454 resultados para HEMATOCRIT
The effects of inclusion of whole yeast, autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall on hematological parameters and gut villus perimeter were evaluated in juvenile Nile tilapia, after 80 experimental days. Isoproteic (32.0% DP) and isoenergetic (3200 kcal DE kg -1) practical diets were supplemented with three levels of whole yeast or autolyzed yeast (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0%) and three levels of yeast cell wall (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%), plus a control diet (with no test microingredients). Red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration, total plasmatic protein, hematocrit percentage, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and gut villus perimeter were evaluated. Variations on hematological parameters in animals fed diets with whole yeast; autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall were observed to be within normal ranges for this species. There was significant influence (p<0.05) of different levels of yeast and derivatives on intestinal villus perimeter. Results showed that experimental period and proposed levels of whole yeast, autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall do not provide undesirable alterations on standard hematological parameters to Nile tilapia and can be safely used to compound diets for this species. Results also showed that supplement of yeast cell wall provide higher intestinal villus perimeter.
Studies of the hemoglobin pattern in Brazilian reptiles are important for determining ecological and phylogenetic relationships, but they are scarce. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 7 males and 18 females of Rhinoclemmys punctularia. The hematological profile was based on the total hemoglobin and hematocrit values. The hemoglobin profile was obtained using electrophoretic procedures at different pH, isoelectric focusing, globin chain electrophoresis, and HPLC. The hematocrit (31 ± 2%) and total hemoglobin (7.5 ± 0.2 g/dL) values did not indicate gender variations. Alkaline pH electrophoresis of the total blood samples treated with 1% saponin demonstrated the presence of four well-defined hemoglobin fractions, one major component (fraction I), showing cathodic migration and three others faster than fraction I with anodic migration. When the samples were precipitated with chloroform, only two hemoglobin fractions were observed, similar to fractions I and III from the first procedure. Isoelectric focusing and HPLC showed the same pattern. With acid and neutral pH electrophoresis, two fractions with anodic migration were observed. The globin chain identification at alkaline pH showed two fractions, but four fractions were observed at acidic pH, suggesting that different polypeptide chains are involved in the hemoglobin molecule. The chromatographic separation of the total blood sample demonstrated that the major fraction comprised 81.9% and the minor 18.1%. The results obtained demonstrated a similarity between these hemoglobin components and those of some Chelidae reported in the literature for both land and aquatic animals, reflecting the adaptation to environmental conditions. ©FUNPEC-RP.
The effects of water and feed fasting for 24, 48 and 72 hours post-hatching on blood parameters (mean corpuscular volume, MCV; red blood-cell, RBC; hematocrit, HCT; hemoglobin, HGB; plasma glucose, CGP; plasma total protein, PP, and differential leukocytes count), and on body, liver, spleen, bursa, and yolk sac weights were analyzed. Erythrogram data were obtained with a blood cell counter. Total plasma protein and plasma glucose were determined by using the Bradford method (1976) and a glucose PAP liquiform kit (Labtest, cat. n. 84), respectively. Specific leukocyte counts were carried out on blood smears stained with Rosenfeld solution. According to the obtained data, water and feed post-hatching fasting reduced MCV values, which also were lower in males than that in females. Fasting for 48 hours promoted an increase in PP, while fasting for 72 hours reduced HCT. Chicks submitted to fasting presented lower body weights as compared to fed chicks, but their liver weight did not increase between 48 and 72 hours of age. Fasting decreased spleen weight, but bursa and yolk sac weight were not affected. Data showed that female and male chicks react in a similar way to post-hatching fasting, which affects body weight, liver and spleen weight, and HCT and PP values. Moreover, 72 hours of fasting affected more intensely HCT and MCV values.
The present study aimed at evaluating clinical and laboratory aspects during experimental envenomation by Crotalus durissus terrificus in dogs treated with antiophidic serum. Twenty-one dogs were divided into three groups of seven animals each. Group I received 1mg/kg venom (sc); Group II received 1mg/kg venom (sc), 50mg antiophidic serum (iv), and fluid therapy including 0.9% NaCl solution (iv); and Group III received 1mg/kg venom (sc), 50mg antiophidic serum (iv), and fluid therapy including 0.9% NaCl solution containing sodium bicarbonate diluted to the dose of 4mEq/kg. The clinical signs of ataxia, sedation, flaccid paralysis, mydriasis, eyeball paralysis, mandible ptosis, sialorrhea, vomiting and diarrhea observed in the dogs were very similar to those observed in humans. The decrease in hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte, platelet and fibrinogen levels, prolongation of clotting time, prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), as well as hypocellularity in the bone marrow characterized anemia, thrombocytopenia and blood incoagulability, as well as hypofibrinogenemia and decreased bone-marrow activity. Important bleeding was not observed. Increased numbers of leukocytes and neutrophils and decreased numbers of lymphocytes and eosinophils characterized an acute inflammatory response and stress caused by generalized pain. The employed antiophidic serum was effective and all animals survived.
Insulin is an important modulator of growth and metabolic function in the central nervous system. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of swimming physical training (at 32̈±1̈C, 1 hr/day, 5 days/week, with an overload equivalent to 5% of the body weight, for 4 weeks) on brain insulin concentrations in alloxan induced type 1 diabetic rats. Training attenuated hyperglycemia but had no effect on insulinemia in diabetic rats. Hematocrit and blood albumin values remained without changes. Brain insulin did not change in diabetic rats. However, physical training increased the concentration in both control and diabetic rats. It is concluded that in the present experimental conditions, diabetes had no influence on brain insulin, however moderate physical training increased the hormone in both control and diabetic animals.
Aim. Occlusion and reperfusion of splanchnic arteries cause local and systemic changes due to the release of cytotoxic substances and the interaction between neutrophils and endothelial cells. This study evaluated the role of pentoxifylline (PTX) and n-acetylcysteine (NAC) in the reduction of ischemia, reperfusion shock and associated intestinal injury. Methods. Sixty rats were divided into 6 groups of 10 animals. Rats in three groups underwent mesenteric ischemia for 30 minutes followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion, and were treated with saline (SAL-5 mL/kg/ h), pentoxifylline (PTX-50 mg/kg) or n-acetylcysteine (NAC-430 mg/kg/h). The other 3 groups underwent sham ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) and received the same treatments. Hemodynamic, biochemical and histological parameters were evaluated. Results. No significant hemodynamic or intestinal histological changes were seen in any sham group. No histological changes were found in the lung or liver of animals in the different groups. There was a progressive decrease in mean arterial blood pressure, from mean of 111.53 mmHg (30 minutes of ischemia) to 44.30±19.91 mmHg in SAL-I/R. 34.52±17.22 mmHg in PTX-I/R and 33.81±8.39 mmHg in NAC-I/R (P<0.05). In all I/R groups, there was a progressive decrease in: aortic blood flow, from median baseline of 19.00 mL/min to 2.50±5.25 mL/min in SAL-I/ R; 2.95±6.40 mL/min in PTX-I/R and 3.35±3.40 mL/min in NAC-I/R (P<0.05); in the heart rate, from mean baseline of 311.74 bpm to 233.33±83.88 bpm in SAL-I/R, 243.20±73.25 bpm in PTX-I/R and 244.92±76.05 bpm in NAC-I/R (P<0.05); and esophageal temperature, from mean baseline of 33.68°C to 30.53±2.05°C in SAL-I/R, 30.69±2.21°C in PTX-I/R and 31.43±1.03°C in NAC-I/R (P<0.05). In the other hand, there was an attenuation of mucosal damage in the small intestine of the animals receiving PTX, and only in the ileum of the animals receiving NAC. No changes were found in ileum or plasma malondialdehyde levels in any group. Conclusion. PTX was more efficient in reducing histological lesions than NAC, but neither treatment prevented hemodynamic changes during splanchnic organs I/R.
This study verified the effects of CaSO4 on physiological responses of the tropical fish matrinxãBrycon amazonicus(200.2 ± 51.1 g) in water containing CaSO4 after a 4-h transportation at concentrations of: 0, 75, 150, and 300 mg L-1. Blood samples were collected prior to transportation (initial levels), immediately after packaging, at arrival, and 24 h and 96 h after transportation (recovery). Cortisol levels increased after ackaging (118.2 ± 14.2 ng ml-1), and decreased slightly after transportation in water containing CaSO4 (106.8 ± 14.1), but remained higher than initial levels (21.0 ± 2.6 ng ml)1). Fish kept at 150 mg L-1 CaSO4 reached the pre-transportation levels at 24 h of recovery. Blood glucose increased after transportation in all treatments (8.2 ± 0.2 mmol L-1) and declined after full recovery to values below initial levels (4.8 ± 0.1 mmol L-1). Chloride levels did not change in CaSO4 treatments; serum sodium concentrations decreased after packaging and after transportation. Serum calcium levels did not differ among treatments, but decreased after packaging and increased at 96 h of recovery. Hematocrit and the number of red blood cells were higher in all treatments after packaging and arrival, except in fish exposed to 300 mg L-1 CaSO4. Mean corpuscular volume increased in 75 mg L-1 CaSO4, which reached the higher VCM after transportation. Hemoglobin levels increased only after transportation, regardless of calcium sulfate levels. Handling before transportation and transportation itself were both stressful to fish; calcium sulfate at concentrations tested in the present work had a moderate influence in the reduction of stress responses. © 2009 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin.
Associations between four microsatellite markers on chromosome 11 and five on chromosome 13 with performance, carcass and organs traits were investigated in chickens using a least-squares approach applied to single-marker analysis. Three hundred and twenty seven F 2 chickens from the EMBRAPA broiler×layer experimental population were evaluated for 16 traits: five related to performance, five to carcass and five to organs, plus the hematocrit. Two significance thresholds were considered: p<0.05 and p<0.0056; the last value resulted from the application of a multiple tests analyses correction. On chromosome 11, six associations (p<0.05) between the genotypes of two markers with four growth related and one carcass trait were found. On chromosome 13, six associations (p<0.05) between marker genotypes and three performance traits, eight associations (p<0.05) between marker genotypes and two carcass traits and eight associations (p<0.05) between marker genotypes and four organs traits were detected. These associations were indications of the presence of quantitative trait loci on these chromosomes, especially on chromosome 13. In this chromosome, the strongest evidence was for body weight at 41 days of age and percentage of carcass because the p-values exceeded the multiple test threshold (p<0.0056), but also for breast percentage and heart weight due to the large number of markers (four) on chromosome 13 associated with each one of these traits. These associations should be further investigated by interval mapping analyses to find QTL positions and to allow the estimation of their effects. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2009.
Complete blood counts and hemoglobin isoform data were gathered from 36 specimens of the turtle species Phrynops geoffroanus from the northwestern region of São Paulo State, Brazil. They were collected in an urban area. The hemoglobin profiles were obtained after red blood cell lysis and by electrophoretic migration in alkaline pH, acid pH, and neutral pH buffer. The hemoglobin components were confirmed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Erythrogram analysis included hematocrit, total hemoglobin concentration, total red blood cell count, and red blood cell indices. The leukogram included a total white blood cell count and a calculation of the percent values of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, heterophils, and azurophils. HPLC analysis revealed three hemoglobin components; the first with a concentration of 5.5%, the second was a major component with an average concentration of 67.1%, and the third with a concentration of 28.5%. The hematological profile obtained for these specimens allowed us to establish a pattern for P. geoffroanus in São Paulo State Northwestern region. The average hematocrit values were 22.5% for females and 24.0% for males. For total hemoglobin, we found average values of 6.66 g/dL in females and 7.22 g/dL in males. The number of white blood cells was 2725 x 103/μL for females and 2775 x 103/μL for males. There was a predominance of heterophils, eosinophils, and monocytes in both sexes. No significant differences were found between males and females for hematological profile. The hematological results were compared to literature data for other Chelonia. They were similar to what is known for fresh water turtles. © FUNPEC-RP.
This work has evaluated the hematological and biochemical profile by the use of sodium diclofenac, meloxicam and firocoxib in Wistar rats. The rats were distributed in groups: G1 (control), G2 (diclofenac sodium: 15 mg/kg), G3 (meloxicam: 2.0 mg/ kg), G4 (meloxicam: 10.0 mg/ kg), G5 (firocoxib: 5.0 mg/ kg) e G6 (firocoxib: 25.0 mg/ kg). The drugs were administered intragastrically (gavage) once a day, during five days and evaluated in three moments: M1 (48 hours after the beginning of the treatment), M2 (96 hours after the beginning of the treatment) and M3 (72 hours after the ending of the treatment). In each moment of each group, five to seven animals were evaluated and laboratory exams were performed. There were no significant changes observed in the biochemical and hematological parameters by the use of meloxicam and firocoxib. One of the effects of the sodium diclofenac was eritrogram variation as hematocrit, erythrocytes, hemoglobin decrease during the treatment. In addition, the platelets and total white blood cells counts did not change except for basophil. There was no changes in AST, ALP, GGT, urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium values. However, the values of protein, globulin and albumin decreased. It was concluded that diclofenac sodium does not provide large variations in the hemogram and biochemical profile than the meloxicam and firocoxib do not provide delletery effects in laboratories tests.
Juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, were fed to apparent satiation twice daily with purified diets containing 0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, and 16.0 mg/kg and 0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, and 32.0 mg/kg of thiamin in separate 14- and 8-wk trials (Experiments 1 and 2, respectively). Fish fed the diet devoid of thiamin developed neurological disorders, anorexia, reduced growth, and feed efficiency and increased mortality (Experiment 2 only) within 4-6 and 8-10 wk for Experiments 2 and 1, respectively. Low red blood cell count (RBC) and hematocrit (Ht) were observed in fish fed the thiamin-deficient diet. Serum pyruvate was elevated in fish fed the thiamin unsupplemented diet. Serum lactate was not affected by dietary thiamin levels. Whole body protein was unaffected by dietary levels of thiamin. Body moisture and ash increased whereas body lipid decreased in fish fed the thiamin unsupplemented diets. None of these abnormalities were observed in fish fed the thiamin-supplemented diets. Using the response curves determined by PROC NLMIXED to estimate dietary thiamin levels required for various response variables, a dietary thiamin level of 3.5 mg/kg diet was adequate for optimum growth, feed intake and efficiency, survival, prevention of neurological symptoms, and maintaining normal levels of RBC, Ht, serum pyruvate, and proximate body composition. © 2011.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the hemodynamic and acid-base status of dogs subjected to acute normovolemic anemia. The dogs (n = 10) were evaluated 15 minutes and 24 hours after induction of anemia (hematocrit below 18) with blood withdrawal and simultaneously replacement of same volume of Ringer's lactate solution and hydroxyethyl starch-based solution in a 2:1 ratio. The cardiac output was measured by Doppler echocardiography and blood pressure by oscillometric device, and posteriorly hemodynamic parameters were calculated. The anemic groups had increase in cardiac index (P <.05) (3.82 ± 1.05 to 5.86 ± 1.49 and 5.81 ± 1.63 L/min m) and decreases (P <.05) in the indices of total peripheral resistance (6797.81 ± 3060.22 to 3220.14 ± 1275.02 and 3887.74 ± 1394.89 dinaseg/cm 5× m2) and oxygen delivery (7942.84 ± 3344.00 to 4021.68 ± 1627.00 and 4430.82 ± 1402.61 mL/min× m 2), respectively. There were no significant changes in pH, but PaO2 and SaO2 values were increased, and PaCO2 reduced in anemic dogs (P <.05). Therefore, acute normovolemic anemia can create significant hemodynamic changes and despite some hemogasometric changes, there were no changes in the acid-base status in dogs. Copyright © 2011 Tatiana Champion et al.
The accelerated growth of finfish aquaculture has resulted in a series of health problems, including blood disorders by hemoparasites; there are scarce studies about these agents and their impact in actual intensive farming. The aim of this study was to identify and quantify the hemoparasites present in monocytes and erythrocytes in the blood of tilapia and their correlation with the hematological profile. Blood samples were collected from caudal vessels of 15 cage-reared Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), with 70 ± 10 g weight on average, from Itambaracá Municipality, Parana State, Brazil. The total red blood cells, mean corpuscular volume, hematocrit, total and differential white blood cells counts, and the number of thrombocytes were determined in blood smears stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa-Wright and Quick Panoptic. The results showed the presence of pleomorphic cytoplasmic inclusions with corrugated appearance and basophilic staining, mainly in monocytes, suggesting Anaplasmataceae parasitemia and inclusions with the same morphological characteristics in erythrocytes of one Nile tilapia. The hematological analysis showed no significant difference (P < 0.05) between infected and not infected fish, and therefore, there was no correlation between parasitemia and hematological profile. These observations allow us to infer that the intracytoplasmic inclusions in monocytes and erythrocytes are compatible with the family Anaplasmataceae. There was no correlation between the blood profile and low level of parasitemia. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London.
It was analyzed if the effects of continuous incubation temperature deviations during the second half on the development of body, organs and hematological respiratory and energetic parameters differ between male and female from 30- and 60-week-old breeder eggs. From day 13, Cobb eggs were exposed to 36°C, 37.5°C, or 39°C. At 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after this change in the temperature and at hatch, red cells count, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, plasma glucose level and body, liver and heart weights were evaluated. Independent of incubation temperature, sexes and breeder ages, mean corpuscular volume decreased and the other variables increased during late incubation. In 30-week-old breeder eggs, body weights and erythrocytic parameters were not influenced by temperature but liver and heart weights decreased increasing incubation temperature and glucose level increased at 36 and 39°C. In 60-week-old breeder eggs, males were heavier at hatching with incubation at 36°C and females had smaller body weights with incubation at 39°C. In both sexes, liver weight decreased and glucose concentration was higher at 36 and 39°C and heart weights and erythrocytes parameters were not influenced by temperature. Independent of breeder age, hatchability was lower at 39°C. The data show that high temperature from day 13 of incubation reduced more intensively the hatching success and caused cardiac hypoplasia in chicks from 30-week-old breeder eggs only, revealing for the first time that the susceptibility for ascites syndrome, by reduced heart development at hatching, is associated to a relationship between incubation temperature and egg size. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2012.
This study was aimed to verify if chicks from eggs injected with ascorbic acid and subjected to thermal stress would have higher immunity than chicks from incubation at thermoneutrality without injection of ascorbic acid. The parameters evaluated were temperature on oxygen saturation in hemoglobin, glucose, number of erythrocytes, hematocrit rate and number of hemoglobins of newly hatched male chicks, hatched from eggs injected with ascorbic acid (AA) and subjected to thermal stress during incubation. The experimental design was completely randomized in factorial scheme 5 (application levels of ascorbic acid) x 2 (incubation temperatures). The data were subjected to analysis of variance using the General Linear Model procedure (GLM) of SAS ®. For the parameters (number of erythrocytes, rate of hematrocit and values of hemoglobin), there was significant interaction (p <0.05) between treatments in egg and incubation temperatures. Analyzing the interactions for these parameters, it was observed that the application of 0% ascorbic acid in egg minimized the effect of heat stress when compared with treatment without injection. The application of ascorbic acid levels in eggs incubated under heat stress failed to maximize the immunity of newly hatched chicks. It is assumed that the increased liquid in the amniotic fluid, in those embryos injected with water, favored the lower heat conductance for these embryos, thus helping in their development in relation to immunity. Considering that hemoglobin is related to the transport of gases, these data suggest that increasing the concentration of AA solution inoculated may influence the respiratory rates of eggs.