949 resultados para Glycine max (L.) merrill


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As the requirement for agriculture to be environmentally suitable there is a necessity to adopt indicators and methodologies approaching sustainability. In Brazil, biodiesel addition into diesel is mandatory and soybean oil is its main source. The material embodiment determines the convergence of inputs into the crop. Moreover, the material flows are necessary for any environmental analysis. This study evaluated distinct production scenarios, and also conventional versus GMO crops, through the material embodiment and energy analysis. GMO crops demanded less indirectly applied inputs. The energy balance showed linearity with yield, whereas for EROI, the increases in input and yield were not affected.


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Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform


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El objetivo de este estudio fue demostrar que la Prue- ba de Tetrazolio es un Método de Vigor para Glycine max, repetible dentro de los laboratorios y reproducible entre ellos. Se analizaron tres lotes de semillas de Glycine max, con una germinación de maior ou igual a 80% (lote 1: 92%; lote 2: 89% y lote 3: 80%), empleando la Prueba de Tetrazolio. En la validación participaron 6 laboratorios. Las semillas fueron clasificadas en cuatro categorías: vigor alto, vigor medio, vigor bajo y otras tinciones (semillas viables no vigoro- sas + semillas no viables). La suma de la proporción de las categorías de semillas de vigor alto, medio y bajo se expresó como Vigor-TZ (%). Los valores de Vigor-TZ (%) se encontraron dentro de los niveles de tolerancia esta- blecidos por ISTA. El dato de Vigor-TZ fue analizado sepa- radamente, usando el lculo del valor z-scores, valores h y valores k. El lculo de los valores z-scores revel que los datos de Vigor-TZ no excedieron el valor 2, por lo tanto los resultados son considerados satisfactorios. Los valores h mostraron que cinco laboratorios no sobreesti- maron ni subestimaron los resultados de todos los lotes de semillas. Los valores k mostraron la variabilidad entre las repeticiones de cada uno de los lotes dentro de cada laboratorio. Las repeticiones estuvieron en tolerancia para todos los lotes y todos los laboratorios. La prueba fue re- petible dentro de los laboratorios y reproducible en diferen- tes laboratorios. Concluimos que el dato para Vigor-TZ (%) muestra una variación aceptable y, por lo tanto, la Prueba de Tetrazolio puede ser aplicada como un método de vigor para soja.


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No ano agrícola 1990/91, em Jaguariúna, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foi realizado um experimento com o objetivo de avaliar o uso do numero de folhas trifolioladas da soja para o monitoramento da interferência das plantas daninhas, dando subsídios para a definição de parâmetros para o processo de tomada de decisão de controle. Foi usado o delineamento no campo em blocos casualizados, onde os tratamentos consistiram de diferentes épocas de controle através da capina, e uma testemunha sem capina e outra capinada durante todo o ciclo da cultura. As plantas daninhas predominantes na área do experimento foram: Brachiaria plantaginea e Sida gleziovii. Os dados de produtividade da cultura ajustaram-se ao modelo polinomial quadrático, através do qual determinou-se que a melhor época de controle foi aos 43 dias após a emergência da soja. A diferença entre o numero de folha de plantas de soja convivendo com a comunidade de plantas daninhas na produtividade da cultura, apostando diferença significativa aos 35 dias.


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Visando fornecer subsídios para programas de manejo de plantas daninhas em culturas agrícolas, foi realizado o presente estudo. Assim, foi conduzido um experimento de campo em Botucatu (Sao Paulo), com o objetivo de determinar, através do procedimento estatístico de análise de regressão, o período crítico para prevenção da interferência (PCPI) de plantas daninhas de folha larga na produtividade da cultura de soja. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados. A cultura foi mantida na presença das plantas daninhas de folha larga por diferentes períodos. O período crítico determinado foi de 21 a 30 dias após a emergência da cultura, segundo ajuste dos dados de produtividade ao modelo "Broken-stick". No entanto, o período crítico determinado apresentou-se de modo que permite o controle através do uso, uma única vez, de método momentâneo, sem efeito residual.


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To test the hypothesis that the plant stress related elicitor cis-jasmone (cJ) provides protection in soybean pods against the seed-sucking stink bug pest, Euschistus heros, the growth of E. heros on cJ-treated pods was investigated using three soybean cultivars differing in insect susceptibility, i.e. BRS 134 (susceptible), IAC 100 (resistant) and Dowling (resistant). E. heros showed reduced weight gain when fed cJ-treated Dowling, whereas no effect on weight gain was observed when fed other treated cultivars. Using analysis of variance, a three factor (cultivar x treatment x time) interaction was observed with concentrations of the flavonoid glycosides daidzin and genistin, and their corresponding aglycones, daidzein and genistein. There were increases in genistein and genistin concentrations in cJ-treated Dowling at 144 and 120 h post treatment, respectively. Higher concentrations of malonyldaidzin and malonylgenistin in Dowling, compared to BRS 134 and IAC 100, were observed independently of time, the highest concentrations being observed in cJ-treated seeds. Levels of glycitin and malonylglycitin were higher in BRS 134 and IAC 100 compared to Dowling. Canonical variate analysis indicated daidzein (in the first two canonical variates) and genistein (in the first only) as important discriminatory variables. These results suggest that cJ treatment leads to an increase in the levels of potentially defensive isoflavonoids in immature soybean seeds, but the negative effect upon E. heros performance is cultivar-dependent.


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The antioxidant activity of natural plant materials rich in phenolic compounds is being widely investigated for protection of food products sensitive to oxidative reactions. In this thesis plant materials rich in phenolic compounds were studied as possible antioxidants to prevent protein and lipid oxidation reactions in different food matrixes such as pork meat patties and corn oil-in water emulsions. Loss of anthocyanins was also measured during oxidation in corn oil-in-water emulsions. In addition, the impact of plant phenolics on amino acid level was studied using tryptophan as a model compound to elucidate their role in preventing the formation of tryptophan oxidation products. A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with ultraviolet and fluorescence detection (UV-FL) was developed that enabled fast investigation of formation of tryptophan derived oxidation products. Byproducts of oilseed processes such as rapeseed (Brassica rapa L.), camelina (Camelina sativa) and soy meal (Glycine max L.) as well as Scots pine bark (Pinus sylvestris) and several reference compounds were shown to act as antioxidants toward both protein and lipid oxidation in cooked pork meat patties. In meat, the antioxidant activity of camelina, rapeseed and soy meal were more pronounced when used in combination with a commercial rosemary extract (Rosmarinus officinalis). Berry phenolics such as black currant (Ribes nigrum) anthocyanins and raspberry (Rubus idaeus) ellagitannins showed potent antioxidant activity in corn oil-in-water emulsions toward lipid oxidation with and without β-lactoglobulin. The antioxidant effect was more pronounced in the presence of β-lactoglobulin. The berry phenolics also inhibited the oxidation of tryptophan and cysteine side chains of β-lactoglobulin. The results show that the amino acid side chains were oxidized prior the propagation of lipid oxidation, thereby inhibiting fatty acid scission. In addition, the concentration and color of black currant anthocyanins decreased during the oxidation. Oxidation of tryptophan was investigated in two different oxidation models with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hexanal/FeCl2. Oxidation of tryptophan in both models resulted in oxidation products such as 3a-hydroxypyrroloindole-2-carboxylic acid, dioxindolylalanine, 5-hydroxy-tryptophan, kynurenine, N-formylkynurenine and β-oxindolylalanine. However, formation of tryptamine was only observed in tryptophan oxidized in the presence of H2O2. Pine bark phenolics, black currant anthocyanins, camelina meal phenolics as well as cranberry proanthocyanidins (Vaccinium oxycoccus) provided the best antioxidant effect toward tryptophan and its oxidation products when oxidized with H2O2. The tryptophan modifications formed upon hexanal/FeCl2 treatment were efficiently inhibited by camelina meal followed by rapeseed and soy meal. In contrast, phenolics from raspberry, black currant, and rowanberry (Sorbus aucuparia) acted as weak prooxidants. This thesis contributes to elucidating the effects of natural phenolic compounds as potential antioxidants in order to control and prevent protein and lipid oxidation reactions. Understanding the relationship between phenolic compounds and proteins as well as lipids could lead to the development of new, effective, and multifunctional antioxidant strategies that could be used in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications.


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El presente trabajo consistió en un diagnóstico agro socioeconómico del sistema agrario de una zona entre los municipios de Posoltega y Quezalguaque de los departamentos de Chinandega y León que abarca un área de 23 km2 aproximadamente. El estudio se desarrolla bajo la metodología del análisis de sistemas, abarcando los sistemas de cultivo, pecuario y forestales, condiciones económicas y limitaciones de los productores de la zona. La metodología del estudio de zona comprende; la selección de la zona, fuentes secundarias (material bibliográfico, cartográfico de la zona ), un sondeo de zona, división de la zona en sub-zonas homogéneas, historia agraria, realización de encuestas base con la finalidad de elaborar las pre-tipologías ( 45 entrevistas a productores que representan el cien por ciento de productores de la zona). Dando como resultado de las encuestas base tres tipos de pre-tipologías que son; Pequeños productores individuales, Sector cooperativo y Medianos productores individuales, en base a la clasificación que realizó Nitlapan ( 1993 ), de estos se seleccionaron siete casos para un estudio profundo de los sistemas de finca, quedando tres casos para Pequeños productores individuales, tres casos para el Sector cooperativo y un caso para Medianos productores, en base a su representatividad dentro de la zona de estudio. Se dio un seguimiento semanal durante todo el ciclo de primera y postrera del año 1994. dando como resultado al finalizar el ciclo de postrera la realización de los modelos, conocidos como tipologías definidas de sistemas de producción, quedando tres tipos fundamentales de productores que son: Productores de granos básicos que se caracterizan por ser beneficiados de la reforma agraria de la década de los ochenta, Con áreas reducidas para el desarrollo de las distintas actividades y sin posibilidad de aumento, no poseen capital circulante, las actividades no agropecuarias representan mucha importancia, presentan un sistema de cultivo maíz ( Zea mays L ) y frijol común ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.), utiliza sólo mano de obra familiar poco uso de productos químicos por falta de dinero, un sistema forestal bien desarrollado y sus principales limitantes son; la obtención de agua y mala comercialización de sus productos. Los productores con diversificación agropecuaria son individuales privados que se ubican cerca del Umbral de Reproducción Simple ( URS ), con una tendencia hacia el aumento de sus áreas, producto de una gran diversidad de cultivos como; maiz ( Zea mays L), frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L ), ajonjoli ( Sesamum indica L ), sorgo ( Sorghum bicolor L ), sorgo escobero ( Sorghum vulgare Pers ), yuca ( Manihot esculenta Cranz), utilizando en cierto grado tracción mécanica y productos químicos, un sistema ganadero reducido y en vías de aumento y con especies menores de mucha importancia para el mantenimiento de la finca, en donde la mayor mano de obra para las labores del campo es familiar y en menor grado mano de obra contratada. Y por último los Medianos productores ganaderos-soyeros que poseen extensas áreas para el desarrollo agrícola y pecuario, son productores individuales privados que sobrepasan en más del cincuenta por ciento, el Umbral de Reproducción Simple, poseen capital circulante para realizar todas sus actividades propias del campo, obtienen préstamos de las entidades bancarias para el desarrollo agrícola en cultivos como soya ( Glycime max (L.) Merrill ) y ajonjol ( Sesamum indica L ), presentan un desarrollo ganadero de mucha importancia que les proporciona buenos ingresos económicos a la finca y en donde la mayoría de la mano de obra es contratada.


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Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic, biologically non-essential and highly mobile metal that has become an increasingly important environmental hazard to both wildlife and humans. In contrast to conventional remediation technologies, phytoremediation based on legume rhizobia symbiosis has emerged as an inexpensive decontamination alternative which also revitalize contaminated soils due to the role of legumes in nitrogen cycling. In recent years, there is a growing interest in understanding symbiotic legume rhizobia relationship and its interactions with Cd. The aim of the present review is to provide a comprehensive picture of the main effects of Cd in N-2-fixing leguminous plants and the benefits of exploiting this symbiosis together with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to boost an efficient reclamation of Cd-contaminated soils.


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钾是作物生长发育的必需矿质元素,缺钾对大豆产量和营养品质影响显著。硅是植物的有益元素,在低钾胁迫条件下,硅对大豆生长是否有改善作用还未见相关报道,本研究以对低钾敏感的不同基因型大豆品种(铁丰35和铁丰31)为试验材料,在低钾条件下(1 mmol L-1),施加Na2SiO3,通过大豆生物量、根系形态学、生理学和抗氧化物酶活性等参数的变化,研究硅在大豆缺钾胁迫生长中的作用。主要研究结果如下: 1低钾胁迫对大豆生长发育和生理指标形状的影响 与正常钾生长条件(5 mmol L-1)相比,对低钾敏感的基因型大豆品种铁丰35,低钾胁迫使铁丰35品种主根、侧根,过氧化氢 (H2O2)和丙二醛含量(MDA),根系和叶片的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和光合特性指标等发生显著变化,同样地,铁丰31品种根系的SOD、CAT、POD活性和MDA含量也发生显著变化。相反,铁丰31品种的其它形态学和生理学指标参数受低钾胁迫影响差异不显著。 2 Si和Na+对大豆生长发育和生理过程中低钾胁迫的减缓作用 为探明Si对大豆生长发育和生理过程中低钾胁迫的减缓作用,我们将Na2SiO3分别设立3个浓度处理水平(0.1, 2.0, 5.0 mmol L-1),对照CK0:5.0 mmol/L KNO3+0.0 mmol/L Na2SiO3,副对照CK1:1.0 mmol/L KNO3+4.0mmol/L NaCl其中以Si2处理是2个品种减缓低钾胁迫效应最好的,对大豆生长发育和促进大豆根、茎和叶内钾浓度含量,低钾胁迫使SOD、POD、CAT活性,H2O2和MDA含量,以及光合特性(Pn, WUE)等指标参数得以显著地改善,但Na2SiO3对低钾敏感品种铁丰35的减缓作用远大于对低钾不敏感的品种铁丰31。为排除Na2SiO3中Na+对低钾大豆的生长作用,用等浓度NaCl行检验,结果表明,Na+可以部分地减缓低钾胁迫,并且这减缓作用远小于等浓度的Si。本试验结果说明Si通过改变几个关键的生理过程,进而提高低钾胁迫条件下,大豆生长发育的表达活力,以有效地改善低钾对大豆生长的胁迫。 3 Si通过提高抗氧化胁迫进而减缓大豆生长发育中低钾胁迫 低钾胁迫使大豆地上和地下生物产量与对照CK0相比显著减少,增施Na2SiO3前后大豆其根冠比、过氧化氢积累、钾含量、膜质过氧化产物和抗氧化物酶活性变化显著。另外,Na2SiO3显著减缓了低钾胁迫使大豆根冠比、提高了低钾大豆根、茎、叶内钾浓度,Si还减缓了过氧化氢 (H2O2)和丙二醛含量(MDA),这说明Si抑制了低钾的过氧化胁迫,显著地抑制了因低钾胁迫而使超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)等活性的升高,这些酶活性提高效应被施加的Na2SiO3消除,这些结果表明,Si通过提高抗氧化胁迫能力,进而减缓大豆生长发育的低钾胁迫,对低钾胁迫有非常重要的减缓调控作用。


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利用RNAi改良大豆油脂品质 大豆[Glycine max (L.) Merr.]起源于中国,栽培历史悠久,是重要的粮食作物, 同时也是植物油和蛋白的重要来源。随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,人们不但对大豆的需求量大大增加,同时对大豆的品质也提出了更高的要求。近年来,我国大豆进口量逐年攀升,已远远超过本国生产量。国外转抗除草剂转基因大豆大面积种植大大降低了生产成本,直接影响了我国大豆生产。因此,提高产量和改良品质是当前中国大豆生产所面临的重要课题。基因工程是大豆品种改良更为有效和快速的方法,但是由于历史原因我国的大豆转基因育种与发达国家尚存在一定差距,对我国的大豆生产贡献十分有限。因此,建立高效的大豆转化体系,加强大豆基因工程研究和育种是解决大豆面临困境的关键。 本研究的目的是以我国主要栽培大豆品种(黑农、合丰和东农等)为材料,利用GUS(β-glucuronidase)报告基因和RNAi技术,建立高效的大豆基因转化体系和基因功能研究体系。为大豆产量和品质基因工程改良提供技术手段和理论基础。结果如下: 以大豆下胚轴为外植体,对分生组织产生不定芽的频率进行了研究。培养基中添加高浓度BAP(6-benzylaminopurine)可以诱导外植体分生组织增殖产生不定芽的发生率;在培养基中添加银离子可以明显地促进大豆单个外植体多芽的产生,使得诱导不定芽总数目显著增加;不同基因型大豆再生不定芽能力有着较大区别,黑农44,黑农37,合丰35,合丰39等品种再生能力强;相对于大豆子叶节等再生系统,大豆下胚轴体系具有高效高频的再生特点(总的再生频率高于80%),且重复性好,容易操作。 以大豆下胚轴为外植体,用含有GUS报告基因的根癌农杆菌对其进行遗传转化,并重点对农杆菌菌液浓度、农杆菌侵染时间、乙酰丁香酮(AS)和抗氧化剂浓度等因素对农杆菌大豆转化效率的影响进行了研究。组织化学染色结果显示GUS基因在外植体顶端表达强烈,表达位置主要位于初生芽基部周围的分生组织。 农杆菌浸染时间以 4h 为最佳,此时的GUS瞬时表达频率可达73.0%;培养基中添加浓度为200μmol/L乙酰丁香酮,可以显著增加GUS瞬时表达频率。抗氧化剂可以显著降低共培养阶段外植体的褐化和坏死率,进而显著提高农杆菌转化效率。用根癌农杆菌转化大豆下胚轴的方法得到了表达GUS基因转基因大豆株系。 利用大豆油酸去饱和酶基因(FAD2-1;Genbank, L43920)在第315-852碱基之间的基因片断构建了反向重复的RNAi表达载体,以农杆菌介导大豆下胚轴转化方法进行转化,并且获得转基因植株。经过PCR,Southern杂交和转基因后代的脂肪酸分析,表明沉默结构已经成功整合到大豆基因组中,并成功抑制了内源基因的表达。与栽培大豆品种相比较,转基因大豆种子的脂肪酸组成发生显著变化,油酸含量由栽培大豆的18.1%增加到71.5%¬-81.9%;亚油酸含量从栽培大豆的46.4%降到了约3.4%。 栽培大豆种子中油酸去饱和比率(ODP, oleic desaturation proportion)为0.76 到 0.84,转基因大豆种子的油酸去饱和比率降为0.06-0.26,表明Δ12-去饱和酶活性降低了74%-94%。上述结果表明,我们构建的RNAi反向重复序列沉默结构高效地抑制了大豆种子FAD2-1基因。 在本研究中,我们通过外源GUS基因的表达和内源FAD2基因的抑制,成功地建立了以大豆下胚轴为外植体的高效农杆菌介导大豆转化体系,并获得了相应的转基因株系。本研究对我国大豆品种基因工程改良以及进一步大豆功能基因组研究有重要参考价值。 四合木茎积累三脂酰甘油特征 四合木(Tetraena mongotica Maxim)是蒺藜科(Zygophyllaceac)四合木属唯一的种,是地球上最具代表性的古老残遗濒危珍稀植物。由于四合木极易燃烧,当地居民称其为“油柴”。 通过对四合木内可能存在的“油”成分进行了分析,我们发现其茎组织含有大量的三脂酰甘油(Triacylglycerols),含量达到46 mg/g DM。在韧皮部中更高,达到90 mg/g DM。我们通过半薄切片对四合木中三脂酰甘油在不同组织的分布和存在形式进行了研究,发现三脂酰甘油主要以油体形式存在于木质部和韧皮部的薄壁组织中。在韧皮部中,几乎所有的薄壁细胞都含有大量的油体。 三脂酰甘油在植物的生长发育中起着非常重要的作用。作为植物生长发育所需的碳源和能量,三脂酰甘油一般储存在植物的种子和果实中。虽然也有关于其在茎和叶中发现的报道,但是含量很少。四合木茎组织含有大量的三脂酰甘油,这种现象可能与四合木茎中存在茎特异油脂合成酶系统有关。因此,克隆相关基因并在作物中表达,将对能源植物的开发具有重要意义。


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大豆 (Glycine max (L.) Meer.)是人们日常生活中不可缺少的食品,也是一种非常重要的油质、蛋白资源。目前根据大豆种子吸胀阶段对低温敏感性的不同,可将其划分成3种生态型:低温非敏感型、低温敏感型及中间型。对于低温非敏感型的种子来讲,4℃下吸胀24小时对其发芽率影响很小,而敏感型种子萌发率不超过5%。我国属于温带大陆性气候,大豆播种后由于温度波动而造成一部分种子不能萌发,最终导致减产甚至绝产的现象普遍存在。高产是育种工作的主要目标,提高逆境胁迫的适应能力是高产的前提和基础,所以从分子角度研究种子吸胀非常必要,一方面能够挖掘新的基因资源,另一方面为今后育种工作提供必要的理论依据。 本试验以此为立足点,低温吸胀非敏感型大豆品种 (Z22)为材料,利用cDNA-AFLP方法及蛋白质技术分离与低温吸胀相关的基因及蛋白,得到结果如下: 第一,本试验成功的分离出4个受低温诱导的基因,半定量RT-PCR方法进一步验证了这4个基因在种子吸胀24小时内受低温诱导。 第二,利用RACE方法成功的得到2个完整的全长基因,在NCBI数据库中查找后发现其中1个基因为新基因,命名为SCHI基因 (SCHI:Soybean chilling-induced gene)。SCHI全长为390bp,编码分子量大约为14.2KD的蛋白;另外一个基因是已知基因,其同源序列已经在其他的物种中得到分离。由于此基因与核糖体蛋白L34高度同源,所以把把这个基因命名为SOL34 (Soybean L34)。 第三,利用半定量RT-PCR方法对基因表达模型进行分析,结果表明:SCHI在种子低温吸胀18~24小时期间诱导表达量最高,而当种子低温吸胀24小时后转入常温下,其表达量在常温下18小时左右迅速下降;ABA (100μM)、PEG (30%,10000)及NaCl (250mM)能够诱导SCHI的表达,在诱导表达量上,ABA和PEG诱导效果最明显,而NaCl够微弱的诱导此基因表达;对不同生态型的大豆品种而言,低温吸胀过程中,SCHI在非敏感型种子中的表达量高于敏感型种子,但非敏感型和中间型之间没有差别;另外,SCHI在大豆胚轴中是诱导型表达,在叶片和根尖中则是组成型表达。SOL34的表达在萌发前24小时内被低温诱导,但在不同生态型之间没有差别。SOL34在胚轴和根尖中受低温诱导,在叶片中是组成型表达。 第四,SCHI能够在原核生物中表达出相应蛋白,诱导表达蛋白的分子量在26-29KD,大约为理论值的2倍,说明在大肠杆菌中被表达的蛋白以2聚体形式存在。另外低温试验结果表明SCHI能够提高菌落忍耐短时间-20℃低温的能力。 第五,利用双元表达载体把SCHI转入拟南芥植株,经过低温、干旱和盐胁迫后,转基因植株的成活率均高于野生型植株。超表达SOL34的拟南芥植株降低了对低温的耐性;而抑制拟南芥中L34的表达反而提高了植株对低温的抗性。 第六,本试验利用蛋白质等有关试验检测了大豆种子低温吸胀时蛋白质发生的变化。从吸胀 (4℃和22℃下24h)后的大豆胚轴中成功鉴定出上调蛋白点25个,下调蛋白点15个。其中有参与能量代谢反应 (占10%,例如柠檬酸脱氢酶和苹果酸脱氢酶等)、细胞生长与分裂相关反应 (20%,例如LEA蛋白和种子成熟蛋白PM26)、胁迫反应 (10%,如乙醇脱氢酶)、种子宿命和贮藏蛋白 (20%,大豆球蛋白)等蛋白在此过程中发生了变化,暗示种子萌发前期低温吸胀过程中多种代谢发生变化。细胞生长变缓、能量代谢增强、胁迫代谢蛋白的高表达以及贮藏蛋白降解速度减慢等变化都有利于种子在吸胀过程中度过低温环境,为以后的生长作好准备。


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大豆是重要的油料和蛋白植物。在生产实践中,在播种后达到早苗和齐苗是大豆丰收的前提。种子的吸胀冷害是农业生产的严重问题。吸胀冷害发生在种子开始吸水萌动的萌发初始阶段。吸胀冷害不仅发生在高寒地带和低温冷湿地区,尤其在我国东北地区,造成我国乃至全球大豆不同程度的减产。吸胀冷害的原初作用位点在生物膜上,本实验从呼吸代谢的角度研究吸胀冷害对种子活力的影响,探讨吸胀冷害的机制。 本实验选用由黑龙江省黑河农业科学院提供的对低温中度敏感的黑河13 号大豆种子为材料,分别经22°C、10°C 和4°C 恒温培养箱24 h 后,测定其生理指标,通过透射电镜观察细胞超微结构,利用蛋白质组技术研究低温吸胀与种子呼吸代谢的关系,得到的结果如下: 低温吸胀阻碍胚轴膜系统的修复。通过电解质渗漏率测定发现,4°C 到22°C 温度范围内,提高吸胀温度有助于保持细胞膜的完整性,显著降低吸胀后胚轴电解质渗漏。在低温下吸胀,胚轴活性氧清除酶的活性受到抑制,活性氧含量增加,增强了膜脂过氧化作用,进而导致种子活力下降。 通过透射电子显微镜观察,大豆种子在22°C 吸胀24 h 后,胚轴细胞液泡明显变大,在细胞中所占比例很高,并且细胞内膜系统比较发达,能清晰观察到细胞核,线粒体,质膜,内质网整齐有序的形状。胚轴的细胞含有其它结构正常的细胞器,包括细胞壁,胞间连丝,淀粉粒和油体等。线粒体的外膜、内膜、嵴发育较完善。10°C 和4°C 的吸胀严重损伤了胚轴中细胞器的修复,细胞膜不规则,没有发现内质网和胞间连丝,线粒体的体积较小以及膜系统不发达,尤其是4°C 吸胀的胚轴中细胞器的损伤更加严重,细胞膜系统紊乱。 低温吸胀抑制了线粒体从轻线粒体向重线粒体的修复,以及线粒体的耗氧能力。22°C 吸胀的线粒体的总体耗氧能力较高,电子传递主要是利用复合体I 的电子传递途径。10°C 吸胀的线粒体总体耗氧呼吸较低,且其线粒体的电子传递主要以复合体II 的途径。4°C 吸胀的线粒体的耗氧能力则更低。 将分离得到的线粒体进行的蛋白质组分析,共分离400 多个蛋白点,其中有20 个点有表达差异。经ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS 鉴定,六个下调的蛋白质分别为ATP 合成酶的亚基 (线粒体的氧化磷酸化),线粒体延长因子Tu(线粒体基因组转录), 苹果酸脱氢酶(三羧酸循环),精氨酸酶(尿素循环)和2 个线粒体chaperonin-60 (热稳定蛋白)。这些蛋白在低温吸胀时下调表达,影响了线粒体的正常生理代谢,说明它们在维持线粒体正常代谢中起到了重要的作用。 综上所述,低温吸胀影响了线粒体的结构和生理功能的修复,减少了能量和中间物质供应给种子萌发,造成了种子活力的下降。