1000 resultados para Grant, James J.
Key factors that provide context for the state's Maternal and Child Health (MCH) annual report and state plan are highlighted in this overview. This section briefly outlines Iowa's demographics, population changes, economic indicators and significant public initiatives. Major strategic planning efforts affecting development of program activities are also identified.
La première traduction en français de « The Varieties of Religious Experience » fut publiée en 1906 et elle connut aussitôt un très grand retentissement. Dans cet ouvrage, William James affirme: « D'un point de vue tout psychologique, la religion est une fonction éternelle de l'esprit humain ». Toutefois, caractériser la religion par une fonction si fondamentale, sous-jacente à tous les systèmes de croyances, ne conduit pas James à porter un regard dévalorisant sur la multiplicité des formes religieuses. Au contraire, il y voit l'expression de la variété des combinaisons possibles du religieux avec la vie psychique sous ses différents aspects. Ce livre a pour but non seulement de relire William James un siècle après la publication de Varieties, mais aussi de préciser, sur la base des connaissances actuelles, quelles sont les fonctions psychologiques du religieux.
Publicado en inglés en el año 1978, el libro de K. J. Dover Homosexualidad griega se considera el primer ensayo serio dedicado a la homosexualidad masculina en la Grecia clásica. Éste y otros trabajos del mismo autor tuvieron influencia importante en los dos volúmenes centrados en la antigüedad de Histoire de la sexualité de Michel Foucault, de quién la edición española incluye como prólogo la reseña que el filósofo escribió a raíz de la edición francesa de la obra de K. J. Dover en 1982. La presente edición incluye, además, un actualizado apartado bibliográfico sobre la sexualidad en el mundo grecorromano y la homosexualidad en Grecia.
This document is the DMC Section of Iowa’s 2009 federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDP Act) formula grant three year plan update. The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) wrote this update. CJJP is the state agency responsible for administering the JJDP Act in Iowa. Federal officials refer to state administering agencies as the state planning agency (SPA). The Plan was developed and approved by Iowa’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. That Council assists with administration of the JJDP Act, and also provides guidance and direction to the SPA, the Governor and the legislature regarding juvenile justice issues in Iowa. Federal officials refer to such state level groups as state advisory groups (SAG’s). The acronyms SPA and SAG are used through this report.
The Iowa Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) entered into a contract for services from January 2, 2007 to June 30, 2008 for the purposes of assisting in the evaluation component for the two-year Prison Re-Entry Initiative (PRI) grand awarded to the DOC by the U.S. Office of Justice Programs. The PRI grant period ran from July 2006 through June 2008 and included two primary components. First, all PRI participants returning to Polk County would participate in a Lifeskills curriculum offered through the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) at four Iowa prison institutions located at Mitchellville, Newton, Fort Dodge and Rockwell City. Second, all PRI participants returning to Polk County would be referred to The Directors Council (TDC) for cmmunity-based wrap-around services.
Publicado en inglés en el año 1978, el libro de K. J. Dover Homosexualidad griega se considera el primer ensayo serio dedicado a la homosexualidad masculina en la Grecia clásica. Éste y otros trabajos del mismo autor tuvieron influencia importante en los dos volúmenes centrados en la antigüedad de Histoire de la sexualité de Michel Foucault, de quién la edición española incluye como prólogo la reseña que el filósofo escribió a raíz de la edición francesa de la obra de K. J. Dover en 1982. La presente edición incluye, además, un actualizado apartado bibliográfico sobre la sexualidad en el mundo grecorromano y la homosexualidad en Grecia.
This is an overview of the program that the General Assembly of Iowa appropriated $1 million for to the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs with the intent to improve delivery services by the various County Commissions of Veterans Affairs to veterans in their respective counties.
The Duck Creek watershed has been the target study area of multiple reports by multiple agencies including a 2009 DNR Watershed Master Planning Grant, and the 2011 Duck and Blackhawk Creek Stream Assessment. The information obtained from these reports has lead the City of Davenport to take a micro-watershed approach to identifying the significant contributors to flooding and water quality issues that affect Duck Creek, its tributaries and the surrounding landscape, and devise solutions to mitigate these concerns. The construction of the proposed Littig Area Detention Basin comes as a recommendation from the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan for Pheasant, Goose, and Silver Creeks as prepared by James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc. in September 1991. At the time this report was prepared this basin was one of eight regional detention basins proposed in the upstream watersheds to alleviate flooding on tributaries to Duck Creek. The basin is designed and situated to detain runoff from approximately two hundred and twenty-seven (227) acres of previously developed moderate density residential area with intermixed light business and schools. This basin will reduce flow rates entering the receiving waters from the two, five and ten year storm events by an average of eighty-five percent (85%) and reduce flow rates from the twenty-five, fifty, and one hundred year events by a11 average of fifty percent (50%). With this flow rate reduction it is anticipated that streambank erosion in the immediate downstream receiving waters can be reduced or even stopped. The reduction in sediment leaving this upstream area will greatly enhance the water quality further downstream in Goose and Duck Creeks.
To address safety concerns on James Avenue NW and 250th Street NW, from the North Corporate Limits (NCL) of Tiffin, north and east to I-380 (at North Liberty), the Johnson County engineer requested a road safety audit (RSA). The audit was conducted on September 1, 2010, through a program supported by the Office of Traffic and Safety at the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). This road is a seal-coated roadway, about 25-ft wide, but with only about 0-1 ft of earth shoulders. According to 2006 Iowa DOT estimates, traffic volume is about 820 vehicles per day, north from Tiffin to a commercial entrance on 250th Street, then increasing to 2,990 vehicles per day to the on-ramp of Interstate 380 (I-380). Local traffic uses this road as a short-cut to Cedar Rapids, North Liberty, and the I-380/I-80 interchange (to avoid congestion on IA 965). This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team for addressing the safety concerns on this roadway.
Key factors that provide context for the state's Maternal and Child Health (MCH) annual report and state plan are highlighted in this overview. This section briefly outlines Iowa's demographics, population changes, economic indicators and significant public initiatives. Major strategic planning efforts affecting development of program activities are also identified.
Title V of the Social Security Act is the longest-standing public health legislation in American history. Enacted in 1935, Title V is a federal-state partnership that promotes and improves maternal and child health (MCH). According to each state’s unique needs, Title V supports a spectrum of services, from infrastructure building services like quality assurance and policy development, to gap-filling direct health care services. Title V resources are directed towards MCH priority populations: pregnant women, mothers, infants, women of reproductive years, children and adolescents and children and youth with special health care needs.