963 resultados para Gastrointestinal biopsies


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Microbial biofilms were first described in 1936 and subsequent research has unveiled their ubiquity and physiological distinction from free-living (planktonic) microorganisms. In light of their emerging significance this review examines the bacterial biofilms within the human gastrointestinal tract. Attention is paid to the nature of these mucosally- associated populations, focusing on the protected environment afforded by the continual secretion of mucus by host epithelial cells. It also examines the attributes possessed by various bacterial species that facilitate habitation of this microenvironment. Additionally, contrasts are drawn between planktonic bacteria of the lumen and sessile (biofilm) bacteria growing in close association with host cells and food particles. In particular the different fermentation profiles exhibited by these two fractions are discussed. The potential role of these communities in host health and disease, as well as the stabilisation of the lumenal population, is also considered. Reference is made to the state of mutualism that exists between these little understood populations and the host epithelia, thus highlighting their ecological significance in terms of gastrointestinal health.


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Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are formed from the fermentation of sugars by intestinal bacteria. Acetate is the most abundant SCFA, with lower amounts of propionate and butyrate formed. Propionate and butyrate are also formed from the products of carbohydrate fermentation by other bacteria, for example from lactate and acetate. SCFA play a role in regulating transit of digesta through the intestine, and butyrate formation is thought to be beneficial to health because butyrate decreases the risk of colon cancer. Major butyrate-producing species are among the most abundant present in the colon, including Roseburia and Faecalibacterium spp. Metabolism of longer-chain fatty acids occurs mainly by hydration or hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids. Hydroxystearic acids are formed in the intestine, particularly under disease conditions. Metabolism of linoleic acid results in the formation of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) by several species, including Roseburia hominis and Roseburia inulinovorans. Enhancement of intestinal CLA formation, possibly using probiotics, may be useful in preventing or treating inflammatory bowel disease.


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Recent large-scale cloning studies have shown that the ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes may be important in the obesity-associated gut microbiota, but the species these phyla represent in this ecosystem has not been examined. The Bacteroidetes data from the recent Turnbaugh study were examined to determine those members of the phylum detected in human faecal samples. In addition, FISH analysis was performed on faecal samples from 17 healthy, nonobese donors using probe Bac303, routinely used by gut microbiologists to enumerate BacteroidesPrevotella populations in faecal samples, and another probe (CFB286) whose target range has some overlap with that of Bac303. Sequence analysis of the Turnbaugh data showed that 23/519 clones were chimeras or erroneous sequences; all good sequences were related to species of the order Bacteroidales, but no one species was present in all donors. FISH analysis demonstrated that approximately one-quarter of the healthy, nonobese donors harboured high numbers of Bacteroidales not detected by probe Bac303. It is clear that Bacteroidales populations in human faecal samples have been underestimated in FISH-based studies. New probes and complementary primer sets should be designed to examine numerical and compositional changes in the Bacteroidales during dietary interventions and in studies of the obesity-associated microbiota in humans and animal model systems.


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Protein, generally agreed to be the most satiating macronutrient, may differ in its effects on appetite depending on the protein source and variation in digestion and absorption. We investigated the effects of two milk protein types, casein and whey, on food intake and subjective ratings of hunger and fullness, and on postprandial metabolite and gastrointestinal hormone responses. Two studies were undertaken. The first study showed that energy intake from a buffet meal ad libitum was significantly less 90 min after a 1700 kJ liquid preload containing 48 g whey, compared with an equivalent casein preload (P<0.05). In the second study, the same whey preload led to a 28 % increase in postprandial plasma amino acid concentrations over 3 h compared with casein (incremental area under the curve (iAUC), P<0.05). Plasma cholecystokinin (CCK) was increased by 60 % (iAUC, P<0.005), glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 by 65 % (iAUC, P<0.05) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide by 36 % (iAUC, P<0.01) following the whey preload compared with the casein. Gastric emptying was influenced by protein type as evidenced by differing plasma paracetamol profiles with the two preloads. Greater subjective satiety followed the whey test meal (P<0.05). These results implicate post-absorptive increases in plasma amino acids together with both CCK and GLP-1 as potential mediators of the increased satiety response to whey and emphasise the importance of considering the impact of protein type on the appetite response to a mixed meal.


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Oral supplements of arginine and citrulline increase local nitric oxide (NO production in the small intestine and this may be harmful under certain circumstances. Gastrointestinal toxicity was therefore reviewed with respect to the intestinal physiology of arginine, citrulline, ornithine, and cystine (which shares the same transporter) and the many clinical trials of supplements of the dibasic amino acids or N-acetylcysteine (NAC. The human intestinal dibasic amino acid transport system has high affinity and low capacity. L-Arginine (but not lysine, ornithine, or D-arginine) induces water and electrolyte secretion that is mediated by NO, which acts as an absorbagogue at low levels and as a secretagogue at high levels. The action of many laxatives is NO mediated and there are reports of diarrhea following oral administration of arginine or ornithine ihine. The clinical data cover a wide span of arginine intakes f rom 3 g/d to > 100 g/d, but the standard of reporting adverse effects (e.g. nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) was variable. Single doses of 3-6 g rarely provoked side effects and healthy athletes appeared to be more susceptible than diabetic patients to gastrointestinal symptoms at individual doses >9 g. This may relate to an effect of disease on gastrointestinal motility and pharmacokinetics. Most side effects of arginine and NAC occurred at single doses of >9 g in adults >140 mg/kg) often when part of a daily regime of similar to>30 g/d (>174 mmol/d). In the case of arginine, this compares with the laxative threshold of the nonabsorbed disaccharide alcohol, lactitol (74 g or 194 mmol). Adverse effects seemed dependent on the dosage regime and disappeared if divided doses were ingested (unlike lactitol). Large single doses of poorly absorbed amino acids seem to provoke diarrhea. More research is needed to refine dosage strategies that reduce this phenomenon. It is suggested that dipeptide forms of arginine may meet this criterion.


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Acute gut disorder is a cause for significant medicinal and economic concern. Certain individual pathogens of the gut, often transmitted in food or water, have the ability to cause severe discomfort. There is a need to manage such conditions more effectively. The route of reducing the risk of intestinal infections through diet remains largely unexplored. Antibiotics are effective at inhibiting pathogens; however, these should not be prescribed in the absence of disease and therefore cannot be used prophylactically. Moreover, their indiscriminate use has reduced effectiveness. Evidence has accumulated to suggest that some of the health-promoting bacteria in the gut (probiotics) can elicit a multiplicity of inhibitory effects against pathogens. Hence, an increase in their numbers should prove effective at repressing pathogen colonisation if/when infectious agents enter the gut. As such, fortification of indigenous bifidobacteria/lactobacilli by using prebiotics should improve protection. There are a number of potential mechanisms for lactic acid bacteria to reduce intestinal infections. Firstly, metabolic endproducts such as acids excreted by these micro-organisms may lower the gut pH to levels below those at which pathogens are able to effectively compete. Also, many lactobacilli and bifidobacteria species are able to excrete natural antibiotics, which can have a broad spectrum of activity. Other mechanisms include an improved immune stimulation, competition for nutrients and blocking of pathogen adhesion sites in the gut. Many intestinal pathogens like type 1 fimbriated Escherichia coli, salmonellae and campylobacters utilise oligosaccharide receptor sites in the gut. Once established, they can then cause gastroenteritis through invasive and/or toxin forming properties. One extrapolation of the prebiotic concept is to simulate such receptor sites in the gut lumen. Hence, the pathogen is 'decoyed' into not binding at the host mucosal interface. The combined effects of prebiotics upon the lactic acid flora and anti-adhesive strategies may lead towards new dietary interventions against food safety agents.


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We have conducted a detailed investigation into the absorption, metabolism and microflora-dependent transformation of hydroxytyrosol ( HT), tyrosol (TYR) and their conjugated forms, such as oleuropein (OL). Conjugated forms underwent rapid hydrolysis under gastric conditions, resulting in significant increases in the amount of free HT and TYR entering the small intestine. Both HT and TYR transferred across human Caco-2 cell monolayers and rat segments of jejunum and ileum and were subject to classic phase I/II biotransformation. The major metabolites identified were an O-methylated derivative of HT, glucuronides of HT and TYR and a novel glutathionylated conjugate of HT. In contrast, there was no absorption of OL in either model. However, OL was rapidly degraded by the colonic microflora resulting in the formation of HT. Our study provides additional information regarding the breakdown of complex olive oil polyphenols in the GI tract, in particular the stomach and the large intestine.


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There is considerable interest in the bioavailability of flavan-3-ols such as tea catechins and their bioactivity in vivo. Although flavanols such as catechin and epicatechin have long been characterized as powerful antioxidants in vitro, evidence suggests that these compounds undergo significant metabolism and conjugation during absorption in the small intestine and in the colon. In the small intestine these modifications lead primarily to the formation of glucuronide conjugates that are more polar than the parent flavanol and are marked for renal excretion. Other phase II processes lead to the production of O-methylated forms that have reduced antioxidant potential via the methylation of the B-ring catechol. Significant modification of flavanols also occurs in the colon where the resident microflora degrade them to smaller phenolic acids, some of which may be absorbed. Cell, animal and human studies have confirmed such metabolism by the detection of flavanol metabolites in the circulation and tissues. This review will highlight the major sites of flavanol metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract and the processes that give rise to potential bioactive forms of flavan-3-ols in vivo.


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Objective: To examine the effects of the consumption of fish oils on the gene expression of lipoprotein lipase (LPL, EC in human adipose tissue. In order to measure LPL mRNA in adipose tissue samples obtained by needle biopsy from human volunteers a competitive, reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) protocol was developed. Design: A randomised controlled, single blind cross over dietary study which compared the effects of a low level n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) using normal foods enriched with eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) (test diet), with non-enriched but otherwise identical foods (control). The diets were consumed for a period of 22 d with a wash out period of 5 months between the diets. Setting: Free-living individuals associated with the University of Surrey. Subjects: Six male subjects with a mean (±sd) age of 51.2±3.6 y were recruited. Major Outcome Measures: Pre-and postprandial blood samples were taken for the measurement of triacylglycerol (TAG), postheparin LPL activity and adipose tissue samples for the measurement of LPL mRNA levels. Results: Mean LPL expression values were 4.12´105 molecules of LPL mRNA per ng total RNA on the control diet and 4.60´105 molecules of LPL mRNA per ng total RNA on the n-3 PUFA enriched (test) diet. There was no significant difference between the levels of LPL expression following each diet, consistent with the lack of change in TAG levels in response to increased dietary n-3 PUFA intake. However, the change in LPL expression (Test-Control diet) correlated significantly with the change in fasting TAG levels (P=0.03, R=-0.87 and R2=0.75) and with the total area under the TAG-time response curve (P=0.003, R=-0.96 and R2=0.92) in individuals. Conclusions: These findings, although based on a small number of subjects, suggest that LPL expression may be a determinant of plasma TAG levels. The development of this methodology should allow further elucidation of the effects of dietary manipulation and disease processes on lipid clearance and regulation in human subjects.


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A number of poultry probiotics contain bacterial spores. In this study, orally administered spores of Bacillus subtilis germinated in the gastrointestinal (GI) tracts of chicks. Furthermore, 20 h after spores were administered, vegetative cells outnumbered spores throughout the GI tract. This demonstrates that spore-based probiotics may function in this host through metabolically active mechanisms.


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The administration of probiotic bacteria as nutraceuticals is an area that has rapidly expanded in recent years, with a global market worth $32.6 billion predicted by 2014. Many of the health promoting claims attributed to these bacteria are dependent on the cells being both viable and sufficiently numerous in the intestinal tract. The oral administration of most bacteria results in a large loss of viability associated with passage through the stomach, which is attributed to the high acid and bile salt concentrations present. This loss of viability effectively lowers the efficacy of the administered supplement. The formulation of these probiotics into microcapsules is an emerging method to reduce cell death during GI passage, as well as an opportunity to control release of these cells across the intestinal tract. The majority of this technology is based on the immobilization of bacteria into a polymer matrix, which retains its structure in the stomach before degrading and dissolving in the intestine, unlike the diffusion based unloading of most controlled release devices for small molecules. This review shall provide an overview of progress in this field as well as draw attention to areas where studies have fallen short. This will be followed by a discussion of emerging trends in the field, highlighting key areas in which further research is necessary.