959 resultados para Generic Conventions


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A parallel formulation for the simulation of a branch prediction algorithm is presented. This parallel formulation identifies independent tasks in the algorithm which can be executed concurrently. The parallel implementation is based on the multithreading model and two parallel programming platforms: pthreads and Cilk++. Improvement in execution performance by up to 7 times is observed for a generic 2-bit predictor in a 12-core multiprocessor system.


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Morphology-based delimitation of genera in the Cheilanthoid ferns has proved to be problematic and understanding of the phylogeny and relationships amongst Cheilanthoid ferns based on morphological characters has posed even further difficulties, owing perhaps in large part to adaptation by many taxa to xeric habitats, as well as convergent evolution. It is only now with the application of DNA sequence data that relationships of species and genera are becoming clear. Here, we present results of cpDNA sequence data from species that have been traditionally placed in the genus Doryopteris and, based on both these results, and morphological and distribution data, this study helps clarify the concept of the genus Doryopteris its position within the Cheilanthoid ferns and the status of Lytoneuron. As a result, three genera are redefined: Doryopteris, Lytoneuron and Ormopteris.


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This paper proposes a set of well defined steps to design functional verification monitors intended to verify Floating Point Units (FPU) described in HDL. The first step consists on defining the input and output domain coverage. Next, the corner cases are defined. Finally, an already verified reference model is used in order to test the correctness of the Device Under Verification (DUV). As a case study a monitor for an IEEE754-2008 compliant design is implemented. This monitor is built to be easily instantiated into verification frameworks such as OVM. Two different designs were verified reaching complete input coverage and successful compliant results.


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The It Gets Better project has been held up as a model of successful social media activism. This article explores how narrators of It Gets Better videos make use of generic intertextuality, strategically combining the canonical narrative genres of the exemplum, the testimony, and the confession in a way that allows them to claim ‘textual authority’ and to make available multiple moral positions for themselves and their listeners. This strategy is further facilitated by the ambiguous participation frameworks associated with digital media, which make it possible for storytellers to tell different kinds of stories to different kinds of listeners at the same time, to simultaneously comfort the victims of anti-gay violence, confront its perpetrators, and elicit sympathy from ‘onlookers’. This analysis highlights the potential of new practices of online storytelling for social activism, and challenges notions that new media are contributing to the demise of common narrative traditions.


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Phylogenetic analyses of representative species from the five genera of Winteraceae (Drimys, Pseudowintera, Takhtajania, Tasmannia, and Zygogynum s.l.) were performed using ITS nuclear sequences and a combined data-set of ITS + psbA-trnH + rpS16 sequences (sampling of 30 and 15 species, respectively). Indel informativity using simple gap coding or gaps as a fifth character was examined in both data-sets. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses support the monophyly of Drimys, Tasmannia, and Zygogynum s.l., but do not support the monophyly of Belliolum, Zygogynum s.s., and Bubbia. Within Drimys, the combined data-set recovers two subclades. Divergence time estimates suggest that the splitting between Drimys and its sister clade (Pseudowintera + Zygogynum s.l.) occurred around the end of the Cretaceous; in contrast, the divergence between the two subclades within Drimys is more recent (15.5-18.5 MY) and coincides in time with the Andean uplift. Estimates suggest that the earliest divergences within Winteraceae could have predated the first events of Gondwana fragmentation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The generic identity of Odontophrynus moratoi is controversial since the original description due to the presence of intermediate morphological features between the genera Odontophrynus and Proceratophrys. Herein we performed molecular analyses of three genes (16S, cyt b and Rag-1) and recovered O. moratoi deeply imbedded inside a clade containing only Proceratophrys species, appearing as the sister group of Proceratophrys concavitympanum. Therefore, this study formally transfers the species O. moratoi to the genus Proceratophrys [Proceratophrys moratoi (Jim & Caramaschi 1980) comb. nov].


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The geographic variation and hemipenial morphology of Siagonodon brasiliensis are described based on a comprehensive sample, allowing the reappraisal of its generic identity, and the proposal of a new nomenclatural combination. We suggest that the presence of two supralabials, as mentioned in the original description of S. brasiliensis, is not a common feature for this species, occurring at low frequencies throughout its geographic distribution. Based on a diagnosis presented in a recently published paper, as well as on additional external traits and on hemipenial characters, we recognize Siagonodon brasiliensis as a species of the genus Tricheilostoma. In addition, a new species of worm snake of the genus Siagonodon is described from the savannas of the state of Tocantins, Brazil. The new species differs from other congeners by having a slightly acuminate snout in lateral and ventral views, subcircular rostral in dorsal view, and 12 scale rows around middle of tail. The diagnosis of the genus Siagonodon is revised and expanded based on direct observation of morphological characters.


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Flies of the tribe Muscini (Diptera, Muscidae) are worldwide in distribution and are represented by some 350 species in 18 genera. The present study provides an identification key and diagnoses for all the genera of world Muscini: Biopyrellia Townsend, Curranosia Paterson, Dasyphora Robineau-Desvoidy, Deltotus Seguy, Hennigmyia Peris, Mesembrina Meigen, Mitroplatia Enderlein, Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, Musca Linnaeus, Myiophaea Enderlein, Neomyia Walker, Neorypellia Pont, Polietes Rondani, Polietina Schnabl & Dziedzicki, Pyrellia Robineau-Desvoidy, Pyrellina Malloch, Sarcopromusca Townsend, Ziminellia Nihei & de Carvalho. Most infrageneric taxa are also represented, namely, the sub-genera of Dasyphora and Morellia. Comments on phylogeny support (whenever pertinent) and the major references containing revisions and regional identification keys to species are provided for each genus and subgenus.


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Motivation: DNA assembly programs classically perform an all-against-all comparison of reads to identify overlaps, followed by a multiple sequence alignment and generation of a consensus sequence. If the aim is to assemble a particular segment, instead of a whole genome or transcriptome, a target-specific assembly is a more sensible approach. GenSeed is a Perl program that implements a seed-driven recursive assembly consisting of cycles comprising a similarity search, read selection and assembly. The iterative process results in a progressive extension of the original seed sequence. GenSeed was tested and validated on many applications, including the reconstruction of nuclear genes or segments, full-length transcripts, and extrachromosomal genomes. The robustness of the method was confirmed through the use of a variety of DNA and protein seeds, including short sequences derived from SAGE and proteome projects.


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Component-based software engineering has recently emerged as a promising solution to the development of system-level software. Unfortunately, current approaches are limited to specific platforms and domains. This lack of generality is particularly problematic as it prevents knowledge sharing and generally drives development costs up. In the past, we have developed a generic approach to component-based software engineering for system-level software called OpenCom. In this paper, we present OpenComL an instantiation of OpenCom to Linux environments and show how it can be profiled to meet a range of system-level software in Linux environments. For this, we demonstrate its application to constructing a programmable router platform and a middleware for parallel environments.


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The aim of this essay is to show how Shakespeare’s sonnets violated and reversed the conventional ideas in terms of beauty and idealisation. Furthermore, I will examine the way Shakespeare presented his beloved woman as an absolute opposite of the one created by Petrarch, and how he shifted all the divine metaphors from a woman to a fair young man, creating a new object of praise and admiration.


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En e-guide är ett fenomen som kan ge mervärde för besökaren. Det innebär en övergång ifrån en mänsklig guide till en digitaliserad. Det har tidigare skapats e-guider som inte har haft de tekniska aspekterna som krävs för att kunna framföra informationen till besökaren på det sätt utvecklarna och andra inblandade har önskat. Vi har undersökt och utvärderat en av dessa eguiderför att skapa en prototyp för en e-guide över Elsborg, som är en del av Världsarvet Falun. Prototypen utgår ifrån smartphones och operativsystemet Android. Utifrån tidigare och nutida eguider och prototypen, har vi analyserat resultaten och därigenom undersökt möjligheten för att skapa en generisk arkitektur, i form av en applikation för en e-guide som ska kunna appliceras på olika sammanhang oberoende av dess innehåll. Våra efterforskningar har dock visat att det ärsvårt att skapa en så pass generaliserad mall att den direkt går att implementera utan vissa justeringar.


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A major issue emerging from the research and debate concerning quality in higher education has been an emphasis on the value of the acquisition of generic skills by undergraduate students, as indicators of quality in education. Music educators have long recognised the contribution music makes to the general education of learners. Learning in and through music can present varied and complex means for the acquisition of generic life skills such as: problem solving, decision-making, critical thinking, oral and written communication and teamwork. This paper documents one particular course of action that was implemented within a university undergraduate primary teacher education program, to systematically gauge learner perceptions about generic skill development/enhancement before and after participation in the music component of the core arts education subject.


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Public and private third-party payers in many countries encourage or mandate the use of generic drugs. This article examines the development of generics policy in Australia, against the background of a description of international trends in this area, and related experiences of reference pricing programs. The Australian generics market remains underdeveloped due to a historical legacy of small Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme price differentials between originator brands and generics. It is argued that policy measures open to the Australian government can be conceived as clustering around two different approaches: incremental changes within the existing regulatory framework, or a shift towards a high volume/low price role of generics which would speed up the delivery of substantial cost savings, and could provide enhanced scope for the financing of new, patented drugs.