950 resultados para Gema de ovo - Cor


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One of the challenges of the postgenomic era is characterizing the function and regulation of specific genes. For various reasons, the early chick embryo can easily be adopted as an in vivo assay of gene function and regulation. The embryos are robust, accessible, easily manipulated, and maintained in the laboratory. Genomic resources centered on vertebrate organisms increase daily. As a consequence of optimization of gene transfer protocols by electroporation, the chick embryo will probably become increasingly popular for reverse genetic analysis. The challenge of establishing chick embryonic electroporation might seem insurmountable to those who are unfamiliar with experimental embryological methods. To minimize the cost, time, and effort required to establish a chick electroporation assay method, we describe and illustrate in great detail the procedures involved in building a low-cost electroporation setup and the basic steps of electroporation


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Il Cor-Ten è un acciaio micro-legato, detto anche acciaio patinabile, che garantisce una buona resistenza alla corrosione da agenti atmosferici. Proprio grazie a questa sua peculiare caratteristica sta conoscendo un vasto impiego in particolare nel campo dell’edilizia e delle infrastrutture. La corrosione infatti interessa tutti i settori produttivi e non, provocando ingenti danni economici. Stime effettuate negli ultimi 40anni da diversi enti internazionali indicano che l’entità di questi danni, pur variando da settore a settore, risulta compresa per i paesi industrializzati tra il 3 e il 4% del PIL. Da questi dati si evince la necessità di proteggere i materiali dalla corrosione; in genere per questo scopo si ricorre a trattamenti superficiali o a rivestimenti protettivi. Queste tecniche non rappresentano però l’unica strada, è possibile infatti agire sulla composizione della lega, come nel caso del Cor-Ten, in modo che l’interazione metallo-ambiente porti alla formazione di una patina protettiva di prodotti di corrosione relativamente stabili. La formazione di questo strato, cosiddetto passivante, protegge il metallo da un’ulteriore attacco corrosivo. Scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è studiare il comportamento di questo materiale in ambiente urbano-costiero in tre differenti stati di finitura in cui è commercialmente disponibile: grezzo, pre-patinato e pre-patinato cerato, focalizzando l’attenzione sugli aspetti ambientali legati al suo utilizzo e cercando di valutare in particolare il rilascio dei metalli di lega nell’ambiente, aspetto fino ad ora non considerato in letteratura. I risultati ottenuti indicano che sembrerebbe preferibile l’utilizzo del materiale grezzo rispetto ai pre-patinati, almeno per quanto riguarda il rilascio di metalli in ambiente. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti è possibile fornire una stima, per i tre stati di finitura di Cor-Ten A considerati, del quantitativo totale (solubile + estraibile) dei metalli rilasciati in ambiente nei sette mesi di esposizione durante la stagione primaverile-estiva della sperimentazione condotta in questo studio. La quantità rilasciata stimata per il Fe oscilla tra i 0,5 g/m2 per i provini light e i 0,7 g/m2 per i provini dark e grezzi, per il Ni il range è compreso tra i 3,6 mg/m2 dei provini grezzi e i 5 mg/m2 per i light, nel caso del Mn il quantitativo varia dai 6,8 mg/m2 per i light ai 10 mg/m2 per i grezzi. Per il Cr la stima per i provini pre-patinati è simile e si attesta intorno a 1,7 mg/m2, risultando minore (anche se in maniera non rilevate) per i grezzi.


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Alpha- und Beta-Dystroglycan, die zentralen Komponenten eines multimeren Dystrophin-assoziierten Proteinkomplexes wurden bislang im Wesentlichen in der Skelettmuskulatur charakterisiert. Dort stellt der DAG eine molekulare Verbindung zwischen dem Aktin-Zytoskelett der Muskelfaser und einer Basalmembran her, die die einzelne Muskelfaser umhüllt. Dystroglycan vermittelt auf diese Weise die mechanische Festigkeit der Muskelfasern während der Kontraktion. Außerdem dient der DAG als Gerüst für die Anlagerung von Proteinen. Mutationen in den strukturgebenden oder signaltransduzierenden Proteinen des DAG verursachen Muskeldystrophie. Besonders schwere Muskeldystrophien werden durch Mutationen hervorgerufen, die eine veränderte Glykosylierung von Dystroglycan und damit eine verminderte Bindung von alpha-Dystroglycan an Matrixproteine verursachen. Dies führt zu einer Beeinträchtigung der Basalmembranbiosynthese sowie sich daraus ergebende Störungen in der Migration, Schichtung und Differenzierung von Nervenzellen im ZNS. Welche Rolle Dystroglycan im sich entwickelnden ZNS spielt, sollte in dieser Arbeit an der Hühnerretina untersucht werden. Durch Anwendung der in ovo Elektroporation wurden zwei modifizierte Dystroglycankonstrukte in Neuroepithelzellen transfiziert. Die Überexpression eines verkürtzten Dystroglycanproteins, verursachte eine Abrundung der Neuroepithelzellen. Dies führte zur Hyperproliferation der Zellen deren Folge die Bildung von Verdickungen in der Retina war sowie eine verstärkte Bildung postmitotischer Neurone. Die Elektroporation eines nicht-spaltbaren Dystroglycans, führte im Gegensatz dazu zu einer Abnahme der Anzahl proliferierender und differenzierender Nervenzellen. Als Konsequenz veränderte sich die Orientierung der Axone von retinalen Ganglienzellen. Nach der Überexpression des verkürzten Dystroglycans verloren die Axone ihre zentripetale Orientierung auf den optischen Nerv, während die Elektroporation von Wt-Dystroglycan und nicht-spaltbarem Dystroglycan nur einen gelegentlichen Richtungswechsel der Axone verursachte. Die Daten zeigen, dass Dystroglycan einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Proliferation, Differenzierung und Polarität der Neuroepithelzellen ausübt. Dies geschieht vermutlich durch die Vermittlung der Adhäsion des Endfußes von Neuroepithelzellen an die Basalmembran. Die Veränderungen nach der Überexpression der modifizierten Dystroglycankonstrukte liefern möglicherweise eine Erklärung für den ZNS-Phänotyp der sich bei verschiedenen Formen von Muskeldystrophie zeigt.


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Cor-Ten is a particular kind of steel, belonging to low-alloyed steel; thanks to his aesthetic features and resistance to atmospheric corrosion, this material is largely used in architectural, artistic and infrastructural applications. After environmental exposure, Cor-Ten steel exhibits the characteristic ability to self-protect from corrosion, by the development of a stable and adherent protective layer. However, some environmental factors can influence the formation and stability of the patina. In particular, exposure of Cor-Ten to polluted atmosphere (NOx, SOx, O3) or coastal areas (marine spray) may cause problems to the protective layer and, as a consequence, a release of alloying metals, which can accumulate near the structures. Some of these metals, such as Cr and Ni, could be very dangerous for soils and water because of their large toxicity. The aim of this work was to study the corrosion behavior of Cor-Ten exposed to an urban-coastal site (Rimini, Italy). Three different kinds of commercial surface finish (bare and pre-patinated, with or without a beeswax covering) were examined, both in sheltered and unsheltered exposure conditions. Wet deposition brushing the specimens surface (leaching solutions) are monthly collected and analyzed to evaluate the extent of metal release and the form in which they leave the surface, for example, as water-soluble compounds or non-adherent corrosion products. Five alloying metals (Fe, Cu, Cr, Mn and Ni) and nine ions (Cl-, NO3-, NO2-, SO42-, Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, NH4+) are determined through Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and Ion Chromatography, respectively. Furthermore, the evolution and the behaviour of the patina are periodically followed by surface investigations (SEM-EDS and Raman Spectroscopy). After two years of exposure, the results show that Bare Cor-Ten, cheaper than the other analyzed specimens, even though undergoes the greater mass variation, his metal release is comparable to the release of the pre-patinated samples. The behavior of pre-patinated steel, with or without beeswax covering, do not show particular difference. This exposure environment doesn’t allow a completely stabilization of the patina; nevertheless an estimate of metal release after 10 years of exposure points out that the environmental impact of Cor-Ten is very low: for example, the release of chromium in the soluble fraction is less than 10 mg if we consider an exposed wall of 10 m2.


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The cor triatriatum sinister is an uncommon congenital cardiac anomaly and reports in the literature are limited. It is often associated with other cardiac malformations, such as atrial septal defect, transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of Fallot or atrioventricular septal defect. We present here a 6-year old boy who was diagnosed with cor triatriatum sinister, initially showing symptoms similar to mitral valve stenosis and congestive heart failure, and who underwent subsequent surgical correction using a left atrial approach. The fibromuscular membrane, separating the pulmonary veins from the mitral valve, was completely resected and postoperative echocardiography showed unobstructed pulmonary venous flow.


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In a cohort study among 2751 members (71.5% females) of the German and Swiss RLS patient organizations changes in restless legs syndrome (RLS) severity over time was assessed and the impact on quality of life, sleep quality and depressive symptoms was analysed. A standard set of scales (RLS severity scale IRLS, SF-36, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) in mailed questionnaires was repeatedly used to assess RLS severity and health status over time and a 7-day diary once to assess short-term variations. A clinically relevant change of the RLS severity was defined by a change of at least 5 points on the IRLS scale. During 36 months follow-up minimal improvement of RLS severity between assessments was observed. Men consistently reported higher severity scores. RLS severity increased with age reaching a plateau in the age group 45-54 years. During 3 years 60.2% of the participants had no relevant (±5 points) change in RLS severity. RLS worsening was significantly related to an increase in depressive symptoms and a decrease in sleep quality and quality of life. The short-term variation showed distinctive circadian patterns with rhythm magnitudes strongly related to RLS severity. The majority of participants had a stable course of severe RLS over three years. An increase in RLS severity was accompanied by a small to moderate negative, a decrease by a small positive influence on quality of life, depressive symptoms and sleep quality.


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Scripta ad Studiosos in Academia Erphordiana, Aut. Barth. Hubnero Philos. & Med. Doctore


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par C. Oestreich


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Evidence from paleoclimatic archives suggests that Earth's climate experienced rapid temperature changes associated with pronounced interhemispheric asymmetry during the last glacial period. Explanations for these climate excursions have converged on nonlinear interactions between ice sheets and the ocean's thermohaline circulation, but the driving mechanism remains to be identified. Here we use multidecadal marine records of faunal, oxygen isotope, and sediment proxies from the northeast Atlantic proximal to the western margins of the last glacial British Ice Sheet (BIS) to document the coupling between ice sheet dynamics, ocean circulation, and insolation changes. The core data reveal successions of short-lived (80-100 years), high-amplitude ice-rafted debris (IRD) events that were initiated up to 2000 years before the deposition of detrital carbonate during Heinrich events (HE) 1 and 2. Progressive disintegration of the BIS 19-16 kyr before present (B.P.) occurred in response to abrupt ocean-climate warmings that impinged on the northeast Atlantic during the early deglaciation. Peak IRD deposition recurs at 180-220 year intervals plausibly involving repeated breakup of glacial tidewater margins and fringing marine ice shelves. The early deglaciation culminated in a major meltwater pulse at ~16.3 kyr B.P. followed by another discharge associated with HE1 some 300 years after. We conclude that temperature changes related to external forcing and marine heat transport caused a rapid response of the BIS and possibly other margins of the Eurasian Ice Sheet. Massive but short-lived meltwater surges influenced the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation thereby contributing to North Atlantic climate variability and bipolar climatic asymmetry.


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