603 resultados para HELLER MYOTOMY
Este artigo compara três versões do modelo Z-D que descrevem graficamente a função emprego de Keynes. Ao mesmo tempo, o artigo corrige a redação dada por Keynes, na Teoria Geral, à descrição desta função. O artigo conclui que as versões em pauta têm o mérito de demonstrar que é possível descrever a função emprego através de um diagrama inspirado no conceito de demanda efetiva e considerando suposições menos restritas que as utilizadas por Keynes.
Este artigo reavalia o modelo simplificado da Teoria Geral de Keynes elaborado por James Meade e procura complementar alguns dos argumentos teóricos que Meade deixou apenas indicados. O artigo também responde às solicitações de Frisch a Meade, quanto à explicação do significado de estabilidade e à explicitação dos pressupostos que garantem suas conclusões. Além disso, apresenta alguns dos cálculos não desenvolvidos por Meade, e, quando necessário, suas devidas correções.
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar, explicitar e analisar as concepções de desenvolvimento/aprendizagem presentes no trabalho de profissionais de uma escola pública, visando à construção de conhecimentos que permitissem transformar a prática educativa. Elaboraram-se roteiros de entrevista para os professores, o coordenador pedagógico e a direção, um roteiro de observação de aulas e um para consulta ao projeto pedagógico. Os dados foram organizados em categorias que relacionam as concepções de desenvolvimento/aprendizagem apresentadas pela Teoria Histórico-Cultural àquelas encontradas nos dados obtidos na escola. Verificou-se que o trabalho desses profissionais não é fundamentado em uma única concepção de desenvolvimento/aprendizagem, o que pôde ser demonstrado pela coexistência de várias teorias, entre as quais se destacam a de Piaget e a de Vigotski. Constatou-se que as abordagens dos profissionais da escola são permeadas pela cotidianidade, discutindo-se, a partir da Teoria do Cotidiano, de Heller, a invasão de um espaço de produção do conhecimento por ações/reflexões cotidianas.
Based on recent surveys of the freshwater decapod fauna, distributional data of five exotic species of freshwater decapod crustaceans for the hydrographic basins of the state of São Paulo are presented, as part of a large initiative for a comprehensive survey of the state's biodiversity (BIOTA-FAPESP Program). These species are the North American crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard) (Cambaridae), the crab Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson (Trichodactylidae) from the Amazon and Paraguay/lower Parana River Basins, and the palaemonid shrimps Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man), from the Indo-Pacific region, Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller) and Macrobrachium jelskii (Miers), both from the Orinoco, Amazon and the Paraguay/lower Parana River Basins. Possible modes by which their introduction might have occurred are commented upon and potential consequences are discussed.
There is an increasing need for more accurate prognostic and predictive markers in veterinary oncology because of an increasing number of treatment options, the increased financial costs associated with treatment, and the emotional stress experienced by owners in association with the disease and its treatment. Numerous studies have evaluated potential prognostic and predictive markers for veterinary neoplastic diseases, but there are no established guidelines or standards for the conduct and reporting of prognostic studies in veterinary medicine. This lack of standardization has made the evaluation and comparison of studies difficult. Most important, translating these results to clinical applications is problematic. To address this issue, the American College of Veterinary Pathologists' Oncology Committee organized an initiative to establish guidelines for the conduct and reporting of prognostic studies in veterinary oncology. The goal of this initiative is to increase the quality and standardization of veterinary prognostic studies to facilitate independent evaluation, validation, comparison, and implementation of study results. This article represents a consensus statement on the conduct and reporting of prognostic studies in veterinary oncology from veterinary pathologists and oncologists from around the world. These guidelines should be considered a recommendation based on the current state of knowledge in the field, and they will need to be continually reevaluated and revised as the field of veterinary oncology continues to progress. As mentioned, these guidelines were developed through an initiative of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists' Oncology Committee, and they have been reviewed and endorsed by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association.
This paper deals with Joan Robinson's contributions to the issue of technical progress and her attempts of treating this subject in accordance to the Keynesian theory of employment and income distribution, mainly in the long run. This paper aims to review this aspect of her work and to establish a systematisation and a formalisation of her approach. At the same time the paper exposes the problems she faced - and did not always solve. Looking through her main contributions, the paper concludes that she used different criteria for the classification of innovations and that they depended on the specific situations described by the models in which she used the classification.
This paper deals with Joan Robinson's contributions to the issue of technical progress and her attempts at treating this subject in accordance with the Keynesian theory of employment and income distribution, mainly in the long run. The paper aims to review this aspect of her work and to establish a systematisation and a formalisation of her approach. At the same time, the paper exposes the problems she faced - but did not always solve. Looking through her main contributions, the paper concludes that she used different criteria for the classification of innovations and that they depended on the specific situations described by the models in which she used the classification.
Incluye Bibliografía
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS