418 resultados para Gebara, Ivone


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O estudo ora apresentado evidencia o debate sobre o tema das políticas públicas voltadas para espaços segregados na cidade de Macapá (AP) sob a gestão do Programa de Desenvolimento Sustentável do Amapá (PDSA). Busca compreender a inter-relação entre as políticas públicas pautadas no discurso do desenvolvimento sustentável e o desenvolvimento urbano da cidade ao longo de dois mandatos governamentais em nível estadual pelo Partido Socialista Brasileiro (PSB) com uma proposta de desenvolvimento pautada na Agenda 21. Procura-se entender o discurso do desenvolvimento sustentável e sua aplicação como programa de governo, de modo a entender seus esforços em aplicar na cidade as diretrizes estabelecidas no âmbito estadual. Os principais resultados da investigação apresentam a dificuldade em ajustar para o espaço urbano um discurso voltado para a preservação dos recursos ambientais, bem como suas limitações às políticas urbanas em áreas segregadas, destacando-se a visão das lideranças comunitárias e do governo acerca do PDSA e de sua relação com o desenvolvimento urbano.


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Este trabalho pensa o romance Marajó de Dalcídio Jurandir como um bem de cultura numa perspectiva pós-colonial, na qual se questiona e se rearticula os discursos hegemônicos e homogeneizadores da modernidade. Proponho, desse modo, defender a idéia de que, à semelhança do arquipélago do Marajó, o romance homônimo de Dalcídio Jurandir pode nos dizer que sob a aparente homogeneidade da região está o ambivalente e o heterogêneo, e que essa narrativa redefine, portanto, o processo simbólico e o imaginário social sobre a Amazônia que, tradicionalmente, têm constituído a imagem dessa região.Para tanto, demonstro como se forja um novo signo cultural a partir da representação de um espaço que oscila entre o documento e ficção, bem como da representação de um sujeito em condição fronteiriça e ambivalente e de uma escrita que se faz dupla e fragmentária. A fundamentação teórica desse estudo consiste, sobretudo, nos pressupostos a respeito da construção de narrativas que representam uma nação e criam uma identidade cultural estabelecidas, principalmente, por Timothi Brennan, Homi Bhabha e Stuart Hall, bem como, na idéia de dissimulação e suplemento depreendidas dos estudos de Barthes e Jacques Derrida; nas contribuições de Deleuze e Guatarri, Donaldo Schuller, Finazzi-Agro,Garcia Canclini, Costa Lima, Angel Rama, dentre outros, para se pensar a condição do sujeito e a construção do espaço na narrativa dalcidiana, e, ainda, nas contribuições analíticas de pesquisadores da obra dalcidiana como Assmar, Vicente Salles, Marli Tereza Furtado, Castilo,dentre muitos outros.


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The production of grazing cattle has been very interesting, due to the low cost to produce fodder, compared to other sources of forage used to feed these animals, but the adequate management pasture has high influence on the success and profitability of cattle production systems. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the optimum grazing height of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraes, which provides the highest individual weight gain and gain per area. The stocking rate was continuous, with variable stocking rate. The experimental period was from January to December 2010. Three Nellore males were used in each experimental plot, and, when needed, additional animals were used for adjusting the desired heights. Monthly sampling was obtained to estimate forage mass (kg.ha(-1) of DM) and the structural characteristics of the pastures, such as, leaf: stem ratio. The animals were weighed at the beginning of the experiment and every 28 days, after 12 hours of fasting, to measure the average daily gain (ADG) After weighings were performed adjustments stocking rate to desired heights. Throughout the experimental period the animals received mineral supplementation. The desired sward heights were 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm, with three replicates each. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments and three replications. To body weight gain (BWG) and average daily gain (ADG), each animal was considered an experimental unit. To gain per area and stocking rate, the paddock was considered the experimental unit. The leaf: stem ratio showed a linear increasing behavior in the spring and summer seasons. The smaller grazing heights provided higher gain per unit area (812.15 kg ha(-1)), while the highest grazing heights promoted high individual weight gain (0.790 kg.dia(-1)). The results suggest that Xaraes grass pastures should be grazed between 30 and 45 cm to allow reasonable performances by area and individual performances.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the production of dry mass, forage accumulation rate and the structural composition of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraes pastures, managed under different grazing heights in continuous stocking. The experimental area was 12 hectares, divided in paddocks of one hectare each. The treatments were 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm of defoliation heights. Nellore steers were used to reach the desired heights. Every 28 days four cut samples and eight visual samples were collected for comparative performance in the experimental plots. Two grazing exclusion cages were used per treatment to estimate accumulation rates kg.ha(-1) DM. The cut material was taken to the laboratory for separation of the botanical components (green leaf, stem and senescent material), weighing and determination of dry matter. The experimental design was the completely randomized with three replicates. There were treatments effects at all seasons for the production of total mass, except in the spring. In summer and spring seasons it was observed the highest values for leaf blades (1.100 kg DM.ha(-1)). In the winter, the highest values of senescent material was observed, as expected. The average accumulation showed no significant difference among the treatments, except for stem and total mass in the summer and stem in the fall. The tillers were heavier and higher values for number of green leaves per tiller occurred in the fall, but for senescent leaves per tiller ocurred in the winter. Swards grazed at heights between 45 and 60 cm of defoliation, had good production of forage mass and leaf constituent.


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The objective of this study was to determine the best height of the Tanzania grass under grazing, assessing morphological and productive characteristics of the sward. This experiment was conducted in Cidade Gaucha, Parana, where he was rated the accumulation rate and morphological characteristics of Tanzania grass pastures grazed at 20, 40, 60 and 80 cm grazing under continuous stocking with variable stocking rate for beef cattle. The experimental area was 12 hectare divided in paddocks of one hectare each. For each paddock were allocated two grazing exclusion cage for estimating herbage accumulation, and eight samples were taken every 28 days throughout the year 2010. The completely randomized design. The herbage mass of the morphological structures showed a linear positive function of sward heights. The height of defoliation did not influence the rate of herbage accumulation for any of the morphological structures: green leaf, stem + sheaths and senescent material. There were also no differences in leaf: stem ratio. All heights within the range studied provided adequate number of green leaves per tiller. Tanzania grass pastures grazed under continuous stocking between 40 and 60 cm, for providing a good association between accumulation and mass of green leaf blades, and acceptable values of the mass of stem + sheaths and senescent material. Pasture of Tanzania grass under 60 and 80 cm allow of leaves satisfactory accumulation in the autumn.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Com 27 trabalhos produzidos por pesquisadores do Instituto de Pesquisa em Bioenergia (Bioen), da Unesp, este livro oferece uma ampla visão sobre as áreas que compõem o segmento. Seu principal objetivo é contribuir para melhorar a compreensão dos vários aspectos da bioenergia, em especial no Brasil, que figura entre os países com maior nível de desenvolvimento tecnológico no setor. Os artigos abordam uma série abrangente de questões relacionadas à bioenergia, como a construção genética das plantas de cana-de-açúcar visando ao aumento de produtividade, a disseminação de sementes para estimular a propagação de espécies com potencial energético, etapas de produção de bioenergia, usos do combustível e seus efeitos nos diversos tipos de motores. Agrupados por assunto, os textos estão distribuídos em cinco partes: Biomassa para bioenergia; Produção de biocombustíveis; Utilização de bioenergia; Biorrefinaria, alcoolquímica e oleoquímica e Sustentabilidade dos biocombustíveis.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The objective of this study was to analyze intergenerational patterns of alcohol related violence (ARV). An intentional sample comprising 42 family members was selected according to a set of criteria, including history of ARV. A genogram based on anonymous semi-structured taped interviews was created. The Content Analysis pointed to different patterns of repetition of intergenerational ARV. The most recurrent ones were those of lineal consanguinity (father/son) and through marriage. We observed similarities over the generations of each family as regards the pattern of alcohol consumption; the type of violence; the family reaction and the family life cycle in which ARV was intensified. Our results confirm the intergenerational reproduction of ARV. In conclusion, it is important to create intervention strategies to prevent intergenerational repetition of this association of behaviors.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The horse’s blood pressure is susceptible to changes induced by volatile anesthetics. Because of that, the use of anesthesic techniques which keep stable the horse´s blood pressure is essencial. Ketamine is an important induction and maintenance anesthetic agent used in the horse anesthesia practice mainly to improve the blood pressure. S(+)-ketamine provides the same effects on the blood pressure, with greater analgesic results and less side effects than the normal ketamine. Although some studies have been conducted with ketamine continuous rate infusion during the halothane anesthetized horses, the S(+)-ketamine has not been evaluated yet. Considering the increased use of ketamine, it is important to evaluate its cardiovascular and respiratory effects in halothane anesthetized horses. To conclude, S(+)-ketamine 0.01mg/kg/min. continuous rate infusion did not induce additive cardiovascular and respiratory depression in halothane anesthetized horses.


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Observations of cosmic rays arrival directions made with the Pierre Auger Observatory have previously provided evidence of anisotropy at the 99% CL using the correlation of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) with objects drawn from the Veron-Cetty Veron catalog. In this paper we report on the use of three catalog independent methods to search for anisotropy. The 2pt-L, 2pt+ and 3pt methods, each giving a different measure of self-clustering in arrival directions, were tested on mock cosmic ray data sets to study the impacts of sample size and magnetic smearing on their results, accounting for both angular and energy resolutions. If the sources of UHECRs follow the same large scale structure as ordinary galaxies in the local Universe and if UHECRs are deflected no more than a few degrees, a study of mock maps suggests that these three method can efficiently respond to the resulting anisotropy with a P-value = 1.0% or smaller with data sets as few as 100 events. using data taken from January 1, 2004 to July 31, 2010 we examined the 20, 30, ... , 110 highest energy events with a corresponding minimum energy threshold of about 49.3 EeV. The minimum P-values found were 13.5% using the 2pt-L method, 1.0% using the 2pt+ method and 1.1% using the 3pt method for the highest 100 energy events. In view of the multiple (correlated) scans performed on the data set, these catalog-independent methods do not yield strong evidence of anisotropy in the highest energy cosmic rays.


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Trypanothione reductase has long been investigated as a promising target for chemotherapeutic intervention in Chagas disease, since it is an enzyme of a unique metabolic pathway that is exclusively present in the pathogen but not in the human host, which has the analog Glutathione reductase. In spite of the present data-set includes a small number of compounds, a combined use of flexible docking, pharmacophore perception, ligand binding site prediction, and Grid-Independent Descriptors GRIND2-based 3D-Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) procedures allowed us to rationalize the different biological activities of a series of 11 aryl beta-aminocarbonyl derivatives, which are inhibitors of Trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase (TcTR). Three QSAR models were built and validated using different alignments, which are based on docking with the TcTR crystal structure, pharmacophore, and molecular interaction fields. The high statistical significance of the models thus obtained assures the robustness of this second generation of GRIND descriptors here used, which were able to detect the most important residues of such enzyme for binding the aryl beta-aminocarbonyl derivatives, besides to rationalize distances among them. Finally, a revised binding mode has been proposed for our inhibitors and independently supported by the different methodologies here used, allowing further optimization of the lead compounds with such combined structure- and ligand-based approaches in the fight against the Chagas disease.


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This work describes the synthesis of a series of sialylmimetic neoglycoconjugates represented by 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole-sialic acid derivatives containing galactose modified at either C-1 or C-6 positions, glucose or gulose at C-3 position, and by the amino acid derivative 1,2,3-triazole fused threonine-3-O-galactose as potential TcTS inhibitors and anti-trypanosomal agents. This series was obtained by Cu(I)-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction ('click chemistry') between the azido-functionalized sugars 1-N(3)-Gal (commercial), 6-N(3)-Gal, 3-N(3)-Glc and 3-N(3)-Gul with the corresponding alkyne-based 2-propynyl-sialic acid, as well as by click chemistry reaction between the amino acid N(3)-ThrOBn with 3-O-propynyl-GalOMe. The 1,2,3-triazole linked sialic acid-6-O-galactose and the sialic acid-galactopyranoside showed high Trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase (TcTS) inhibitory activity at 1.0 mM (approx. 90%), whilst only the former displayed relevant trypanocidal activity (IC(50) 260 mu M). These results highlight the 1,2,3-triazole linked sialic acid-6-O-galactose as a prototype for further design of new neoglycoconjugates against Chagas' disease. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.