869 resultados para Good and evil.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Financial literacy (fl) is generally regarded as an economic good which individuals choose whether or not to consume depending on how much of a contribution they expect it to make to the quality of their financial decision-making. This construct has not, however, been tested empirically. In this study we analyse variations in fl on the part of individuals who experience major life-cycle events that show up in the data and that can be assumed to have repercussions on their personal finances. The analysis of a panel made up of approximately 12,000 people indicates that there is a correlation between 13 of the 17 selected life events and financial decisions, but only one of those events (job training) is associated with a change in fl. This evidence casts doubt upon the conceptualization of fl as an economic good and is in line with a series of other studies that, for one reason or another, have questioned the soundness of the current conceptual approach to FL.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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We investigate the nonequilibrium roughening transition of a one-dimensional restricted solid-on-solid model by directly sampling the stationary probability density of a suitable order parameter as the surface adsorption rate varies. The shapes of the probability density histograms suggest a typical Ginzburg-Landau scenario for the phase transition of the model, and estimates of the "magnetic" exponent seem to confirm its mean-field critical behavior. We also found that the flipping times between the metastable phases of the model scale exponentially with the system size, signaling the breaking of ergodicity in the thermodynamic limit. Incidentally, we discovered that a closely related model not considered before also displays a phase transition with the same critical behavior as the original model. Our results support the usefulness of off-critical histogram techniques in the investigation of nonequilibrium phase transitions. We also briefly discuss in the appendix a good and simple pseudo-random number generator used in our simulations.


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Abstract Background Hypertension can be generated by a great number of mechanisms including elevated uric acid (UA) that contribute to the anion superoxide production. However, physical exercise is recommended to prevent and/or control high blood pressure (BP). The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between BP and UA and whether this relationship may be mediated by the functional fitness index. Methods All participants (n = 123) performed the following tests: indirect maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), AAHPERD Functional Fitness Battery Test to determine the general fitness functional index (GFFI), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), body mass index (BMI) and blood sample collection to evaluate the total-cholesterol (CHOL), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-c), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c), triglycerides (TG), uric acid (UA), nitrite (NO2) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (T-BARS). After the physical, hemodynamic and metabolic evaluations, all participants were allocated into three groups according to their GFFI: G1 (regular), G2 (good) and G3 (very good). Results Baseline blood pressure was higher in G1 when compared to G3 (+12% and +11%, for SBP and DBP, respectively, p<0.05) and the subjects who had higher values of BP also presented higher values of UA. Although UA was not different among GFFI groups, it presented a significant correlation with GFFI and VO2max. Also, nitrite concentration was elevated in G3 compared to G1 (140±29 μM vs 111± 29 μM, for G3 and G1, respectively, p<0.0001). As far as the lipid profile, participants in G3 presented better values of CHOL and TG when compared to those in G1. Conclusions Taking together the findings that subjects with higher BP had elevated values of UA and lower values of nitrite, it can be suggested that the relationship between blood pressure and the oxidative stress produced by acid uric may be mediated by training status.


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Reflecting their exceptional radiation, snakes occur in different habitats and microhabitats and are able to eat numerous types of prey. The availability of good and comprehensive phylogenies for different snake’s lineages together with natural history data provides an opportunity to explore how ecological traits diversified during their radiation. In the present study, we describe the diet and microhabitat variation (arboreal or non-arboreal) in the tribe Pseudoboini and explore how these traits evolved during the tribe’s diversification. We analyzed specimens deposited in scientific collections and gathered information on diet and microhabitat use available in the literature and provided by other researchers. We also mapped diet and microhabitat data onto a phylogeny of the tribe using the principle of parsimony. Pseudoboine snakes feed mainly on lizards and small mammals, and of the 22 species for which a minimum number of prey records was obtained, nine are diet generalists, six are lizard specialists, three are small mammal specialists, two are snake specialists, one is a lizard egg specialist, and one is a bird egg specialist. The highly diverse feeding habits of pseudoboines seem to have evolved mainly in the terminal taxa. Among those species that had enough microhabitat data (17 species), Drepanoides anomalus, Siphlophis cervinus, S. compressus, and S. pulcher frequently use the vegetation. Our results indicate that an increase in arboreality evolved several times during the diversification of the tribe, and that the Siphlophis clade seems to have maintained the high degree of arboreality from its ancestor. Species that frequently use vegetation are either lizard or lizard egg specialists, indicating that these habits might be associated in the evolution of pseudoboines.


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Aging is a physiological process characterized by a progressive decline of the “cellular homeostatic reserve”, refereed as the capability to respond suitably to exogenous and endogenous stressful stimuli. Due to their high energetic requests and post-mitotic nature, neurons are peculiarly susceptible to this phenomenon. However, the aged brain maintains a certain level of adaptive capacities and if properly stimulated may warrant a considerable functional recovery. Aim of the present research was to verify the plastic potentialities of the aging brain of rats subjected to two kind of exogenous stimuli: A) the replacement of the standard diet with a ketogenic regimen (the change forces the brain to use ketone bodies (KB) in alternative to glucose to satisfy the energetic needs) and B) a behavioural task able to induce the formation of inhibitory avoidance memory. A) Fifteen male Wistar rats of 19 months of age were divided into three groups (average body weight pair-matched), and fed for 8 weeks with different dietary regimens: i) diet containing 10% medium chain triglycerides (MCT); ii) diet containing 20% MCT; iii) standard commercial chow. Five young (5 months of age) and five old (26-27 months of age) animals fed with the standard diet were used as further controls. The following morphological parameters reflecting synaptic plasticity were evaluated in the stratum moleculare of the hippocampal CA1 region (SM CA1), in the outer molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (OML DG), and in the granule cell layer of the cerebellar cortex (GCL-CCx): average area (S), numeric density (Nvs), and surface density (Sv) of synapses, and average volume (V), numeric density (Nvm), and volume density (Vv) of synaptic mitochondria. Moreover, succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) activity was cytochemically determined in Purkinje cells (PC) and V, Nvm, Vv, and cytochemical precipitate area/mitochondrial area (R) of SDH-positive mitochondria were evaluated. In SM CA1, MCT-KDs induced the early appearance of the morphological patterns typical of old animals: higher S and V, and lower Nvs and Nvm. On the contrary, in OML DG, Sv and Vv of MCT-KDs-fed rats were higher (as a result of higher Nvs and Nvm) vs. controls; these modifications are known to improve synaptic function and metabolic supply. The opposite effects of MCT-KDs might reflect the different susceptibility of these brain regions to the aging processes: OML DG is less vulnerable than SM CA1, and the reactivation of ketone bodies uptake and catabolism might occur more efficiently in this region, allowing the exploitation of their peculiar metabolic properties. In GCL-CCx, the results described a new scenario in comparison to that found in the hippocampal formation: 10%MCT-KD induced the early appearance of senescent patterns (decreased Nvs and Nvm; increased V), whereas 20%MCT-KD caused no changes. Since GCL-CCx is more vulnerable to age than DG, and less than CA1, these data further support the hypothesis that MCT-KDs effects in the aging brain critically depend on neuronal vulnerability to age, besides MCT percentage. Regarding PC, it was decided to evaluate only the metabolic effect of the dietetic regimen (20%MCT-KD) characterized by less side effects. KD counteracted age-related decrease in numeric density of SDH-positive mitochondria, and enhanced their energetic efficiency (R was significantly higher in MCT-KD-fed rats vs. all the controls). Since it is well known that Purkinje and dentate gyrus cells are less vulnerable to aging than CA1 neurons, these results corroborate our previous hypothesis. In conclusion, the A) experimental line provides the first evidence that morphological and functional parameters reflecting synaptic plasticity and mitochondrial metabolic competence may be modulated by MCT-KDs in the pre-senescent central nervous system, and that the effects may be heterogeneous in different brain regions. MCT-KDs seem to supply high energy metabolic intermediates and to be beneficial (“anti-aging”) for those neurons that maintain the capability to exploit them. This implies risks but also promising potentialities for the therapeutic use of these diets during aging B) Morphological parameters of synapses and synaptic mitochondria in SM CA1 were investigated in old (26-27 month-old) female Wistar rats following a single trial inhibitory avoidance task. In this memory protocol animals learn to avoid a dark compartment in which they received a mild, inescapable foot-shock. Rats were tested 3 and 6 or 9 hours after the training, divided into good and bad responders according to their performance (retention times above or below 100 s, respectively) and immediately sacrificed. Nvs, S, Sv, Nvm, V, and Vv were evaluated. In the good responder group, the numeric density of synapses and mitochondria was significantly higher and the average mitochondrial volume was significantly smaller 9 hours vs. 6 hours after the training. No significant differences were observed among bad responders. Thus, better performances in passive avoidance memory task are correlated with more efficient plastic remodeling of synaptic contacts and mitochondria in hippocampal CA1. These findings indicate that maintenance of synaptic plastic reactivity during aging is a critical requirement for preserving long-term memory consolidation.


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Development aid involves a complex network of numerous and extremely heterogeneous actors. Nevertheless, all actors seem to speak the same ‘development jargon’ and to display a congruence that extends from the donor over the professional consultant to the village chief. And although the ideas about what counts as ‘goodand ‘bad’ aid have constantly changed over time —with new paradigms and policies sprouting every few years— the apparent congruence between actors more or less remains unchanged. How can this be explained? Is it a strategy of all actors to get into the pocket of the donor, or are the social dynamics in development aid more complex? When a new development paradigm appears, where does it come from and how does it gain support? Is this support really homogeneous? To answer the questions, a multi-sited ethnography was conducted in the sector of water-related development aid, with a focus on 3 paradigms that are currently hegemonic in this sector: Integrated Water Resources Management, Capacity Building, and Adaptation to Climate Change. The sites of inquiry were: the headquarters of a multilateral organization, the headquarters of a development NGO, and the Inner Niger Delta in Mali. The research shows that paradigm shifts do not happen overnight but that new paradigms have long lines of descent. Moreover, they require a lot of work from actors in order to become hegemonic; the actors need to create a tight network of support. Each actor, however, interprets the paradigms in a slightly different way, depending on the position in the network. They implant their own interests in their interpretation of the paradigm (the actors ‘translate’ their interests), regardless of whether they constitute the donor, a mediator, or the aid recipient. These translations are necessary to cement and reproduce the network.


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This thesis gives an overview of the history of gold per se, of gold as an investment good and offers some institutional details about gold and other precious metal markets. The goal of this study is to investigate the role of gold as a store of value and hedge against negative market movements in turbulent times. I investigate gold’s ability to act as a safe haven during periods of financial stress by employing instrumental variable techniques that allow for time varying conditional covariance. I find broad evidence supporting the view that gold acts as an anchor of stability during market downturns. During periods of high uncertainty and low stock market returns, gold tends to have higher than average excess returns. The effectiveness of gold as a safe haven is enhanced during periods of extreme crises: the largest peaks are observed during the global financial crises of 2007-2009 and, in particular, during the Lehman default (October 2008). A further goal of this thesis is to investigate whether gold provides protection from tail risk. I address the issue of asymmetric precious metal behavior conditioned to stock market performance and provide empirical evidence about the contribution of gold to a portfolio’s systematic skewness and kurtosis. I find that gold has positive coskewness with the market portfolio when the market is skewed to the left. Moreover, gold shows low cokurtosis with the market returns during volatile periods. I therefore show that gold is a desirable investment good to risk averse investors, since it tends to decrease the probability of experiencing extreme bad outcomes, and the magnitude of losses in case such events occur. Gold thus bears very important and under-researched characteristics as an asset class per se, which this thesis contributed to address and unveil.


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During the last fifteen years organocatalysis emerged as a powerful tool for the enantioselective functionalization of the most different organic molecules. Both C-C and C-heteroatom bonds can be formed in an enantioselective fashion using many types of catalyst and the field is always growing. Many kind of chiral catalysts have emerged as privileged, but among them Proline, cinchona alkaloids, BINOL, and their derivatives showed to be particularly useful chiral scaffolds. This thesis, after a short presentation of many organocatalysts and activation modes, focuses mainly on cinchona alkaloid derived primary amines and BINOL derived chiral Brønsted acids, describing their properties and applications. Then, in the experimental part, these compounds are used for the catalysis of new transformations. The enantioselective Friedel-Crafts alkylation of cyclic enones with naphthols using cinchona alkaloid derived primary amines as catalysts is presented and discussed. The results of this work were very good and this resulted also in a publication. The same catalysts are then used to accomplish the enantioselective addition of indoles to cyclic enones. Many catalysts in combination with many acids as co-catalysts were tried and the reaction was fully studied. Selective N-alkylation was obtained in many cases, in combination with quite good to good enantioselectivities. Also other kind of catalysis were tried for this reaction, with interesting results. Another aza-Michael reaction between OH-free hydroxylamines and nitrostyrene using cinchona alkaloid derived thioureas is briefly discussed. Then our attention focused on Brønsted acid catalyzed transformations. With this regard, the Prins cyclization, a reaction never accomplished in an enantioselective fashion until now, is presented and developed. The results obtained are promising. In the last part of this thesis the work carried out abroad is presented. In Prof. Rueping laboratories, an enantioselective Nazarov cyclization using cooperative catalysis and the enantioselective desymmetrization of meso-hydrobenzoin catalyzed by Brønsted acid were studied.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and compare long-term functional outcome after partial carpal arthrodesis and pancarpal arthrodesis in dogs using kinetic gait analysis. METHODS: Fourteen dogs with 19 partial carpal or pancarpal arthrodeses were retrospectively examined and underwent force-plate gait analysis. Mean times since surgery were 29.4 and 24.4 months for pancarpal and partial carpal arthrodesis respectively. Vertical and braking-propulsive ground reaction force profiles were compared between treatment groups, and to those of normal dogs (control group) using Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance. RESULTS: With the exception of time to vertical peak that occurred earlier in dogs with pancarpal than in dogs with partial carpal arthrodesis (p <0.01), there was no difference between the two treatment groups. Several parameters differed significantly between operated and healthy dogs (p <0.01): vertical impulses were significantly lower in both treatment groups, braking forces and impulses were also reduced after both techniques. Propulsive forces and impulses were only reduced in dogs with pancarpal arthrodesis. When comparing gait parameters of sound limbs of unilateral operated dogs to those of control dogs, braking forces and impulses (p <0.01; p <0.05) were significantly higher in the sound legs of unilateral operated dogs. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Long-term outcome after partial carpal and pancarpal arthrodesis is good and comparable to each other. Propulsive action may be altered more in dogs with pancarpal arthrodesis.


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PURPOSE: To compare diagnostic accuracy of multi-station, high-spatial resolution contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) of the lower extremities with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) as the reference standard in patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial occlusive disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Of 485 consecutive patients undergoing a run-off CE-MRA, 152 patients (86 male, 66 female; mean age, 71.6 years) with suspected peripheral arterial occlusive disease were included into our Institutional Review Board approved study. All patients underwent MRA and DSA of the lower extremities within 30 days. MRA was performed at 1.5 Tesla with a single bolus of 0.1 mmol/kg body weight of gadobutrol administered at a rate of 2.0 mL/s at three stations. Two readers evaluated the MRA images independently for stenosis grade and image quality. Sensitivity and specificity were derived. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity ranged from 73% to 93% and 64% to 89% and were highest in the thigh area. Both readers showed comparable results. Evaluation of good and better quality MRAs resulted in a considerable improvement in diagnostic accuracy. CONCLUSION: Contrast-enhanced MRA demonstrates good sensitivity and specificity in the investigation of the vasculature of the lower extremities. While a minor investigator experience dependence remains, it is standardizable and shows good inter-observer agreement. Our results confirm that the administration of Gadobutrol at a standard dose of 0.1 mmol/kg for contrast-enhanced runoff MRA is able to detect hemodynamically relevant stenoses. Use of contrast-enhanced MRA as an alternative to intra-arterial DSA in the evaluation and therapeutic planning of patients with suspected peripheral arterial occlusive disease is well justified. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2013;37:1427-1435. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Mr. Korosenyi begins by analysing the particular relationship holding between politics and administration in different countries. Within Europe three major patterns have emerged in the 20th century. Firstly there is the politically neutral British Civil Service, secondly the German and French state bureaucracies, which traditionally are supposed to embody the "common good", and thirdly there is the patronage system of the so-called consociate democracies, e.g. Austria. In general Mr. Korosenyi believes that, though politics do not penetrate into the Hungarian administration to the extent they do in Belgium and Austria, nevertheless, there is a stronger fusion than there is in the traditional British pattern. He is particularly interested in this relationship with regard to its effect on democratic institution building and the stabilisation of the new regime in Hungary, now the old "nomenklatura" system has been abolished. The structure of the Hungarian government was a result of the constitutional amendments of 1989 and 1990. Analysing this period, it becomes clear that for all the political actors who initiated and supported the democratic transition to democracy, the underlying assumption was a radical depoliticisation of the administration in order to maintain its stability. The political leadership of the executive is a cabinet government. The government is structured along ministries, each headed by a politician, i.e. the minister, who is a member of the cabinet. The minister's political secretary is not a cabinet member, but he or she is a politician, usually a member of the parliament. The head of the administration of the ministry is the administrative state secretary, who is a civil servant. He or she usually has four deputies, also civil servants. Naturally it is assumed that there should be a clear separation between politicians and civil servants. However in practice, the borders can be blurred, giving rise to a hybrid known as the "political civil servant". Mr. Korosenyi analyses the different faces of these hybrids. They are civil servants for the following reasons. They need special educational qualifications, working experience, a civil service exam etc., they are not allowed to do anything which is incompatible with their impartial role, and they cannot occupy political office nor may they appear in the name of any political party. On the other hand, the accepted political dimension to their function is revealed by the following facts. The state secretary (a civil servant) may participate in cabinet meetings instead of the minister. The state secretary is employed by the minister. A state secretary or any of their deputies can be dismissed at any time by the minister or the prime minister. In practice then, ministers appoint to these senior administrative positions civil servants whose personal and political loyaties are strong. To the second level of political patronage in ministries belong the ministerial cabinet, press office and public relation office. The ministerial cabinet includes the private advisors and members of the personal staff of the minister. The press office and the PR office, if they exist, are not adjusted to the administrative hierarchy of the ministry, but under the direct control of the minister. In the beginning of the 1990s, such offices were exceptions; in the second half of the 90s they are accepted and to be found in most ministries. Mr. Korosenyi's work, a 92-page manuscript of a book in Hungarian, marks the first piece of literature within the field of political science which analyses the structure of the Hungarian government in the 1990s and the relationship between the political leadership and the public administration.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of patients with spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas (SDAVFs) that were treated with surgery, catheter embolization, or surgery after incomplete embolization. METHODS: The study included 21 consecutive patients with SDAVFs of the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral spine who were treated in our institution from 1994 to 2007. Thirteen patients were treated with catheter embolization alone. Four patients underwent hemilaminectomy and intradural interruption of the fistula. Four patients were treated by endovascular techniques followed by surgery. The clinical outcome was assessed using the modified Aminoff-Logue scale (ALS) for myelopathy and the modified Rankin scale (MRS) for general quality of life. Patient age ranged from 44 to 77 years (mean 64.7 years). RESULTS: Surgical as well as endovascular treatment resulted in a significant improvement in ALS (-62.5% and -31.4%, respectively, p < 0.05) and a tendency toward improved MRS (-50% and -32%, respectively) scores. Patients that underwent surgery after endovascular treatment due to incomplete occlusion of the fistula showed only a tendency for improvement in the ALS score (-16.7%), whereas the MRS score was not affected. CONCLUSION: We conclude that both endovascular and surgical treatment of SDAVFs resulted in a good and lasting clinical outcome in the majority of cases. In specific situations, when a secondary neurosurgical approach was required after endovascular treatment to achieve complete occlusion of the SDAVF, the clinical outcome was rather poor. The best first line treatment modality for each individual patient should be determined by an interdisciplinary team.


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BACKGROUND: At a mean follow-up of 3.1 years, twenty-seven consecutive repairs of massive rotator cuff tears yielded good and excellent clinical results despite a retear rate of 37%. Patients with a retear had improvement over the preoperative state, but those with a structurally intact repair had a substantially better result. The purpose of this study was to reassess the same patients to determine the long-term functional and structural results. METHODS: At a mean follow-up interval of 9.9 years, twenty-three of the twenty-seven patients returned for a review and were examined clinically, radiographically, and with magnetic resonance imaging with use of a methodology identical to that used at 3.1 years. RESULTS: Twenty-two of the twenty-three patients remained very satisfied or satisfied with the result. The mean subjective shoulder value was 82% (compared with 80% at 3.1 years). The mean relative Constant score was 85% (compared with 83% at 3.1 years). The retear rate was 57% at 9.9 years (compared with 37% at 3.1 years; p = 0.168). Patients with an intact repair had a better result than those with a failed reconstruction with respect to the mean absolute Constant score (81 compared with 64 points, respectively; p = 0.015), mean relative Constant score (95% and 77%; p = 0.002), and mean strength of abduction (5.5 and 2.6 kg; p = 0.007). The mean retear size had increased from 882 to 1164 mm(2) (p = 0.016). Supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle fatty infiltration had increased (p = 0.004 and 0.008, respectively). Muscles with torn tendons preoperatively showed more fatty infiltration than muscles with intact tendons preoperatively, regardless of repair integrity. Shoulders with a retear had a significantly higher mean acromion index than those without retear (0.75 and 0.65, respectively; p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Open repair of massive rotator cuff tears yielded clinically durable, excellent results with high patient satisfaction at a mean of almost ten years postoperatively. Conversely, fatty muscle infiltration of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus progressed, and the retear size increased over time. The preoperative integrity of the tendon appeared to be protective against muscle deterioration. A wide lateral extension of the acromion was identified as a previously unknown risk factor for retearing.