192,9 dias), os pacientes retornaram para acompanhamento clínico, eletro e ecocardiográfico. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1(n = 8; 33,3%), ainda com sinais ECG de SAE, e Grupo 2 (n = 16; 66,6%), com onda P normal. Realizou-se análise multivariada de variáveis clínicas, ECG, ecocardiográficas e hemodinâmicas. RESULTADOS: A área valvar mitral (AVM) aumentou de 1,12 ± 0,15 para 1,9 ± 0,35cm² imediatamente após o procedimento (p< 0,0001), e diminuiu para 1,89 ± 0,41cm² no acompanhamento (p = NS). O diâmetro do átrio esquerdo variou de 4,8 ± 0,29 cm pré-procedimento para 4,28 ± 0,48cm na reavaliação (p = 0,0001). A duração da onda P diminuiu de 0,12 ± 0,01 seg pré-VMP para 0,09 ± 0,02 seg no controle (p = 0,0001). Uma AVM > 1,7 cm² no acompanhamento foi o único preditor independente de onda P normal após VMP (p = 0,02). CONCLUSÃO: Alterações ECG sugestivas de SAE regridem na maioria dos pacientes com estenose mitral e RS submetidos a VMP com sucesso. Uma AVM > 1,7 cm² no controle tardio é preditor independente para essa normalização.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar as tendências do risco de morte por doenças isquêmicas do coração e cerebrovasculares, nas regiões Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul do Brasil, no período de 1981 a 2001. MÉTODOS: Dados de mortalidade por doenças isquêmicas do coração e cerebrovasculares nas cinco regiões brasileiras foram obtidos através do Ministério da Saúde. A fonte de dados foi o Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM), do Departamento de Análise da Informação de Saúde - Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde. A população das regiões e estados teve por fonte o IBGE, censos 1991 e 2000, contagem populacional de 1996 e estimativas populacionais, disponibilizado pelo Datasus. Os dados do SIM foram relativos às seguintes causas de morte: doença cerebrovascular (Código Internacional de Doenças CID-9 430-438, CID-10 I60-I69) e a doença isquêmica do coração (CID-9 410-414, CID-10 I21-I25). O estudo estatístico utilizou-se para as análises inferenciais de modelos lineares generalizados ajustados. RESULTADOS: A tendência da mortalidade por doença cerebrovascular mostrou declínio nas regiões Sudeste, Sul e Centro-Oeste em todas as faixas etárias e sexo. Também a mortalidade por doença isquêmica do coração declinou nas regiões Sudeste e Sul, com estabilização do risco na região Centro-Oeste e aumento na região Nordeste. CONCLUSÃO: O risco de morte para as doenças circulatórias, cerebrovasculares e isquêmicas do coração diminuiu no Sul e no Sudeste, regiões mais desenvolvidas do país, e aumentou nas menos desenvolvidas, principalmente no Nordeste.


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FUNDAMENTO: Para discriminar risco coronariano elevado, indicadores de obesidade central são melhores do que o Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC), que é ainda o índice antropométrico (IA) mais utilizado para seguimento após intervenção coronariana percutânea (ICP). OBJETIVO: Reconhecer, entre os índices antropométricos (IA), os que melhor se correlacionam com ocorrência de desfechos após intervenção coronariana percutânea (ICP). MÉTODOS: Foram considerados 308 pacientes (p), idade média de 61,92±11,06 anos, 60,7% do sexo masculino, submetidos a ICP com stent. Após seis meses, pesquisaram-se os desfechos: óbito, reintervenção por ICP ou cirurgia cardíaca, exame não-invasivo alterado por isquemia ou sintomas anginosos. Os p foram divididos em: Grupo 1 (com desfechos, n=91; 29,5%) e Grupo 2 (sem desfechos, n=217; 70,45%). No sexo masculino e feminino, os IA estudados e seus respectivos pontos de corte foram: circunferência abdominal (CA) > 90/80 cm, relação cintura-quadril (RCQ) > 0,90/0,80cm, índice de conicidade (IC) >1,25/1,18 e índice de massa corpórea (IMC) >30 para ambos os sexos. RESULTADOS: Os grupos diferiram quanto à maior ocorrência de histórico familiar e infarto prévio no Grupo 2. No sexo masculino, CA > 90 cm (p=0,0498) foi, em análise multivariada, preditor independente de desfechos. IMC não foi preditor de eventos. No Grupo 1, a probabilidade de ocorrência de IMC alterada é significativamente menor do que a ocorrência dos outros IA estudados (p<0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: CA anormal comportou-se como preditor independente de ocorrência de desfechos no sexo masculino dessa população pós-ICP. IMC elevado não foi preditor de desfechos e foi o índice antropométrico menos prevalente em pacientes com eventos.


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Estudou-se o desempenho de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. cv. Mundo Novo) originários de quatro ecossistemas diferentes (sombra, meia sombra, pleno sol e casa de vegetação), quando submetidos a condições de campo. Realizaram-se avaliações da morfologia, desenvolvimento e produtividade biológica do cafeeiro. Efetuaram-se também determinações da nutrição mineral, infestação de pragas e solarização. O crescimento em altura revelou-se superior nas plantas originárias de casa de vegetação e meia sombra. O número de ramos mostrou-se mais elevado em cafeeiros provenientes de locais mais ensolarados, sendo que plantas originárias de locais mais sombreados apresentaram maior número de folhas por ramo. Nestes três parâmetros notou-se uma tendência de recuperação nas condições de campo em cafeeiros provenientes de sombra. O peso da matéria seca foliar revelou-se mais elevado em plantas oriundas de meia sombra e mais baixo naquelas provenientes de casa de vegetação, sendo que nos dois ocorreu adaptação às condições de campo num período de 75 dias. O peso da matéria seca do caule e das raízes mostrou-se mais alto nos cafeeiros originários de casa de vegetação, sendo que a melhor adaptação às condições uniformes também ocorreu com as plantas oriundas da sombra. Quanto ao aspecto nutricional, determinaram-se teores mais elevados de N foliar em plantas oriundas de pleno sol e níveis mais altos de P e Ca em cafeeiros originários de meia sombra. Esse tratamento promoveu também acúmulo de Zn no cafeeiro. O caule dos cafeeiros mostrou teores de nutrientes inferiores às folhas, exceto o nível mais alto de Zn e os níveis semelhantes de Cu. Plantas originárias de pleno sol apresentaram teores mais elevados de Ca e S. As raízes mostraram níveis de nutrientes superiores ao caule e inferiores às folhas, exceto no caso do Cu, Zn e Mn, que se revelaram mais altos no sistema radicular. O nível de infestação de Perileucoptera coffeclla mostrou-se mais elevado nas plantas provenientes de casa de vegetação, sendo que cafeeiros originários de locais sombreados revelaram-se pouco afetados. A infestação de Coccus viridis revelou-se sempre mais elevada em plantas provenientes de meia sombra. Cafeeiros oriundos de pleno sol e ca sa de vegetação não sofreram solarização, sendo que aqueles provenientes de meia sombra e sombra sofreram danos crescentes nas folhas. Sombreamento afetou o desenvolvimento dos cafeeiros em função de sua intensidade e interação com outros fatores bióticos e abióticos do ecossistema.


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This thesis explores the importance of literary New York City in the urban narratives of Edith Wharton and Anzia Yezierska. It specifically looks at the Empire City of the Progressive Period when the concept of the city was not only a new theme but also very much a typical American one which was as central to the American experience as had been the Western frontier. It could be argued, in fact, that the American city had become the new frontier where modern experiences like urbanization, industrialization, immigration, and also women's emancipation and suffrage, caused all kinds of sensations on the human scale from smoothly lived assimilation and acculturation to deeply felt alienation because of the constantly shifting urban landscape. The developing urban space made possible the emergence of new female literary protagonists like the working girl, the reformer, the prostitute, and the upper class lady dedicating her life to 'conspicuous consumption'. Industrialization opened up city space to female exploration: on the one hand, upper and middle class ladies ventured out of the home because of the many novel urban possibilities, and on the other, lower class and immigrant girls also left their domestic sphere to look for paid jobs outside the home. New York City at the time was not only considered the epicenter of the world at large, it was also a city of great extremes. Everything was constantly in flux: small brownstones made way for ever taller skyscrapers and huge waves of immigrants from Europe pushed native New Yorkers further uptown on the island, adding to the crowdedness and intensity of the urban experience. The city became a polarized urban space with Fifth Avenue representing one end of the spectrum and the Lower East Side the other. Questions of space and the urban home greatly mattered. It has been pointed out that the city setting functions as an ideal means for the display of human nature as well as social processes. Narrative representations of urban space, therefore, provide a similar canvas for a protagonist's journey and development. From widely diverging vantage points both Edith Wharton and Anzia Yezierska thus create a polarized city where domesticity is a primal concern. Looking at all of their New York narratives by close readings of exterior and interior city representations, this thesis shows how urban space greatly affects questions of identity, assimilation, and alienation in literary protagonists who cannot escape the influence of their respective urban settings. Edith Wharton's upper class "millionaire" heroines are framed and contained by the city interiors of "old" New York, making it impossible for them to truly participate in the urban landscape in order to develop outside of their 'Gilt Cages'. On the other side are Anzia Yezierska's struggling "immigrant" protagonists who, against all odds, never give up in their urban context of streets, rooftops, and stoops. Their New York City, while always challenging and perpetually changing, at least allows them perspectives of hope for a 'Promised Land' in the making. Central for both urban narrative approaches is the quest for a home as an architectural structure, a spiritual resting place, and a locus for identity forming. But just as the actual city embraces change, urban protagonists must embrace change also if they desire to find fulfillment and success. That this turns out to be much easier for Anzia Yezierska's driven immigrants rather than for Edith Wharton's well established native New Yorkers is a surprising conclusion to this urban theme.


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BACKGROUND: Only a few studies have explored the relation between coffee and tea intake and head and neck cancers, with inconsistent results. METHODS: We pooled individual-level data from nine case-control studies of head and neck cancers, including 5,139 cases and 9,028 controls. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), adjusting for potential confounders. RESULTS: Caffeinated coffee intake was inversely related with the risk of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx: the ORs were 0.96 (95% CI, 0.94-0.98) for an increment of 1 cup per day and 0.61 (95% CI, 0.47-0.80) in drinkers of >4 cups per day versus nondrinkers. This latter estimate was consistent for different anatomic sites (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.30-0.71 for oral cavity; OR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.41-0.82 for oropharynx/hypopharynx; and OR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.37-1.01 for oral cavity/pharynx not otherwise specified) and across strata of selected covariates. No association of caffeinated coffee drinking was found with laryngeal cancer (OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.64-1.45 in drinkers of >4 cups per day versus nondrinkers). Data on decaffeinated coffee were too sparse for detailed analysis, but indicated no increased risk. Tea intake was not associated with head and neck cancer risk (OR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.89-1.11 for drinkers versus nondrinkers). CONCLUSIONS: This pooled analysis of case-control studies supports the hypothesis of an inverse association between caffeinated coffee drinking and risk of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx. IMPACT: Given widespread use of coffee and the relatively high incidence and low survival of head and neck cancers, the observed inverse association may have appreciable public health relevance.


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This paper investigates the relationship between short term and long term in ation expectations in the US and the UK with a focus on iflation pass through (i.e. how changes in short term expectations affect long term expectations). An econometric methodology is used which allows us to uncover the relationship between in ation pass through and various explanatory variables. We relate our empirical results to theoretical models of anchored, contained and unmoored inflation expectations. For neither country do we find anchored or unmoored inflation expectations. For the US, contained inflation expectations are found. For the UK, our ndings are not consistent with the specifi =c model of contained inflation expectations presented here, but are consistent with a more broad view of expectations being constrained by the existence of an inflation target.


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Odds ratios for head and neck cancer increase with greater cigarette and alcohol use and lower body mass index (BMI; weight (kg)/height(2) (m(2))). Using data from the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium, the authors conducted a formal analysis of BMI as a modifier of smoking- and alcohol-related effects. Analysis of never and current smokers included 6,333 cases, while analysis of never drinkers and consumers of < or =10 drinks/day included 8,452 cases. There were 8,000 or more controls, depending on the analysis. Odds ratios for all sites increased with lower BMI, greater smoking, and greater drinking. In polytomous regression, odds ratios for BMI (P = 0.65), smoking (P = 0.52), and drinking (P = 0.73) were homogeneous for oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers. Odds ratios for BMI and drinking were greater for oral cavity/pharyngeal cancer (P < 0.01), while smoking odds ratios were greater for laryngeal cancer (P < 0.01). Lower BMI enhanced smoking- and drinking-related odds ratios for oral cavity/pharyngeal cancer (P < 0.01), while BMI did not modify smoking and drinking odds ratios for laryngeal cancer. The increased odds ratios for all sites with low BMI may suggest related carcinogenic mechanisms; however, BMI modification of smoking and drinking odds ratios for cancer of the oral cavity/pharynx but not larynx cancer suggests additional factors specific to oral cavity/pharynx cancer.


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This paper develops a structured dynamic factor model for the spreads between London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and overnight index swap (OIS) rates for a panel of banks. Our model involves latent factors which reflect liquidity and credit risk. Our empirical results show that surges in the short term LIBOR-OIS spreads during the 2007-2009 fi nancial crisis were largely driven by liquidity risk. However, credit risk played a more signifi cant role in the longer term (twelve-month) LIBOR-OIS spread. The liquidity risk factors are more volatile than the credit risk factor. Most of the familiar events in the financial crisis are linked more to movements in liquidity risk than credit risk.